Have you done your part? I watched it once more today, but it was kinda tough, 3 hours is a bit much when you’re already familiar with the whole plot and funny moments...
Have you done your part? I watched it once more today, but it was kinda tough...
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope to see it two more timed. Already saw it thrice
Any sites accepting bets that it won't make it?
For some reason 2.7 billion don't seem so special anymore.
didn't this guy cheat on his wife?
Yeah. I saw it at least 3 times in 2009 and 5 more in 2010.
>not account for inflation
Yes, keep mindlessly giving Disney your money. Who cares if you've already done it once?
Fuck you, Jack.
Even better they seethe and deny inflation every single time it's mentioned. Endgame hasn't even beaten Titanic.
>making less per theater than Dumbo
Based. Fuck capeshit.
>8 million domestic, 17 million foreign this weekend
>consistent 50+% dropoffs
It's not impossible, but it is exceedingly unlikely at this point that Endgame passes Avatar.
Are you retarded? It says there avengers made more
>exceedingly unlikely at this point that Endgame passes Avatar.
>what is bluray sales
Avengers will surpass Avatar
I'm not sure but I would take that bet. Infinity it's making less day to day than Infinity War now so there's no chance it ill beat Avatar. Easy money
>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all the effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it doesn't do it
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began that cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine, after ALL that, it STILL doesn't come out on top
just... imagine
oh wait
Under Average (meaning average per theater showing it): Avengers $2,516; Dumbo $3,343
>17 million foreign this weekend
That doesn't sound right
bugman genocide when?
I bought 5 tickets this week but i didn't go to any showings. Just wanted to do my part.
>People willingly giving a megacorporation their money just so their product will beat another product
NPC meme is real
Avatar is shit and needs to get BTFO by an actual good film
capeshitters zoomers can't be this desperate
So why are you giving your money to Endgame?
>better than a none edgy sci-fi film about the space cats
zoomers truly are brainlet npc's
Jeez that’s pretty close
what's the fucking crack boyo
getting so close and still failing will be a lot funnier tbqh
Disney is going to pull it so Avatar 2 can be marketed as the sequel to the no.1 film of all time
No one tell the mindless fanboys this though, let them lose their money
Even better because that's literally what Thanos says
>avatarfags ignoring upcoming Bluray sales
made 25M this weekend and 32M over the past week
each week it's decaying, and quick
will it really make 75M more?
>I need to throw money at a mega corporation to prove my children's movie is better than another children's movie.
What do they have against Avatar?
And it’s gonna be in the theaters until fall with a weekend relaunch on Labor Day
agree but not by a fucking sequel. top10 is already full of sequels and for some reason people yell that there is nothing new... because apart from avatar people dont like new stuff, they prefer sequels and more sequels
75 million without reissues? It'll make it. Next year, but it will make it.
Oh yes, easily
>children's movie
Your post could've been a lot better if you didn't try to bring it full cruise.
with it's drops & screens being removed, probably not
Hail to the king, baby
How can that be possible? If it dropped 50% twice it would be at 0.
dunno, decade by over 70%
Everyone is going to need to see Endgame again to fully understand and appreciate the next Spider-Man movie. Honestly they should be seen together.
start wih 100
1 week drop 50% of said 100
you are left with 50
2nd week again 50% of said 50
you are left with 25
drop 50% of 25
again 50% of 12.5
and so on on on
Still playing in tons of screens despite many recent new releases.
>implying anyone here had any practical uses for their money
You know where it all goes.
Late Stage Capitalism
Avatar has become the big enemy to them just because it's at #1. Also remember these are Zoomers who probably never saw it when it was in theaters
endgame will always be... #2...
Disney is pushing to keep more screens open, on average it's doing quite poorly
Cameronturd will see two major defeats this summer. First his Terminator movie will flop then Avaturd will loose the top spot. Let’s face it, the Avaturd sequels will all be garbage too.
>If it dropped 50% twice it would be at 0.
and antifur npc's
That's not how theatrical gross works
Doing quite well actually. Cope harder.
>How can that be possible? If it dropped 50% twice it would be at 0.
Scott Mendelson after 2nd weekend
>It will beat Avatar for sure, if not by the 4th weekend then on the 5th
Scott Mendelson after 4th weekend
>Will it beat Avatar? Maybe
Scott Mendelson after 6th weekend
>It's a bridge too far
we'll have to see what the na'vi look like after a decade-long period of revolutionary technology
Literally who?
No on cares
Because it's not right and that poster is dishonest. So are many other posters ITT. It made
Pretty funny that dumbo is beating john wick and pokemon too
intern at forbes
Lol Endgame is going to come just short simply because Captain Marvel is in it. They should have left her out of it. I guarantee people told their friends that her scenese are the dumbest parts of the whole movie.
Endgame would have beaten Avatar already if it weren't for her being in the movie.
holy fucking bugman
It isn't considering it's twice as long as a standard movie. Accounting for that it's making Booksmart and Biggest Little Farm numbers.
My niece wanted to see Dumbo more than Aladdin so its for sure hitting the younger kids
disney good, everything else bad
>i-i don't care! ;-;
lol, stay mad zoomer
Aladdin made Dumbo go way up, it had a 1,800% increase or something
So 74mil left to go. It made 7.8mil this weekend, while IW made 10.5mil. From this point on IW made just another 35mil domestic.
Why did Avatar make so much money? I can't remember anything special about it.
based and checked
It'll make it. Avatar got its revenue thanks to a rerelease. Endgame can easily pull it off with a rerelease
>If it dropped 50% twice it would be at 0.
Based as a motherfucker
It was hyped for its revolutionary 3D technology. You missed out on the greatest era of Yea Forums during Avatar's release
Avatar had huge staying power, people actually liked it and weren't conned into seeing it on opening weekend. Plus a rerelease would necessarily include IW as well. Good luck finding a thousand theaters willing to screen 6 hours of stale capeshit.
As expected of an American. Do you know how averages work? Endgame is still in thousands of cinemas, 3k to be exact while Dumbo is only in 230 cinemas. Next time think before you embarrass yourself.
congratulations on being dumb
you really are a strange pathetic little faggot
You'll see what it actually means in a couple of weeks when there's only a couple hundred theaters still showing it.
Are zoomers actually this fucking pathetic or is this a shill thread?
It's not going to sell more Blu-rays than Avatar which sold a lot at a time before annual blu-ray sales have got as low as they have recently.
Imagine re-releasing a movie just to beat a record
>Cameron revealed that the film will return to theaters this August with an additional six minutes of footage - much of which has required significant additional effects work by Weta.
>Cameron noted that the main reason most 3-D theaters stopped running Avatar was due to a contractual obligation to show other, newer features (Alice in Wonderland, How To Train Your Dragon, and Clash of the Titans) -- as opposed to filmgoers having gotten their fill of the Pandoran adventure on the big screen.
>He also offered the following as part of the reasoning behind Avatar returning to theaters this fall: "I think Avatar is kind of a unique category where people are enjoying the unique theatrical experience even though they may have seen it on the small screen. They want to have that immersive, transportive experience. 2001: A Space Odyssey played for three years at the Loews cinema in Toronto. I remember that. It just kept playing. People wanted to return to that experience."
This was 4 months before the re-release, which was in August 2010, right after the first run ended
Why would I be mad about that? They’re a good game and they fight for what’s right in America, like pro-choice options
I didnt care before but seeing that faggot basedboys video kvetching about avatar and gloryfiying a generic childish capeflick literally made me support Avatar in this race. I wont watch Endgame in theater and will wait for it to come out online
Remember how Alice in Wonderland made 1 billion dollars, how the fuck did that happen?
>blue people hair sex movie bad
>quippy cape guy shooty punchy movie good
zoomers really are the nigger of generations
Johnny Depp was still a star
this. avatar wasn't great but a glorified toy commercial #342 shouldnt be on the top no matter what
This whole topic is soi incarnate.
3d and johnny depp you retarded faggot
>boo hoo Avatar doesn't deserve it
if it should be a great movie with "cultural impact" and revolutionary in the industry that was also extremely popular, then Matrix would be the #1, but it's nowhere near
kill yourself kike
Or else what? What life changing catastrophic event will occur if x movie makes 1% less money than y movie?
I saw it as a child and liked it. Watched it again as an adult and didn't.
Did capeshitters are aware that Avatar helped blow out the Chinese market, the only reason Endgame is even in contention. Being the first digital-only release, Avatar was also instrumental in accelerating the adoption of digital screens worldwide. This made Endgame's massive opening weekend possible, btw. That aside, Avatar also introduced new filmmaking techniques that are now used everywhere, in movies and video games, such as performance capture, the simulcam, and the virtual cam. P.S. the performance capture technique used to make Thanos in the last two movies was first implemented in Avatar.
>oh no this movie made by one of the richest entertainment titans might make less then some other movie we need to help those poor (((people)))
Put me in the screencap lads
Marvel fans are retarded, so no to all of that
It also made 3D popular again, which pretty much every capeshit for the last 10 years has benefitted from even though it's fake 3D just to cash in
>Being the first digital-only release
The Wolf of Wall Street
That was projared and she told him to do it. It was a bad marriage.
I saw Godzilla instead.
Hope Avatar stays on top.
Is there an e-celeb more Reddit personified than Jacksfilms?
I've only seen it 4 times in cinemas, but I've booked a ticket for every screening at my local. Thought about booking more but it seems silly, especially on my limited neetbux.
Endgame is just Looper with a grapefruit
they also hate /ourboy/ Snyder
Hating Snyder should be an auto-ban
>Snyder who has only ever directed Comic adaptations and a zombie movie.
The absolute state of Yea Forums these days.
It didn't create performance capture you fucking idiot.
That's embarrassing. I'm not a huge Cameron fan but he's a lot more talented than that hack.
Listen here. I’m not reply to everyone but let me give you a frank overall view of why Avatar needs to be toppled by Endgame.
Just for the record, I’ve never been a fan of superhero’s, never bought a comic in my life and was generally against cape films.
The reason Endgame needs the top spot is because it has soul. Something that has been lacking in blockbuster cinema for many many years. The reason Star Wars is a cinematic classic is because it uses human characters to tell a fantasy story's that are relatable. They work on a level that are magical for children but also enjoyable for adults. Yoda lifting the X wing is a good example of this, it’s effectively a little green man lifting a space ship. Yet, the score, craftsmanship of the set , and grand narrative lift it be truly great cinematic moment. Its not only memorable but has a very basic message ( you can achieve great things, no matter what you size is as long as you set your mind to it. ) This is obviously clear to adults but also works on a sub conscious level for children.
Now riddle me this, name me one moment like that from avatar? Hard isn’t it.
Now I’m not saying Endgame is on the same level as Star Wars but it is filled with great inter generational moments like this. Thor reconnecting with his mum, Captain America dancing with his sweetheart, the idea of sacrificing your life for others or a grander purpose.
Endgame has been in the works for 10 years by people who really care about making cinema magic and serving the hardcore fans. They even won over a grumpy user like me.
Does it really matter if it topples Avatar. Not really, I just hope it does. So people don’t think Avatar has anything to take away from it.
it's a sequel of a sequel in series of sequels. this does not deserve top spot. imagine transformers 17 becoming the highest grossing movie ever. used transformers because it's just like superhero films - a high budget toy commercial
I think of it more as tv series in the cinema then a film that comes after another film.
yeah good example. i'd compare it to XXI century equivalent of these mass-produced black and white horror films from 40s
>name me one moment like that from avatar
Yikes, always knew there was a reason I disliked this scrawny faggot.
it corny as hell but it's honest
and the score is kino
>The reason Endgame needs the top spot is because it has soul
I hope this is pasta you fucking idiot
>Captain America dancing with his sweetheart
what's the lesson here, stop doing good as a superhero to titfuck some slut you knew for a week?
Avatar deserves the record, as it is objectively a better film.
Spare me your “Le bLuE sMurF” and “pocahontas/ferngully/dances with wolves” plot similarities. The film stands on its own and didn’t need 21 prequels of middling caca to prop it up. Endgame isn’t even the best film in its own franchise, let alone its own sub genre, let alone OF ALL FILMS.
Let’s begin with Endgame’s villain, a cgi mean man who want to kill everybody. You are aware that’s the exact villain motivation as in Thor 2, the nadir of the MCU? No nuance whatsoever. Meanwhile you have Miles Quaritch as a much more badass villain figure. He didn’t magical ruubles or hundreds of slaves to do his bidding. Not to mention he was an actual guy and not CGI diarrhea. His actor is better too, Stephen Lang is classically trained and did Shakespeare. Meanwhile Thanos is voiced by a guy who did an okayish George Bush. His character interaction with the protagonist is more interesting than Thanos’ with Iron Man. In Endgame, they just quip and try to murder each other. Yawn. In Avatar, Jake and Quaritch start of on the same side of an infiltration mission and then the movie gets into the complex morality of peaceful resource acquisition (The Na’vi weren’t using the unobtanium, the military just asked them nicely to relocate temporarily) so he isn’t some cartoon villain twirling his moustache, he is a nuanced villain just doing as he was hired. He only lashes out towards the Na’vi because Jake betrayed him.
based and Quaritchpilled
Doesn't avatar still win though? If you go for inflation?
just buy a ticket and go home retard, nothing says you have to watch it lul