Okay, what the FUCK was that ending?

Okay, what the FUCK was that ending?

Attached: mebeforeyou.jpg (1080x1600, 343K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Expectations subverted™

Kino film tho

Attached: mebeforeyou.webm (854x480, 2.53M)

>If you're an incredibly rich good looking guy in a wheelchair you just kill yourself.

is it really unexpected when we are told he is going to kill himself early on

those eyebrow movements are inexcusable.

whats wrong with the brows

Attached: eyebrows1.webm (1200x675, 2.9M)

Indeed, very comfy.

i guess your ____________ got _________

Attached: 1558288553941.jpg (230x205, 12K)

Watching Emilia essentially be herself for 2 hours is truly a pleasant and wholesome experience.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-31-02h31m17s689.png (301x580, 272K)

Yeah but that was BEFORE she met Clark.

>those eyebrow movements are inexcusable
inexcusably cute

Attached: 1558404297464.webm (936x872, 1.33M)

Agreed Emilia was surprisingly good.

>this will never be you

Attached: wedding.webm (800x333, 2.74M)

it's voluntary whiteboi disposal propaganda
if you don't have access to pussy roasties literally want you to kys

This movie was NOT good for my loneliness.

Attached: 44A68729-5349-4EE0-9F91-096E39506D96.jpg (600x350, 23K)

god bless those eyebrows

Suicide is ok if you're handsome and well-liked, apparently.

Everything is ok if you're handsome and well-liked dude

So fucking hot.

Attached: eyebrows.webm (1920x908, 1.75M)


Attached: dexter.jpg (300x300, 35K)

>Okay, what the FUCK was that ending?
British cuckoldry. Symbolic of what the UK is doing to itself with EU membership.

I expected that meeting her was going to give a him a new reason to live and that so there could be a happy ending, but instead it actually reinforced his desire to die because he didn't want her to be held back by his crippled ass.

My expectations were rather subverted

Attached: 1558680450202.png (1920x808, 1.79M)

lol this movie, she left Nevil after he helped stop Voldemort and the alt-wizards for some quadriplegic rich cunt who if HE HAD never had the accident would never had looked at her..........he ends up 86ing himself in the end because he is weak minded with no constitution and could never survive he has fallen from the top.........but i guess it is ok because he left her money

Attached: gameo fo thrones dany young.jpg (1065x1065, 45K)

>Emilia Clarke is box office poison-
Honestly why doesn't she just stick to romantic drama/comedy stuff

Attached: - Wikipedia.png (232x54, 1K)

do you think her eyebrow muscles are sore after a day of intense acting? does she have someone who massages her eyebrows afterwards?

Please post more cute emilias

Films that start out like that nearly always end with them not actually doing it

nah she has strong eyebrow muscles

Attached: eyebrows2.webm (514x394, 728K)

>does she have someone who massages her eyebrows afterwards
yes me

Rolls into thread

Attached: 1558297664669.webm (640x742, 969K)

Thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=_eyTT-fzI_M

Attached: 1554577430191.png (900x600, 770K)

She looks 12 years old there.

very kino film

Attached: thicc.webm (1920x1080, 2.59M)

she smol

Attached: 1558729283785.jpg (615x767, 82K)

It's cause she's so smol

Attached: 15594820672200.png (1280x1920, 3.54M)

I unironically think shes the prettiest girl in all the world if I may say so meself

Cuteness overload

>that little jiggle

Attached: 1553223343768.jpg (418x398, 16K)


>I unironically think shes the prettiest girl in all the world if I may say so meself

Not as long as Brie Larson exists. Still, yes she's smol and pretty and huggable.

Attached: 1559432042486.jpg (683x683, 68K)

the cutest

Attached: 1559160531989.png (1079x932, 1.37M)

Attached: bunny.webm (1440x1080, 683K)

>Br*e L*rson

Attached: 1558821076122.jpg (314x357, 111K)

testing this webm

Attached: 1559501696795.webm (770x1080, 2.08M)

I want to cuddle with her after this webm

Its an ultimate female fantasy where some rich guy falls in love with an average girl and leaves him riches kek

Was it autism?

I haven't seen this shit
what's the ending?

>You WILL wed my crippled son. No more demurs, I will not have it. Have I made myself clear, Daenarys? Good.

Attached: emilia and charles dance.png (728x701, 831K)

>Brie Larson is more prettier than Emilia

Now you explain yourself, faggot

she cute

Attached: reads.webm (800x333, 2.67M)

Attached: lastscene.webm (800x333, 2.7M)

>>Brie Larson is more prettier than Emilia
>Now you explain yourself, faggot
I can't, I wished I could. It just happened.

Attached: 1557212349465.jpg (2000x1499, 1.05M)

what a fucking shit taste lad

Attached: disgusted .webm (1120x1080, 2.89M)

Look at this cutepie i want eat her.

Attached: Emilia cute.webm (1000x750, 695K)

>Okay, what the FUCK was that ending?

It was a true Game of Thrones Season 8 movie.

Here's a better ending...
Fade away to white, then back to his face.
His eyes are closed, his head on a silk pillow, you see Emilia standing over him, she places a red rose on his chest.
Seagulls are squaking in the background, it all seems somber...
Then Emilia takes the rose and whacks him of the face with it, he wakes up and smiles.

You realize he's not actually dead, they're on the beach and he's in his wheelchair, reclined, enjoying the weather. He changed his mind at the last minute and decided to not kill himself because of his love for her.
The last shot is her kissing him, her hand on his face, and you can see her wedding ring (they got married, the scene is months later).
Fade back to white...

Attached: 03MEBEFOREYOU-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x549, 120K)

ah yes, back before she got all skinny like allison brie did

Attached: 1558831725188.jpg (3000x2252, 1.41M)

LITERALLY 2 times the world most beautiful woman


Attached: vinny.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

I can't look at this bitch without smiling

Does anyone have that pic of emilia clarke with the exit sign

Defective, though. What if she has another brain bleed and becomes simple?

Smath the bettleth, Smath em! Kuh! Kuh! Kuh!


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Attached: 1558766622961.png (696x466, 258K)

Her ass better not be exit-only

disgusting degenerate

Attached: 1559464539805.png (1920x816, 526K)

she's catholic user

>ywn take Emilia to a classic concert
>she will never wear her red dress just for you

Attached: original.gif (495x200, 1.75M)

this was probably the one movie where her box office exceeded expectations because it was geared directly to her target audience. basic white girls. But in all honestly a fairly good wholesome movie

>because it was geared directly to her target audience. basic white girls.
perhaps she can actually give them tips

This is an /ecg/ board!

Brie Larson trolls will be flogged!
Sansafags will Be strangled. Stannisfags will be crucified!

>tfw you will never cuddle with emilia after a long day
>tfw you will never hear her cute breathing as you fall asleep

Slay the sansaposters, slay the jonposters, slay every man who posts Cersei, but harm no stannisposter. Strike the ban off every danyposter see!

This scene almost gave me a heart attack

I think Stannisfags have been punished enough already

Attached: aaaggghhh (1).png (590x559, 480K)

>antagonizing stannis
Nice try jannister

>imagine emilia gets home from a long hard day's filming and she's had to do the same scene over and over again, as well as being sweet and outgoing and lovely to everyone around her, and she's just physically and mentally exhausted so she asks you if you can just sit with her and watch old friends episodes and eat snacks, so you both get into your pyjamas and cuddle up together on the couch and it's raining outside and a little while later you start to feel cold but don't want to get up so you grab a blanket and wrap it over the two of you, then she starts to fall asleep, but does a little jump as she startles herself awake before realising she's safe in your arms, and you feel her body relaxing as she drifts off to sleep again, and she let's out a little sigh, not of exasperation, but of comfort, so you squeeze her a little more tightly, and you can smell her hair and feel the warmth from her body, and as you begin to fall asleep you know that you are as happy as you could possibly be, because you are going to wake up next to emilia

Attached: 1559067345072.gif (450x192, 3.98M)

>Stannisfags will be crucified!
not on my watch

Attached: 🔫👶.jpg (317x265, 30K)

Attached: Sadling.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: cbb.jpg (706x646, 111K)



>Stannisfags will be crucified

Your tickery won't work here, j*nny

just do it friend

Attached: 1559371051155.png (1000x1502, 1.2M)

Stannisfags are OK. Pic related

Attached: 1558721849372.png (640x667, 321K)


Attached: 15593163726061.jpg (350x350, 49K)

Do we really will send her flowers on her birthday?

>Flying up to the keep on the back of the dragon
>You're riding behind Dany, fully engorged with your muscular hands around her cute waist
>Your dick rubbing her cheeks as the dragon moves around
>She knows but doesn't say anything as she loves it and it's turning her on
>They've bent the knee and have surrendered
>you slide off and motion Dany to jump, you catch her and she gives you a little kiss
>You start walking hand in hand into the castle, Drogon takes off and Dany's hair gets blown around and time stops as you are struck with her sheer beauty
>Enter the Throne room and they're already bending the knee
>Dany is giddy and happy and that makes you happy to see her like that
>You slowen your pace but grip onto her hand as much as you can, it not even fully separated and you have a need to touch her again and it hurts your heart
>You stare at her as she gives her speech
>she looks at you every now and then and gives you a special smile that's just for you
>She motions you to start liberating and you liberate the dethroned King of whereever you are in half, never breaking eye contact with Dany
>You take her hand and go to the King's chambers
>As you hear the screams of people burning alive and being slaughter you make sweet sweet love and become on with the one true Queen.

Attached: 1558098149000.jpg (960x908, 87K)

No it’s too creepy
Better send letters to her fanmail instead
No lewd emilia user

Attached: DC6CED58-8FDB-4F13-B1CE-DAB66495BBAF.jpg (818x1200, 175K)

Too lewd. Emilia is not for kinky stuff.

Attached: 1559248814613.png (409x409, 263K)

A bunch of flowers from anonymous internet strangers wouldn't be seen as creepy at all and will definitely surpass reddit's tens of thousands of dollars of donations to her charity.

Attached: 5e9c9161357b0caf70e45914e83527bf.gif (500x235, 3.55M)

I like her smile

Attached: Emilia Clarke Reacts to Filming Final Game of Thrones Scenes (Exclusive)-[01.14.641-01.18.545].webm (322x480, 1.19M)

What is she thinking about

Attached: 15582976646394.webm (1038x1080, 368K)

>if you only knew how bad things really are

It really doesn't get any better.

Attached: 1558881503578.jpg (800x1200, 89K)

can you drop link to the full videos of this? This is the interview with her hilarious laugh i want full video plox :(

Attached: 1558946238569.gif (306x310, 3.94M)


Attached: checkem.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

I love her

Attached: 859FF2B1-6C83-4CC5-8786-E88BC7BC2CB0.jpg (710x1003, 105K)

post cold Emilia's

Attached: luckyemma.png (968x930, 787K)

>tfw no Emilia gf

Attached: 1559170818155.jpg (2489x3762, 678K)

>We need Henry Caville but we can't afford Henry Caville.
>Say no more Sam is already on the phone

It hurts everyday

Attached: 07FFC3C6-9425-4572-9EC9-1B3DF0C82518.jpg (2500x1739, 798K)

kek, he was going to be Jon Snow

A bittersweet pain.

Attached: 1558892195904.jpg (768x1024, 125K)

It's not Caville it's Cavill



Attached: FAB1992F-B5C0-4003-A5ED-43F37DE85F13.jpg (1080x1080, 97K)

i REFUSE to believe she's that perfect

Attached: 1552673398689.jpg (970x545, 771K)

There's not much to it other than the laugh


>I’d love Bran to... but realistically that’s not gonna happen.
oh no no no no

The easier you accept the less it will hurt

Attached: 82F99FDC-538F-40EB-8442-9C29DFD81588.jpg (3000x2000, 716K)

"There's no way she's perfect."

Hah, sure thing bud.

Attached: 1558669519593.jpg (1523x2000, 864K)

I don’t understand you faggots. She took it in the ass on camera

yeah dude tv sex scenes are real

We don't need your filth here. Fuck off.

Attached: ca70ec17dda28bb3d2758546d821bf95.jpg (728x1213, 114K)


She didn't wanted that

She probably sucked cock like all the little starlets to get that part.

I can’t take this anymore lads

Attached: 30E5C9D9-034E-45FB-9480-3C6B63C27923.jpg (2000x1333, 647K)

not as many as you, faggot

It's not because you did it that everyone has to do it too, Sophie.

Attached: 1559442901452.jpg (738x669, 278K)


Attached: cd (2).jpg (608x608, 70K)

thank you bro!

Attached: emilia laughs.gif (416x261, 854K)

At last I truely see, it was Me before You™ all along.

based frogposter


I love her too much, all women have been ruined for me, i only find her beautiful now.
I’ve been dreaming about her for days now

now THAT'S based

Attached: 1558201575528.png (564x603, 633K)

Seriously that ending was fucked for Clarke's career but much needed in this type of kino.

Attached: BF566E98-C5F7-4211-B1DC-F5C60EEEFF2D.jpg (1638x2048, 819K)


>was fucked for Clarke's career
why though

Didn't get through it because of I could do something like make a girl like Emilia be happy being with me then surely,
Surely I wouldn't be in this same world I'm in now

Attached: 135A2A71-4EAB-4BA8-BBB4-B21FCCA356D3.jpg (2560x1440, 356K)

Based rollmilia poster

Attached: 25162329-11B0-4031-9649-C6502B9F7283.jpg (3840x2160, 786K)

>No MH Disability


Attached: E65FC339-3B9B-464D-AAE8-0740DA28F676.jpg (2880x1800, 975K)

Good night emiliabros, i go to sleep

Attached: 1559104326003.jpg (628x953, 107K)

Give me twenty good minutes and i will make her fall in love with me

Dream with her bro

Attached: 69A47086-E016-4476-B68E-4C06FFB0113F.jpg (720x1080, 138K)

Goodnight lad

>that big toe nail

I doubt it

Attached: A9991B3B-28C4-4805-B011-CD65431F773A.jpg (828x826, 912K)


is an adaptation from a Young Adult book.

The ending and message is bad.

But EC makes a comfy performance

>In the written version it is never explicitly stated, but it is heavily alluded to, that Louisa was gang raped in the maze when she was younger

Why wasn't this scene in the film?

Attached: original.jpg (500x500, 118K)

Im going to sleep bros, keep cutemilia thread rocking for me

Attached: 36C2DA5D-5732-4381-903D-AEA4B597DF17.jpg (1080x1295, 137K)

Actually for her career Season 8 was good, because she gave very good performance especially in second half of S08. It was shitty for Daenerys, and for Emilia partially probably also because she loved the character. Thankfully Emilia doesnt give a single fuck and said publicly that she stand by Daenerys, D&D fucked up that much that the "evil" Dany just doesnt work, its not enough build-up, its lazy and forced and unrealistic.

Attached: 1559102365983.jpg (1996x3000, 3.47M)

Because Emilia is pure

Attached: 1558306027042.jpg (1026x1214, 324K)

>Thankfully Emilia doesnt give a single fuck and said publicly that she stand by Daenerys
Yeah i'm thinking she's based
X is for Xenophobic

Attached: 1558473297368.png (577x751, 462K)

Attached: 23454321234.jpg (600x902, 105K)

I was talking about Me vs You. Critics hated it and at least in this case I can kind of understand. The vast majority of the movie is undermined by his decision.

*Me Before You

>there is a 2nd book
more Emilia kino when

Attached: Capture2.jpg (359x430, 14K)

>its real
what the fuck

her best movie with her in a leading role.

>She panics and falls off the roof

What the fuck is going on in this writer's mind

Attached: 1557467655992.png (809x722, 399K)

Fucking kek. I love this meme.

Just end my life.

Attached: 1558982204684.jpg (1332x850, 218K)

Based and depressionpilled

>What the fuck is going on in this writer's mind
who cares as long as their is potential kino

Attached: 1558534361626.jpg (3840x2160, 753K)

she would better than Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts

Attached: 65c73602d006e7858a74c959dd87dc6d0d037991.jpg (125x117, 2K)

say no more

Attached: 1559508336236.jpg (720x1080, 116K)

Bye, bro

There's a third one too


Literally two films worth of potential eyebrow kino

Im a longbrunettehairfag but this one is unreal

Attached: emlastexit.jpg (1080x1080, 57K)

I doubt they will make sequels

Attached: 5b31172606c08260e92dfee4c26070f550093bdc.jpg (100x125, 2K)


Attached: 1558788772151.jpg (2880x1800, 418K)

the perfect woman doesn....

She is so beautiful and perfect

wew lad

Attached: 84999ec07328860017765cc5414eb86c.jpg (736x982, 59K)

You guys aren't dedicated like I am.

Attached: 1559239952586.jpg (2000x3000, 783K)

I want to get off Mrs Emilia Wild Ride

Attached: i drive.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

i cant be silent any longer - i love emilia and want to marry her!

Attached: 123454321234.gif (450x253, 2.23M)


What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1558879654342.jpg (768x1024, 113K)

uno farto @ 1:13

god i wish that were me

Attached: ss'd.jpg (1920x1440, 320K)

Attached: 1558795481592.jpg (590x350, 49K)

I don't like her with short hair

She definitely looks best with long hair, but every Emilia is a pretty Emilia.

Attached: 1559227830248.jpg (3000x2350, 867K)

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 6K)

YES. Another one, please

Attached: brap.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

They were playing pranks on each other.

>“Then I put a fart machine in his wheelchair. And so Sam stole all of the furniture out of my room—sofa, desk, lamp, everything. And then I just put fish in his socks because I couldn’t think anything else to do. I was pressed for time.”

Attached: Ser Aagghh of House Aaaaggghhh.png (472x624, 167K)

>tfw never gonna get pranked by Emilia

>And then I just put fish in his socks because I couldn’t think anything else to do. I was pressed for time.

I'll never being able to marry this woman.

Attached: 1559174153444.jpg (1600x900, 133K)

Attached: GettyImages-1035177920.jpg (64x64, 2K)

Based ant man

too fucking smol

she has sims eyebrows

1st For the purest and most beautiful queen who ever was or will be!

/ecg/ Lad of my Lad, will you protect her smile?


Attached: emilia-clarke-elle-france-2018-dg-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 595K)

And thats a good thing

Attached: 1559223679563.jpg (608x336, 105K)

Attached: phone.png (2048x1334, 2.96M)

>hair and makeup can make any slag look hot
Jesus guys, take one look at that face she gives Kit when he's finding out about Jon stabbing Dany and tell me she's even remotely fuckable or cute there. It's gross. For Bongland, sure, she's like a work-7, I'll concede that.

Thanks to these threads I've lost the ability to find other women interesting. Just wonderful.

Attached: emilia_clarke_vs_magazine_2016-1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 271K)

Where's this from?

me on the right

>even a low IQ retarded chick can score a chad boyfriend who is an entrepreneur and a marathon runner
>retarded chick goes on to break up with said chad who was her bf of 7 years and did nothing but love her because she saw a chance with a superior chad

this entire movie is a huge blackpill

Attached: reacface.jpg (598x597, 129K)

Emilia is never not cute faggot

Attached: Emilia Doc9.webm (1302x1080, 2.84M)

upcoming kino

>'Last Christmas': Inside Emilia Clarke & Henry Golding's Rom-Com

>Last Christmas,Emilia Clarke,2019,First Look

>Emilia Clarke & Henry Golding to Be Love Interests in Universal's 'Last Christmas' | THR News

Attached: comf.png (558x846, 393K)

She's actually prettier with less or none makeup

Attached: 298288BE00000578-0-image-a-4_1433945787111.jpg (636x382, 63K)

>tan emilia

Attached: frpot.png (2323x1621, 2.48M)

Imagine her making this trollface when you're about to bust then you instantly go noodle and can never maintain an erection again. Disgusting.

Attached: whatwasitagain.jpg (300x300, 30K)

low test

what are you a faggot?

I was with you until you mentioned the one true king. Fuck off waifu degenerate

Attached: stannisking.jpg (460x262, 31K)


She goes back to be cute literally 1 second later though


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Attached: grosspigshit.png (496x479, 404K)




Attached: ACTING.png (1107x424, 601K)

Are you fuckin serious? Grow up dude.

Attached: lol.jpg (2000x3000, 734K)

wtf i hate emilia now

You gotta be a woman

Cherry picking to find her at her absolute worst and shes still adorable, you fucked up lad

Attached: 1559508336236.jpg (221x331, 13K)

I'm learning how to control my eyebrows like her. It's not actually hard after you get used to It


Attached: 1558800920161.jpg (612x619, 31K)

>posting pics of her young makes her still hot

Yeah, okay fellas

whore goes whore it up with rich cripple while husband is none the wiser the movie.

wanna bury my face in that brapper

she too cute

Attached: 1558891863714.gif (540x400, 1.01M)

trollface Emilia is CUTE

Attached: 1559233768643.jpg (927x960, 106K)

bitch lookin like Boss Nass

Attached: thppppp.gif (450x233, 880K)

This is Emilia at may 16, 2019. Kit chose the wrong girl

Attached: 00-47-00-Emilia-Clarke-4-768x1179.jpg (768x1179, 63K)

She looks like the kazoo kid, friend

Attached: emiliaPreOp.png (510x567, 395K)


Holy shit Ygritte is garbage

If you're mentally ill, sure

Attached: 1559133271766.jpg (811x1115, 655K)

rose was always a much too skinny slag. jon would've even been better off choosing Smurfette.

Attached: Birgitte.jpg (700x449, 52K)

even with a jaw that looks like it extends to bite its prey, shes still the superior jonwife

Attached: greyzone.jpg (900x500, 73K)

Now we know why Kit took a $120000 vacation

hair and makeup can make any of these eurosluts look good, this ones swedish so she probably has a flugengemkeimler or something in her nightstand

Attached: borgenweb_2441278b.jpg (620x387, 49K)

>double chin means you can't be cute
lol wot?

Attached: Emilia a CUTE3.gif (480x270, 3.16M)

>Birgitte Hjort Sorensen
>Emilia Clarke
>Carice van Houton
>Kerry Ingram

My GoT top four

Anyone else feels like they will watch a movie just to see emila even if it sucks just because shes in it?

Watched Solo because of her kek

I fucked up two of their names. Whatever.

Carice is another level hot. She transcends even sexyass snektits and her perfect rack. You can easily find plenty of pics of her lookin old and haggard, but this pic here is the hottest face in all of Westeros when it was filmed.

Attached: Melisandre_2x01.jpg (600x350, 28K)

I have seen everything
Great Tier
>Me Before you
>Dolce & Gobana - The One (Quando)

Good Tier
>Voice in the stone
>Dolce & Gobana (street version)
>London Uni video(good for early work)

meh Tier
>Triassic Attack
>that one episode of Doctors
>Futurama episode
>Thunderbirds episode
>Animals episode
>SNL cameo
>Lisa's Story - Samaratins

awful tier(mainly because northern accents)
>Spike Island
>Thunderbirds episode

don't even bother tier
>Don Hemmingway
>Robot Chicken episode

Attached: Emilia.jpg (558x499, 20K)

Superior looking GOT actresses who are also aging poorly (spoiler alert: they're brits, they will all turn into disgusting trolls)

Attached: xcharlotte-hope.jpg.pagespeed.ic.kKwKHO-v_R.jpg (450x450, 44K)

"Hurr durr Emilia looks so bad!"

This is from January. She looks fantastic, especially for being 32.

Attached: emilia-clarke-on-the-set-of-last-christmas-in-london-01-10-2019-12.jpg (1200x1320, 166K)


Attached: 1559131936885.jpg (736x1103, 51K)

she looks like they just fished her out of a lake

Who else here uninronically finds Emilia more attractive than Charlotte?


literally who

Attached: 1559183092093.jpg (2048x1365, 491K)

She cold

Attached: emila_cold.gif (316x532, 2.2M)

enjoy your jowls


Attached: large.jpg (500x751, 64K)

awwwwww she cute

Attached: elf.jpg (636x382, 55K)

She has only two modes: cute and gross. Anyone who's ever dated this type knows that they always err on the side of gross when nobody's looking.

she smol

not a good picture

Im sure you dated someone bro

Attached: 1559138936909.jpg (300x300, 52K)

left is gross, right is cutecute

t. homo

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Will she have a career now? Is she doomed to only do romcoms? GoT is done and the other day I saw Sansacunts gloating how the crackhead was having an upcoming movie. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a gig in the new SW movies considering how much dick sucking she does for D&D.

Dark Phoenix will flop and Emilia is possibly winning a Emmy

Sophie's Movie will be the biggest flop of this year

She's got enough money that she can just choose to do roles she wants

>ywn pleasure her in all the ways she wants

im ready to come home odin

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n-nice pic


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I wish I was this cat.

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Cutest psycho!

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t. sophie

How can the other psychos even compete?

Can't believe people trying to talk shit about this angel.

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>I will never be loved
>will likely kill myself
I'm just the like the wheelchair guy I've practically kissed emeliea all ready

>t. Kit


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we hit image bump limit, migrate

My future form of death somewhat resembling the death of a character who kisses Amelia Clark is the closest I will get to kissing her I am grateful and elated to have gotten this close

Which is the one where shes with that kid and she looks a bit crazy? I saw a webm of her slapping the shit out of him, anyone have it?

Voice from the stone

I have the webm but we are at bump limit come into the other thread

what fuckin crippled

Many thanks