The Shield

Who was in the wrong here?

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cletus van damme

Lem was gonna rat. Shane did nothing wrong. Only what Vic did in the pilot. Vic could not reconcile his reflection in Shane so he set out to destroy him (I know the original ending planned was different though).

>Who was in the wrong here?

The answer is always, ALWAYS Acevada's wife


>Lem was gonna rat.
No, Aceveda and Kavanaugh made it seem like he was going to, but he was just going to accept the harsh 10+ years sentence to keep his brothers safe. All it got him was a grenade.

yeah man I bet Lem was gonna sit perfectly still for TEN YEARS. Shane did the right thing, the most objective thing, to protect the team.

Wrong! Why should she have to suffer just because Aceveda is a pussy who can't simply pretend it didn't happen.

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What was the original ending?

You mean to protect himself, as evident from the scene itself where he tells Lem he's gonna have a second child.

they made you SSSSSSSSUCK?

so basically the entire season 7 was rewritten for the most part for a couple reasons: Franka Potente's character was supposed to be in the show a lot longer but scheduling conflicts forced them to write her character out inexplicably (she's mentioned in the premier but nowhere after that). that forced them to abort the Armenians arc pretty quickly and pivot to more Mexico stuff. Vic and Shane were supposed to make up for real with Shane even giving Vic that "blackmail file" but Walton Goggins had limited availability due to shooting Cowbouys vs Aliens or something so they had to abort that completely. Ronnie was going to get a lot more backstory.

Final couple episode plays largely the same with Vic making the deal for his family and throwing Shane and Ronnie under the bus. In the final raid, Ronnie dies in a climactic fashion so he never knows of Vic's betrayal. At the Barn after the raid, Shane and Vic have that "Dangerous Liaisons" moment where everyone is staring them down and they realize they are both fucked. Claudette and Dutch arrest Shane, who curses Vic's name for pretending to make up with him when he was betraying him the whole time (Vic is completely distraught trying to convince Shane otherwise). The ending is the same, with Vic in his personal Federal Bureaucratic Hell for 3 years. Same montage over the credits.

Protecting his team means protecting his FAMILY

Nah, he just killed his friend to be safe. He knew Lem would never betray them.
The way the show went down was better, in that case.


agreed but it would have been nice for that "damning of Vic" at the end to come from Shane instead of Ronnie, due to their history.

>Lem was gonna rat
I'm a shameless Shane apologist but that's bullshit. It just never occurred to Shane that Lem's loyalty would be strong enough to endure whatever he was going to suffer. Shane had a family outside of the strike team who would take precedence if it came to picking a side, Lem didn't. The guy wrongfully (but understandably) had a reputation as the weakest of the team.

>"Vic, can you get me off the hook? For old times' sake?"

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Shane is definitely the most cowardly and weakest of the team. He killed Lem because he knew if he was in the same position he would fold quickly. Lem has the strongest moral compass but I wouldn't call that weakness.

that's too bad. franka's a qt

>another Shield thread
All hail the greatest cop drama of all time

Lem should have said he'd go to Mexico. But Shane was impatient and what he did was wrong.

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5 > 7 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 3
I've done worse

now i can finally (almost) appreciate the dull Julian scenes knowing what happened to his actor. pretty fucking metal

Is this the greatest sex scene in TV history?

I'm glad you didn't place 6 as the weakest, everyone seems to be down on it but I completely agree about 3 being the bottom (I still enjoyed it since it's the last season where things end on a hopeful, comfy note)

>Actor Michael Jace stood over his dying wife in their pink stucco home and made a cold-blooded comment as he shot her a second and third time with their young sons watching, a prosecutor said Tuesday.
>"You like to run so much, why don't you try running to heaven," Jace, a former actor on "The Shield," allegedly said.

>it's a "Dutch catches the coffee bandit" episode

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of courshe. anyone who says otherwise can SUCK IT
i wish we saw the sex scene between armadillo and the lil snitch loli

>where things end on a hopeful, comfy note)
that's the season which ended with the team splintering in that parking lot place, with Vic nearly shooting Shane as his back was turned. Definitely not happy. 4 is the one where things end with the team back together and Shane and Lem are wrestling playfully in the bar.

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oh. shit. right, season 4 was with glenn close. thanks for the correction. i really need to rewatch season 3 then because i can't recall a single plot thread from it

Who was Franka in the show again?

He did so he could be with his true love

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season 3 has a few interesting plot threads: Decoy Squad vs Strike Team shenanigans, Cuddler Rapist for Dutch (Coulson from those Avengers movies is the culprit), Tavon vs Shane stuff for the beginning of the season (Mara wacking Tavon with the iron is a giant moment for her character who i consider really underrated), Money Train fallout and the specter of the Armenian mob hanging over them. It's not a bad season at all, just a little too long and drawn out in parts. Not as assured or tight as season 2 was.

goddamn I miss this show. We'll never see anything like it again. None of my friends have ever seen it. This board is the only place I can talk to other people who have seen it and appreciate it

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she was the Armenian lady who was the daughter of their gang boss. In her debut episode she basically has a 10 minute introduction showing her whole morning routine which implied she would be a huge character, but unfortunately they only got her for the back half of season 6.

They killed off the big boss feet chopper in Season 3. Bringing back the Armenian mob seemed a bit silly to me, it was retarded even for Shane. The main fallout from the money train was a lack of trust between the Strike Team.

yeah. the mob boss daughter's rival wasn't all that impressive a villain to me, reznian or whoever, he never had the same kind of menace that antwon mitchell did. but maybe that was intentional

feet chopper was a force of nature but he was not the leader of their gang. I think it was the logical move all things considered.
1: General mishmash of gangs for overview's sake
2: Mexicans at the beginning, Armenians at the end
3: Armenians
4: One-Niners (blacks)
5: No gangs, just Kavanaugh
6: Armenians throughout, but Mexicans kind of in the background until the end
7: Armenians at beginning, Mexicans at end

Well, if my tone is superior, it's because I AM AMERICAN AND YOU ARE GREEK

the real gang boss was on his deathbed or something. Shane pulls his plug in the season 6 finale when the daughter escapes (unfortunately off the show). Reznian was kind of a tool but the part at the end of season 6 when he tells Shane he's getting out of jail is great

Yea Forums usually has too shit taste to discuss this show. Most people probably haven't seen it, especially 11 years after it went off-air.

Livin the good life, throw your hands up!

maybe its just my imagination but it feels like there's been a slight uptick in shield threads since the bluray release

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Maybe. I've made a few threads lately as I'm rewatching the HD version of the show. I'll post threads with quotes like "THIS GUY" without context from time to time.

>watching FX for one reason or another in the early 2000s
>see a commercial for a show that looks visceral, gripping, and mysterious
The Shield had a great marketing team

Will I be lost without watching the first two Dick 'n' Granny movies?

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did they make the black woman look like Claudette on purpose?

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>tfw there will never be a fappening of cch pounder

>tfw always sunny and the shield are my two favorite shows
Loved that scene.

hey that was pretty good

CCH Pounder is such a cool name, I thought it was purely stage

She looks like Bill Cosby. I wonder if she's a sleep rapist.

Good thread sad to see it go

Okay, who took my Ding Dongs?

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nice to be reminded Yea Forums has good taste every once in a while. take care


aaand I forgot the image. I may be right but I'm also retarded

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This cunt is the absolute worst. The last BASED thing Shane did was call her kid a retard.

Remember they played this in the season 2 premier. Pretty great. They had an underrated soundtrack

Glad this show has gotten some appreciation. I've never met anybody who's seen it in real life, and when I mention it they think it's that Marvel show. I'm doubtful they'll put out updated discs for the two scenes that are edited -- supposedly accidentally -- in the Blu-ray release. Don't bother checking the Blu-ray Forums thread on the set, it's just endless autistic complaining about OAR. Great show, one of my favorites.

>they think it's that Marvel show
Fucking aids man. Same happened to me when I tried recommending it to two of my friends. reee. Which scenes are you talking about though? Sounds interesting

Season 2 and 3 spoilers for anons who haven't watched (though they should get the fuck out of this thread in that case): Vic burning Armadillo and Aceveda's blowjob scene both have some cuts, the former not as much as the latter.

Weird that those would get censored. Well, weird that anything would get censored on the blu-ray release accidentally or not. Neat though I'm gonna have to try and see the edited versions of those scenes now

that's disappointing to hear. i knew about the latter but not the former.

From what Shawn Ryan has said it was accidental. Apparently they aired that way outside the US and that's the cut that Mill Creek got, the guys who made the discs. He said he's looking into it, though that was months ago.

The former has only a couple seconds cut. Still disappointing. Both scenes are uncut on the Sony DVD release.

Some actors just can't adlib.