Other urls found in this thread:
What is Watchmen
black panther
Deadwood: The Movie
Hard to Be a God, sorry but I just couldn't do it.
What is Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom.
What a stinking ass turd of a """film"""
Did a nigger write this?
what is deadwood
Michael Mann's Blackhat was the only movie I ever turned off in the middle of watching it
"What is American Pie?"
What is "Tree of Life"
Roma, how the fuck did that movie win Oscars?
What is pulp fiction
One Upon a Time in America
Killing Them Softly
Memoirs of a geisha
OPs batmitzvah
So this. Where the upvote buttun at?
A lot of people will hate me for this but
Godzilla 2014
Liek and shaer dis comment rite hur.
What is Blade Runner 2049
2001 A Space Odyssey
Am I the only one here that enjoys slow movies?
This,and Synodouche NY.
What is Green Hornet?
What is Speed Racer
Gonna be honest. The first few times watching Fellowship of the Ring I just turned it off.
It was so boring
Rogue One
Take it back
The Master.
Tried to watch it 3 times and fell asleep everyone.
Only God Forgives
Batman V Superman
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Your mother's a whore, Tribek.
What is Jigsaw
Fuck, I just downloaded this not even an hour ago.
any keanu reeves b-movies and he have a lot of them. ncage is ironically better.
>Only God Forgives
Agreed. What a pretentious pile of garbage
Gone With The Wind. Am I really supposed to give a fuck about this spoilt bitch who at her lowest point even has the love of her former slaves? All this time I thought there'd be a grand reason for that iconic final line, but it turns out that "I don't give a damn" simply encapsulates how the audience feels about the main character's plights.
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Found the low attention span poster
My bad, not Domino 2019. Domino 2005.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Space oddysey 2001. I know its a classic but god that was boring. Guess Im a pleb
rogue one
star wars the empire strikes back
District 9
Rim of the World
lasted 8 minutes 32 seconds. I'm sure that must be a record. I challenge anyone to beat it
Contrarian dickwad
Yes only you virgin
>Only God Forgives
Same desu
Only God Forgives. Itt was more cringe worthy than boring though.
I don't get it
The greatest story never told
I had a hunch it would be a snoozefest the same way L'esquive was when it won best movie at the César. Good thing I avoided it.
This, the greatest con in movie industry history was convincing people that this pile of shit gibberish is a masterpiece
Honestly I hated it the first time I watched it, but when I rewatched years later, after having taken a course on national security where I learned about spycraft and stuff, I came to love this movie. I guess it requires some prerequisite knowledge in order to understand what the hell is even happening.
NPC runner 2049
The godfather
>too many shit opinions to count
Is this thread a plebbit honey trap?
Looks like we caught one!
Avengers Endgame unironically
what is Begotten
There will be Blood
Da fuck?? Sure you didn't mistake it with casino?
>calls Pinhead a faggot
Looks like we caught one!
What is Humanimal
Last jedi
every mcu flick
plese die
Here's an opinion for you. You're such a spineless wimp that you can't form your own independent thoughts beyond, popular=bad and obscure=underrated=good, as if that's some sort of substitute for a personality. You can't form any coherent arguments beyond buzzwords like "patrician" or "plebbit" that allow you to critique without the need for critical thinking or risking putting your fragile ego on the line. You're not even digesting the media you consume. You're just trying your absolute hardest to fit in, but you think you're too special to fit in with the mainstream, so you need to fit in with the contrarians, as if that's any better. Be your own man. Form your own thoughts. You don't need to like something because you think you need to like it and vice versa. Also, stop reddit spacing.
Time Bandits
Mulholland Drive
Bourne Ultimatum
nah im sure. I never ever respected criminals and mafias and such since I was young, and the movie sort of hinges on being beta enough to find those things cool... it's just bad.
t. pleb
frozen, first song was a banger then it went to shit
That one where christian bale is fat and Amy Adams is in the movie
Very nice. A banal comment to prove my point. You might as well be bot. Thanks for not reddit spacing though.
You are. It's ok though.
does quadrupling the playback speed count
2 bombs weren’t enough.
Brazil (1985)
I knew a girl that used to type that way and she was one of the dumbest women I have ever met.
What is Romeo + Juliet
What is The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs
Wolf of Wallstreet
Not really "bored" but I didn't realize it was 3 fucking hours long and had to do other shit. Just never bothered to finish it.
theres definitely more to that story than the wiki page infers. The girl acts like almost a fake person. Playing mahjong (which she is said to have won... sure) with your repeated attackers and rapists? It doesn't really add up.
>What is Romeo + Juliet
Oh, yeah same here. The odd visuals and Mexico City vistas were kind of interesting, but it got real old, real fast.
>What is Romeo + Juliet
That opening scene is fucking kino though.
>what is Stockholm syndrome
Tiny Furniture
Truly an awful movie.
Immortals is a very weird movie I would watch the sequel, prequel and side quests to. It's just so unique and 'Dawn of the World'. It feels like a history before a cataclysm created a new cycle of humanity.
my bad I meant this scene.
That was the point?
Stockholm syndrome isn't nearly as prevalent as you might like to think. There is no way in hell that girl wasn't at least mildly retarded.
What is every marvel movie Alex
human beings are stronger than you think user.
and they humiliated and killed her in the end.
Hope the godfather movie was cool enough to make up for that.
What is Rampage
The movie is definitely watching people take shit from her all her life. You’re supposed to be fed up with her “whoa is poor little old me” bit so that when Clark Gable says those final words it’s cathartic. Instead of a fairytale walk off into the sunset ending he tells her off and peace’s out, and we finally get to see a character not put up with her shit anymore.
But yes, I wouldn’t have continued to watch if my mother hadn’t forced me to. The Atlanta burning scene is a technical marvel for the time. It’s worth it for that alone if nothing else.
What a shit opinion
Sorry Job Bob, even your commentary couldn't motivate me
>Hope the godfather movie was cool enough to make up for that.
you're sure as shit it was.
Lego movie. Holy shit the plot and characters are trash
Sit down and actually watch it. On a couch with a big TV. Don't look at your phone or browse Yea Forums on another monitor.
It's good it's just not very accessible. It took me a few tries as well.
Did you even read the wiki?
Ghost Story
Yeah, you don't break glass inside of a pussy you're going to stick your dick in later.
Kill yourself.
Also, to stay on topic: Godzilla King of the Monsters.
It's comfy as fuck. Ultimate naptime core.
Wake up enjoy a scene out of context and notice something you never saw before, then doze back off until LA MER! starts playing and Gary Oldman congratulates you on your nap.
John Wick 3
Deadpool when the flashback started
Maybe they made her clean it out, or used another hole. I’m just wondering what you think the more to the story is? You mentioned possible downs or some such, but the fact that she was known to be a popular and attractive student kind of doesn’t seem to lend credence to that. If anything I’d say the story is possibly exaggerated in some way, but maybe that’s just trying to make myself feel better.
That’s the only way I’ve watched this movie. On rainy afternoons, dozing in and out. I should make an effort to watch it all the way through. I always start and then, well...
Under The Skin
I've seen the movie multiple times all the way through, I keep hoping smiley's people is still happening.
Baby driver
>Citizen Kane
>Master and Commander
Movies are so God damn boring.
>Master and Commander
Tits or gtfo.