/pol/ hate thread

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/pol/ based thread*

/pol/ hate thread

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Based boomer

Remember, whenever you see someone use the “N” word on here that’s what they look like. Whenever you see someone being anti-Semitic that’s what they look like.

what did /pol/ do wrong?

Its ok to be white but not ok to be a fat fuck.

cringe and bluepilled

Fucking BASED

Spoke the truth no one wanted to hear

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this is literally what they look like in real life

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Thanks for letting this stay up janny

It is okay to be white. Anyone who doesn't agree with that can die.


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the most powerful bodytype

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Kys nigger kike

And what did he do wrong other than trigger pedophiles like you.

but it's not ok to be fat.

This is now an Abigail Spencer thread.

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reminder that discord lefties are only obsessed with /pol/

>anti-Semitic boomer
Not a thing


There's absolutely nothing wrong with either of these well read and active citizens

idk who this is but im interested

>saving the thumbnail

Whites are superior.
Niggers are inferior.
Whites created television.
Whites created the computer.
Whites created space travel.
Whites created civilization.
Niggers created nothing.
The strongest man in the world is a white man.
Niggers are worthless and they know it.


I'm not even from /pol/ but why the admins let this cancer there?

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where did you get this

>these are the people calling you a basedboy and cuck online

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Looks based. It really says a lot about you that they get to you so.

I hate Jews and dont look like that fyi

This is what every American looks like, hence what the proponents of every American ideology look like

So Jews = whites now

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I see a doctor, an engineer...

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people don't like /pol/ because they overstay their welcome on every board they visit and they can't handle banter at all. They are essentially like bronies or furfags because they are so deep into their subculture that they have stopped being self-conscious. Most of them also are phoneposting newfags.

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>looks based
which one are you in the pic?

doesn't make you any less of a cuck tho

Fuck /pol/, they make every board as bad is theirs.

>these are the resetera chapo soibois begging hiroshima to delete /pol/
l m a o

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I do both of these things and I'm not white

Yes because kikes invented the television and electricity you braindead parasite.

>whites = /pol/ incel goblins
thankfully, no

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>handle the banter
Sorry, this is an American website, you're the one who doesn't belong here Nigel

most trannys were nazi m8

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Whats it like losing OP?
even /his/ and Yea Forums have accepted /pol/ ideals because you've shown your true colors

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The one in the hood. And I fucked your mum.

They pretty much did yer

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Seething goy

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>hey yea I say “nigger”
>wait you mean to an actual niggers face? Of course not, only online
>n.n.no I’m not scared or anything

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>That guy on the right

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/pol/ has been conquered in the name of Greater Israel. It's a Zionist board now.

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and you make one small, explicit joke and they all fall on you calling you a kike/nigger and dropping 500 graphs with zero source