What the FUCK did I just watch?
What the FUCK did I just watch?
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The Fifth Element maybe?
A flawed but highly enjoyable sci-fi adventure movie
spot on.
A striking contrast to Valerian.
His show was basically modern youtube.
The fifth element is so much fun. Wish they made more stories in that universe. Reminds me of the sci-fi comics of Jean "Moebius" Gillard and Alejandro Jodorowski.
Space-fantasy kino
chris tucker absolutely nailing his role
Pure and unadulterated kino.
Many Science Fiction Classics are flawed.
>hasn't seen fifth element until now
hello zoomer
That’s were Besson got his influence from.
Chris Tucker was so fucking perfect. Amazing how a Frenchman could out-Jap the Japs at perfectly encapsulating pop-idol weirdness.
Yeah he basically made the film instead of Valerian, his dream project, because he didn't have the rights for it nor the funding.
Name 10
pro tip you can't
What about it is flawed?
2001 - A Space Odyssey
Star Wars
Star Trek
Back To The Future
The Fifth Element
Jackie Chan
It doesn't feel like a 6 hour movie cut down to you? I was told when it came out that there was a 6 hour directors cut and I believed it because the whole movie feels like there was more. Many unexplained things or unfinished plot points. Still fun af and one of my all time favorites. Multipass!
The diva alien design and costume sucked too.
Disgusting zoomer, I've seen a bunch of zoomers posting about The Matrix, let me guess is it cuz it's on Netflix?
>Back To The Future
A classic sci fi movie.
I wouldwant to see the 6 hour version.
Fifth Element shits all over Valerian.
You forgot
‘Blade Runner’
‘Frau Im Monde/Woman in the Moon’
The ‘Mad Max’ films.
one of the last action film where men can be men.
Movie even ends with the guy fucking the perfect human.
Prometheus is part of Alien but yes, your list is very valid. Same goes for everything made by the Wachowskis
I wouldn’t say the first Matrix movie is flawed, just the sequels.
I just want to see his original story, he's said that the movie was the first half of the story he wrote.
But he moved on, and what story needs to be told?
It's not flawed but it has aged a bit. The 90s vibe is more kitsch now than obsolete and, in a way, almost makes it future-proof. Some of the physical effects haven't aged overly well but what can you expect from a 20+ year old film?
I wouldn't say cut down but some aspects were pared down due to budget / timing concerns. The most noticeable is the final action sequence on the cruise ship. My understanding is that it was supposed to be far more grand and involve more of the people seen during the theater performance. However, a lot of those elements were cut prior to shooting due to budget and pacing issues.
My understanding is that a "scriptment" sequel was written but the cast got too old and the original movie never made enough money.
What's his name as Zorg was great in it too.
Fun fact: Gary Oldman didn't give a single fuck about this film and actually found it kind of stupid. He only did it as a favor the Luc Besson in exchange for Besson to help get Oldman's own movie produced, I think it was a film Oldman wanted to direct.
Which is honestly pretty fucking cool because he was my favorite character of the movie, I thought he was fantastic. Just goes to show though, even if Oldman thinks it's shit, he'll still give it his best. That's a fucking true actor right there.
Kind of sad about Oldman dissing this film as it's one of the few roles that I like him in. His main henchman (the black guy) also supposedly hated working on the film.
Why’d you post a picture of yourself
Why did the black guy hate working on it?
what in the ever living FUCK was it's problem?
I think that black guy was a hit edm artist in the 90s
one of my favorite movies
A great scifi movie
movies used to do this all the time. they used to be able to introduce an idea, show a character, briefly introduce a minor arc and then leave the rest up to the viewer to interpret.
people today are so used to explicit narrative exposition and having an explanation for literally every little detail in their movies, that people have become unable to parse movies that leave something to the imagination.
It's my favorite movie and it has no flaws
you just watched 90s kino
its a perfect movie
you werent even alive when it came out you cock sucking zoomer poof.
>Liking Moebius and Jodorowski makes you s o y
You don't even know who those artists are, do you
>the physical effects haven't aged overly well
they look fucking fantastic.
That's not what I would call it, but comparing the two sure makes sense.
>Fun fact:
kill yourself reddit nigger
>What the FUCK did I just watch?
Pure scifi kino that isn't Star Wars 2.0.
i love jean girauds drawings, and you can definitely see their influence in the films design
Then why did you post basedboy pic making fun of the guy
unironically is this movie any good?
the baloony ship designs are straight out of one of his drawings, especially the doofy robot aliens from the intro
i didn't. that was some rando, i genuinely enjoy moebius art. i think this one probably inspired the ship boarding scene a bit
kill yourself zoomer
This movie isn't good lol
>oh no he said something that predates the internet
>better use the r word! i sure showed him right fellas validate my existence here tell me you accept me as one of your own i need to be a part of the pack
I hate zoomers so god damn much. Every generation is worse then the last. I don’t know what causes it(technology? Life being easier every generation? God wants to see how far he can take this as a joke) but we may need to come together and agree to stop having kids. I don’t want to see the absolute regards the zoomers are going to spawn because it’s hard to imagine anything worse then zoomers. But they will be somehow worse.
easiest way to spot literal children posting is if you see the words reddit, zoomer, boomer, cuck, or shill, with no real refutation of the post they're responding to.
just kids on summer break trolling
Oh, OK.
yeah, Besson openly admits that Giraud and Jodo are major influences on his work. there's some Otomo in 5th element, too, for sure.
Absolute KINO
I haven't seen it in years, but from what I remember its basically 3 black aliens who just kidnap dudes from earth and force them to become gay. The premise is really the most entertaining thing about it.
Sounds like something a zoomer cuck from reddit would say
way to out yourself kiddo
Maybe if he made Valerian first, it wouldn't have been dogshit
the opinions of a 90s born queer are worth less than nothing
A ripoff of The Incal
just end yourself dude. you don't have anything better to do anyways.
i just could not get into valerian. felt like it was way longer than it should have been (which is the opposite complain most people have about 5th element), i really didnt feel any charisma or chemistry from the main characters (which isnt to say they are bad actors, but i think dehann or whatever his name is has a more dark charisma style presence fitting of a villain or antihero rather than a plucky normal hero).
also could not give 2 shits about the refugee fish aliens. not that their plight wasn't relatable on some level, but that they felt very ripped off of the avatar designs/living with nature thing
and the film meandered from semi related scene to semi related scene with very little connecting them
Arguably the greatest movie ever made.
Quotable, rewatchable, fun story. Its got it all
it was great, expert all the cancerous parts where Leeloo fighting.
Kill yourself zoomer nigger
Absolute kino
Live action Harry Canyon
He cause that blonde lady in restaurant to cum.
go back.
>read this as "The Incel"
maybe I should take a break
Who do you think originally inspired them user?
maybe you should go back
Saw last month, thought same thing. Predicted the future.
wasn't that like the largest (strongest?) indoor explosion ever in a film?
Luc Besson earning a reputation that he never quite seemed to live up to in subsequent projects
Moebius did some concept art for the Fifth Element IIRC
>ah ah ahh ahhh ah ahh ahh ah ah ahhhh ah ahh ahhha hha hhah ahh
absolute kino
I like the bit where Leeloo eats heaps of roast chicken
>20 year+ film
Fuck....I remember my friends brother driving us to the local theater to see it when we were in middle school. Didn't comet hale-bop make an earth pass that same year too?
>goes through entire human history
>starts crying at war
She was going through the dictionary to learn English and she just got to W
I wonder what some of the wars we're that didn't happen at the time of movie release to film events
Although there's lots of fucked up stuff that would come up earlier in the alphabet
Now look at all these little things! So busy now!
why does he sweat dirty grease?
I hated gary oldman in this movie, and idk if it's because he was good or bad at his job.
It's blood.
list the things you got offended by, zoomer
why is he sweating blood
why is his blood dirty grease
>violence, sadism, mutilation, genocide, psychopathy, lynching, gore, cannibalism, slavery, terrorism, murder, rape, arson, torture
>Sure, I understand why people do those things
>Pass Torture, Pedophilia and Canada
>No reaction
Broke my suspension of disbelief to be frank.
If anything this proves that a 6 episode miniseries would be the perfect way to reboot it
>and Canada
>start alphabet
>get to abattoir (less than 10 words in)
>redirects to slaughterhouse
>at the bottom there's a link to Slaughterhouse 5
>learn about war
there, mystery solved
kill yourself zoomer nigger
Cat Piss Sandwiches. MMM, delicious.
weird tonal shifts
Brion James was too good for this world.
Don' tell me you wouldn't mark a pause too.
Did you know that Lilu is the name for a slave in the ancient tradition about Enki and Enlil?
Heavy Metal comic without the big tits.
Meteor when
We're getting old
An epic space opera you filthy casual
fucking based. please tell me more. I know these Annunaki fuckers still ruling.
Because listening to the ultimate evil talk causes physical harm.
Trash redditors pretend its any better than capeshit
I like it so much I watched it on Telemundo, and I no pablo espanol.
It's BBQ sauce
how come I've never noticed that nip before!
Who gives a shit if some zoomer just saw it for the first time? Not like I ever saw it in the theater.
T. Boomer
That's actually a cropped version from Telemundo's "censored for broadcast" version (thanks for leaving a bit in, Paco). You can clearly see both breasts in the un-cropped version.
Nah, is a bunch of "lolsurandum" with lazors....garbage film,I guess ustares do like that kind of movies involving their "badass"-holes doing lolsurandum bullshit...specially when the universe is abou to explode..you ustaters sometimes are so childish and annoying.
trying too hard/10