>this is okay for American Monopoly laws
This is okay for American Monopoly laws
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can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is super cringe?
>$0.03 has been deposited in your account
can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is super cringe?
Yes it is now bow to your mouse overlords you little shit.
That's an oligopoly. Perfectly legal.
No. Referring to Disney as "The Mouse" is the only accurate, non-scatalogical way of expressing proper contempt for this horrific monopoly.
We can certainly agree that repeating the same retarded post is "cringe" and a sign of autism.
How does Yea Forums reconcile hating the government interfering with the market with not liking jew-run Disney?
>All of disney's bullshit about hating the jews was because he wanted to do that shit himself
Yeah, sounds pretty par for course. Is everyone who goes "MUH JEEEEEEEWS" secretly just wishing they could control all the money ever themselves?
Rat more like it
can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is super cringe?
I like to call it "the Zionist entity"
Anyone with a semblance of knowledge in economic history knows that these "monopolies" rarely last more than a few decades. Let the free market do its thing.
The government was built specifically to stop things like Disney. Monopolies are the same as dictatorships.
I see you, JIDF false-flagger.
Monopolies are the result of government. Why can't joe bloggs make a star wars movie? It's not capitalism stopping him
>teddy r will never rise out of the grave to stop this and bring quality internet at a reasonable cost to all americans
Why did Yea Forums become full of commies?
This is one of the few times the government should interfere. Disney and Comcast are buying everything
The US government exited for over a century before Teddy Roosevelt started busting trusts m8.
Sounds like a naive standpoint. The progressive movement broke up early monopoly. There's no reason to think standard oil wouldn't still dominate to this day.
>waa waa monopoly laws!!!!
Do you know the amount of job security Disney offers?
Same time as the tranny invasion. Go figure.
Are you implying that the government is responsible for randos inability to raise tend to hundreds of millions of dollars in capital?
>There's no reason to think standard oil wouldn't still dominate to this day.
Beside the fact that most monopolies don't remain in that position.
People will see how much money Disney rakes in and still say it's impossible for them to pay off reviewers lmao
Explain how is that a monopoly because I don't see it.
Reminder that conservatives WANT this
>T. has fallen for the juda meme
You're as bad as the people falling for the "muh commies" meme.
>You have a problem with me owning everything you could ever possibly use to threaten my position as the supreme everything?
It's not, it's an oligopoly because there's still market competition and no barrier to entry. Commies just love to use that word because it's overreactionary and so are they.
>Monopolies are the same as dictatorships
Only siths deal in absolutes.
Scandinavia has governmental monopoly in alcohol and literally cut taxes in December so people can buy gifts.
Your tricks don't work on those who are wise to them.
True monopoly is literally illegal and has been since the early 1900s. I don't know why you think you can use history of non-monopolies with temporary monopolistic power of a market to compare to how actual monopolies control a market.
Disney owns Vice?
Someone should tell parents about this.
>no barrier to entry
Well seeing as though Disney isn't a monopoly I think my argument works fine in this context.
Another failing of the government regarding employment laws doesn't make Disney look better.
Yes. Do you know what that means? Difficult to enter =/= barrier to entry.
Yeah, i just assumed your original point implied the market would always correct monopolies.
>can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is super cringe?
I think we need more rat poison for this one bois..
user said NO barrier to entry.
With that much link, it’s impossible for any disney corporate man to ever involve in a big scandal. So the company will always grow and buy and partner up with other big companies
The Rat
I mean it's easy to offer job security when you offer pay at a couple cents above minimum wage.
Job security for the pedophiles working at the parks?
>Do you know what that means?
>Difficult to enter =/= barrier to entry.
I guess my economics degree taught me wrong info D:
Gotcha. I do think monopolies are dangerous, I just don't think Disney is there yet - and think people often confuse monopolies for market dominance.
>Government failing
So it's the governments fault that it's impossible to make every new startup company successful?
You can't have a free market if the government has to approve every new startup, and even at that point it's a faulty system.
Go somewhere else, libcuck
>cable news
>sport channels
>superhero stuff
>star wars
>more news
>more sports
tell me why i should care about a list of irrelevant things
I guess you should have paid more attention. No one is prohibited from starting their own movie company.
I get the feeling you said the same thing about going to school.
You guys should be scarecrows with the amount of straws in your manbodies
It is when corporate owned right makes the laws
>monopoly laws enforced by the state when market interference was what caused the oligopoly in the first place
The government is what creates the monopolies
Wtf why having Iron man is important? He's a literally who tier C character, Xmen F4 and Spiderman are were the money is at
Im a wrestling fan. People dont know, that wwe has a virtual monopoly on the wrestling world. I got to see a micro version of what disney does slowly over the years. And let me say. Monopolies are bad, they stagnate creativity and usually lead to vast decline in profits and ratings
The world needs balance. The world needs blood and gore and sex. And disney cant provide that
Governmental regulatory barriers are what allow them to do so in the first place
>t. pedophile working for minimum wage
Based non brainlet
can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is super cringe?
You're right in this case but originally it wasn't supposed to.
Agree, also it's an insult to mice. I'd suggest "Di$h*tney"
Somebody should make an adaptation of 1984, but instead of Oceania it's corporate Disney and instead of blatant surveillance, it's rampant commercialism and polls/surveys taken under the guise of consumer opinion to extract the dissenters from the crop. Make Winston Smith an aging hipster and Julia a teenaged Disney TV starlet.
Government regulations cause monopolies
>conservatives want heavy market interference and such stifling regulatory barriers as to crush all competion handing the market to a select few
Conservative doesn't just mean me no like fag
Why do Amerifats worship corporations? Why do they pretend that it isn't a real free market just because they're losing?
can we all just agree that calling Disney "The Mouse" is based?
brainlet. there is no "tax cut" in December. We pay more taxes every other month to get less tax in December.
Joke's on you, I'm a NEET living on welfare in a socialist country!
Our current system allows for market demand. If it stagnates enough someone else will compete by doing what the market wants. Virtual monopoly isn't the same as real monopoly.
Kaijufags absolutely seething
>2009: Disney buys Marvel
>2012: Disney buys Lucasfilms
>2019: Disney buys Fox
>2020: Disney buys Paramount
>2022: Disney buys Universal
>2027: Disney attempts to buy Warner Bros
>2028: Disney, being highly pissed off, acquires their own private military
>2029: Disney storms headquarters of Warner Bros, killing many, and taking the company by force
>2032: Disney buys nukes from black market terrorists
>2034: Disney buys Microsoft/Google
>2036: Disney declares war against the entertainment industry in the great Warner War
>2037: Skirmishes between private militaries occur in Hollywood and other places
>2038: Disney nukes Hollywood and wins the Great Warner War
>2039: Disney shuts down the internet, killing Amazon and Netflix forever. Disneynet will rise from the Internet’s ashes
>2040: Disney introduces literal Marvel-drones, self-replicating war-robots
>2044: Disney buys the United States of America
>2045: Disney reorganizes the American government into a totalitarian dictatorship, deemed "The People's Republic of Disney"
>2047: People's Republic of Disney moves to annex Mexico and Canada
>2048: PRD unifies the planet with its army of marvel-drones and quip-emitters
>2056: PRD colonizes Mars
>2059: PRD colonizes rest of the solar system
>2064: PRD starts construction of Dyson Sphere in the Sol System
>2075: PRD scientists discover a form of FTL space travel
>2078: First PRD voyage to Alpha Centauri system is successfully completed
>2079: PRD successfully establishes a one world government
>2080: PRD sends millions of military warships out throughout the galaxy, conquering extraterrestrial life on every planet and solar system
>2092: Dyson Sphere in Sol System is complete
>2100: PRD reaches type 3 civilization status, creating a Galactic Dictatorship under the people of Disney
>2102: PRD begins to exterminate alien species associated as DCfags
>2104: Disney begins the Human Instrumentality Project
>2108: Marvel fans are still hyped for new movies
idk anyone who "worships" any corporations in the US besides maybe a few disney fanboys that like to go to the theme parks I guess.
It all returns to nothing
Communists are the ones who WANT monopoly, furthermore there is huge regulatory barriers to entry due to cryptosocialist governmental market interference
Do you mutts know what Liberal actually means ?
The US is less a free market than Denmark
Monopoly laws are bullshit anyways. Bell is practically back together already as it reconsolidated into a couple of giant mega-corps that share customers and don't compete against each other.
>there is huge regulatory barriers to entry due to cryptosocialist governmental market interference
Such as?
I am just waiting for Disney to piss off Trump bad enough to get them investigated by the FTC. The anti-trust hammer is gonna fall down on Amazon and Disney should be next.
Left wing liberal=libcuck
Right wing liberal=liberal
Didn't he say their last big merger was a great thing?
As long as they're not buying CNN he won't give a shit.
You might be fucking retarded, user.
We should call them Disneed.
Antitrust laws create trusts.
True, my bad, but my point still stands.
Why does everyone when talking about monopolies only ever talk about the money and effect on economy rather than the fact we don't live in a democracy because these monopolies literally control every facet of the political system?
It's been hundreds of years since capitalism became the dominant mode of production.
Please. Hundreds of years.
It doesn't mean the free market. It intrinsically is made up of some kind of sovereign authority to guarantee capital and mediate the terms of its activity. You need a government backing ownership with a monopoly of violence to have large scale private property exist at all, as well as to mediate it so it maintains enough order to continue to exist, Business owners are more than happy with this because they control the government anyway.
If all government regulation vanished at 9 am tomorrow capitalism would be over by 9:01. Copyright law as we understand it was drafted and drawn up by capitalists.
Because they're being paid off by the megacorps, you geek. Don't talk about it too loud or they'll send the Judges after you.
technically Disneed owns simpsons so we can sneedpost in disney threads. let's sneedpost these fuckers to death, disneydrones destroyed this board with star wars and capeshit, payback time
Brainlet economic illiterate
Well, that explains it.
Maybe you ought to at least learn the basics, though?
The Dunning-Krüger effect in action, everyone.
Formerly Chuckposting
Love it when Libertarians think they're economic experts because they read a Mises blog or watched a Stefan Molneux video when in reality their views are completely fringe and even mainstream capitalist economists think they're bad ideas.
I guess I expected too much of you
Enjoy your Keynesian boom-bust cycle and Ponzi schemes then, boomer.
Libertarians are either smart sopists that know the free market shit can not exist but still sell it cause they are getting $ to do so (Ben Shekelino example) or extreme brainlets that almost have a religious approach to the subject
(Memeneux example)
All Yea Forums libertardians belong to the second categoty
>people actually defend the fact that megacorporations ruin markets
>I have no idea what I'm saying but I'm gonna post it anyway!
Somebody get this kid his blankey.
>Absolutely seething free market zealot
>actually getting buttflustered that people won't give all their property to the state
I love disney now