Why yes, I do watch Hot Ones™ with hot questions and even hotter wings! How could you tell?

>Why yes, I do watch Hot Ones™ with hot questions and even hotter wings! How could you tell?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sean Evans is literally the worst host of anything I’ve ever seen.


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The one with Artie Lange was pretty good desu

>haven’t watched the show in years
>decide to check out the channel again
>jonas brothers and pilly eyelash
>close tab

OMG did you see the one where they made celebrity eat hot thing? I felt X emotional stimulation points from it and also imagined myself eating hot thing!


bald dudes with beards shouldn't be allowed to live

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Why is it popular?
How does he get such big celebrities?
Why are you mad?

nobody is mad, relax.

Why yes, I do like my steak Medium-Rare! How did you know?

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>Why yes, I do watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee, am I really that obvious?

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This doesnt make the least bit of sense

why are women so obsessed with being portrayed as 'strong'? its fucking tiring at this point. not every female character needs to be strong lmao.

Sometimes I wonder if low IQ inbred normies from sub-500 inhabitant towns in Wyoming think about modern politics. Their social media pages are so quaint with the sharing of sentimental (and most likely embellished) stories (modern folklore, basically), “HAHA mine will ignore!”-posts, and the liking and reliking of “I LOVE MY KIDS/HUSBAND/WIFE” pages while asking others to do the same.

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It's a pretty entertaining show. Takes the celebrity interview format but adds a dimension to it. Not sure why it makes you so mad though that people enjoy it. Hot Wings are pretty based too.

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I only watched the Gordon Ramsay one, because everything he's in is pure unfiltered kino.

>Not sure why it makes you so mad
I think you’re the mad one, pendejo.

i tried to get into hot ones but most of the guests are just boring


people who think about politics tend to have shitty lives

Is there anything more pathetic than middle-aged men who collect hot sauce because they think it makes them unique or manly?

It's as onions as nintendo.

What the fuck is this

The way he opens the mouth, I was never taken the NPC theory seriously but this guy looks like a fucking zombie, it's one of the creepiest things I have seen.

never watched a single episode
what are they even about?
people just eating some hot chicken wings?

Who doesnt like their steak medium rare you well done niggerfaggot

>How does he get such big celebrities?
Its free (?) publicity, duh

Celebrities being interviewed while eating hotter and hotter chicken wings.

Idk why OP is trying to rope it into that Reddit/S.oi bullshit

Beer collectors are objectively worse.

>How does he get such big celebrities?
Because it's made by Complex Media, which is owned by Verizon/Hearst. The show is literally just sitting on a small set eating chicken wings. I'm sure a massive chunk of their budget is just paying guests.

Plus a lot of the celebrities seem like actual fans of the show.

There's a huge chunk of the hot sauce scene that are old metal heads that had to quit drugs because of their age. So they essentially replaced doing drugs with...hot sauce. It's weird.

They’re bad but they don’t get off on self inflicted pain for faux masculinity points at least.

dudes with glasses shouldn't be allowed to live

HOLY SHIT THIS. I’ve worked with tons of aging metalheads and numales and both groups were insufferable about having the spiciest things available to prove how badass they are.

people that collect Nintendo Consoles aka Punk

But any slob can drink beer. In fact, all of them do.

Egotastic Funtime!

I've actually met this guy IRL, so weird seeing his face pop up here

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Have you ever seen this in person? Its easy to make fun of idiots on the internet but you have to give examples or at least post a video

Yes, I’ve left my house before.

People who can chew food tougher than yogurt you stupid Eurotrash sack of shit

I haven't seen this reaction image in a long time

what is he like?

Yeah I knew to you were full of shit.

>t. obese hotsauce buttchugging sōylet

I hate that goofy reaction face these guys all seem to do.

have sex

i wouldn't mind if someone took me out

It's a classic

Pretty nice guy, nicer IRL than I would've thought going by his online persona

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Will "why yes" posters ever do us a favor and kill themselves,?

read the thread you drooling retard

SEETHING chink that can’t grow a beard

Hit too close to home, Josh?

>hot sauce scene
I'm fucking done. The fact that sentence has a context and can continue a conversation is ridiculous.

Not really, who's Josh

I love Hot Ones. How did you know?

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Got my glass of milk ready. Time to dig in!

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Based nothing-to-contribute-poster

White people cry alone with some texas pete sauce since when did they ever try spicy stuff?

>eating spicy food without emergency milk


I’m impressed by him managing to maintain complete composure eating very hot wings while wearing 3 layers of clothing

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seething hairlet

Part of the mild sauce scene eh? We don't have to be enemies

Shouldn't you be getting shot by cops?

It's a terrible look.

you could handle it you had to do it as often too

where does this stereotype come from? nigs wont touch anything hotter than they can steal off a walmart shelf

get a load of this goober


The clothes are for hiding the cooling systems.

>be Yea Forums
>unironically watch game of thrones and supernatural
>think you have the right to call anyone a s󠀀oyboy
inb4 "SEETHING", etc

Unfamiliar with Jimmy Fallon?

Because he's triggered.

>drinkingmilk in 2005

The irony of this post

It was pretty entertaining watching Natalie Portman and Charlize Theron take the hot sauce like a man.

It's just a dumb show watching celebrities eat hot sauce. In the bigger scope of things, it doesn't matter, except here on Yea Forums, where incels and schizo rage against the world.

Plus, some of the sauces they've used are fucking great, if you like hot sauce you can get some good ideas for purchases.

Granted, I'd bet almost all of the incels raging against this channel are tender little exceptionals who think Tabasco is really hot stuff.

is that maisie williams on the left

Yeah, incels who think people buy hot sauce to be "unique or manly" because they don't get that some people just like hot sauce. And that everything they do is to try and virtue signal that they're exceptional, like being against hot sauce.

>that cute tummy bulge

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nobody likes tabasco though

Hot sois is for manchildren. Real men cook with fresh seasoning and fresh peppers.

>Who doesnt like their steak medium rare you well done niggerfaggot
People who like burned meat. They only like dinosaur shaped "chicken", too.

The editing of this masterpiece has my fucking sides in orbit.

dont bring the dino nuggies into this

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What do you put on tacos then friendo

Homemade salsa verde.

onions and cilantro you fucking faggot

Guessing you've never had to suffer through Jimmy Kimmel or nu Colbert?

Trips of truth

that's a sauce.

Show is worth it just for those hot sauce recommendations. Pirate Lantern+ karage chicken changed my fucking life.

>le epic meme condiment changed my heckin life!

Everybody knows the true patrician food item to collect is mustard - ask /ck/

It's fine if Tabasco does it for you, but not everyone has plain tastes such as yours.

t. nigger

we tend not to think about politics, our lives are far more important that some rich buffoon many miles away

/ck/ unironically loves tobasco. they’re the most tasteless plebs in 4channel.

>onions on tacos
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Damn, is that MOHAA?

>Why yes I bulk with red beans and rice with hot sauce, how could you tell?

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Hot sauce itself is a plain condiment, almost as bad as sriracha. Patricians use chili oil or better yet, fresh salsas.

weak bait

Yeah, as far as i can remember, the "hot sauce aficionado" stereotype is some middle aged white dad.

Also Boomers are always putting tabasco sauce on stuff.

By the smell of your braps, you filthy spic

There's nothing wrong with Tabasco, it's just more bitter than anything - like there's nothing wrong with sriracha, except that it's really sweet. It's just some people are such pussies, they can't even take Tabasco, or a touch of horseradish.

*blocks your path*

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Freshly made salsas dumbass