> watch Chernobyl
> remember being in that era
> affected by the radiation absorbed by food
> the reason I'm now 5'8''
> now trapped in a dead-end job
watch Chernobyl
kill yourself you irradiated failed abortion
> remember the panic
> everyone buying canned milk
> radiation stayed on for decades anyway
> no end in sight of the ill effects
Europe still absorbs radiation from that accident but no government has an interest to admit it.
you're not trapped in a dead end job because you're 5'8. this poster is just delusional.
>be 5'4'' because of hormonal problems
>become a trap prostitute
it's rough
My class in school has a curious height problem compared to all other classes. I suspect Chernobyl.
We were about 7 when it started, right when most of the growth will begin to happen.
Genetics are a shitshow. Even a kid born from Chad and Stacy could be completely fucked by the dice roll. Genetically engineered babies are the future.
My parents had me when they were around 40 at least. The seed is lower quality at that point.
Don't have kids unless you are 18 max. Fact.
>18 max
30 is the best cutoff. Anything after that is almost destined for an autistic life.
ok, but that's not why you're in a dead end job.
30 is shit, most people have damaged their body way too much by then.
besides, being 18 makes a 10 year old be a friend to their parents.
>height has nothing to do with employment and confidence
LOL. Look at this goy.
most hot girls are the same height or taller than me; they will not even consider you unless you are some kind of rare specimen (billionaire or something).
confidence has little to do with it; people are height supremacists.
>dad worked on soviet reactors for 10+ years
>get born without deformities and grow up to 6‘2
>dad still cancer free and healthy in old age
I suspect the radiation made him stronger
Found Dyatlov's son.
yeah, you might be paid a couple thousand less annually, but you're not being denied job positions because of height, unless the job requires it.
and don't say "Oh, most CEOs are 6'0+". That's because CEOs need to be confident, and that does come naturally with height. Bezos and Gates are both like 5'6, as examples.
>he doesn't know
The instant you enter the interview room, you're treated like a child based on your height. You could be the omega Chad with more charisma than God, but your height immediately cuts you down to a teenager at best.
just because someone found a correlation between height and salary doesn't mean that you're being paid less because you're short
especially considering whites are the richest and tallest racial group in the usa
>my height affected my confidence
I suspect you didn't think much about your height before browsing this website and even before you wasn't that confident
One doesn't think much about their height until others laugh at them and treat them like a kid IRL because of it. These sentiments ARE real, and they do affect people.