For me, it's Missandei's tummy
For me, it's Missandei's tummy
For me, it's Tyene's breasts
Come on. Carice van Houten's plump but firm mammeries all the way. How is this even a debate?
how does she keep her eyebrows perfectly groomed
This thread is now the thread of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, The rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Queen of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons
Terrible tummy button though.
Emilia Clarke had that sexy dress that showed off her tummy and her tummy button and it was much better.
For me it's Cameron's autism
IMAGINE the smell of her under garments after a long day of diplomacy in the hot desert.
The musky smell of damp secretion that has been building since her last bath 2 days ago.
For me, it's Emilia Clarke having fun driving a truck
man jawed scowly cunt
how is it possible that she is so far above literally every singe other actor and actress in Game of Thrones?
How can someone be THAT cute??? To have both beauty, brains and still retain a humble, cheerful personality, avoiding the pitfalls of narcissism and spoiled white woman syndrome?
brain aneurysms
>How can someone be THAT cute??? To have both beauty, brains and still retain a humble, cheerful personality, avoiding the pitfalls of narcissism and spoiled white woman syndrome?
>he doesn't know about summer glau
she's suffered in life
people need to suffer to grow and most bitches today live way easy lives. Normally women would be fearing death from childbirth from age 12.
For me, it's play Sansa's tits
>people need to suffer to grow
complete BS
alot of people who have suffered go further narcissistic and not suddenly bubbly and open
She looks so carefree and happy. :3
you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it, this basic principle holds true for both men and women alike
Just imagine cheating on this heaven angel with a tinder single mom
i hate that too
>you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it
this is very true but still doesn't mean people suddenly have a bright outlook on life after losing what they had
Carice was the only genuinely attractive human being on the show
It isn't a debate, there aren't breasts on this planet that can compare with those ridiculously flawless 18 year old tits
who? pics?
someone post *rolls in*
Emilia Clarke dumped her ex boyfirend because he was found hunting some roasties on Tinder
You can't deny that Esme was gorgeous though.
Looks exactly like my girlfriend when I let her drive our food truck
absolutely cringe and extremely bluepilled
to hold perfection in your hand and toss it away for some roast beef
just goes to show, the most undeserving fucks get the best things in this turbo gay Earth
Can anybody shoop her so she has pale white skin,
and the same hair but blonde,
So she looks like a pale blonde jew?
Also please no mods to the nose.
>rolls into your thread
*pew pew*
No Emilia, stay away from the core
>no dany/core-chan r34
When did Yea Forums decide they liked Emilia?
make it happen
She almost looks like she's 14 in that webm.
we are dealing with something that has never occured on this board before...
no she doesn't
perfect tummy and navel
She turned evil and people suddenly felt like she was a real character again
Simultaneously, a bunch of autistic waifufags saw it as an opportunity to go crazy over her
I like her smile
>I'm being serious now
>mfw Yea Forums made me believe that this was fat
what would it be like eating out her asshole?
fuck she's so beautiful and yet I can't make myself wank it to her... what is this sorcery?
nigger looks like a AIDS victim too
i could kill him with one punch
It is.
It's all in the arms
You got EMILIA'd, it's normal
>I can't make myself wank it to her... what is this sorcery?
Everything about that little sexpot.
>Yea Forums is one person
Yeah, I know, but I thought if I said her cute hair, adorable smile, etc, I would just look like another waifufag shilling a different waifu
She looks like a brazillian chick i used to date
wow she's really cute and smol
her taste for clothes is weird
She had multiple severe brain damage user
brain damage, yo.
She is the definition of cute
i think the most disgusting part of this was they waited until the week she turned 18 to film this scene, several weeks after they had already finished filming the rest of the season
It's funny the way this keeps getting exaggerated
4 billion men on the planet, conservatively about how men men have cum to her prolly, 5 or 6 million?
Imagine if they did it all at once in a big crowd with her in the middle, six million erect dicks pointing at her.
Is this the power of pussy?
she's using military boots there, it's actually less than 5'2''.
Bummer she isn't homophobic
>fucking seth marcfarlane
>having straight sex
no way
You think he used Peter Griffin's voice when they had sex?
he used all his voices
>not even touching her
>hover handing emilia
seth confirmed homosexual
oh jesus oh my god
i feel the urge to marry her
how do i marry this girl?
We don't
It's the pain we have to endure
I don't even care she's 14 years older than me i wanna love and protect her
The only way
>reminder that she is closer to 40 than 20
She will have 60 and still look cute
Emilia has a nice and very cute singing voice
I want to cuddle with her in a cold rainy night
That was before she got "fat"
why the fuck is she dating that streamer retard wtf
while watching Friends reruns
It's simply not fair that i don't get to enjoy these moments
She never got fat, pic related is the most she ever was
I want her to sing to me every night before i sleep, anons
she was a little bit overweight during S05 and S06, she is back to form, she looked great in S07 and S08.
where do whores go?
look how fat those arms are
>I could hardly catch my breath. I went back to the hotel, where some people invited me to a party on the roof. “I think I’m good!” I told them. Instead, I went to my room, ate Oreos, watched “Friends,” and called everyone I knew.
imagine getting raped by emilia
Yeah, S6 Dany is chubby. Not enough Jorah watching what she eats.
are you some kind of faggot? those are thic not fat
perfectly dosed thic by the way
she even invited him for her british Artist of the Year award lmaooooo
Still cute
haha imagine haha now THAT would be funny right haha
Did the original Allison from Palmdale die, or live?
that's really good
what a fucking humongus faggot jesus
She dead, yo. Cameron choked her.
Flawless 18 year old tits are a dime a dozen. Get out more, old man.
Not ones that perfect
Her jawline was disgusting
Impossible because I will always consent for emilia
Literally, unironically perfect
>Emilia Clarke isn't tal-
It hurts bad knowing this qt is unobtainable
>ywn have Emilia serenade you.
She isn't tall she's 5'2
She is, the hard part is having the opportunity
>s6 dany never wore that outfit
I’m so lonely brehs
what if you were gangraped as a small child by men which led to you having a shy butt hole. you tell emilia this and it turns her on and she wants to take you anally and you refuse but she takes you anyway knowing it will cause you immense psychological and physical pain
What video or interview is this photo from, i saw some short videos with her laugh from it but what about the full video?
having such a perfect waifu has probably ruined any future relationship for me
It looks like season 3
Fuck don't mention it
She makes me so fucking lonely
What's it like owning a food truck user?
Too small
Flawlessly sized and perfect for her frame
Gods she was fucking ugly
she has like, an attractive el goblino face
For me its her BhaD PouhZeY
lolimilia isn't ugly
Post Melisandre
Gods she was even worse here
>posts an even worse image
The Virgin MacFarlane vs The Chad GRRM
>Having shit taste
she looks like a child, as a child should
For me, it's Dany's tummy
missing braces desu
I'm more a chicken
bump for emilia
here friend let's try to keep it to one thread before "it" gets mad again