Why do zoomers hate Friends so much?
Why do zoomers hate Friends so much?
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i like friends
I don't have friends
I thought zoomers loved it that's why netflix bought the rights.
Because its retarded.
If you want a better show with same theme check out Coupling
Zoomers prefer their 1379 electronic friends they have never met in person.
Yea Forums hates friends too.
This is a Seinfeld board. Get to stepping friends nigger
>that one zoomer fatass ginger that begs you to watch friends with him
it, like many successful sitcoms (the office, parks and rec) lets losers feel like they are part of the gang and actually have friends. That's why they repeat inside jokes from the show all the time, it makes them feel good
It’s a girl show.
Well zoomers hate white people and friends is just white people so...
Povertyfags hate their comfortable lives
Niggerfags hate the lack of representation
Fagfags don't like the cishetero coupling
nupolfags hate anything from a major coastal city
I personally can't stand two of the women and 1 of the guys so I guess I hate half the show
>enshrined forever in fallout new vegas
not too be desu
Sitcoms are shit
There’s a surprising amount of gay jokes
But user most of the cast are Jews
Zoomers hate jews too, ironically due to the oppression of brown palestinians.
You know what I hate about sitcoms? How everything works out in the end and they all grow up, get married and have kids. There's never a bad time for any of the characters that lasts more than one episode.
It was the 90s, that's how it was. People forget 90s PC culture wasn't nearly as restrictive as it is now
>Zoomers hate jews too, ironically due to the oppression of brown palestinians.
Thats why Khofiya sales have had a new renaissance.
yes and in a negative way so that triggers them. like when ross is mocking chandler for having kissed a guy. also they're all white i guess.
If you invert it it's more accurate.
We are all Ross...
When did you realise Ross is the true kino?
Imagine the smell...
first time i watched friends.
ross > monica > phoebe > chandler > ross > rachel
It's painfully obvious how white the other quintessential 90s sitcom is too (Seinfeld). And since both are set in NYC it's rather unrealistic
i'm in my 30s so i just associate it with peak comfy.
it was always just "on", often late at night. it was a good friend.
>Ross twice
Because they have taste apparently. Friends fucking sucks. Frasier and Seinfeld FOREVER.
lol i meant joey.
ross > monica > phoebe > chandler > joey > rachel
Manhattan is still very white though. Especially the West Village and upper west side. That isn’t totally inaccurate.
They probably don't even wear shoes inside
Seriously how does a 26 year old who has no friends, hasn’t had friends since he was 17, has had barely any social interaction since he was 18, and socially stunted himself as a late teenager make friends at his age? I’m so behind compared to everyone else my age. I work as a plumbing apprentice and some of the other guys are my age and they say to me “hey user, what’d you get up to this weekend” I always just reply “not much” because I don’t like sharing with them what I really do on my weekends (I.e, lift weights, cook meals, watch movies, play games, do solo hikes) and then I quickly make the conversation about them and say “what did you guys get up too?”. They say to me “you know, mountain bike, went to the bar, hung out with people, stuff like that”.
I’m such a loner. I can’t have conversations with people or maintain them, I can’t reply with anything to further the conversation, I don’t have anything interesting to say. I have low self esteem and I’m nervous and I just hate myself. At the end of the day, weight lifting doesn’t solve your social autism
I hate it because I can't bear sitcoms with laughtracks
Terrible list
Ross > Chandler > Monica > Joey > Rachel > Phoebe
you mean they're can't be a group of 6 white friends in a city of millions during the 90's?
doesn't strike me as unrealistic.
>Buy a house
>Go out on the weekend to bars
>Make friends
Literally it if you dont keep friends from school
>not appreciating phoebe
Yeah it’s always pejorative. Even now, as a gen-Xer who doesn’t care about PC shit at all it’s a bit jarring. For millennials or zoomers it must seem like hearing the word nigger or something.
because it's a bad show
It’s popular to dislike a famous very good show in favour of liking something obscure and sub-par.
Name one good Phoebe episode
Honestly, you should look up things to volunteer at, especially during the holidays. You will absolutely make friends, increase your levels of empathy, and at the very least it will give you somewhere to be on holidays in the event that you might be feeling lonely.
I don't recommend trying to make friends in bars. Alcohol makes intolerable people tolerable, which is fine as long as you keep drinking. When you're sober, the magic's gone.
No idea, but Ross and Rachel were on a break
no it's not jarring, what is the point of comedy if we can't laugh at things like this?
just look at modern simpsons a complete antithesis of what the show was meant to be about.
what is the sharia penalty for this sin of style? asking for a friend.
other things especially if young is to look at local leagues to join if you enjoy that activity. darts, bastketball, cornhole whatever is an easy way to make friends
>Even now, as a gen-Xer who doesn’t care about PC shit at all it’s a bit jarring
Are you seriously triggered by fucking Friends?
It seems as the us office of it’s time; overrated stuff for boring normalfags
Seinfeld is the true 90s sitcom kino
Best episode incoming
I mean jarring in that it’s so obviously of the time. Ross telling Chandler “dude, you’re gay!” as an insult sounds completely odd in 2019.
Ok, whatever you say mr Goldstein
It extends to side characters as well, still very white. I don't even think Jerry dated anyone who wasn't white but I could be wrong
Its just not funny at all
Not triggered at all. Just aware of the difference. Have you actually watched the show recently? There’s a LOT of gay jokes. Like not even clever. Just, someone being gay is the joke / insult.
If someone calls someone gay for accidentally buying women's jeans it doesn't land as a joke anymore, that's the point
10 hails marys and being sodomised by the father behind the alter
And? Being gay is an insult, you faggot.
How is that odd though? Dating outside of your race is still very rare.
Go watch Will & Grace
Did anyone else think The One With The Lynch Mob was a bit too far?
I don't think it is but I don't have anything to back that up besides my dating history
haha dude, i still wouldn't like to be called gay, not in the 90's not now, not in 10 years.
Zoomers love the Office though. So much so that the Office has a very popular official YouTube channel
Nobody actually gave a fuck about their relationships, but that was a huge part of the show.
>tfw you own the true Friends kino
for me, It's Monica
you mean that's just 1 episode?
Its just so uncreative typical sitcom, fake laugh, meme characters.
Can boomers explain why its is so good.
t. born in 1995
whats the definition of a zoomer?
It’s not uncreative in the least. It’s very well written. Nothing groundbreaking like Seinfeld, but almost perfectly crafted relationship-based sitcom.
Anyone born born from '95 onwards
Well from the start in Seinfeld they’re all reasonably well off so that makes them more likely to be white
And Jerry is Jewish, I don’t know if George is or not canonically
I know that Kramer and Elaine aren’t Jewish in the show despite the actors being Jewish
Also who fucking cares about what ethnicity the characters have it doesn’t matter
Who’s your favourite Tonari no Seinfeld character?
Mine is Kramer-san
i was born in 92, if i don't watch friends every morning my day is incomplete and i feel depressed, idk why tho.
Manhattan in the 90s was like 90% white.
In my experience zoomers love this shit. Personally I don’t like it so much because the characters are so one dimensional in a ‘my personality boils down to one wacky trait’ kinda way.
Millennials are like that I hear
Too white
Homophobic/transphobic jokes
“Male gaze”
They're all jews
Even now it’s literally only 15% black. It’s not like they lived in Harlem.
Is that a worst to best lest?
For me, it was Chloe
The zoomers I know that like the office all like friends too
I’ve heard some retards got triggered by anti-gay jokes but friends sucks because regardless of the topic of the joke, the joke is still usually lame
They’re boring normalfag shows
Seinfeld was better than friends, it’s always sunny was better than the office
Kino choice. For me, it was this whore.
How can you think Ross is worst? He carries the show
>hanging with a girl
>watching friends
>she asks who my favorite is
>tell her ross
>asks me to leave
Salmon Skin roll
For me? It’s Ken Adams.
The armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part
for me it's regina falange
A paleontologist who works out, you're like Indiana Jones
She looks a lot like Princess Consuela Bananahammock
They don't. Retard
Zoomer girls love it
crap bag likes her
i AM like Indiana Jones
Two out of five isn't most.
Because Ross actually tried to get with a woman out of his league instead of rolling over and accepting defeat.
How did they get away with this? Is Ross just that based?
What defines a zoomer? Cutoff date for being born would be what
he didn't try, rachel just pitied him after watching that video from the prom
That isn't Lisa Kudrows feet
Lower right
but my 19 yo zoomer gf loves friends, op!
t. 28 yo boomer
Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
its too jewey. they also hate scienfield and curb your enthusiasm
never seen a single episode, is it worth watching
t. currently binging scrubs while grinding the type 87 in war thunder
you could do better with your time
Fuck you foot fag scum
>It's not funny.
>Drama isn't as good as it thinks it is
>5 seasons longer than it needed to be
Thank god sitcoms like Friends are finally on their death bed.
98 but feel like i identify with stuff in the Late Millenial culture as much as i do if not more than Early Zoomer
It really is. I was mad when the thots just stole the apartment back
Too diverse
That is what happened when you had make roommates
Do they?
>literally projecting
Its so happy and their lives are so sad
>There's never a bad time for any of the characters that lasts more than one episode.
Sitcoms like Roseanne and Married with Children weren’t like that
Core millennial and I hate that gay ass show cause I wasn't a faggot that sucked cocks for a living.
Reminder that there is no such thing as boomers and zoomers.
Baby boomers are people born between 1946 – 1964 which I doubt any of us here are.
The term you are looking for is Millennials, which are people born between 1980-2000
>According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Generation Z, which they defined as people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, made up 25% of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.
*thread hidden
Don't bother replying to me
The last 2 or 3 seasons were a bit crap
Joey became a retard, and the Rachel joey story was dumb
I didnt like phoebes pregnancy story in season 4, i didn't like the 2 other character she was pregnant for
It wouldn't even occur to anyone whose not a /pol/tard that Ashkenazi Jews aren't white
Ross became the best character after divorcing Emily. Chandler, shame what happened to him after he started dating Monica.
Best girls, both with short hair. Coincidence?
george's mother is a jew, father italian
Not enough black people. Not enough superheroes. Not enough politics.
No it wasn't.
I love Coupling but it dies when Jeff leaves
Lower Manhattan was 5% black in the late 90s.
yes it was. You might be thinking of the greater NY area. But Manhatten was very much white as fuck, watch Sex and the City.
zoomies love this show actually
They hate Frasier
I'm a boomer and I hate it.
Monica was such a beeyotch in this episode
cause all sitcoms are shite