Would an HBO-like series be possible?
Would an HBO-like series be possible?
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Its.possible, but impossible to do well in the current year.
Visaully it would end up look like that WoW movie.
>The first 2 book are combined into one season
>books 3, 4 and 5 can be combined onto one season
>cut out about 40 books of filler
>thousand sons would end up being a whole season by itself or would have to be slimmed down
>skip to the later books, wolfsbane and slaves to darkness as a season 4
>season 5 is the lead up and seige of terra
It could only be good if the creators went maximum autisum. Which wont happen in the current year
not in the current anno domini since there is no way to divorce the fascist undertones from the plot or setting
and we cant have fascist television now can we (at least not without a wave of asspain unprecedented since 2016)
The authoritarian undertones are supposed to be ironic, but npcs have no sence of irony
Doing even a semi decent approximation of WH40K on the small screen would require a budget higher than any TV series that has ever been made.
yeah try explaining that to the low IQ plebs
all you'd get in response is "dogwhistle dogwhistle", "closeted fascism" and "this is television in Drumpfs America"
Cain would work better as a first 40k show. If it works then they can try HH.
Cain is much more light hearted, and from a writing perspective you can start small and work outwards. You can even make jorgen a nigger to appease npcs.
That or some kind of more MASH-tier imperial guard series
I fucking wish
Cadian Blood as a single season show. Normal humans fighting inhuman foes on a insignificant planet whilst their home world burns. Cadia Stands.
They would most likely ruin it
>HBO series about a bunch of genetically-engineered superhumans with daddy issues set in the distant future
The books are a guilty pleasure for me I'll admit but come on, nobody wants to see ABD-I mean Angron cry about his daddy issues
yeah, 100 books of military fascism, I'm sure not one of the dozens of writers were ever genuine about it, not even a little.
Maybe in 40k, but the secular interstellar imperium guided by an ever burning fire of truth is right out of the mouth of julius evola
They would undoubtably ruin in
In the first two books of the horus heresey theres a black reporter who craves big marine penis and succumbs to a religious fever after seeing demons in a library
>Not an HBO series about warhammer fantasy, set against the backdrop of the total war game/end times
Give George R.R. the writing spot and it would be a bloodbath.
reddit: the post
Man, they could do an mini series just on the fall of horus theres so much crammed in the early books
Id love to see horus after hes stabbed by anathema having his hallucinations in that chaos temple
I've just finished book 21 of like 60 and let me tell you, some kind of abridgment would be in order.
The book Fear to Tread needs to be 90 minutes screentime if it makes it in at all because jesus christ did it drag.
But genuinely you would need to do it not in conventional seasons, but in events that comprised of 3-4 long episodes coming out maybe once every eight months. These would be
A first season of 10-12 episodes that gets you from Horus Rising to the Dropsite Massacre, inclusive of the book Fulgrim.
The First Heretic as a 3 episode miniseries
Burning of Prospero as a 4-6 episode miniseries.
Know no Fear/battle of Calth as 3-4 episodes.
A better written version of Fear to tread-2-3 episodes.
And that's about as far as I've gotten in the series. You'd string along the critical books as miniseries before getting to the siege of Terra as another 10 episode season.
>And that's about as far as I've gotten in the series
Its mostly downhill from there bro
t. stopped at the Magnus one before Tallarn
the weight of the HH is lost if you don't first show the repercussions in or around the 41st millenium
40k would benefit from having a bunch of unconnected short stories (like the Animatrix, Halo Legends, etc) in different mediums, followed by a few mini-series that paint the broader landscape with a roughly contiguous storyline
i just want a good modern sci fi space opera
Not in the current year since the Imperium is basically turbo fascist.
> Visaully it would end up look like that WoW movie.
That's very optimistic for a HBO show
>a nigger
warhammer is so gay
The whole point of 40k is to take authoritarianism to the eleventh degree, making it look grotesque and absurd. It's a deliberate parody of militarism taking the traditional warrior monk hero and twisting it into a brainwashed inhuman zealot, more machine and bio-upgrades than man.
In it's early days Warhammer 40k, the Imperium of Man was still somehwhat subversive, but then it got completely sanitized by marketing execs for USA sales and became some sort of fascist fantasy by accident.
The WoW generation """"writers"""" working for BL are only making this problem worse because they're either too stupid to understand the setting and play it straight resulting in ultra corny genre fiction or they're woke twitter liberals who think inserting enough black people somehow fixes the problem of modern 40k basically glorifying fascism. It's on the same level as the US army proudly presenting their first trans black drone operators.
You have this empire supposedly protecting the holy human form. Then you see it's citizens, often completely irecognizable from baseline humans, a clergy obsssesed with tech implants, an emperor that's not even close to human, a warrior caste made up of twisted parodies of soldiers that look like a 13 yo chunni made them up.
>succumbs to a religious fever after seeing demons in a library
That's Eufrati Keeler, the white woman. Mersadie Oliton is the black one.
But apparently these contradictions fly way above the "HERESY XD" crowd.
Horus Heresy? Absolutely not. Skipping the fact that it is too based for the current year 40k especially Horus Heresy is all about scale. Demigods in grandiose armour fighting each other with retarded awesome weaponry which makes it extremely difficult to adapt. On the other hand something like Gaunt's Ghosts could perhaps work. I haven't read the books by the way so correct me if I am mistaken since I gave it as an example as a beloved story on the Imperial Guard.
Also throw in the fact the original creators were huge Roman Empire fetishists who wanted the fall of the Roman Empire in space.
Yeah it’s really Interesting how the whole “fandom” phenomenon has taking the 40k universe, something as you said was never played straight and through it’s tendencies to defend, personalise
and aggrandise its target made that original satire, or at least joke something people get into actual political debates about
Tau are the only ones that seem pretty based to me. It's the only faction I'd even want to be part of in that universe.
>inb4 brainwashing
Nobody cares about Hammercraft except the nerds of tg.
Fuck off space commie.
Shit like Warhammer's lore/story.
say that to my face in the field, fucker and not in the warp and see what happens
ok commie faggot
>Would an HBO-like series be possible?
No. Just no, they don't know how to commit
Get the guys who did these:
And get Miller and Verhoeven to direct.
tau don't belong in the universe and neither does your faggotry
It would suck. Everything always sucks.
not even commie, but it beats living in some imperial shit hole planet. You literally have soviets in your military.
Why does /tg/ love Thousand Sons so much, anyway? I read part of it on summer vacation like four years ago and it doesn't seem much different from any of the other HH books, except with mind bullets instead of bolters.
You will get a chainsaw in the head bluenigger
if mary sue was a faction, the tau would be that faction
How would that even work, since Warhammer is peak high fantasy with actual evil.
>"Katarin you WILL marry Archaon and put to bed these sordid rumours about you and bears..."
no obiously not HBO would forcibly inject it with aids
Because Magnus is a literal autist who only wanted to play video games so it hits right at home.
good luck with that, I'm behind 99 kroot.
HBO is fucking awful so no.
Their entire existance is thanks to the slow beuracracy of man and warp clouds
Ones got to give, a stamped paper or clearing and theyre over
The Taus are interesting because they're another proof that GW is chronically incompetent with it's planned vision.
The Tau aren't some rosy hippies, but they're supposed to provide contrast. They're the new guys who haven't gone through all the shit humans have, the naive new kid on the block. By making them grimdark with all the "le sterilized brainwashing" you're only ruining this dichotomy by making everyone grimdark, it's stupid.
The whole Farsight enclaves story is fairly well told though and as a Starship Trooper style militarist republic, possibly the most democratic faction in game.
>caste system
>led by monks
>greater good of society always comes first
>gundam aesthetics
The Tau are Confucians in space and it couldn't be more obvious.
for me, it’s the orcs
I thought that was Perturabo.
warhammer is shit
Bigga dakka lodda grot
Simplenas, aye boss
Based run of the mill Yea Forums poster
Why didn't Perturabo just design beautiful cities in the world's he conquered like Gulliman instead of sulking like a passive-aggressive autist?
What do you think would happen if the Imperium decided to switch to Democracy, user? It would mean the death of the human race. 90% of planets would pull all their troops back just to their own planet, hive worlds would starve as agriworlds keep their crops to themselves, all worlds would slowly fall apart as forge worlds no longer feel the urge to give away everything they make, and worlds that have traditionally been kept safe from invasion by being insulated would likely get rid of conscription, which would leave them as easy pickings after the trillions on the frontlines all get genocided by xenos.
Not to mention all the human-on-human wars that would happen as some planets try and make a new Imperium. Authoritarianism is the only thing orchestrating the toil of humanity towards the enemies of mankind (inefficient as it is), and worship of the Emperor is the only thing that protects the souls of mankind from predation of the foul daemons (which actually exist in 40k). Atheism is just wrong in 40k's setting.
For example compare the ground troops. The Tau have this clean tacticool vibe to indicate they're all about muh rational science and don't care about superstitions or useless pomp.
This is the gayest 40k post I've ever read.
Compare it then to the guard. Their formations ressemble an orthodox procession as much as a battle. You can see that this is a millenia old empire with traditions behind it.
Muddying this gap between the young Tau and old Imperium is a shitty design choice and just makes the entire universe less interesting. I'm looking at you Primaris marines.
Something about a bunch of ripped guys...alone in space...seems kinda gay
>fully unable to understand parody via pushing a concept to it's absurd end
American, I presume?
women literally CAN'T understand it. don't try so hard bitch.
I heard you like to kiss girls faggot
The Tau are lucky they have blank souls, and thus don't have to worry about fighting the Warp.
>not addressing anything I said
It doesn't matter if it was intended to be parody or not, the truth remains that the Imperium is the only thing standing between mankind and extinction.
>Reading comprehension
>season 5 is the lead up and seige of terra
If they're doing something this ambitious they'd probably have it be 10 to 12 seasons for the whole story like they wanted to do with GoT.
It's a product of the 80s. Being edgy in the 80s was cool, unironically. Also with thousands of hours of content spread across multiple mediums, I'd say someone somewhere was sincere about it.
>Sam Witwer as Corvus Corax
It's crazy how people think the Imperium are bad guys. They just don't want to raped by emotional demon monsters for eternity, so they make some drastic moves.
40k is a joke and will never, ever translate to a live action format.
Maybe a high quality animated feature would work, but not live action, under no circumstances without extreme modification to the aesthetics to make it actually work and not look laughable.
Something like Starship Troopers would be great.
Great, I'm glad you understand that. Now if only you would stop trying to make shitty hollywood anime adaptations, mr shekelnoseberg
Absolutely, but it would have to forfeit all or majority of the rein to GW themselves. I trust nobody else to respect the IP. It would never work as a movie or movies, but the setting is beyond perfect for a multi-season series.
It would honestly probably be the first time I pay for something like that.
>the weight of the HH is lost if you don't first show the repercussions in or around the 41st millenium
This is why it should show so much why the Great Crusade is the last best hope for humanity in the Galaxy. Secular Imperial truth about no supernatural daemons or gods would be crusial and the perils of Warp travel the mysterious ever-present threat of losing that truth. And how the Emperor is almost finished with the Webway project to save humanity's future.
Jesus Christ the whole point of 40k is the subversion of 80s hammy space fiction with human soldiers blasting aliens and being good guys.
There are no good guys in 40k, it's made abundantly clear the Imperium is a horribly shitty place to live, it's in a state of constant decline.
The government has unrestricted power, the citizens next to no rights, military service is near-universal and compulsory, and multiple branches of government and military have no accountability. The state-sponsored religion is mandatory and repressive, and the government is built around xenophobia both figuratively and literally. To top it all off the god-emperor sits passive in his golden throne, being kept alive so that his empire could live on, but his tortured soul has to watch as his ideas were perverted into something he never wanted. While he preached an end to religion, and the advancement of science, he became the religion that his empire worshiped. While he was all for progressing science, it became heretical to use anything that was not already invented by the time he died. All our glorious emperor can do is sit in his golden throne, and watch as his empire slowly crumbles from within and without.
Thinking that the Imperium are the good guys "by default" betrays a childish worldview. You want heroes to root for, unable to understand the wider themes of the setting. So the cover up the bad parts of the humans you only take away the surface messages, superhuman warriors in fancy armor killing alines with chainswords.
can i get a quick rundown on WH40k?
>The government has unrestricted power, the citizens next to no rights, military service is near-universal and compulsory, and multiple branches of government and military have no accountability.
unironic paradise
none of that is a bad thing in the universe where humans are constantly being devoured by the bajillions by invisible omnipotent space gods. if they wanted to subvert scifi space marine tropes they shouldn't have even included humans as a faction in the first place. Why is it naive to cheer for your own race you smug liberal cunt?
>Why is it naive to cheer for your own race yo
I'm pretty certain you are not white though
AIDS in space.
In the grimdark future of mankind people on an anime website continually try to shift fascist propaganda between good and bad light
A live action version would be incredibly expensive. An animated show might be good.
One of the whole points of warhammer is the feeling of "humanity fuck yeah." Sorry if your jewish soibrain doesn't understand.
>unironically thinking humans are some force of good in 40k
0iq post
>shitskin trying to feel like he belongs
It's ok
I always draw parallels to Judge Dredd when talking about 40k. You're not supposed to think the government is fair or reasonable in either setting, even though most stories are focused on enforcing its rules.
>c-chaos are the good ones!
jew detected
buncha umies and weirdos keep bargin in on orky stuff
shame, strewth
Who are you quoting?
>unironically embracing the message of fanaticism and xenophobia that are supposed to be satire like the peabrained idiot you are
It's a wargame taken to its logical conclusion where everything is war all the time, for no particular reason. If you think the Imperium is worth unironically cheering for, you might have problems discerning satire from sincerity.
but dude
they have free drugs and chicks with dicks
Not OP but...
just need good casting
>I subscribe to one race, the human race
You just played yourself.
>xenophobia bad
>war for no reason
>where everything is war all the time, for no particular reason
maybe that's how the game first started, and then they wrote 100 books of fluff showing how humans, against all odds, are fighting literal gods. It's an underdog story, if you don't understand why people cheer for humans, you're probably, unironically, a jew.
I'm a pretty entry level fan but basically
>God Emperor of Mankind has been around forever, no one really knows where he came from but he's been watching humanity for a really long time until he finally makes his appearance and proceeds to conquer everything
>Everyone rallies behind him either by brute force or they witness his power and are convinced
>Emperor makes a bunch of super human warriors to conquer shit in his stead since he's a busy guy now
>Chaos gods don't like it and scatter the warriors all over the place so the Emperor doesn't know where they are
>Probably the most important one is Horus
>Horus is the Emperor's favorite, he is corrupted by Chaos and betrays the Emperor
>After tons of brutal battles the Emperor confronts Horus, the Emperor wins but is fatally wounded and basically dies
>The Empire manage to keep the Emperor alive through a futuristic iron lung made of gold, just to keep the thing running 1,000 psychers have to be sacrificed every single day
>The Emperor is now a shadow of his former self, but still a god nonetheless
>Humanity can basically never gain any ground in any wars anymore and everyone is at a gridlocked standoff of constantly trading territory in brutal as fuck battles which cost immeasurable life on all sides
>There will never be an end
so kinda like dune in a way, with the god emperor
The issue is 40k is way too niche to ever make money, hence it will never be adapted.
There's some interesting source material, and I like the 40k universe in general, but it's not suited at all for a television or film series.
no, they'd have manlet space marines and also demand that there should be female space marines too even if the sisters of battle are already a thing.
But since is a fucking game it's perfectly okay for someone to pick chaos or xenos. Come to papa nurgle.
it looks like toystory 2
>the imperium is just fighting for no reason LOL
So if they just disarmed and invited the Orks, Tau, Drukhari, Necrons, Tyranids, and Chaos Gods to tea, it'd all be cherry, right?
The only race mankind could MAYBE ally with are the Eldar, and that's only because the Elder have no sizable leverage against the Imperium at this very moment, and they share all of the same enemies.
What a fucking retarded post.
I like to play chaos when I'm feeling a bit misanthropic, which happens to be all the time, but saying it's "naive to cheer for the imperium because they're like... fascists!" is just weak. I don't have time for soibois.
This thread just made me re-install Dawn of War, thanks
it would actually be funny to see them bitching about facism and trying to guilt trip each other about punching nazis with in their ranks
If they wanted to make the Imperium an irredeemable monstrosity with no reason for existing, they shouldn't have arrayed mankind against an impossibly dire situation that required a government like the Imperium. The setting itself justifies the Imperium's existence.
HBO had incredible visual effects and props in the early season of /got/
It would only work if some "nerd" director and producer pitched it and said it would be the next big thing.
I'm an autistic virgin in my 30's but I'm not really into this stuff. I wish I was passionate about something besides jerking off and sleeping.
Rome 2 please
Animated shorts would be perfect for it.
I wish we could see something like this
No because 40k lacks any real depth
Muh grimdark future would seem childish to most people (because it is)
I think it’s fun but it’d only work as a story if you took a more comedic tone with it
Without any humour or levity it’ll get real cringy real fast
Won't happen. Series is over.
Jesus fucking christ that would be expensive
Don't blame the franchise for your inability to suspend disbelief you fucking brainlet peasant. How do you even movies?
I really don't get why people want a movie/TV series about the Horus Heresy. With its massive ensemble cast of characters so superior to normal men that they're difficult to relate to and almost inhuman, it's really not a story suited to the big screen
Also, maybe I'm just too much of an oldfag, but I thought Warhammer was way cooler back when the Heresy was distant quasi-mythical history that appeared only through indirect references in other stories.
I'd rather have a series that followed an Inquisitor and his acolytes or a Rogue Trade and his retinue.
britbongs are very anxious about their fundamental irrelevance in the world today after their hundreds of years old empire collapsed in the space of about seven years. One of the ways they express this is to create a setting where Britain's collapse actually affected people as much as they wish it did, but transcribe that setting into space.
Ultimately it's like if Doctor Who was created by the gross guy who smelled like dirty sinkwater instead of the fat girl who had Buffy stickers all over her pencil case.
Does anything have a worse aesthetic than Warhammer?
Was this any good?
Yeah, literally any other sci-fi setting (other than cyberpunk)
your vagina
Now they've just pushed the Misty Ages Past to the Age of Strife and Butlerian jihad shit. I just wish they would bring someone other than the Lion back next, dude is the only one more boring than Rowboat.
Alright I may have been awkward in communicating my thoughts here.
Listen here, I've been in this hobby for about a decade now and I have a 1k Imperial Guard and 800 Tau and 700 Dark Eldar armies. I know the in-setting reason why everyone is at war, I'm aware of how the lore works.
I'm talking about the meta-reasons here. In most settings you usually have a home front that's peaceful, respites between fighting and principles alliances. The problem is that in a wargame you never see any of this - only combat - and depending on what army you collection you may often play mirror matches or matches against supposed allies. GW approached this by basically taking the premises of the tabletop wargame - there is only war and everyone fights everyone - and put them directly into the lore. The universe itself was built that way, which is why the Imperium is permanently at war with aliens and aliens want to kill every human.
It's not supposed to be played straight, the setting itself is a satire of wargaming by taking the concept to the max.
Lexx, maybe Stargate.
Remember that it came out during the age of glam rock and shit, and they haven't been able to do much to update it without scrapping the entire story like they did with Sigmar.
I'm a normie who only knows the franchise because of Dawn of War, though, so I can't say I ever had much love for the rest of the setting.
We don't talk about it
The animations were bad and scenes and story were meh, but the voice acting and soundtrack was really good
John Hurt was easily the best actor in the movie and he carried it somewhat but you cant polish a turd
The entirety of WamHam 40k can be summarized by either
>stuff that currently happens or used to happen on earth (large army battles with huge casualties on both sides, piracy, inefficienct bureaucracies)
>weird space magic (Warp, psykers, space orcs and space elves, retardedly high Space Marine power levels)
The first section, which strictly speaking is the Imperial Guard or some equivalent organization, is literally just every other war movie/series but with weird costumes, and there's no reason to make it when you could just make a WW1 series and make it relatable to 100x more people.
The second section will be the equivalent of John Carter of Mars, weird sci-fi stuff that confuses general audiences.
In conclusion, if it ever happens it will be pointless and probably canceled after two seasons
The best way to show your appreciation for satire and parody is to completely ignore those elements and just take it at face value. It's more fun that way.
But if you design races like the Tyranids, like the Necrons, like the Orks, and LIKE Chaos, how can you have anything but constant war? How can you have any long periods of respite? Requiring that many changes, how could you have 40k?
Maybe you should just fuck off, user? Have you ever thought about that?
>But if you design races like the _____ , like the _____, like the _____, and LIKE _____, how can you have anything but constant war
This, the whole setting is sustained by its aesthetics, which is understandable as it's primarily a miniature game. This makes it fundamentally ill suited for telling a story where you're time limited to either 1h20 or 20 minute episodes.
It's similar to Moebius and the Metal Hurlant comics, every single attempt at adaptation miserably fails because the whole universe is built around aesthetics and visuals, not story.
user knows that the setting is predicated on Only War and doesn't want them to fix it, he just wants people to be aware that you don't need to take it seriously all the time. He's just complaining about weird slavs who just use it as an excuse to sink all their spare income into Death Corps minis and embarrassing tattoos.
What did he mean by this?
?? Are you just thick?
The entire point is that unlike say Star Wars or Dune, the entire setting, all of its races are geared towards constant war because of the setting's very nature as a wargame. This is what leads to the whole "grimdark" aesthetic where everything is constantly terrible, dying and in ruins.
How the hell do you spend a decade with Warhammer and only end up with ~2500 points worth of figures? Back when I was into Fantasy Battle I had an Empire army that was easily 10000 points, and that only took me about 5 years and on top of that I had a 1500+ point army of Chaos Space Marines for when I wanted to play 40k.
I don't know, I think he's just autistic.
I know that, but he's saying that that's a bad thing. I'm saying that if you think that's a bad thing, what is required to "fix" it is to fundamentally change all of the lore to the point that it isn't 40k anymore, so just stop fucking whining.
Was there ever a female character in this closet homosexual franchise
then go choke on a lightsaber™ if you can't get in to the setting and not conforming to your belifs
This is what I'm trying to say, thank you user. If you want to use a fabtasy setting for your neo-nazi LARP go bother Lord of the Rings, that's an actual sincere unironic completely straight tale about a battle between good and evil.
Warhammer Fantasy and 40k are at their core based on Moorcockian cosmology of perpetual struggle between Order and Chaos used to justify perpetual war with enormous doses of satire and black humor loaded on top. Using it for your "killing mudskins on the wall" fantasy betrays an incredibly shallow understanding of the setting and makes me mad as a hobbyist.
Okay, it's fair to say that if you only play the tabletop game, you wouldn't care about the extra fluff. But people who spend dozens of hours reading the imperium books, tend to develop attachment for them. And people like you come here with your smug ACKSHUALLY mindset telling us we're wrong. Why. Don't. You. Just. Fuck. Off.
Sisters of Battle
>without any humor or levity
People who say 40K takes itself too seriously expose themselves as casuals
When you make a faction directly based on British Soccer Fanboys you know what you're doing
>weird slavs who just use it as an excuse to sink all their spare income into Death Corps minis and embarrassing tattoos
To be fair it makes perfect sense that Russians would like the Imperial eagle emblem.
He asked for character, not faction
weren't those only added a few years ago because people started seeing through the fag?
>crowned eagle on coat of arms
>not a monarchy
what kind of unholy Slav autism is this
why did horus lose bros? the false god should've been exposed for the farce he is
A bunch of factors, my local scene has always been rather small and 1k matches are about the biggest you could get. I also don't like to spend massive amounts of money on plastic army men. On top of that I dislike fielding armies that aren't at least 75% painted and I'm a slow painter.
I'm not saying it needs to change, I like my 40k as is thank you. But I am saying that using a setting which purposefully parodies it's own genre and taking it straight is idiotic.
Paying off the US's national debt would be cheaper than making a 40k live action to scale.
I want to see Netflix do it with a woman director
Ah hi, time traveller from 1991. How would you rate the John Major government so far?
>I like it as it is, but if you enjoy it you're an idiot
Don't show space marines or ork boyz, necrons,chaos or it will look like the dumbest shit
You're having badwrongfun and I'm not going to idly stand by as you pollute my hobby by proxy.
Horus heresy? Fuck no. Too big to do justice on a reasonable budget. Something smaller like Eisenhorn on the other hand...
The Dark Eldar have semi naked BDSM sluts.
>end times
No let's ignore it.
there is no way to show the orks that isnt retarded
Were Alpha Legion and the Cabal pranked by Tzeentch just like everyone else, or were their predictions accurate and they just failed?
Lots of Inquisitors, officers in army and navy, etc.
Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfax are one of the most powerful new characters.
No? They have been in since RT
are ppl just pretending in this thread?
>being proud of being a filthy secondary
Kek he didn’t say don’t enjoy it, he just said people who use 40k as some vindication or thematic for irl political and social discussion are retarded cus the whole setting is built around an inherently silly premise.
Like that other guy said he is addressing those weirdos who get imperium tattoos, say we need a God emperor, and unironically debate the politics of a universe designed for wargaming
I don't have a better image
Daily reminder that one of the oldest artworks of the Sororitas shows Sister Sin of some unnamed order with satanic imagery gunning down Brother Vermillion of the Rainbow Warriors chapter.
Yup, definitely very serious setting right here, no satire here.
>I'm not saying it needs to change, I like my 40k as is thank you. But I am saying that using a setting which purposefully parodies it's own genre and taking it straight is idiotic.
It's a parody played straight, not unlike a lot of parodies. The humor comes from how absurd these situations inherently are, not from a comedic spin on them.
Thanks for the better image
No. Eventually one of the HBO execs would ask a simple question like "How serious is this franchise supposed to be?" or "Are the Imperium the good guys?" or "Could you explain the core appeal of the Warhammer 40k universe?" and none of the GW guys pitching it would be able to give them a straight answer.
Tanith First-and-Only regiment has one the best female characters, Tona Criid.
it's from the 80's and RT at that. So who knows if it's satire or not when it comes to the bongs. Btw, pretty much everything ftom RT is retconed
Rainbow Warriors were a kino chapter, another proof GW is too stupid to juice their own IP to its fullest extent.
Tona has a hard life
it'll happen to you too.
It's a dangerous game.
Imagine if [s4s] wrote Starship Troopers
We knew perfectly well when we took the job. Hopefully the chinks take over before we completely fuck up, those lads are perfect for the world hegemon job unlike us.
Obviously, WH40K is a setting run entirely on rule of cool and the second you remove that 'gimme' it all turns extremely silly, but within a context where stupid shit like space marines make sense, the setting isn't especially silly. If anything, its sillyness reminds me of the kind of """silly""" (where it's silly only because it happened long ago and not to you or anybody you care about) you read about from real life wars.
If anything, it's less silly than real-life. Only thing making 40K more grimdark than reality is its far greater scale. Even with all the literal planet-eating aliens, long-distance travel needing to go through hell itself, people exploding into demons from wrongthink, and so on, it's a surprisingly comfortable setting to live in. Places like Cadia (RIP) might have it rough , but most of the empire doesn't even seem to be in any special level of discord and appear to be working just fine. If you scaled it down to a planet it'd be a pretty dull affair.
I like the idea but nowadays it'd just look like the gay pride space marine squad. Sadly.
I don't remember if it was here or on /tg/ but someone actually wrote up a pretty good pitch for a Tyrannic War trilogy, anyone have that saved somewhere?
I second this.
>people honestly think it would be good and not just endless trite like the HH book series turned into
Here's your emperor, bro.
>most of the empire doesn't even seem to be in any special level of discord and appear to be working just fine
Don't forget things like feudal worlds where they're still basically stuck in the late middle ages and use shit like black powder firearms and plate mail. The Imperium is large enough to have all sorts of environments.
In the lore the Emperor would be a Turkman anyway, he just constantly has his 12 foot tall golden statue image projected.
Nah back when Emps was born Anatolia was populated by some obscure pre-PIE peoples who we don't really know what they looked like. Plus the Emperor was pretty explicitly based on Conan. Just get someone buff, bronzed with flowing black hair.
The whole point of the setting is the grand tragedy of the Imperium having simultaneously become a twisted, terrible blight on Mankind, but being necessary for its survival
Just because the Imperium keeps Humanity alive doesn't make it *right*. Especially because a majority of the bad shit that necessitates the Imperium being an authoritarian nightmare is the direct consequence of the Emperor's fuckups that led to the Horus Heresy and its ten-thousand-year-long fallout
>make Jurgen* a nigger to appease NPCs
>implying making that smelly retard black would do anything but trigger them further
Why do libcucks have a problem with roleplaying as the imperium? they have to bring up the whole fascism thing every time you praise the emperor.
If it did Yea Forums would still complain about the actor casted to play the Emperor was brown.
with a porn addiction.
some atheist rational guy ends up creating a persecuting religious empire
Seems like a pain in the ass to make this as a warding jester
Easy way to ruin it
They should use the 80a asthetic
Instead of being glorious bara supermen, space marines look like ungodly monstrosities with tubes and machines coming out of every orafice
>the special effects budget wouls cost more then the US gdp
god forbid his actor is brown
what about Sisters of Battle?
I'd cast Victoria Justice as one.
>tfw no Sanguinius daddy bf
>Instead of being glorious bara supermen, space marines look like ungodly monstrosities with tubes and machines coming out of every orafice
Um, user...mechanicus has got that covered already
be a god and flaunt your supernatural abilities while telling people not to treat you like a god
It would have to be animated. When was the last time that HBO did a good animated series? Spawn?
Way too expensive without going full Tokusatsu. (i.e. not giving a fuck about how cheesy it looks)
>clergy obsssesed with tech implants
Fucking retard you don't even know the setting. Kill yourself.
a 40K space marines? probably not, but IG would be doable.
>but IG would be doable.
>500 main characters
>3/4 of them die in the first episode
That's a very generous estimate, man. Let's bump it up to about 9/10
I'd like to see a miniseries with each episode based around a single Primarch and their antics up until getting found by the Emperor
That's 18 episodes mang. Far past what qualifies for a miniseries.
i would love to see a Warhammer movie but Hollywood will ruin it
this sounds pretty interesting
they arent exacly good anyway, they waste resourses like crazy, they are so bad organized that the Tau are still allowed to exist only thanks to paperwork hell, their answere to any problem is throwing soldiers to it until the problem fix itself or everyone dies, their threat their people like slaves and any technology advance is considered heresy, they are not even a shadow of what the human empire use to be and are too cowards to retake their glory
what is the empire but a big big dead corpse?
Starship troopers mixed with Halo, Doom and Mass Effect. Then dump in a shitload of steroids.
Have fun being a slave, corpse worshiper.
i look at it more like "what if we try to solve every problem throwing soldies at it? what it didnt work? maybe more soldies will do the job"
just like a trench war, where no one actually win
The Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperium are separate entities and peoples, with different theologies
well, imperium is more like a pre-modern state than a modern one. it's less like it directly rules its territories and more like it has a lot of vassals it can call on for their tithe; extremely decentralized and inefficient.
that does make them sound like a sleeping giant, though. if in some alternate universe, the rule of terra was toppled and someone who actually knew how to rule replace it, mankind could retake the galaxy.
on the other hand, given the inherent dangers of the warhammer universe (e.g. merely thinking wrong thoughts can open doorways for demons to come through to eat your planet), the imperium has to be doing something right since that isn't happening all the time everywhere. presumably, belief in the god emperor acts like some sort of ward. so reorganizing the government might be more dangerous than it looks on the surface.
maybe the decrepit old fucks mindlessly adhering to their dogma are the lesser evil.
the first one is bad ass......... the second video is cringe inducing.
What the fuck? Go shitpost another thread asshole
You're a fucking idiot
>emperors fuck ups
you mean mangus's fuck ups, god he's such a fuck up
the relationship between humans and Eldar is complicated: They hate and fight against each other but when shit really hits the fan they work together
>human transformer legos
Please grow up and consider watching actual cinema.
dishonest post
>'d rather have a series that followed an Inquisitor and his acolytes or a Rogue Trade and his retinue.
imagine how cool it would be to have a movie about an Inquisitor trying to unravel a mystery (chaos cult or Xeno technology)
>no mention of Lotarra, baddest bitch in the galaxy
Disappointing, she'll shoot your escape pods for this act of treason
>they work together
with shit writers maybe. eldar see humans as animals. they'll happily manipulate humans to fight eldar battles for them, or even help humans now because they've divined doing so will save eldar lives in the future, but they'll never do anything to help a human as an end in itself
I can imagine it opening to a scene like this
>opens with a scene of some tough looking aliens gearing up for a fight
>they have big armor and big guns and are setting up to defend in a battle of somekind, they look really tough
>suddenly a formation of space marines drop and barrel right through them, slaughtering the aliens with almost no loses
>the space marinea keep moving without skipping a beat to exterminate a village or town the aliens were defending
How is Warhammer 40k satire? I read that it was at the beginning when GW made their first books
>Squats are the only ones that seem pretty based to me. It's the only faction I'd even want to be part of in that universe.
>at least another year until part 4
>no news on blood angels even tho its suppose to be released in a couple months
how the fuck are you supposed to move in that armor?
The same way you'd move without it, only better
the visuals and music are cool... but HOLY FUCK you have to be kidding me with those three mains.
I like the main inquisitor, his delivery of "in the name of the God Emperor" is great
I think it's pretty good for being an entirely fan movie
>muh hobby good
>other hobbies dumb
you'd probably get father if you posted in good faith and didn't shit all over something because you're not interested in it. JUST SAYING.
Too busy playing W40k with his boys
I'd watch an Eisenhorn movie
Is the lord inquisitor actually still beings made or is that first 10 mins all well ever get? One guy making that kinda movie by himself would take a decade.
Why not get the guy who made astartes, the guy who made hellsreach and the guy who made LI and team them up for a 40 movie?
the guys who made helsreach are making the offical 40k show, blood angels, along with the guy that made the Guardsman,
the guy who made astartes still needs to make more astartes, lord inquisitor guy is going to take another 5 years unless GW starts funding more shit
Alpha Legion have never succeeded at anything, ever.
Its been shitcanned.
The creator shelved it "temporarily" to start up a studio or some shit to dedicate to doing it, but we all know how well that goes.
That's what they want you to believe. Alpha Legionnaire
Indeed fellow Imperial Citizen, Alpha Legion does not exist
Evola was crippled because he took walks during bombing raids, helped set up the SS, and declared he was a 'Super Fascist' to the Nuremberg judges. Fits well with the Emperor and his Imperial Truth; they both hostilely unbelieve in something because 'fuck that' and create a really try-hard counter philosophy.
They absolutely belong in the setting. The joke is that they're the stereotypical "evil space empire" similar to the galactic empire or any number of alien antagonists. They're militaristic, expansionistic, and treat everyone who isn't Tau as a second class citizen. The fact that they appear so nice by contrast that people like you think they don't belong in the setting is the icing on the cake.
i am aware that they only do it if they have no options. As far as i know, one Eldar tried to warn the God Emperor of the existence of the Chaos gods
Considering the Emperor literally struck a Faustian bargain for tremendous psychic power with them, I’m pretty sure he knew they existed. Also his whole ‘gods don’t real’ schtick was a misguided attempt to decrease their power by reducing belief in the supernatural.
it was just a proof that not all Eldar hate the humans or always act egoistically
No. Because it would never have as much edge and violence as the mega fans crave.
Not enough women and trannies
Siege of Vraks would probably be good, or the Badab War.
Games Workshop would want complete and absolute control over it and there's no way in hell HBO or any studio would allow it
No but it would work as a Zack Snyder movie.
No, GW can't even get video games or animations right
Sisters of battle and Slaanesh, dude.
Is it weird that I think Anthony Jeselnik would be perfect for this role?
>Implying Black Library didn't do that already
"It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die.Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."
Alright now this makes sense, let's shoot it
>you cant polish a turd
well aktually
>The Emperor protects?
>Yes, he does.
Literally came.
>clearly not perfectly spherical
stop lying you elf nigger
>Why not get the guy who made astartes
That all you need where visuals are concerned, everything else sucks dick in comparison. I don't know how the guy handles voice work, but his music and sound effects are all spot on.
I wonder why GW hasn't reached out to him yet or thrown some money his way, the way he animates and frames his shorts are phenomenal; the only people hating on it are turbo-autist that never set foot outside of their attic/basement anyway (and only purchase second hand bootleg miniatures from 3rd edition and keep going on about those rogue trader days).
it's not really fascist, it's more crusader style with ww1/2 aesthetics
It's every type of authoritarianism taken to the extremest possible extreme, that's literally the joke of 40k that everything is exaggerated as much as possible, either ironically or unironically.
To make it look good the costuming and settings would cost too much.
Neither do the cancerous edgelords who call themselves "fans" but I never see them do anything except shitpost
if you had a guardsman series you could make everyone wear cardboard armor and old military fatigues except for the 3% of scenes where some bigshot and his crew passes by looking like a bunch of gilded cathedrals
please god no
those dirty rotten kikes need to stay the fuck away from 40k
everything you enjoy about it will die if they fuck with it
I think a 40k show could be very possible if it was full cgi, also I would much rather it be a anthology series. where every episode is a different story.
how about xenos?
half the budget will be blown on ork costumes alone
no no no this is actually how it is going to be
>1,2,3 books will be one season
>the whole wolves of luna thing will be in the season in quick vague flashbacks
>the story will not focus Gavriel Loken, but on the engineer thot he was telling his tales at
>a huge focus on the hurr durr politics of the Hive Worlds
there you go made. A current year WH40K tv series.
leave 40kino to me
read the books retard to understand what you are pro of. Tau empire would sterilise your mongrel ass, modify you will and throw you into battle.
Well if they dont cast blacks as salamanders they would never find any white actors for it because they would get accused of blackface.
First one is great. Why are people saying a 40k show/movie would be too expensive? That first movie was probably pretty cheap.
>>look like tree man
>> ice sword held together with twine
man fug why did these niggas lose
>He wants women in his army
cmon bruh
is that the Emperor? is he a manlet?
every Imperial military service besides space marines has women
>book 21 of like 60
Nigga I ain't reading 60 books what the hell.
>space of seven years
The collapse of the British Empire was from 1914 - 1965ish
>Is actually beneficial in 40K
Its ok retard let me say some things for you to google, genestealer cults,Chaos cults.
>Real life facism
>40K facism
Please let me know when you can distinguish between the two!
We'll never know. According to the cabal if Horus won then he would have self-imploded and created a new age of strife that would have gradually seen humanity go extinct.
>Besides space marines
Which is what the previous post was referring to, and for you retards who like to coddle and condescend women characters in media you have imperial guard and sisters of battle.
It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.
Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.
To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
How is everything about politics in America? Why would it matter if 40k universe is facist, it´s a fictional universe for emperor´s sake.
yanks need to keep away from our toys.
>The government has unrestricted power, the citizens next to no rights, military service is near-universal and compulsory, and multiple branches of government and military have no accountability.
Yeah, look at Nazi Germany, look at Stalin's USSR. A real fucking blast.
>Oh hai Fulgrim, hows your sex life?