Cast It. Tell us how It would be done.
Cast It. Tell us how It would be done
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Eddie Murphy drags his corpse out of post-comedy retirement and plays all characters simultaneously, a là The Nutty Professor
Here's your Judge Holden bro
Four words
>Madeas Cormac comic Universe
I likes it. I wants it. I gotsa haves it.
Zahler directs
Vince Vaughn as the judge. Paul Dano as the kid, tell me that’s not recipe for kino
As a meta parody
pta anderson, coen bros, mel gibson, craig s zahler
daniel day lewis as judge holden
I actually have a pretty good concept of how it should be done but it's hard to put it into words.
I would basically direct it as a 90 minute music video, like Koyaanisqatsi but fucked up.
>Vince Vaughn
Nah fuck that. Just get an actual good actor who can pull the character off and use Peter Jackson tricks to make him big
Who would play The Kid?
Ridley Scott would've already made this movie, had the studio not demanded that he tone down the violence.
The kid is like 15 so it would probably have to be a fresh star
diverse cast starring the rock as judge holden.
It needs plenty of long establishing shots showing off the landscape with the riders and no dialogue. Music optional. Violence of course. I don't think the amount of violence is THAT out of this world impossible. There's only a couple dead baby parts.
Paul Dano playing all roles.
He's 19 by Chihuahua city I thought?
time travel to retrieve marlon brando
Munchian expressionist animation. Minimal soundtrack. Long, painfully long where you're exhausted at the end of the film. Violence fitting the book. Try to emulate classic westerns as the book is meant to be an anti-western. Obscure cast.
>Everyone focusing on Judge Reddit
The real question is what red nigger is going to play John Joel Glanton
>Black Judge Holden
That would certainly change the interpretation of the ending
Barry Keoghan as The Kid
Vincent D'onofrio as The Judge
Directed by The Coen brothers
the kid is like 14 years old
I play the Muddy little girl that gets raped to death. Also the nigger.
Keoghan would be good but it needs to be someone white
glenn flesher als the judge
tom cruise as glanton
directed by andrew dominik
Mel produces and stars as the Judge, Zahler directs. Tom Hanks cast against type as Glanton
Val Kilmer as the judge. Tom Holland as the kid. Joaquin Phoenix as Glanton
Holland wouldn't last ten minutes in the west before taking it up the ass for quarters in some pox ridden saloon
the strength of blood meridian is in the prose, not in the subject matter. many books should not be adapted for this reason.
Ah the classic reddit opinion
The author disagrees
Any decent illustrations of BM?
The Rock as The Judge
Jason Statham as The Kid/Man
What are some other good McCarthy books? The Road and All the Pretty Horses sound interesting. Any lesser known stuff? Already read old men.
Directed by Terrence Malick. Fat Christian Bale or Daniel Day Lewis as the Judge. Viggo Mortensen as someone, doesn't matter who. It would be long either a miniseries or two 4 hour films.
Do you not watch things for how beautifully they are shot and acted as opposed to what they are about?
I like child of god but it's not for everyone
Everything by him is worth reading, he hasn't written many books so just read them all. Suttree is pretty great.
Ill read it one day but it seems really dark even for McCartney.
Ill read it one day but it seems really dark even for McCartney.
I would just hand it over to the Coen brothers and let them do their thing. It worked for No Country. Plus, they have the gloomy, dry tone down.
guys I've been working on an adaptation very loose just taking a few thematics/characters (the judge and the kid obviously) and grafting it to my experience in Syria with the YPG.
I don't think you can do a real adaptation, but a watered down one with the Muslims as muh indians could work...
Oh also the Judge character would be based of a guy Timothy Wordsworth who I saw eat a bit of human flesh and was totally nuts but also kind of a pussy and a funny dude.
What does TV think? Pic related it's Tim with a Nagant.
This sounds promising.
I think you should play it smart in order to avoid being accused of plagiarism.
Vincent donofrio is the Judge. Shia labouf as the kid
Christian bale would make a great Glanton
BM is different. You need someone who is very strong visually. NCFOM was written like a screenplay so it was an easy adaptation
Are you saying the Coens of all people struggle with visuals?
visually it would be a job for malick but he would probably lose track and just make a completely different film
I think if I were to make this into a movie, I would change the setting to WWII. The Glanton Gang would instead be loosely based around the Dirlewanger unit, SS men going around Russia and Eastern Europe tasked with slaughtering partisans and those believed to be aiding the partisans. As the war starts to go south, their cause becomes less focused and they instead go after anyone that they can target, even friendly citizens and soldiers, to continue pillaging and existing.
I know WWII is a meme but I think of it like how Apocalypse Now is just Heart of Darkness set in Vietnam.
This is the correct answer. He is the only person that can make it. Blessed be Terry.
Nobody could play the judge & nobody could adapt it around The Kid without the POV. It’s a dead project before it begins. Leave it alone.
Sorry, BM is not Malick territory. Too bleak and violent.
I think if he wanted to make it, he could make it work. He would have to stick to script for once and make violent sequences which would be the only obstacles. He makes poetic films so i would say that everything in between the violence, he could make pretty easily. The Thin Red Line and The New World showed that he can direct some action scenes so that's good although in Blood Meridian he would need to use a lot more blood.
Can it even be done?
I have no idea who could play adequately portray the judge and even then translating it onto the screen might still be impossible.
A short series might work but only if it's in the right hands.
Whatever happened to Franco's attempt? Did it even get greenlit?
There was an issue about the book rights, i think. Thank god desu. There is a test footage online by him and it's bad.
I think this sounds like a vanity project. You also type like a faggot.
Suttree is the funniest and my second favorite after BM
>There is a test footage online
Does anyone have a link? I once tried to find it online but didn't find anything.
The crossing is good and would make a good movie
Who's playing the ex-priest and Davy Brown?
Adam Driver as Toadvine
Tom Holland as the Kid
john Hillcoat wanted to adapt and Cormac was on board but the rights are tied up with some jew producer who wasn't having it
Basically this
malick is a fucking retard autist. Eastwood could do it though.
Eastwood is too old and boomer, he doesn't have the blood in him for it anymore
It’s this. He’s the personification of id
The crossing and cities of the plain are sick. Suttree is weird but good. Read them
hate to break it to you, but Zahler doesn't like blood merdian. look it up
>"Around that time someone recommended that I read Blood Meridian, which I know is this beloved western and certainly one of the most popular western books written recently, but I didn’t like Blood Meridian."
i liked dragged across concrete but this outs him as a pleb
I wonder how close the two would have to be for that to happen...
I wasn't going to really put myself into it, was gonna make the main character Jordan Mctaggart who ended up dying. Oh also there was one too many paragraphs in there don't call me a fag my dad's gay.
He can, and probably would be slightly aged up for the film
David Mazouz for the kid
Eastwood literally does only one take of everything and you can clearly see that in his films especially now. Also he is not that visually skilled to pull of the visual poetry that BM requires.
Do you think Tommy Lee Jones is too old to be the priest?
He practically played the judge in pic related
fucking Tobin? Are you kidding Tommy Lee Jones it too old to play anyone beside maybe Captain White.
>David Mazouz
I don't have to even google him to know thats a kike that has no place in a Western
>child actor
So you want the movie to be shit then
It can't be done. It's not only a's THE masterwork. Truly a gift from heaven only describable as mana itself. McCarthy was a man possessed when he put this transcendent art to page.
To try and film this would be a sin of the greatest order.
Inuartu might be a good fit. Pic related was what a BM film should feel like
If we're not going child actor it has to be Casey Affleck for the kid
Tom Cruise should be involved.
Bulked Chris Heyerdahl would be GOAT. He's already pretty tall.
werner herzog could make an interesting film of it
D'Onofrio would be far and away the best choice for Judge. Zahler as director would be based. Gibson and Vaigh as outlaws, Ezra Miller as the boy getting his twinkhole destroyed
This book seems to be a magnet for young men who don't read to feel intellectual. Similar to American Psycho.
Herzog for the smelly naked German guy
If he was eight foot tall and speaking esoteric death dialogues that actually would scare the shit out me more than any other actors I can think of
>Adam Driver as Toadvine
very nice
Inarritu is a fucking gimmicky hack.
His character in Hell on Wheels was very clearly inspired by the Judge
Mads milkensen as the Judge
Asa Butterfield as the Kid
Patrick Wilson as Tobin
Brad Pitt as Glanton
Walton Goggins as Toadvine
That’s all who you need, everyone else could reasonably be unknowns
Fucking /his/ psued stfu
this is either the most hilarious post, or the most depressing post I've ever read
>Brad Pitt as Glanton
It might work now that he's divorced his nigger rearing wife
Shutup fuckboy
niggas supposed to be fat
Sometimes I get the characters ages really wrong.
John Goodman as the Judge
well I can't blame you Blood Meridian is pretty sparse in description/explanation of characters
It needs to be a miniseries, preferably produced by someone like HBO who won't compromise on its violent content.
Director should be someone like Steve McQueen who can effectively highlight the natural world and human brutality (see 12 Years A Slave)
Also, it needs to be prepared to be a critical failure. Critics would hate the content of the source material today, so a faithful adaptation would need to expect this. I think that's the largest production hurdle.
younger John Goodman would've been ideal as Holden
Just a reminder for speed readers: The Judge isn't fat.
15 minutes of close up shot of plants, nature and shit. I dont think that would be an entertaining western
Walton Goggins as Toadvine.
I imagined Ian McShane as Glanton when I read it. The real Glanton died when he was 32, but looks like a 50 year old in photos.
Don't think so. He's a classical director. He likes making simple films told in a non complex way.
so you need to replicate the effects of the prose through the means of cinematography, performance, music and art direction. generally this is called "adaptation". it's a challenge but a great director could pull it off.
The most based decision would be not doing it at all.
HBO mini series wiuld be better than a 2 and a half hour movie IMO
I always imagined fat Marlon Brando as the Judge