How did such a mediocre show about wageslaves attain such a cult status?

How did such a mediocre show about wageslaves attain such a cult status?

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Steve Carrel says funny things and is silly

It's pretty comfy and much more lighthearted than the UK Office.

Only reason is it's easy just to stick on whenever and some people like to sleep to a tv show

>cult status
wew lad how reddit

why does Yea Forums simultaneously complain about "wageslaves" and suck capitalism's cock?

different people have different opinions

though if we have to generalize

when Yea Forums first started it was full of edgy anti bush teen edge liberals

they grew up and became conservatives as kids often do

but then Yea Forums became mainstream and flooded by reddit leftists who don't understand the site's origin and culture.

you can enjoy the fruits of capitalism without sucking jewish cock in a cubicle for the rest of your life.

They were probably salaried

Based reddit spacing oldfag

safety is the bomb falling on somebody else's house, right?

extremely relatable but I can get you dont understand it when you never leave your basement

Season 1-7 is kino. Dont let the contrarians dictate what you think is comfy kino

begone commie

Except it's been flooded by far more right wing people from Reddit than ever came from the left

classic Yea Forums

Because the early seasons were about the drudgery of boring suburban 9-5 life.
Later seasons became a cartoon.

>cult status
literally any piece of crap can get cult status
look at bvs and Aquaman

wageslaving is anti-capitalism, real capitalism is self-employment.
Read hopppe

>the drudgery of boring suburban 9-5 life
Yeah man having a steady job with a salary and air conditioning is such a drag man :(

seething brainlet

>he thinks the American industrial complex as it exists today would survive fine off the backs of self employed small business owners
that's adorable

trips nigga!!!

Nope. Nice try, you guys are persistent with this

Watch the show, faggot.
Most of the characters wanted something more.
Jim wanted Pam
Michael wanted a wife and kids
Pam wanted to be an artist or some shit
Kevin wanted to be in a band
Kelly wanted Ryan
Ryan wanted to advance through Dunder Mifflin
They were working 40 hours a week, not making a lot of money.
>muh steady job
>muh air conditioning
A person working at a movie theater probably made just as much as Pam and also had a steady job and a/c

The amazing thing is how none of those fuckers got fired from slacking all day at their jobs

>stability and comfort is so boring wheres the excitement? :(
>waaaaahhhh it's so hard having a comfortable middle class life....

>who don't understand the site's origin and culture.
You tell 'em Magapede! Yea Forums has always been a place where we RESPECT authority and government! Blue lives matter!

It never did, it's only popular with normies. What do you think cult status is?

>it's a discord trannies pretend to be oldfags episode

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They were close to being shut down for not making enough the early seasons atleast. Then by season 6 or so they are the only branch that's making any money for some reason

Because America is a mediocre country overwhelmingly full of wage slaves

The Office is amazing compared to the regular brand of garbage sitcoms that Americans pump out.

I quite liked the earlier seasons but it got way too ridiculous after a while. Every episode seemed to be a party or a road trip.

Recently started watching The Office for the first time. Got to season 7 and the show has become more and more cartoony, I guess it's safe to jump ship soon

>I'm happy watching rich people having fun on TV, the post

Cope harder tranny

Is this the best episode?

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>wageslaving is anti-capitalism

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Season 5 was the last good season, prove me otherwise.

They were making the most money but not the only ones making money

Shadilay! Praise kek!

Drop it now. They somehow thought it was a good idea to continue the show two seasons after Steve Carell leaves.

there you go.


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Ants need to learn about capitalism too

Much like Cheers, the will-they-or-won't-they aspect of Jim and Pam's relationship hooked people early. Then, much like Cheers, by the time it wasn't a thing normies had heard the show was good and just kept watching it. Unlike Cheers, however, The Office isn't very good.

My ex in a nutshell. Bitch idolized Jim and Pam.

I think The Office is comf because the show takes place in the Mid-Atlantic which is where I grew up which is the only place I've ever enjoyed life.

Always took me out of it when they drove on LA's streets.


>defending capeshit

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Understanding capitalism means becoming some kind of leftist for anyone who's not already in the ruling class, but leftists generally don't hate black people so that's not an option.

How old were you when you grew out of Liberalism?

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>criticizing capitalism

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Have you not grown out of liberalism yet newfriend?

>doubles down on his autism
>uses more lingo he doesn't understand

So that’s a no?

There’s nothing wrong with being liberal at a young age.

I was an unironic nazi from the age of 10
And on my own, never had influences
How do you explain this?

Michael Scott and Dwight carried the show for a long time. Without them, Jim, Pam, Kevin, Angela are actually terrible people who deserve to be wage slaves.

The Office takes place in Scranton, and not Philadelphia for a change. Scranton is smaller and more comfy.

>How do you explain this?
lead paint

The show is good with above average writing. Anyone who says otherwise is trying too hard to dislike something a wide range of people enjoy.

I will say that the later seasons are absolute trash. When Sabre takes over, it's probably a good idea to turn it off.

I'm more annoyed that everyone treats Michael as the worst employee in the company. Later seasons makes it clear that without him, Dunder Mifflin goes to shit.

>never had influences
everyone has influences you dumb tryhard faggot

it wouldn't (and that's a good thing!)

>why does Yea Forums simultaneously complain about "wageslaves" and suck capitalism's cock?

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I am stronger and better than all of you

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Dwight literally carried the entire branch by himself

He outsold their fucking sales computer in one episode.

leftists hate white people, so it's not an option for anyone who isn't a cuck

Michael was a fantastic manager. He understood how to feel the mood of the office and do something stupid when they needed a distraction the most. It was said time and time again that his branch pulled the best numbers and he was a gifted salesman. Managers like him are an easy target for disgruntled, low-level underachievers who think they would do a better job. Even Jim's sarcastic know-it-all ass failed when he tried managing.

>y-you're just contrarian for not liking pleb shit! >:'(
the cry of the redditor

This is how I unironically became a National Socialist

National socialism is about making you feel like something's changing while the elites stay the elites, the rich stay rich, and the workers get ground to dust more than ever. You get an illusory sense of catharsis and revolutionary momentum as they march off some brown person who wasn't the problem, meanwhile you'd better be extra nice to your boss or there are now people in the wings more than willing to smash your knee-caps for causing trouble as your paycheck gets slashed.

Not one ounce of power moves from the owners to the workers. The rich always love backing fascism in any time of crisis where it looks like actual leftism has a chance, because they know its fundamentally about reinforcing existing power structures rather than changing them, creating conditions where revolutionary potential gets dissipated in a hamster wheel of pointless cruelty.

I am on season 5 and the only ones I like are Micheal, Creed and Stanley. Jim has a very punchable face. I bet someone got inspired by him to pull an office prank and got reprimanded


>violent crime from non-whites isn't a problem because the rich are exploitative

>Create a racial underclass and subject them to every single condition and circumstance that is known to increase a demographic's crime rate.
>WTF they're commuting all this crime?

Not our fault Americans decided to make their country a shithole for about 60 percent of the population.

blacks kill and rape at rates much higher than any other group regardless of economic situation
>they can't help raping and murdering, they're poor! ;_;
sounds pretty racist

>regardless of economic situation

Yeah its like there's lower opportunities, higher discrimination, and higher conviction rates with the same evidence for poor black people even compared to equally poor people of other races.

>sounds pretty racist

Explain genius. How would that be racist when the premise of the argument is that worse conditions in an industrialized urban context would make people of any race more likely to commit crime. It's misanthropic if anything. It also doesn't justify any individual crime. Understanding the systematic origin of large scale trends doesn't absolve individuals any more than explaining Nazi Germany would justify the holocaust. That doesn't make it reasonable to conclude Germans are genetically savages, although that's an unfair comparison as on the one hand black people are more likely to get convicted for things they didn't do whereas the Germans definitely did the whole holocaust, they're more likely to go to jail for things they did do compared to other races, and a good fraction of the stuff they go to jail for isn't even wrong.

I know I'm way past any ideas you can fit into your thick skull here though.

Hierarchys are inherent in human nature, user. Even a communist utopia 2ould still have a hierarchy where the elites prosper and the poor suffer. It's simply human nature.

National Socialism channels that inherent nature into something productive, a State that at least cares for the basic needs of the poor even if it can necessarily make everyone equally prosperous (because that notion is literally preposterous).

And it make a Nation (not a state), WORTH working and fighting for because it encompasses ONE people, ONE nation, ONE culture.

I've lived around Blacks and Mexicans my whole life. I was born working class poor in diverse "multi-cultural" city, and it's a fucking hellhole. I know what kind of people 90% of minorities are and they are not American, they are not my Countrymen, and I will never support a government that treats them as such.

>regardless of economic situation

Yeah its like there's lower opportunities, higher discrimination, and higher conviction rates with the same evidence for poor black people even compared to equally poor people of other races.

>sounds pretty racist

Explain genius. How would that be racist when the premise of the argument is that worse conditions in an industrialized urban context would make people of any race more likely to commit crime. It's misanthropic if anything. It also doesn't justify any individual crime. Understanding the systematic origin of large scale trends doesn't absolve individuals any more than explaining Nazi Germany would justify the holocaust. That doesn't make it reasonable to conclude Germans are genetically savages, although that's an unfair comparison as on the one hand black people are more likely to get convicted for things they didn't do whereas the Germans definitely did the whole holocaust, they're more likely to go to jail for things they did do compared to other races, and a good fraction of the stuff they go to jail for isn't even wrong.

I know I'm way past any ideas you can fit into your thick skull here though.

>Hierarchys are inherent in human nature
Yes, you keep believing that, good goy.
>I've lived around Blacks and Mexicans my whole life. I was born working class poor in diverse "multi-cultural" city, and it's a fucking hellhole.
So you're a white nigger, then.

>regardless of economic situation

Yeah its like there's lower opportunities, higher discrimination, and higher conviction rates with the same evidence for poor African-Americans even compared to equally poor people of other races.

>sounds pretty racist

Explain genius. How would that be racist when the premise of the argument is that worse conditions in an industrialized urban context would make people of any race more likely to commit crime. It's misanthropic if anything. It also doesn't justify any individual crime. Understanding the systematic origin of large scale trends doesn't absolve individuals any more than explaining Nazi Germany would justify the holocaust. That doesn't make it reasonable to conclude Germans are genetically savages, although that's an unfair comparison as on the one hand African-Americans are more likely to get convicted for things they didn't do whereas the Germans definitely did the whole holocaust and had it out for us from the beginning, and African-Americans are more likely to go to jail for things they did do compared to other races, and a good fraction of the stuff they go to jail for isn't even wrong.

I know I'm way past any ideas you can fit into your thick skull here though.


there are a lot of mediocre wageslaves in real life too

every family should be its own company and the pope should be head of state of the planet

Are we supposed to feel bad for Jim?

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>Yeah its like there's lower opportunities, higher discrimination, and higher conviction rates with the same evidence for poor black people even compared to equally poor people of other races.

This is what someone who has been propagandized their whole life looks like. Blacks commit more crime, so they go to jail more often. They have a higher rate of recidivism. They're culture promotes being ignorant and brutish because to do otherwise is "acting white" and makes you a race traitor.

America doesn't have a racism problem, it has a black problem.

Show me a single large scale society where true equality existed among all members.

Anywhere in history and any civilization. I'm waiting.

Reminder that the later seasons had some good stuff. The Tallahassee arc was fun.

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Doesn't mean that hierarchys are inherent in human nature.
Anarchy is more like it...

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looks like someone's dilator is a little tight this evening


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and "assimilating" with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

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>brown person who wasn't the problem
brown people are the second biggest problem in white countries

>The rich always love backing fascism
the (((bankers))) have always funded communists, not fascists. the bolsheviks were a bunch of jews funded by jew bankers.
Could this even be made nowadays?

>pretends to understand Yea Forums culture and history
>doesn't know the site was flooded by right wing tourists and edgy young redditors

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Nice meme. Even Chimpanzees have a hierarchical social system. We have literally recorded Chimp bands killing each other over hierarchical differences.

The idea that human hunter gatherers were free ranging and anarchic and not tribal hierarchical is silly.

Humans have 100k+ years of genetic programming determining our actions. We are naturally hierarchical and honestly it's probably a huge reason for humanities relative success as a social group.

is there a more reddit show than this? I cannot get this show. I don't understand it. It isn't funny.

It's them tiddies desu
My god them tiddies


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>not liking The Office
I bet your fun at parties /s


Yea Forums '03-08
>irreverent shitposters and trolls who were staunchly anti Bush
Yea Forums '08-'16
>normie newfags flood in from everywhere imaginable thanks to the rise of the smartphone making the internet more accessible than ever. Obama tears the country in half
Yea Forums '16-Now
2016 election resulted in a huge flood of magapedes, newfags, nazis and commies. Trolling has never been easier. Every board is as easy to troll now as /k/.

>Not Scott's Tots

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Conservative is something that you can only pretend to be.

idk I was busy playing video games and being a social outcast in late middle school/high school while normals were talking about jokes from this show and later on posting big bang theory memes on normalsbook. At most my definition of tv and movies was machinima on youtube and first two transformers movies during that time.

They like to pretend they're better than people because they dont have jobs, its pretty retarded

Stanley has to be the most realistic black character in the series of TV.

The workers weren't slacking off on their job. Computers pretty much made paperwork obsolete outside of book keeping and important documents. Office Jobs are pretty much 5 hours of work forced to be 8 hours due to obsolete requirements.

I made more money doing nothing but data filing for two hours than I did in catering.