Looking back it's a shame...

Looking back it's a shame. For all the bad things about the Hobbit trilogy the casting was most definitely not one of them.

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have sex sweetie

Is there a decent cut available yet?

don't know bro..

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The only good thing was smaug.

I always recommend the maple edit. Takes out all the bad keeps the good. Also it's the one with easily the best quality, if you're willing to download the raw that is. Only one scene is really jarring but that couldn't be helped.

The Amazon LotR show will be so bad that people will look at The Hobbit trilogy fondly in hindsight. Similar to how the new Star Wars films are so bad that normies now look back on the prequels fondly.


what went so horribly wrong? Was it because Hobbit book is not as good as LOTR book? Or because they made 3 movies when there was no material for that? Those are not satisfactory explanations. Decline was ridiculous. LOTR IS 9/10, 9/10, 10/10 while hobbits are unwatchable garbage

Was I supposed to hate the main character? Because I cant fucking stand that guy.


Trying to make a trilogy out of a small book.
Adding in a very pointless female empowerment character with a forced romance that you don't buy and know will go nowhere.
Needlessly making changes like having Azog still alive.
Not enough focus on the other cast members even though they were all played well.
The casting was great. Everything else sucked.

i still like the first one

Elijah Wood as Frodo is the best casting choice ever.

They were better than the average bullshit put out by hollywood, just compared to lotr they sucked. Although the 3rd one was just bad.

Pretty much is my favourite and one of the few good videos Lindsey has done, she nails everything wrong with the hobbit films

Her Genie video is now her best one

>the casting was most definitely not one of them
Not sure if I can completely agree.

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Why did the Dawrven character designs go so horribly wrong?

They wanted to make each dwarf recognizable from the others. That meant wacky hairstyles and beardless heartthrobs.

Would you prefer if they had blue beards?

Fuck if I know. Some of them were really good, but I guess they just couldn't resist shoving a few modelesque shorties in there too for that sweet sweet elven romance.

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You are correct.

I dunno, Martin Freeman just seemed a little too nerdy and composed and Hollywood-esque, and not enough homey. They left out a lot of book Bilbo's silly moments. And he really should have been overweight.

does anyone else cringe/feel bad when theyre watching the hobbit behind-the-scenes and all nobody actors are trying to banter/mention their own character or something and youre thinking 1. i dont remember you in the movies 2. your character is shit 3. the movie was shit

Nah, it's not their fault the green screen and terrible plot bloat ruined the films

CGI orcs. Why?

Post tranduil plz, i need to fap

Martin Freeman is fucking turd in anything he's in.
Half of the dwarves were shit
Radagast was shit.
Everybody in Lake-town was shit.
Beorn was giant shit.

the third one was shockingly bad