Here's your Adam and Eve, bro
(((Good Omens)))
Other urls found in this thread:
Eve is not a white women, 0/10
Hi, my swedish friend
This was obviously before God unlocked those characters.
Also, God is a woman. Get over it.
So? First people were from Afrika, it's only logical that they were black.
I won't. I'll tell everyone to not watch it
NGL, Adam is hot as fuck
>no visible giant negress bush
>Black people doomed humanity
Based and redpilled
Lies. Blacks were "created" after God cursed the sons of Caim with dark skin.
>First people were from Afrika
no, balkans
out of africa is 20th century shit, keep up
They're from Southern Europe, amazingly
Why do they have belly buttons if they are Adam and Eve?
So let me guess, this is another epic deconstruction parody of the bible? On par with that shitty furfag one Argentina made?
>Literally called God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
>"lmao the God is female"
woke af
Bible doesn't say they were white. Science says first humans evolved in horn of Africa.
What's the problem? I swear you're the most pathetic whiny bitches.
Jews are black now?
Does this mean God had a belly button?
>watch the intro last night while really drunk
>can’t get into it because it’s an American woman narrating Pratchett prose.
It just sounds fucking weird and lacking all the humor
>God tells Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree
>They end up stealing the apples from said tree
Seems like they cast them right
>Science says first humans evolved in horn of Africa
you mean (((science)))
It was half written by Gaiman so it’s not 100% Pratchett
I remember reading the book in highschool years ago but I can barely remember anything from it. I’m sure it’ll be a hit with zoomers though.
The people who cooked up that story sure as fuck weren't.
Educate yourselves.
Durrr muh black man does everything first, muh peanut butter, muh space travel
my father once told me that brown people smell bad because the man that punctured Christs rib with his lance was a brown roman soldier and god cursed them
why is this being surpressed
>I'm not a scientist and no way I'm related to science
>but it contradicts what /pol/ says therefore it's not real science
*tips fedora*
Dont be retarded and stop thinking /pol/ screencaps of sensationalist newspapers are a replacement for education
How do middle easterns feel about this cultural appropriation
>Hot and muscular black man
>Mediocre looking black woman
My main problem with this desu
Adam was a serb!
>niggers stealing shit from a white man's garden after he promised them free welfare for life
I'd say a more perfect couple has never been castes
Whitoids were created by Yakub, I mean, do you even browse /int/?
Becuase its bullshit.
>one fossil that indicates the presence of apes with human like teeth in greece
>thousands of skeletons and skulls found in the african continent with a lot more similarity to homo sapiens
that theory has been debunked ages ago
back to /pol/ incels
because god is a woman
feminists 1
patriarchy 0
>Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find
Makes sense.
If God had a belly button, he had a mom.
The whole old testament was his edgy teen period.
Then he started maturing but wasn't quite there yet, so he tried to rework his edgefest era shit into something more laid back and #deep about the true meaning of being good and then eventually gave up on the whole thing.
The Book of Revelations is just his vague idea of how maybe one day he'll revisit the thing and make something new out of it, but he probably never will.
God's probably busy working some dead end cubicle job right now.
>thousands of skeletons and skulls found in the african continent with a lot more similarity to homo sapiens
I am a scientist though, I teach astronomy
Adam was definitely not black. You ever try taking a rib from a nigger?
where's the new info senpai?
thank God she had a curling iron and he had a razor.
>speak the objective truth, get redirected to /pol/
makes sense tbqh
Adam was bald noooooooooooooooooooooooo
all me btw
holy fuck
>tfw God is on hiatus
No wonder the world has been turning progressively worse
Educate yourselves.
you too
God racked up a whole lot of credit card debt to buy the shit he used to build reality, hence entropy - just installments to the (((Celestial Bank)))
makes more sense than a white Adam and Eve, honestly
red pill me on the out of Africa theory
back to r*ddit
As long as they replaced the apple with a watermelon, I'm OK with this.
Niggers are hominids but arent humans whereas whites came to Earth from space after escaping a robot rebellion on Caprica.
you mad white boy
Yeah... no, lol
Makes zero sense
Biblically speaking, weren't they Jews?
jews did not exist then
So historically accurate?
Have you looked where the oldest humans remains have been found in Africa? Pretty damn close to Europe actually.
who the fuck cares
Technically no.
God didn't formally make Jews until way later, when he formed a covenant with a bunch of people and told them to start circumcising as a sign of their covenant.
That is, in modern version of Judaism.
There was a very cosmopolitan version of Judaism like way back B.C. which basically said every group of people come from different Gods, so the Egyptian and Greek gods exist, but they don't give a fuck about Jews, only their own God does.
God having a name beyond "God" and the entire Moses vs Ramses as well as the pharaohs mystical dreams from Jonah's story are hold overs from that period.
>be black
>steal apple from God
First hominids were from Africa, first sapiens were from Eurasia
Please, tell me what is defined as human according to you?
First sapiens =/= sapiens sapiens
don't ask me, ask scientists
that's actually an apt metaphor: it means white men are more evolved than dark ones
t. Eustace Mullins
lmao I knew you /pol/SJWs would get triggered by this
Where do you think Morrocco is located?
>not Adam and Steve
what's with this alt right shit on amazon?
Dumb slav monkey, slavs are not natives to the balkans
>It is noted for the hominin fossils that have been found there since the site's discovery in 1960. Originally thought to be Neanderthals, the specimens have since been assigned to Homo sapiens and have been dated at 315,000 years old.
Not really, white men are the product of inbreeding, they're made directly by God
*Taps starts playing*
>God didn't formally make Jews until way later, when he formed a covenant with a bunch of people and told them to start circumcising as a sign of their covenant.
With Abraham, so only his decendents are God's children.
>There was a very cosmopolitan version of Judaism like way back B.C. which basically said every group of people come from different Gods, so the Egyptian and Greek gods exist, but they don't give a fuck about Jews, only their own God does.
It was more than that, the Hebrew religion was just like any other polytheist religion with many gods and had crossovers with Canaanite gods like El and Ba'al. The Hebrews slowly adopted ideas and stories which make up some parts of Genesis and Pslams. As time went by Yahweh slowly got elevanted to "top god" taking on the storm god aspects of Ba'al and the nomadic father god of El who likes pastoral living like Abel's sheep, before you edventually get the full on rejection of all gods, there is only one god smash all idols religion.
on the most technical level though the Jews only became "Jews" after the Persians defeated the Neo-Babylonians and Cyrus granted them their land back to build the Second Temple after Soloman's was destroyed.
Again, those fossils are on africa and you seem to be confused about the role neanderthals play in the out of africa theory (for the record, it's zero).
>It's the Jews fault that Homo Sapien likely originated from the African continent
imagine being this fried on incel proapganda
>science is a jewish conspiracy
no wonder nobody takes incels seriously
checkd and kekd
Med master race
>It was more than that, the Hebrew religion was just like any other polytheist religion with many gods and had crossovers with Canaanite gods like El and Ba'al. The Hebrews slowly adopted ideas and stories which make up some parts of Genesis and Pslams. As time went by Yahweh slowly got elevanted to "top god" taking on the storm god aspects of Ba'al and the nomadic father god of El who likes pastoral living like Abel's sheep, before you edventually get the full on rejection of all gods, there is only one god smash all idols religion.
Oh yeah, I just mean that unlike many possibly most religions, Judaism had a period where it openly accepted the existence of gods (not evil gods) that it didn't worship, which is relatively unique.
Generally most religions either outright denied the existence of gods outside their own pantheons, refused to make statements on them or called them some variation on demon. Instead in a specific era, Judaism treated their God(s) like he's/they're in direct competition with other gods who also exist and could be alright, but aren't of interest to a Jew as those gods don't care for them.
Homo Sapien wasn't originated from the African continent, read the fucking thread, tranny.
Wouldn't it depend on shat you count as first and how much hair they had, don't hairy animals have 'white' skin? I doubt they looked like Bantus though.
you calling me a nazi boi?
The Out of Africa theory is not science, tranny.
stop calling me nazi (of which, most were trannys)
fucking incels, nobody cares that homo sapien came from Greece or Libya.
>everyone who is not agree with me is a nazi
Tranny power mind
What? You called me a tranny. Most trannys are nazi's and vice-versa so I thought you were calling ME a nazi m8
I don't actually argue that Europe has older human remains. My first post in this thread was and I only recommended that you look where the latest african fossils are found. I am not the previous person you were talking to. I do not argue what they argue. I only find it interesting that the oldest african fossils are very close to Europe and that humanity could have diverged much earlier than we once perceived. You talk about neanderthal fossils being meaningless but it's the whole point that these are not neanderthal remains.
I can tell you something, I'm pretty sure that we don't come from Sub-Sahara zones. So stop using nigger-monkeys are first humans.
why does whitey always get mad about historical inaccuracy
I call you what you're, a tranny.
Stop calling me a nazi you antifa naziphobe
niggiest nigger in niggertown > any incel
Why do you jews love ovens so much?
Are you telling me rn there were black people in Africa what is this
SENT :^)
>tranny rage again
>they look like humans
Not hot at all.
300000 years ago morrocco was less than a mile from new york.
DILATE nazi tranny wannabe
why do nazis dilate so much?
2 minutes into this and I hate it. Anything other than le quirky autismo conversation?
the first modern humans (homo sapiens) came from Africa, you uneducated retards.
Homo sapiens killed off the Neanderthals and raped the remaining ones, creating the non-African peoples that exist today.
Uuuhhh reread what you just posted.
blacks have to be 'first' because of 90s pop science that was supposed to signify "nobody is pure x" and because people accepted it easily through the racist implication that "monkeys are closer to blacks" and "blacks are obviously primitive and more animalistic so everyone else is their future improved upgrade"
nevermind that is much more likely that asians were first (or some earlier form considering the shared genetics between spaced out civilizations in the americas/ siberia/ asia) or that monkeys have clear skin underneath the hair or the new fossil discoveries or discoveries about vulcanos that would have stopped the migration patterns that were proposed
no it doesn't get better
I cant even conceive what fruitcake brain is trying to go "people who dont like gays are nazis and reactionaries who were gay" and hope people will forget drag was the basic comedy cornerstone in the US and Britain as well
the modern human originated on the eurasian continent
blacks and capoids are closer to apes than to modern humans, both in appearance and in IQ.
Fun fact: Coco the gorilla has a higher IQ than the average african
>"monkeys are closer to blacks" and "blacks are obviously primitive and more animalistic so everyone else is their future improved upgrade"
The Out of Africa theory was made to kill racism but it just feeds into it in such a cartoonish way that it's hilarious
>out of Africa theory was made to kill racism
do you have any academic articles to back that up? I just did some research and couldn’t find anything that says that.
the original proposed theories werent but the pop science "we're all africans, man" was
Grow up.
Evolution isn't real in the show. God created Adam and Eve 6000 years ago
>everyone came from blacks
So everyone developed brighter skins? (instead of blacks and nords being branched out groups developing their own thing)
Those who didn't develop fairer skin in higher latitudes died off for lack of Vitamin D.
what about natives in south america? darker skin would have helped them out a lot
man, the original black race going into mexico fucked up when the environment selected for a more pale skin
>Neil Gaiman
so, another gay shit like American Cucks?
Yeah that was my point, we know why nords are a further branch down the line, I was asking how we're not sure black people aren't the same (and maybe the 'first man' was more like meds and arabs)
>two fossils
>compared to the multitudes found in Africa
also, It seems that the global scientific community doesn’t acknowledge this. the consensus is still Africa being the birthplace of homo sapiens. the oldest homo sapien fossils are from Africa, to prove this new theory, they’d have to find fossils older than those discovered in Africa, and a large number of them.
Historical Edem is located somewhere in the middle east. First people were quite dark, just like in op pic, so i dont see any problems
>300000 years ago morrocco was less than a mile from new york.
/pol/ fags hate science if it disagrees with what they believe. it’s ironic, considering they say the same things about lefties.
Adam should be white
Fucking retard.
The fact that you literally think people talking about other proposed regions is "pol" or some shit proves his point that it is a "anti racist" narrative
"Historical Edem" is very scientific, big brain
Why would the middle east desert regions and north africa select for "arab" like hues if the "original" / "first" blacks are obviously more suited and well protected?
Lmao the Romans who executed and stabbed Jewsus were way whiter than that kike
Imagine being ‘antisemitic’ and worshipping the King of the Jews
Fuck (((Christianity))), just a mixture of other existing religions ruined by Jewish manipulation
>adam and eve are africans
>not neanderthals
The "people" in this thread using the Guardian as a source are /pol/. The out of Africa theory has never been anti-racist, it was the basis for scientific racism
Desertification isolated Sub-sahara Africa from north africa for almost 14000 years. It was settled by proto-caucasians going back to africa.
Imagine being such a sad, absolutely uneducated /pol/ NEET, that you have to save this kind of unscientific meme shit to boost your ego.
Neanderthals didn't have souls ;). But yes there was ways to make it more interesting, just primitive hominids, Abel as a neandethal and Cain as a Cro.
>darker skin would have helped them out a lot
Anyone and anything that stayed within the equatorial region would've developed darker skin or concentrated melanin to help stave off the higher doses of UV radiation.
>Why would the middle east desert regions and north africa select for "arab" like hues if the "original" / "first" blacks are obviously more suited and well protected?
Not only that, but these people seem to think monkeys have black skin too
>Saying nigs are the less evolved species is anti-racist
Retard, the out of Africa theory was used for centuries to show how unevolved nigs were.
Makes sense for them to be African but no bantu. Closest race we have to the OG homo sapiens are pic related the khoisan who look more like a mix of black and asian.
It's because most of /pol/ were "redpilled" by memes, national socialist get into scientific racism, that's why most natsocs still mock "white supremacists", /pol/ is formed out of redditor incels, actual boomer conservatives and retarded mongrels from the third world, their entire identity is that if you disagree with them it means you are a liberal, they don't give a fuck about anthropology. For them the world revolves around liberals, memes and bitching about the media.
So, would these be the original blasians?
Yes that's my point, you'd think most of the planet would be black outside the north extremes
Why are /pol/lacks so desperate for the African origin theory to be wrong?
Are they that insecure about their racial superiority?
There is far more evidence for the African origin than any other theory and besides surely blacks being closer to basal humans would make them more ape-like?
And even if Homo sapiens didn’t originate specifically in Africa most of the hominids did
Stop pretending that the African origin was pushed by sjw shills
It was used to justify rather than stop racism for a long time
trying too hard, /leftypol/
It literally isn't. The racist implication is there, sure, but it's only presented in the context of Africa as man's craddle, "we're all africans" and so on
The very people itt desperate to push their "blacks were first in everything and represent mankind" cuckshit are the ones calling others racist and "pol"
Monkeys have full body hair you retard
Also check out this chimp, his skin looks so pale and fair doesn’t it?
Agreed, and proto-capoids were probably the first ones to left africa.
>Why are /pol/lacks so desperate for the African origin theory to be wrong?
Because they don't understand the theory at all, as you can see in this thread the only understanding they have comes from pop journalist morons and twitter screencaps. Some liberal said "we are all Africans" so that most mean that's the point of the theory.
Depends on the chimps, there's pale and dark skinned chimps
Forgot pic lol sorry
I dont get it
>but these people seem to think monkeys have black skin too
Monkeys aren't even our closest cousins. Apes are. Otherwise, we would've seen more humans with tails.
I think they'd look more like north african/middle eastern.
Yes retard, hair isn't skin
they look spot on if you ask me
>anyone who disagrees with me is a lefty
Cringe and low iq
Christianity was a factor in the downfall of Rome and the west only became the best when it became more secular and scientific in the enlightenment
our tolerance of other religions is our downfall however
the Asians are going to bury us once we’ve been destabilised by SJWs, Jews, and Muslims
China will after so long become the dominant world power once more
Yep. They'd look like this
I don’t understand what you mean?
The chimp’s skin is also black/brown on his face where it’s exposed
This is what Adam and Eve should look like
>China will after so long become the dominant world power once more
Stinky Chinky spotted.
>Tiananmen Square Protests
>time travel
>Animal Farm
> 1984
>Communism is bad
>George Orwell
>Peppa Pig
>The Big Bang Theory
>Tibet is independent
>Richard Gere
>Harrison Ford
>jasmine flowers
>having daughters is good
>Alice in Wonderland
>Winnie the Pooh
>Mao Zedong = Mao Zepenis
>interracial marriage with blacks
>Hakka Chinese is better than Mandarin
This is now a Joe Rogan thread
>sons of Caim
Jamie pull up that teeth
> God gives them just one law to follow
> They break it
You know.....
Niggers get really defensive like animals if you try to take any of their food
try taking a rib from him. do it user.
South Slavs are half mutts of the local populace and the immigrant slavs so it counts
Anything south of sweden was black or super dark, sorry (but Sweden was also black too). Those 2 europeans in your pic could never be in the "Historical Edem" unless as invading colonizers elites
me an my boi was eatin dat good mufukkin real ass nigga food an lit up dat good ass purple kush fo dem real mufukkin niggas only they ain be non of dem pussy ass uncle tom ass bitch lookin ass mufukkin bitch ass fake ass bitch ass niggas
I’m a bong actually, white skin and blue eyes
I’m just concerned about how China is gaining power
They’ve started gaining power and influence in Africa to access their resources
>communism is bad
I agree, but china neutered the socialism and just kept the oppression so their economy works
I don’t understand the connection between China and the big bazinga theory
So what they're trying to tell me is it's black womens' fault we got booted out of paradise?
>the forbidden fruit was a watermelon
Black women were responsible for us going to the moon dickhead
Also the Challenger explosion, 9/11, egyptian slavery and the holocaust
the chinaman can only exploit the nigger to a certain extent before he panics and runs. you ever see how chinks get scared around niggers.
now if it were koreans going into africa then it might be different.
Who hurt you? Have sex
Prequel Game of Thrones spinoff with the prince who was promised
>Can’t even unite a peninsula
>Produce the worst music known to man
>the north are still awful commies
>the south has wage slavery so bad that northern defectors want to an hero more in the south
More like kekreans
I hope you aren’t one of them user