movies who reminds us that the state and police are the real antagonists?
Movies who reminds us that the state and police are the real antagonists?
Other urls found in this thread:
>go on riot
>burn shops and cars
>exhaust yourself in a futile assault against the police
>go home, if lucky or get dragged to prison for a week
>palaces still stand
>politicians still pass laws dictated by financial interest
>the plutocrats rule unshaken
Yes. Yes. Waste your effort in a futile war on the streets. That will help. RAF are the only ones who did it right. To change the world, you have to kill the 1%.
only if you life in a left goverment country
pretty funny how /pol/tards will lick the boot this hard just to be different from leftists
> RAF are the only ones who did it right.
never thought that tv would post something truly right...
but you are the one whos licking the boots of shitskins
learn to read nigger
Based RAF and Brigate Rosse
lmao, had to watch that in 8th grade
He is saying literally the opposite dumb tranny
The boot isn't your enemy, it's an obstacle. You don't play with the dogs when you want the owner dead. Do you?
You had to watch a Fassbinder movie in which Udo Kier appears in drag in 8th grade?
Fruitvale Station
>Reading comprehension
yes, best kino is always shown in Slovakia
very rare based and redpilled post
Based slavbro
anti-police means pro-nigger, pro-muslim and pro-antifa
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend!
Only in movies
god you're such a fucking cuck.
Damn man, I can't stomach being called pro-antifa. I just can't stand being associated with a group that apposes fascism. Makes me real mad.
>he isn’t pro-muslim
Hello degenerate faggot/roastie whore
t. I believe what the gov'ment says
lol... fuck off back to r/r9k/
Not him, but how is standing up to the government being a cuck?
I'd understand it if he was a fag that lets a bull fuck his wife or whatever, but with no context how do you arrive at that conclusion?
Honestly curious
>implying US antifa are the same as 50s-80s EU antifa
The children of rich people attempting a revolt are faggots, not heroes
OP here...
also newfag...
Didn't know that I won't get any movie recommendations.. sorry
also: FUCK /pol/
>supporting powerabusing wifebeaters with inferiority complexes because blacks and fags hurt my feefees :(
Cheap divide and conquer. Monopolize opinions and lay it out in such a way that the real issues are never addressed. Then let them fight against each other.
people that riot/march on the streets are of no worth and of no brain- No exceptions
The Confession
State of Siege
Basically all of the Polish new wave and Yugoslavian Black Wave and Czech new wave films
That's off the top of my head
Riots have failed, RAF had the right idea but got JUSTed, and the new left is just a corporate product
Just look at the world over, capitalism has won
seeHe said police not government.
*kills your kike athletes*
real life is kino enough
this post means your shits retarded
thank ju
OK that's fair
Yes. Cute pictures. To publish and monetize. Giving people the impression things are always happening in the world when actually nothing is.
who cares fag just sit back and enjoy the show
Reminder that the police are the tool that allows big capital owners to incite violence upon the working class.
But remember, individual cops are not the problem, some are pigs, some are good people. The institution is the problem.
It should. It means you're a huge loser faggot.
>burn some random people's cars and destroy some local businesses
utterly low iq retards
I snapped out of my ancap/libertarian phase when I realised that most people are fucking retarded and deserve a nanny state to keep them in line
Things *are* always happening in the world, but the point is, for better or worse, the system is better at adapting to changes now and leftists are stuck in '60s idealism
As I said earlier, the fight against the system was lost long ago
Didn't the US police evolve from mercenary death squads?
Most people are drug addicts, there are people saying they should try out newer, safer drugs, others advocating for them to go cold turkey, and some to switch them to lighter drugs with the hopes of them leaving drugs altogether at some point
The problem is, most people realize that they worry less about most things when they don't have to focus on them thanks to drugs, and thus would rather live with the side-effects and just *hope* that they won't OD
>The institution is the problem.
>big capital owners are the problem
That's misguided, the problem is big capital owners have power over the people through the government
This is unironically a high IQ post
T-thanks I guess
did you reply to the wrong post? What's this got to do anything with the post you replied to?
>fight oppression by oppressing people
>Call yourself "anti-facist" as a getout clause to jusitfy violence to stop "violence"
Bravo doublethinkers
He did a drug analogy to your post retard
Most people are smart enough to live without a government, but they'd rather live worry-free under a nanny state
Just look at the UK
How is that any different? The blame is still on big capital owners that with the power they hold push for legislation that will benefit them and push back against anything that goes against their interests.
Because they act according to human nature
The problem is a societal structure such as a government shouldn't work according to human nature, since it's built to shield people from it
Strike the enemy, not his sword.
Ah yes the oppressive antifa made up of whites blacks asians trans gays women men and every other weirdo that oppresses the people by going against the other group that wants to inflict political violence on people based on ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.
Truly 2 sides of the same oppressive coin. I can't tell the difference.
>human nature
Cop out.
That's a fair analogy, but in this case if you strike at the enemy another one takes their place
If you disarm all your enemies though, the grounding is equal (I know this is a terrible analogy since I support the 2A but not everyone can afford a government as a sword, you get my point)
>human nature
You haven't fully swallowed the bread pill.
more like being forced to take a drug with shitty side effects and no alternative. Not a smart analogy anyway.
A cop out supported by the entirety of written history and many if not all of the relevant psychological studies
Pseudo-intellectual garbage.
Yes show those non-violent normally adjudsted people who don't believe the world should be a burning shit dumpster what for! Especially since they created this society in which gay trans Asians don't get murdered in comically horrific ways like they do everywhere else
Agree to disagree
>by going against the other group that wants to inflict political violence on people based on ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.
or people peacefully protesting
or storefronts
or property that isn't theirs
they're opportunistic looters and rioters
meant for
go live in a country without police or a functional state apparatus. seriously, see how it goes. you'll be dead in hours, maybe if you're really lucky a week.
see how humanity does whenever every day is a fight for one's own survival. when nobody cooperates or works together outside their nuclear family unit.
most of you dont have even have a rudimentary understanding of how capitalism actually works, or how massed personal fortunes work. jeff bezos does not actually have $100b in a bank account somewhere, you that right? its just equity in his company. its called NET WORTH instead of liquid assets for a reasons. that vast, vast, vast majority of his fortune is actually tied up as capital in a business that millions use every day to supply their consumers needs and wants.
if you really want to go back to the stone ages because that arrangements bothers you? fuck it, go live in Libya and see how your fantasy plays out.
I'm thinking this for years. If I didn't have ties like family and wanting to start a family, I would have started an RAF section.
The only way to change things is is to kill the 1%.
this. also, many major corporation owners operate their businesses at a loss for tax purposes. Trump didn't "cheat on his taxes" he was simply doing what any smart businessman from Vanderbilt to Getty have done.
Those garbage cans were clearly racist.
Or just become a super richfag and buy land in international waters and live there
what about your cushy life where you get to complain about things you dont understand all day on the internet necessitates change? you're doing better than 99.9% of humans ever born. this system that you hate has made your life one of unfathomable luxury to people of even fifty years ago.
of course this has made you soft, which is why nobody takes your threats seriously. you talk this grand crusade but you're the type who doesn't want to go outside if the temp is below 0C. you scare nobody.
>buy land
>in international waters
basement-tier IQ
Lmao, I trained for an obstacle runs, and this is nothing else. You train and prepare for any endeavor.
I'm not a fat slob with no education.
This is the most imbecilic, childish view of the current political climate I've ever seen someone post. It's really disappointing that the media has the power to make such fools of people. You'll look back a couple years from now and the only thing you'll be able to say is "holy shit, I can't believe I posted such naive garbage". Except, you actually won't be able to say that because by then the tech-autoarchy will automatically censor you for wrongthink. Oh well.
Not like you know anything but pompous posturing on the internet.
but your attitude makes you look like a fat slob with no education.
Basically this
>did some obstacles
>thinks it mentally prepares him for a life spent living on the outside of civilization in a violent struggle with the organized military might of the western powers
I give you twenty-four hours in the cold with no grocery store, debit card or electricity before you come crying back. maybe less but you seem at least stubborn.
V for Vendetta
I hope we are all silenced.
You could just have written KEK all over the pplace... same message
I for one always wanted to live in a cyberpunk future
>Didn't the US police evolve from mercenary death squads?
US police are trained by Israeli contractors. Thats why we get treated like Palestinians at traffic stops
>It's really disappointing that the media has the power to make such fools of people.
Yes, cause the ideology driving antifa is very recent and totally not following in the footsteps of other movements of the past.
Nobody was talking about going to Siberia. It's about hurting politicians and the ones scheming in the background to force political change for the benefit of the masses.
Nobody wants to go to a desolate place to punch animals, fuck sake. What's wrong with you shitheads?
But you do. Just without cyber or punk.
>other movements of the past
Which all failed, btw.
>without cyber
Uhhh are you sure about that?
your compliance is appreciated. maybe the system will permit you to eat in the future
do you think your post-revolution utopia will be any different? you think you can create a human society where ambitious people dont pursue power for their own personal gain?
what an absolute fucking child you are.
Most people grow out of their anarchy phase by 14.
>oh btw fascism means everything right of stalin and genocide means not wanting open borders lol
Lol no, but it's the only way to create a revolution
Connecting everyone as much as humanly possible and creating that level of groupthink has an actual downside you know
A revolution then might even work
1 social credit has been deposited in your account good gweilo
Fuck burgerstinians
thank god fascist failed even harder then
It's almost as if fringe ideologies have no chances of succeeding
only because non-fascist regimes interfered and got outnumbered
Its fun to watch the negroes burn down their own cities
>there is only left or right
>the whole rest of the world is just a fence
>a really big fence
>disregard it though
>you're either with us or against us
>pick a side
>oh no he talked about fascist rhetoric that includes the genocide of people based on ethnicity, sexual orientation and political views!
>better makes a strawmen to play those elements down!
Why are fascist so scared of putting forth their actual views?
Add the US flag to this to and post it on /pol/ for mad (you)'s lol
>thank god fascist failed even harder then
Blame Christianity, the most cuckolded religion on the planet.
which one of those examples doesn't fall under fascism user?
>completely missing the point
Why there's no USSR?
>everyone is fascist!
I think all collectivsts are scum, but thanks for proving my point.
Why do the mods allow these chapofag threads to stay up but delete right wing politics threads?
China says hello.
Cause USSR was authoritarian left?
Yeah, just like fascism
genocide was never an explicitly stated goal of fascism. by your logic communism is just as if not more oriented towards genocide
That one child policy is going to bite them in the ass hard though
why so scared man?
Just say you want to genocide certain groups of people. That's a way more interesting debate than beating around the bush.
What's the downside?
>authoritarian left
You mean Fascism?
but it has the name left in it so its ok you bigot
wow holy crap libtards btfo with facts and logic epic style shapiro style crowder style koch style
its called national SOCIALISM people thats LEFTISM hitler was a SJW
Equilibrium :)
also there's this pretty cool movie called V For Vendetta I usually watch it at high speed with a latte before I go out for a protest
the absolute state of lefty intelligentsia brainpower
no wonder you're losing globally
Did genocide happen under fascism? Yes
Did genocide happen under communism? Yes.
Wanna know the difference? Communist ideology doesn't call for genocide. In a perfect communist utopia, no genocides would happen.
On the other hand. genocide is a component of fascism ideology. In a perfect fascist ideology, genocides would happen because calling for genocide is part of fascist ideology.
>This extremist group's definition of their enemy is the true definition
>Anyone who doesn't agree is retarded
fucking kill yourself faggot
ah yes the good ol fascism is actually left meme
what next?
Hitler was actually a socialist?
>Yeah genocide happen but it's ok because ideology doesn't call for genocide
Oh ok
>Hitler was actually a socialist?
he nationalized the unions, so yes
Why so paranoid man? Just say that you think everyone who doesn't share your far left views wants to murder millions of minorities, makes for a far more interesting debate.
>the difference is it wasn't REAL communism
literally not what he said
he just said communist ideology doesn't call for genocide while genocide is an integral part of fascist ideology
that's why, despite genocide happening in the past under communist regimes, saying your a communist has different connotations than saying you are a fascist
there is no fascism without genocide
i.e. Collectivist totalitarian systems that attempt utopia always end in disaster
>he just said communist ideology doesn't call for genocide
It does
if you exclusively look at tankies, then sure
Every ideology is require genocide, dummy.
taking all the rich, successful people to the guillotines isn't genocide, dumbos. it's called making society a better place and moving one step closer to world peace
The revolution is ongoing, just not the one you want. By the time it's over future generations won't even be able to imagine life without the system, let alone have the notion to attack it
ok so read this thread and tell who you would rather have running things:
A) the current order of a few rich people controlling large stakes in oligopolies enforced by a state apparatus mostly administered by middle class labourers
B) deranged zoomers who froth at the mouth about how their genocide will be less bloody than alternative genocides proposed by their fringe political enemies
gonna stick with what we've got lads
lmao you claim to hate capitalism and the system yet are supported by both. real nationalists are actually being fucked over by the state, retard.
kill yourselves
antifa were always lapdogs of the jews
>you live in a capitalist society therefore you can't criticize it or support another system
Damn, real hard hitting stuff. Why can't he just remove himself from his environment and live in a bubble before he criticizes capitalism lmao.
Don't forget the Greek anarchists and marxists making corporatists watch their backs.
i'm sure you know all about the working class you fucking liberal piece of shit
Ur stupid
is the guy on the left a jew?
right wing smort, left wing dumb haha
thats true, you should know that you mispelled “smart”, however, friend.
On purpose. Stonetoss is literally just "I AM SILLY" comics for the right. No arguments to be found.
>i'm for the working class
>i'm part of the working class but oppose every political view you hold
Damn, how shocking.
Ghost in the Shell
Dont forget the bossnappings in France
Why was the JRA so fucking useless compared to the RAF
>try to attack an airport but one immediately suicides, one accidentally shoots his friend and then accidentally himself with a grenade
dumb sakeboys
>marxists makimg corporatists watch their back
>I know what will stop the relationship of business and government wherein businesses are subsumed into the corous of tge state and function as organs of the state. Handing ALL property to the state. That should do it !
There currently isnt a one-child policy. Why do so many retards who feel the need to throw in their opinion turn out to have no idea what theyre talking about?
/pol/ is unironically very authoritarian left on average
Blacks are the most pro police demographic in America
This is why we need to confiscate all property and give it to the state !
Those other nips that got shot up in a winter cabin while dying of cold after they had already lynched and killed half their comrades were even more incompetent.
Kill yourself commie bootlicker
The one-child policy, even during the time it was applied, was only for urban people.
>Communist ideology doesn't call for genocide.
Technically not genocide if you want to split hairs. Omnicide perhaps
that's worse tho
Based. Retards literally think rich people sleep on piles of gold they stole.
dangerously based
Not a real quote. Communism doesn't antagonize anyone, just the ideology that exploits people
>Not a real quote
Literally every famine in Africa not related to drought was due to communism. The great Ethiopian famine was a holodomor by the marxist government to suppress those who opposed the regime, including Eritrean separatists and the Somalian seperatists in the Ogaden region.
then how do the people in those countries stay alive, retard
some do, some don't?
>lick the boot
>A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists.
>Communism doesn't antagonize anyone
this is such bullshit. If you are going to be a communist, have a pair of balls on yourself. The ""communism loves everybody"" commies are the fucking worst.
>the world is black and white
anti statists are retards and if you try to fight me the state will just kill you for me
>RAF are the only ones who did it right
wtf is raf ?
lmao r u 9 or somethin'
This is a fine (You) farm you've got here.
Anarchism and stateless communism are absolute memes. Works for bands of hunter gatherers but societies of significant complexity require organized coercion of one sort or another to maintain function over time. From the 19th century to the present we have seen the rise of levels of totalitarianism never before possible with psychological warfare deployed constantly through entertainment, advertisements, the news, internet social media whose goal is to manage and direct all human relations and thought into avenues most conducive to market exchange and/or state power. This is true in both liberal states and those formed in opposition to liberalism (Fascists and Communists). As more and more of our lives are integrated into quantifiable systems, like internet social media, we will become more and more enthralled. There is no way out fellas. Once the state and other social structures were means for human beings, a way for them to collectively attain goals. Now they are ends, and we are the means.
Hey asshole. Orwell was a socialist. A huge one at that and even fought for socialists in the spanish civil war
Red Army Faction in post WW2 West Germany
>I totally owned those fascist chuds
>Orwell was a socialist. A huge one
Maybe not that huge
Night of the long knives faggot
>Rote Armee F R A K T I O N
>Communism doesn't antagonize anyone
>I'm too lazy to improve my life or community so I justify my apathy and defeatist attitude with psych/poli-sci 101 talking points
suck my peepee
Just the rightwing crybabies, you're correct.
how is that promoting genocide, retard? like don't fucking stand in the way of revolution and you won't get killed. it's that easy. a jew can't just unjew himself, a nigger can't just stop being black. but if you're a bourgeois pig? like nigga just stop. it's that simple. if you refuse to stop, then you get killed. like isn't that the logic y'all use to justify cops killing niggers indiscriminately?
ok thanks for the info anons
Of course you realize that this necessarily implies a lot of people will be slaughtered. Many will probably be killed even if they give up their property for fear of counter-revolution. Lets not be naive.
>don't fucking stand in the way of revolution and you won't get killed
That's only what criminals would say before they rob you of everything and then slaughter you and your whole family.
what about it?
entropy always go to the left, that´s how things work since the french revolution
Then how do you explain the mass graves left in Communist countries? Are you going to no true Scotsman the argument away? Commies are more evil than Nazis.
The left is inherently reactionary and you cant refute this
> the world would be so much better without professional policing and judicial institutions
I thought he spent the remainder of his life going on some kind of antisocialist tirade after they(the socialists) deserted him and left him for dead in the Spanish Civil War. Also, I heard that there were many Americans who hated both the Nazis and the Marxists but joined the Socialists to fight the Nazis since they knew the Nazis were the bigger and more immediate threat. Later years, they would spout how much they actually hated the Communists.
I too could not stomach being labeled as a member of an organization that, from its outset, was simply the paramilitary arm of the international communist movement and has historically labeled anyone they disagree with as "fascist"
Like lmao I'm just like any of you other working joes I simply oppose fascism no ulterior agenda with this organization
but it's as fun as fuck though you can't deny that
When did actual communists start coming to Yea Forums? Oh wait, it was in 2008 when I was 17 and retarded.
They were faggots then and they are faggots now
Pro-police is pro-jew
The marriage between leftism and consumerism has produced a freakish, deformed child. In order to actually produce any kind of change, you have to radically change your lifestyle. Throw out your cell phone. Stop eating ten pounds of processed foods every day. Stop watching the news. Stop thinking about Trump. Unionize. Contribute to civil dissent. Don't be stupid. Exercise. If riots start, participate. Buy from small business owners, not from chains. Drive as little as possible. Stop eating beef. Know your legal rights when dealing with people in power, especially police - you have more rights than you'd think.
And most of all, don't listen to /pol/.
communists have been here forever, ive probably been here longer than most pol tourists who came during the election, it's just before we laughed at pol people being retarded and losing their shit over cuck porn and then quickly realised there was consequences, not just for the real world but for the poor insecure men who were being ruined by pol and thats why there is so much more vocal opposition now on this website to retarded alt right ideology
>I thought he spent the remainder of his life going on some kind of antisocialist tirade after they(the socialists) deserted him and left him for dead in the Spanish Civil War
He was a democratic socialist.
>muh hundred billion trillion
By the way some of book's editors later said they were deliberately trying to make the numbers look as high as possible.
You Were Never Really Here
Born on the 4th of July
Starship Troopers
Team America: World Police
Hell or High Water
Heaven's Gate
Shin Gojira
Fantastic Planet
Eyes Wide Shut
All leftists are nothing but corporate foot soldiers. Nothing but consumers.
I'm gonna watch Gangs of New York and bask in the thought that we're real close to having a similar situation happen again.
>there is so much more vocal opposition now on this website to retarded alt right ideology
I'm a marxist leninist who rejects all forms of identity politics and wish to destroy the foundations of consumerism by dismantling the oppressive power structures and forming a dictatorship of the proletariat to successfully transition into a pure communist society.
Real nazis don't exist anymore though. It's nerdy kids and rednecks larping.
>Expecting bootlickers to understand something so basic?
tvpol is a capitalist safe space.
>anti-police means pro-antifa
nigger the police stand by and watch antifa initiate violence against right wing protests all the fucking time, on the rare occasion any of them are ever arrested they're out within days (aided by a cadre of kike lawyers who always seem to conveniently be in the vicinity)
meanwhile unarmed whites who defend themselves against violent mobs of antifa are arrested and held for months with ridiculous levels of bail
most of whom Yea Forums users think are leftists are really just retard sheep people with no political leaning at all. it's only because the people on the magic box tell them to that they support center-center-left policies like the democratic platform.
t. Capitalist puppet
remember to read this post, the only relevant post in a thread of americans attempting political debate (which is veritably off topic by the way).
Any movie featuring Nazis or Commies in any capacity.
Blue pilled. Ask the yellow vests.
yeah if you leave your pol hugbox for like even bloody r9k at this point youll find opposition to racism pretty frequently, Yea Forums is in an undeclared civil war its just you wouldnt know it if you only go on pol and tv the two most hardline alt right retard boards
Doing us all a favour user.
Animal Farm?
Get a load of this nigger LARPing some ideological war. Jesus Christ you 'people' are pathetic. All of it.
I thought Team America came off as begrudgingly pro-state in the end.
Captain America 2 and 3.
Government is just itching to beat on the little guy
>an allegorical explanation for things is larping
how do you even watch movies?
You wish to remove the feeding tube from your arm.
It was just saying that good things can still been done.
basically you're saying people should consciously lower their standard of living/quality of life so they can spur on a giant revolution that will inevitably kill millions and pit the world into a new dark age. all because you're a petulant baby who cant handle the fact that the world isn't a fair place and an extremely small number of people, who you will never meet nor ever involve themselves directly in your life, have enormous wealth.
its just jealousy. and its 100% assured that whatever new order you replace to the old one with would be vastly worse for the average person.
that said its fine to buy local or stop using your phone. but actively joining riots? who do you think that hurts? (hint: not the people you want it to).
*krrsht* Nein!
That's a lot of American retardation for one post
Can't wait for a nigger to crack your skull open.
tell me your plan for your new world order. i could use a good laugh.
Fee high quality education for all Americans. Too many of you are unironically too stupid to even understand the stuff you shitpost about.
Enjoy playing with your pavement apes.
royal air force
>Contribute to civil dissent.
>If riots start, participate.
What would riots accomplish except causing needless chaos and destruction?
>Buy from small business owners, not from chains.
They're no better than chains from a moral standpoint. You obviously haven't worked in any small businesses before, and probably never even worked a day in your life.
>Drive as little as possible.
Not everything lives right next to markets and their workplaces.
>I'm a marxist leninist who rejects all forms of identity politics
Way to contradict yourself.
i love that whenever someone insults the American posters for being absolutely retarded an american always comes in to confirm that, not only what they said was absolutely true, but they also have zero self awareness
Not everyone*
ok then you're going to need high quality teachers, which is going to be difficult because the current crop (and this goes for the whole western world) is quite poor. how are you going to compel competent people who are experts in their field to instruct rather than practice? the old axiom "those who cannot do, teach" comes into play.
btw nothing is free. even "taxing the rich" doesn't work because the wealthy dont have much in the way of liquid assets to take. what's the state supposed to do? seize stake in private companies and securities? i can almost guarantee you're the type who bemoans the influence business has on government, I could only imagine how much worse that would be if the US treasury had direct stake in US companies.
Luxury is apathy and apathy is death.
marxism-leninism is not an identity
The fact that you said you're one makes it part of your identity. It's part of your worldview. You will always see everything through those goggles.
that's ideology of which represents a specific value and moral viewpoint, identity is your specific characteristics that cannot be changed. Ideology can change.
>how are you going to compel competent people who are experts in their field to instruct rather than practice?
Commies will do it like they've always done: by gunpoint.
>we live in a society and it's the best ever
That’s not what he’s saying.
The left is the bourgeoisie, and after the 1% flees whatever country is overthrown they will be the first to be guillotined by actual revolutionaries
which has throughout human history has shown to be a very poor motivator
Communists would hate you because you live in excess, basedmale
is there a communist/socialist/red wing/branch that doesn't include women or faggy shit
It's a bunch of people sniffing their own farts and reveling in chaos. It's us vs the other. Antifa as a whole don't care about goals more than "get that guy!"
It bring out every genetically inferior dweeb wanting to live out violent fantasies. That's not to say they don't exist on the other side. It just gives us jobbers to disposed of. Seriously you guys can't fight. You have no poise at all, a guest of wind could topple your amped up scrawny asses.
take a look at the leftists in this thread. do you think these types of low-IQ bitter losers mad at society for their personal failures spend much time getting laid? your answer lies before you my friend.
Yes it can. Identity isn't just about physical attributes. It can be your culture, religion, any social attribute, etc.
that's why I ask 'cause every time I see a commie they do everything to get laid and appease womyn
ANTIFA goes after libertarians far more than actual fascists.
In fact, I've only seen them protest one actual fascist rally in the US.
Libs are fash enablers
I bet at least 90% of them are living in First World countries.
Well the only reason fascists became a thing was because of communists
Just get the communists at college level, social welfare ministry or department. I don't know where the communists hide in American government. But definitely it starts at college level. Usually at nonmath/science programs because communists attract young adults with art or communication programs.
All nations were built at gunpoint. Anything worth doing need to be backed by the threat of violence.
>American education
no one? I just want my prolebros to get their fair share for their work I don't want feminist shit or a screaming drooling retard in power
>Just go after the smart people and burn all the books.
Peak fash, mate.
The left was subverted in the 90s and 00s. Much of the shit you see now with #metoo happened back then in isolation, those who fought against it were just outnumbered.
This is from the 70s
It talks about rape fantasies, minorities being the primary rapists, the manipulation behind feminism, etc. And it does it better than anything you will find today.
"If the rapist were Tarzan, perhaps he'd be forgiven."
That's literally the Chad meme. Anyone who tells you one side of the left/right is good or bad is retarded and has fell for the trap. It's about spirit, and liberalism divides spirit, which is why you get partial human beings on both sides of the political spectrum.
If you're not a communist (not American "COMMUNIST") then you're an absolute cuckold. You are a cuckold to the state. You are a cuckold to people with more money than you. You are a bitch slave cuckold. Good fucking job, you dumb fucking cucks. If you're seriously against people firebombing police (who are agents of the state and a federalised gang of dirty nigger criminals) then you are a bitch. A cuck bitch.
Shoot yourselves. Americans are such cucked pussies.
Even without women or faggy shit, you would still be hanging out low IQ retards. Even Marx himself didn't interact with the common folk.
Proving the point for why they're so hated.
Liberals are also ANTIFA and Commie enablers too, so you know. They're enablers of everyone.
Prove me wrong.
Ignoring almost all nations are left to Center left and America is the odd one out.
This is why you're mocked. You're centrists are our right wingers. It why American media is so popular abroad but controversial in the US. You've got centrists, real centrists running Hollywood.
American Communism is just an observation of all Communist governments with strong central power and a ruling class.
America early on was basically a Communist nation, but they just called it libertarian that focused on small business.
Genocide is not and never was an integral component of fascism.
>Anything worth doing need to be backed by the threat of violence.
Anything not worth doing is also backed by violence. Excessive use of violence is the sign of a totalitarian state.
I'd be hanging with my class bros, Marx and the intellectual elite can go fuck themselves.
Europe is fucked, though, as you've got socialism on left and right. The only difference being how each side wants to fuck you; one with immigrants and free shit/taxes, and the other with concentration camps.
There's no "fuck the government" wing.
First get an actual education. You need the bascis. It's like maths, algebra can be tricky to teach when the child can barely do simple addition and multiplication.
Still can't prove me wrong.
No it wasn't, you dumb nigger. America has always been a piece of shit controlled by rich assholes.
>Europe, South America, the Pacific, Asia and Africa are fucked
Have you ever opened a history book or left you home town? You sound like an American stereotype.
I just did. You baby. 2×2=/=0. If you insist that, then how do we progress your education?
If i'm so obviously wrong why don't you correct me. How am I wrong?
>I'm such a coward about my political standings which aren't persecuted that I hide behind an antifascist mask
Ok commie.
The police are tolerated in America, because the alternative is so much worse. While it may be true that capitalism as practiced in the country has created and exacerbated the problem, it would be foolish to remove a bad stopgap without being prepared for the explosion of riots and crime that would explode from the over-pressured, alienated, and resentful ghettos.
America is culturally a third-world country, kept together solely by history's biggest resource glut and the liberal application of force that those resources enabled. They're living off the fumes of the massive economic boom created by the vast exploitation of untapped resources in the 1800s. This wealth brought tremendous military power and influence, but also masked the huge divides and social problems within the country. So deepset that there is probably no peaceable way to paper them over, and which become more and more apparent now that the frontier and resources are all gone.
Left and right wing traditionally meant
Left = more government
Right = less
This is right from the beginnings in France.
Then governments fucked with the people and tricked them into thinking both sides were government, with each side extreme government
Polsci major here
Any film about the American Civil War.
Patriot and Braveheart
Mel makes great anti-government movies
>Repeating the question right after it's been answered.
I'm sorry you missed secondary socialisation. That, or you are just slow.
Commie is not an insult. It is something to aspire to be.
>More government vs less government
Simpy epic my burger bro.
I agree with you that the threat of violence from the state is the only thing stopping it from being changed. Also liberals. And I mean liberals, not "liberals" that actual liberals ironically call "the left." Liberals are capitalist cucks.
Yet you're focusing your reply on it which shows it might struck a nerve.
You didn't answer my question.
i have a RAF tatoo
When exactly did neoliberal shills take over both sides of politics?
I'm not a Communist nor do I aspire to be one. Just find it annoying that some folks think it's an insult.
Most types of Communist hate me but are kind enough to defend my views. Even if they ridicule for having them.
Nope, Oz.
UK, Oz and US, used the OG system of more government to less.
Around the 1900s, Euro governments started going government and government, with the extremes being basically the same shit, just against different people.
It's why Europe is destined to be pawns to their new kings and queens. They don't even have the idea of less government in their normal discourse.
UK moved to the Europe system post-WW2.
Nazbol, nigga
Leftists are liberal enablers
While I oppose capitalism, I do not find socialism to be a desirable solution.
I almost feel sorry for you.
>There currently isnt a one-child policy.
Who said there was?
It is unironically true. Every social reform liberals have cribbed form the left (largely with its support, mind you) the last hundred years or so has served to prolong the life of capitalism. Everything useful from leftwing thought has been completely assimilated by liberalism. Marx literally warned about this in Critique of the Gotha Program. You are nothing but a tool box and maul for liberalism.
It has no real power and both sides think it's a meme.
Nigga, life is a meme. There is in fact no hope whatsoever except for gay as fuck woke inclusive capitalism and strip malls covering the entire earth. All this shit is an internet role-play. There is no resistance to the brute force of history, my man.
honkpill is the only true pill