Joe rogan's fuck buddy getting destroyed over netflix rating bribe

Why isn't tv talking about this?

Brendon Schuab, one of rogan's butt buddy podcasters, is getting absolutely crucified for
>1. releasing a criminally unfunny netflix standup special
>2. bribing his fans with CBD oil coupons to leave a positive review

This shit is an absolute dumpster fire that should be right up Yea Forums's alley. Why are you sleeping on this lads? Here's a clip of his "comedy," WARNING, it's really bad:

And here's a link to the reviews that are getting fire-bombed over the bribe:

Attached: schaub-rogan.jpg (767x431, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>bribing his fans with CBD oil coupons

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I'll tune in when Rogan Makes Shaub Cry vol.II comes out.

Rogan was low key trying to tell him he sucked on the last podcast.

He seems like a really nice guy so I dont want to hate on him.
Yes I'd suck his dick.

He was saying that comedy is about sucking and always trying to improve.
Rogan isnt funny either. I don't know how he is considered a comedian.

link it senpai

also he apparently isn't trying hard enough to get the message through to him considering schaub's place in joe's clique is obviously the only reason he has a standup career

>bribing his fans with CBD oil coupons to leave a positive review
Yeah this was Rogan's idea.

>Why are you sleeping on this lads?
Cause I don't give a shit about Joe Rogan and haven't watch a single thing he's done. and I haven't heard the name Brendan Schaub until this post.

I just started watching Joe Rogan. I’m startuijg to see this Brendan Schaub guy everywhere. Who is he?

Rogan probably has like 3-5 solid jokes a special, other than that you're right, I hate his stand-up. I do think he's funny off the cuff quite regularly though.

>He was saying that comedy is about sucking and always trying to improve.

That shit was rammed with hints, and not very subtle ones. He pretty much said "your terrible" before "but that's great, we were all terrible!" Rogan was trying to manage expectations. Rogan's stand up isn't bad, the more he rips of Kinison, the better.

He is funny in a way that your regular friends can be funny. When he launches into shit about chimps I crack up but that isnt him being funny. Its him being weird. When he is on stage trying to be funny it's the anti funny.

Heavyweight fighter that Rogan literally bullied into quitting. Crossed into being a "personality" thanks to his big presence on the JRE.

Joe Rogan shouldn’t be telling anybody anything about comedy. The worst part is I think he genuinely thinks he’s a famous comedian

correction to OP: apparently this wasn't a netflix special but a showtime TV special. This shit was unironically broadcast on TV and advertiser's paid actual money to be promoted during it it's airing:

Rogan isnt funny at all and if he is saying that stuff to Schaub its probably because Schaub said before the podcast that he thought he sucked.

He is famous and he is a comedian. He just isnt a famous comedian.

joes comedy is fucking shit tier as well.

one of the most concussed fighters of the UFC history

friends with Rogan, he advises him live to retire

he became a regular in Joe's podcast and now is trying to be a "comedian"

rogan is funnier than schaub at least

I have the upmost respect for this man. words cant describe the progress this man means for the LGTBT community.

Could be worse. He could be a wagie.

Link plz

stealing a YouTube comment

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1:15 into that first video, it looks like something out of a movie, jesus

I havnt seen Schaub yet but I bet they are about the same.

Rogan wants to be Colin Quinn so goddamn bad, and to do it, he's pushing a guy who was dumb before CTE.

>"you failed as a fighter and you failed as a comedian"
>joe slides a gun across the table
>"it's time to take the smith and wesson retirement plan"

Schaub be big based, it be being done do be science proven that only like idk incels hate him lomoa!

Aren't cbd oil coupons like negative-money, though. like
>pay me money for my snake oil and I'll let you leave me a positive review on my mediocre standup, brah!

What you guys don't understand is that comedy is the most elite and complicated process known to man. its an art, it's a science, its genuine poetic beauty. its really like a martial art.

They guys are warriors. Warrior Spirit. They up there, taking risks, trying things out are honing their craft and an audience wants to complain and say that they aren't good at their job because they pay their money and then don't find it funny?

You just don't understand, you haven't expanded your mind with psychedelics and stayed up all night takin bumps.. finding the right process and writing truths..that are also funny. making observations about life and then using those observations to make inferences about what is going on around you. Finding your voice.

It's very important.


these are not the same thing but i understand what youre bitching about and i totally get it i never found Schuab funny in the first place

>Rogan isnt funny either. I don't know how he is considered a comedian.
Yeah, I watched like 20 mins of Schaub's special and only made it through like 5 mins of Rogain's. Neither are funny, but Schaub is less of an asshole.

You forgot DMT.

user are you ok?

>Rogan [is] funny off the cuff quite regularly though.
He cracks himself up on the regular, but it kind of seems like fake laughter. It's definitely not my kind of humor.

It's hard to be funny on a podcast. Harmontown cracks me up sometimes, but that's about it.

wew lad


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holy fucking shit that second vid is Bully Rogan at his best. Reminds me of the old deathsquad days when Joe when randomly deconstruct Brian Redban as a person live with no warning to his face

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still true though

>toe rogan
Back to r3ddit

It was really shit.

Redban deserved every last bit of it for being such a cuck

he will never top this

All these review accounts are less than 3 weeks old. With zero reviews except the special. Don't get me wrong, Schaub isn't funny and the worst part of every podcast he's on. But this seems fishy

redban is actually a retard manchild though, i couldn't imagine not bullying him if i knew him

>shit is an absolute dumpster fire
this level of cope

Thanks grug

yea it's this crazy phenomenon called "a dumbass plan backfired"

his snake oil supplement company sent out a mass e-mail begging people to leave good reviews in exchange for discounted hemp juice. People saw right through it and left bad reviews instead.

Knew this guy was a tryhard narcissist prick, he probably had to become a fighter out of necessity from guys punching his face every time he went outside.

Only boomers used to 70s standup didn't like Big Brown's special. I was sceptical at first, but you have to hand it to him, he's got talent.

He's also facing backlash from the mma community for snitching on an illegal mma streaming site

>Let me tell you something Brendan. Ill tell you this as a friend.
>Whats up bro?
>You failed at fighting. It was honestly hard to watch. You failed. We can say that and have no hard feelings. You were a terrible fighter. I have seen chimps that could get someone in a Darce quicker than you.
>Hmm not sure about that one J.
>It is. With this comedy too... You will fail. I was there that night, no editing crom Showtime, no one laughed. You stayed on that chinese nail salon skit for 20 minutes. You said "herro" for about 5 minutes of it.
>Its all about that grind my dude!
>Even so, comedy is funny. You left the stage that night crying after you got booed. You failed as a fighter. Youre failing as a comedian. You even fail as a father. You will never be a comedy god like me Brendan. You should lather yourself up in some CBD mongolian beef sauce, and jump into a pit with some gorillas. Maybe then youll make some people laugh.

apples to oranges but for me, it will always be this one

>japanese zen music
>Joe Rogan standing under a waterfall wearing white robes with his hands folded to a prayer
>his eyes are closed, snow is falling
>cut to Joe Rogan in a dojo like environment
>he artfully moves a stick, writing something into sand
>he shakes his head and starts again
>cut to Joe Rogan sitting in deep meditation
>outside an owl moves it's head like it's curious
>it's spring now, Joe Rogan dressed all in white hikes through the mountains, he stops and writes something down, a slight chuckle
>he's drawing something into the sand again, he looks slightly less bothered but he still isn't satisfied
>it's summer, Joe Rogan serves tea with utmost care to a village girl and mumbles something, she touches her mouth and giggles
>Rogan bows politely
>fall is around the corner, a frosh leaps into a pond, plop
>Joe Rogan is combing a japanese stone garden, being in deep concetration - a sudden realization!
>Joe Rogan starts drawing into the sand with swift yet percise movements, like his hands are guided by divine spirits
>he stops and nods
>"it is finished"

And that's how this Brock Lesnar rape joke was born:

Joe was right about him retiring, he would have gotten serious brain damage.

i had no idea about any of this but in his last podcast with schaub , rogan keeps trying to insinuate that schaub's special is bad and that he will get better, but schaub just responds that he thinks it's good

now that makes sense

Joe needs to give him another talk pronto

Why can't the guy accept he's doing well for a guy who just started comedy and it only means there's room to improve? I'd be happy to have a failure like that. If anything it shows he's not really a comic because this whole situation might be a source of solid material in the future.

Why did ROgan fire him anyway? Jaime is nice as a siletn assistant but he keeps talking more and more at least Redband was somewhat entertaining Jaime is just a boring whiney cunt.

He has aged so much since then.

Redban is the dumbest person alive.

lol what the fuck

>all this butthurt
based schaub

tfw you realize redban was the reason it was enjoyable in the first place. Joe went full pseud when he left.

lol What’s it like hating your life guy?

nah dude, anyone talking shit is most likely a jealous hater..

Really, Brenden quit because the UFC banned sponsors, and like 70% of his fighting income was coming from sponsors. At the same time he was making way more money from other shit.

I realize I sound like I'm making excuses for him, and if he was a better fighter then he would have been making more money from fighting (e.g. GSP, Anderson Silva, Conor Mcgregor), but the sponsorship-ban was the nail in the coffin of his fighting career. He also sucked at fighting.

Joe isn't a pseud he just has mild autism and repeats topics that interest him a lot.

I find it pretty funny that Schaub considers himself Irish.

worms in the brain, fella?

Is he the Punisher, and was in Wolf of wall street

He looks Mexican

Why did he have that talk with schaub on the air.

Because I could not possibly care any less about Joe Rogan and his faggot friends.

Future president.

a plus post

>bribing his fans with CBD oil coupons to leave a positive review

WTF how can we ever trust the integrity of Netflix ratings now?

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Ive never heard him say that he just says his mom is English.

t. Regular tfatk listener since the I think youd be suprised talk by Rogan

Rogan seems despise weakness and Redban is probably everything he doesn't like. You bet it was some bullshit about him chewing pasta or whatever in the studio with his mouth hanging open and Joe going like, dude! I told you how bad pasta is for you, is that coke under your nose? Look how fat you are, you weak bitch! But I crushed at Clown Hall Joe!! I've heard otherwise... And then some of Redbans stupid porn bimbos walked into the studio uninvited and started nagging Rogan over something. Ugh, Joe, you know ugh, you guys ran out of toilet paper again, you know ugh you should do something about. And then Rogan went into the bathroom pissed and smelled her stinky shit and said to himself, that's it!

So Kevin Pollock minus the acting talent?

I thought he was german.

does he have a speech impediment or something
why does he talk like hes retarded

>not bribing with THC oil, or THC laced CBD oil
such a fag

years ago when it came out I thought Rogan's special talking monkeys in space was funny as fuck. probably because i was in the pot smoking dude bro stage of life, though I don't doubt I'd chuckle at his tiger bit if I watched it again.

.t concussed Schaub

He unironically has brain damage.

painfully unfunny, attitude of a cuck

>cbd oil coupons

Not even potheads should be this dumb.

Jesus christ was he not on test injections yet? It sounds like two women arguing.

I unironically find Schaub to he charming on both TFATK and the podcast with Theo, and I laughed at what you linked, thanks for making me aware

Redban was horrible. Kys

lmao 8/10.

schaub is based. pump the breaks on that hatorade bro

We literally water our crops with hatorade in these parts.

he got a real mr peanut butter vibe

yeah it’s all seemed pretty blatant how they’re trying to help him out/nudge people into liking him.
>that obligatory and obvious cocksucking on bobby lee’s podcast

for sure stop being a hater, cheeto fingers

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he literally just looks like a turk.

Based Schaub dabbing on all the butthurt haters

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Fuck off dipshit, Dan Harmon is reddit incarnate

That was actually odd, i had gotten before the impression that Bobby Lee was actually a ruthless retard , the fact that he kept giving passes to this hack despite him talking madshit about everything he represents in the past was dissapointing.

Doubt it was just him being phisicaly intimidated since he's talked shit in front of big guys like Bisping before.

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>i have 25 minutes of murder

better than being >thissite incarnate. This place is satan's fucking asshole. At least reddit has cute animal gifs.

We all already like gom around here, my guy

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BASED fucking Schaubinator, dabbing on BOTH haters and homeless shutters
Peach of a cawmedian my guys, stop being cringy haters

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Lol all he did was snitch out Reddit streaming subs

Dont lie hater, /heem/ loves the Schaub

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Thawts on Schaub's wife?

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t. Spammy

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How does one become a professional freefighter? (Not looking for advice, just want to know how it works, I know very little about MMA) Are there open sign up events and if you beat a lot of people up you might get scouted by a company like UFC or Bellator who then make you fight their other fighters on pay per view, with you getting a cut of the profits/a set salary/prize money/sponsorships? How famous/how many major wins do you have to be/need to have to make a living? Are there professionals who are actually shit fighters but are somehow signed? Is there a larger competition for all fighters or do they only fight guys from their own company? Why is there such a big crossover between MMA and porn?

Asking because I want to understand this thread better and it seems weird that there’s a professional athlete who always loses.

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joe's in the wrong on this one, even though Redban is a retard.


Schaub is a nice guy and stand up comedy is hard. I wouldn't hate on him for trying and failing.

Plus as people are saying, even if his stand up is completely unfunny, that still puts him on the approximate same level as rogan.

You start at small local promotions and anyone whos gonna be pro runs through all the competition and makes it to the big shows like the UFC, in some weight divisions the competition is quite shallow so you get what is (now) referred to as schaubbers aka people who go out and get comically shadowrealmed 5 times in a row after making the big show off a short string of victories and fluke wins. In some parts of north america Schaub is also becoming slang among various plumbing unions for certain parts of plumbing systems.

is this guy the next tonka saw

Netflix ratings don't even matter now.
Why the fuck would he even do that?.

The recommendation rating is a clusterfuck that doesn't mean anything beyond what netflix wants to shill.

Throwback to that time Brendan Schaub bullied and physically assaulted his roommate for essentially no reason, and cussed out his mother who asked him to stop

Who, you braindead reddit zoomer ape?

>This shit is an absolute dumpster
Go back to bed Jim,you have mutt babies to make with your gook wife.

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he is american. fuck i´m sick of this shit. americans are american, thats it.

>this kills coral springs

You wish.

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As a UFC fan first and formost, it's weird seeing Joe Rogan (long time UFC announcer/personality) being talked about everywhere, at work, at school, on boards like Yea Forums. I know you motherfuckers don't watch fighting, honestly this is a beta board. No offense.

Outside UFC Rogan is has the silly drugs/conspiracy/wacky researcher/C list celebrity podcast specifically crafted for zoomers. Ok cool. We get it. He does well with that. Nobody else does it. Good for him and his ,albeit extremely cringy, "standup" as the woke drugs steroid man. He's earned that.

Now onto Brendan Schaub.

What the fuck is it with this motherfucker?

Punked out of UFC Heavyweight because he was being KO'd left and right. Went on Joe Rogan podcast 1 time. Joe told him he's basically fucking garbage and needs to learn a different profession.

So what does Brendan do? He never leaves. He becomes a stage-5 clinger and never leaves the teet of Joe Rogan. He comes to the podcast every day. Hes getting people coffee. He eventually nudges his way into Joe Rogan's entire life, befriending Joe's friends, copying Joe's attire, he becomes a Joe clone.

Now in 2019 Brendan has a copypaste Joe Rogan podcast (which is fucking garbage), he's doing standup like Joe (which are fucking garbage), and somehow, through all of this he has gotten a Netflix special like Joe (and what a surprise its fucking garbage).

Hes not funny. Hes not intelligent. He doesnt have comedic style. He is a clinger shoddy imitation of a guy who himself isnt that fucking funny.

Everything about Brendan Schaub is fucking cringe. I dont want to see any other UFC dropouts try to become "personalities".

Just fucking stop already. Enough.

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So he's still that much of a douchebag?
The only exposure I have to him is when he completely ruined the man show in less than a full season after adam and jimmy left.

Who is Brendan Schaub?

Glad you asked!

Brendan Schaub is the greatest fighter of all time. He dominated the heavyweight division before branching out to conquer the entertainment world as well. He used to be known as "The Hybrid" because he totally encompasses what it means to be a mixed martial artist. Early in his career he relied on his raw athleticism, but he refined his technique as he progressed as a fighter. Some highlights are when he picked up a clean knockout of the legend Mirko Cro Cop and actually landed the first D'Arce choke in heavyweight history on Matt Mitrione. I could go on for days about Schaubs record as a fighter, but I think it really speaks for itself.

I'm sure you've heard of his podcast before, The Fighter and the Kid ( TFATK really showcases Brendan's whit and charisma and there is also this little goober named Bryan Callen (the kid). Bryan acts as the foil to Schaub. The show features witty banter and fantastic interviews. Big Brown really creates a relaxed environment and puts his guests at ease. The interviews are like conversations between childhood friends catching up. If you need to find the latest episode, you can always check the top of the iTunes chart ;)

I can't he but be inspired by the man. If you want to know anymore feel free to ask. We all love him around here!

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Whats sad is that "comedian" is Joe's first and formost """profession""".

Hes been doing standup every day since the 80's. And hes still not funny. You cant convince him his standup sucks because he has two Netflix specials now. In his mind hes a comedy genius.

Yea Forums is as alpha as Yea Forums(nel) boards come new fag.

You sound pretty jealous bro


ive never seen anyone age more rapidly within 5 years

sylvester stallone looks younger and hes 80

Have success as an amateur fighter
Get into a real promotion
Have success as a promoted fighter

Once you reach a record of like, 15-20 wins, with less than 4 losses, the UFC will consider hiring you

You dumb fuck, Rogan has been in media since before UFC was popular. Sitcoms, even hosted a reality tv contest show.

just by looking at this guy you can tell he's a douchebag

holy fuck he just deconstructed schaub's heart and soul live on air

This made me like Bryan Callen less too.

DUDE INTERNET DRAMA, so epic reddit will bring him to justice by leaving bad reviews!!111!!!

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Friendly reminder Schaub was dating Ronda Rousey before she was a big name, and got beaten so badly in the octagon by Travis Browne, Travis literally walked off with Ronda while Schaub was still unconcious and fucked her backstage.

Schaub literally got KO'd by Travis Browne and then Travis cucked him in the same night.

Schaub is literally a cuckold.

Attached: travis-browne-brendan-schaub-mma-ufc-181-browne-vs-schaub-850x560.jpg (850x560, 77K)

And then Travis got BLACKED by the Black Beast and Ronda did as well.

And his balls have been hot ever since, crazy but true story.

Its tough b

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>Beast still has a bad back
>no ronda
>meanwhile Travis is married to Ronda
>most likely going to get a WWE push after saving Bret from that rasta man

Should I get test replacement therapy when I hit 40 like Joe too?

>kisses your boob

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Wake up, Brendan.

It's all over.

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He was in UFC before Fear Factor

Also you wouldnt know about any of that including News Radio without him being in the UFC, that is what hes known for

do it at 30 like joe

>Someday I'm gonna be Heavyweight Champion
>And I'm going to marry my sweetheart Ronda
>I think she'll do pretty well in the UFC too
>I can't wait B, warrior children we're going to have

Where did it all go wrong for Brencuck Schaub?

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iirc bobby has said he considers getting in the way of another comic making money to be wrong

I am pretty sure I made this.

I haven't thought about this since posting it. Based Internet

They both sound like bickering faggots

Fuck all the way off

weird how Joe feels the same when its a comedian he likes but he went after Mencia and Bobby back then

Brendan Schaub: Life and Times of a Failed Cuck


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Works for Stallone/Schwarzenegger

Dont do the other zany shit though, its made Joe look like a perpetually overcooked turkey

had no idea the schaub rabbit hole went this deep when I made this thread. how is it possible to be such a "successful" abject failure? Networking really is a meme

Why are you here?

Just go on /heem/ and ask about Schaub

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Whoop niggas asses and voila

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Please don't.

Enough low test posts already about Dern.

when is kanye coming on the podcast?

Someone send this to Brendan.

Newsradio started in '94, joined the UFC as a commentator in '97.

And i knew him from Newsradio first because i was a big fan of SNL and Kids in the Hall and Newsradio had Dave Foley and Phil Hartman. It was a fairly popular show, even got syndicated.
Fuck off.

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Congrats on your autism.


Still retarded how he tough he was on Mencia but not Schumer bc he considers her a "friend"

posting from my phone and it literally won't let me post fucking images....

>if this site is so shitty why do you even come here?
what are you, fucking 12?

Go away Jay

I had that on in the background yesterday.
>yeah, so how long you gonna wait til you release your next special?
>i dunno maybe two years I'm thinking.
>yeah, comedy guy at the store does this thing where he takes three years.
>yeah, maybe i'll do that, wait three.
>everybody sucks starting out... maybe wait like four.

She likes sucking other dudes.

Condolences on your failed gatekeeping.

Is that a wig? Like the main one, not the girls.

good, im fucking sick and tired of every 3rd episode being this boring unfunny cunt.
Why the fuck does he keep having these gay ass comedians on his show? Does anyone actually enjoy these episodes???

Mencia should just stand up and mog him

I've gotta be honest, Joe's "dude DMT lmao" shtick has made me want to try psychadelics.

You will be disappointed at how underwhelming they are and not a transcendent experience at all

I can't do them anyway because my job makes you take random drug tests.

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Dude you don't understand, he ripped off the super idiocincratic and original joke off "If we make a border to keep ilegals out of america then who is going to build it XD" A genius thought like that only comes once in a lifetime!

Nice fanfiction . They totally fucked immediately on top of the other guy.

They got a lot in common

Pretty sure they don't test for psychedelics but even if they did, they're out of your system in a matter of hours. At least mushrooms are.

The back half of his Strange Times special was solid, the first half, less so.

I remember watching this season. The Matt Mitrione fight was one of the most hilarious things I'd ever seen, and I knew Rampage was going to lose the real fight based off of how shit his training of his fighters was.

But I'm saying you realize how transparent that is right? All these fresh accounts claiming it but nobody posted the email.

At least he isn't humping the stool.

lmao you lost

psychedelics won't make you piss hot, weeb.

>Hes still here
>Hur im right about a show nobody has fucking seen or cares about being a couple years before the UFC

Your autism is quickly turning into cerebral palsy

your fine but they are over-rated and they will not change your thought process, at least in a beneficial way.

holy shit imagine having your soul ripped out of your body by one of your best friends in front of millions of listeners

i wasnt really into stand up comedy not until 2005. was joe rogan really funny? i only knew about him when i started watching UFC i forgot what year but he was interviewing matt hughes when he defeated royce graci. i mean TheoVon is much funnier than him

this trio seems familiar. asobi asobase?

carlos on the stool is the same height as joe rogan

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News Radio was absolutely based

Holy shit what a dog shit splash.

holy shit this was brutal. uncomfortable to watch.

yeah ronda's wrestling skills were shit

Schlob and Browne are both dog shit

>be Travis "hapa" Browne
>beat up my gf's ex
>get bullied by Werdum
>get wheel kicked by a fat beaner with a bad back
>get pimp slapped by a corpse with no chin
>get heemed by a big nig
>get bullied by Werdum again, technically losing to him twice in one night
>gf gets fat after getting heemed and becomes a recluse, then gets heemed again even faster and starts faffing about in man drama to stroke her ego

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This is unironically a perfectly composed post. You should be proud of it user

>if i have an hour i have 25 minutes of MURDER
LMAO joe rogan confirmed for greatest comedian all time


Former UFC heavyweight Brendan Schaub is EASILY on his way to become the biggest and mos idiocyncratic entertainment paradigm ICON ever on the history of the western context sphere.

>TV host
>Social Media influencer
>Executive producer
>Stand up comedian
>Scrip writer
>T-shirt mogul
>sneaker aficionado
>respected social commentator

Forget COMPLETELY about a double or a triple treath this brontosaurious is Dozenuemumth thread! No other person has ever been able to reach this level when i say he is a beast it is below him, an under statement. Beasts aim to reach the point where someine would say " He is a Schaub"

Big Downs taking off like a bbbbbbeast!!!! All you cheeto stained finger haters need to get some fucking work ethnics about you, bee sting swab taking over this scene!

Now that hes conquered showtime where will /ourguy/ attack next? HBO? Netflix? Comedy central??? SCHAUB IS UNSTOPPABLE

this is the email you mouth breather

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>shit is getting very uncomfortable to watch
>check video scroller
>i'm less than halfway thru and there's still 8 minutes left

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Unironically based

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I'm not watching all that shit, what the timestamp?

The timestamp is in the link you mouthbreathing phoneposting waste of life.

kek. for an impressive alpha man like yourself you sure sound like a reddit cuck

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Yo, sauce?

Attached: Sauce.jpg (244x169, 13K)

That intro was kind of lit, I don't see the issue

Attached: no it isn't faggot.webm (824x464, 1M)


What's the joke?

There has never been a funny standup in the history of mankind and there never will be

He used to get heemed sleepy


holy shit that was brutal

Attached: 1558923089322.jpg (577x537, 33K)

You can still hear Joe's guido accent back then. He's been in LA so long, it's mostly faded.

If anything this email is encouraging review bombing


bump, I tried watching watching from the beginning (where that link starts for me) and they're just talking about shit. Can someone actually tell me what point he starts talking about the time with his room mate?

>He called it "You'd be Surprised" after Joe said that about his expectations fighting pro MMA fighters.
Is this the end for Brendan Schaub?


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