She did nothing wrong. She should have been queen

She did nothing wrong. She should have been queen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

1st For the purest and most beautiful queen who ever was or will be!

/ecg/ Lad of my Lad, will you protect her smile?

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She was. For a day or so...

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Cutest psycho!

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Not even a day. She never got to sit on the throne.


Attached: danyroll.webm (640x742, 969K)

Based cutest psycho poster.

Based roll poster.

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You literally can't resist her beauty, charm and cuteness.

Attached: ECG.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

She actually was queen before that, right after arriving to Westeros, way before conquering KLs. She just wasn't the only one. She had the support of most houses, just not the capital. Then she got the capital. Sitting on a chair is not what makes a king/queen.

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She's fucking dead and the show is over, get over it you dumb cunt.

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imagine cheating on this with a Tinder single mom


Typical waifunigger response.

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>she will never wear your socks and look at your Emilia folder


can you imagine you are in the throne room with her and she asks you to be with her and to break the wheel together with her and to conquer the world with her together on her dragons and then you realize she is your aunt and she kinda committed genocide so you say no and she gets really upset with you and she doesn't believe it so she gets her unsullied to lock you up in her dragons below the red keep and then she goes to visit winterfell she burns it down and captures sansa and arya and also locks them up in the same room as you are in and then every night she will come to you and have sex with you while you are chained to a bed while your sisters/cousins are watching and while she is riding you she is whispering sweet nothings into your ear about how you two are meant to be together and you slowly start to fall in love with her haha that would be kinda weird right?

keep seething

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She's waiting, /ecg/

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>literally real human bean and a real hero

The usurper /got/
The usurper S*nslag
The usurper tranny

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She was a cancer and so are these threads

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>"Mhm mhm..."

Let's go

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>human beans
BASED stannisposter

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Lmfao just end your life already

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i want to be her little spoon

>real hero
>human beans

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Attached: thic.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

For the lulz.

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>Enternally makes /ecg/ seethe
>Prevented her from ever getting to sit on the throne that she dreamed about having for so long
>Knows redheads a best
Truly based and redpilled

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We can talk about the rest of her career, like the romcom she has coming out later in the year, or above suspicion which may or may not come out at some point in the future.

Or we can just have a board full of /pol/-tier race-bait and incels raging about brie larson

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She looks so tiny and cuddly

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The hero always gets the girl in the end

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Attached: Emilia stalker caught.webm (608x336, 2.9M)

that's rare

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I love this video so much, it works great with the music.

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>Get hired for some HBO fantasy series. It sounds like shit, but it's a job.
>Show up for very first GoT table read
>Oh look, another fucking useless slag trying to be a star
>Ignore the stuck-up bitch
>Get seated next to her
>Discover her amazing personality and wicked sense of humor that was nothing like you initially thought
>Fall madly in love with her.
>Get friendzoned. Hard.
>Marry her best mate just to get close to her. Cheat on her.
>Turn to drugs and alcohol to try and fill the hole, but it never does.

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imagine marrying her and having 3 children and growing old together wouldn't that be weird haha

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>Or we can just have a board full of /pol/-tier race-bait and incels raging about brie larson
Sounds preferable desu, go to reddit to talk about this gay show.

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she's also making a romantic comedy with Kit Harrington and some Belgian guy

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the eyes that were promised

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No kids

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S1 emilia was pushing it but she's way too old now
maybe she could act as a nursemaid for a younger more attractive woman and nurse her child

Surrogates exist, ya know.

Then you can't have her. Emilia is for stern mothering.

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is that emilia?

Absolutely gorgeous.

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>have sex incel

Every time

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are you from Africa or India or somewhere like that? Most women in the UK have kids around her age.

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no sadly

I don't get why we needed that final episode anyway, the hero already did the necessary and won.

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>I... hurt myself today...

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Weird isn't the word I'd use...But anyway. I'll never be able to get her. Another failure in my life...
I hope she will find someone nice and have a happy life. She deserves it

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It's extremely risky for her to have kids because of the aneurysms. The blood pressure would probably kill her specially if she wants to give normal birth and not a C-section

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why is she always so cold? she's not dying, is she?

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Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?

why does she always look so lonely and in need for affection? why have all her bfs left her? is it true she's very clingy and needy?

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A bunch of lads having fun and hanging out
Some tryhards who want everybody to think they're "sophisticated"

Imagine denying THIS.

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want to grab and hug her by the hips while she burns westerosi scum

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she smol

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yes she is very hyperactive and is very needy. no introvert user would be able to keep up with her high energy

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Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt:

She's hyperactive and VERY needed user, i imagine that would be horrible and you don't want that. I shall sacrifice myself and take care of her, ok?

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Imagine bumming her out in such a happy moment for her

Attached: closer triumphant Dany.webm (1220x1080, 2.54M)

emilia please contact me, we need to continue your genetic line

unironically kys seething stormfag inceloid

>fly up to the keep on the back of the dragon
>you're riding bitch behind Dany, fully engorged with your muscular hands around her cute waist , your dick rubbing her cheeks as the dragon moves around
>she knows but doesn't say anything as she loves it and it's turning her on
>They've bent the knee and have surrendered
>you slide off and motion Dany to jump, you catch her and she gives you a little kiss
>You start walking hand in hand into the castle, Drogon takes off and Dany's hair gets blown around and time stops as you are struck with her sheer beauty
>Enter the Throne room and they're already bending the knee
>Dany is giddy and happy and that makes you happy to see her like that
>You slowen your pace but grip onto her hand as much as you can, it not even fully separated and you have a need to touch her again and it hurts your heart
>you stare at her as she gives her speech
>she looks at you every now and then and gives you a special smile that's just for you
>she motions you to start liberating and you liberate the dethroned King of whereever you are in half, never breaking eye contact with Dany
>you take her hand and go to the King's chambers
>as you hear the screams of people burning alive and being slaughter you make sweet sweet love and become on with the one true Queen.

waiting is bad for the health of the child and considering she's hit the wall so bad she had a brain bleeding i'd say her time's up

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These threads are literally just five kissless Reddit virgins reposting the same images of the worst actor in a shitty show
kys before crippling depression take you, unironically

last boyfriend cheated on her with some slag on tinder.

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>that pic
True canon ending t b h

I've heard it's being made by C Projects, is it true? They're really good

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The End that Was Promised

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>She did nothing wrong.
She should have killed the dwarf immediately when he showed up. And she shouldn't have listened to Tryion as much.
