Man, you can really know a man's personality from his ranking of the Friday the 13th flicks
Man, you can really know a man's personality from his ranking of the Friday the 13th flicks
6 > 4 > FvJ > 2 > 1 > 3 > 7 > the rest
Man thats a lot of movies.
1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > X > reboot > 5 > 8 > 7 >>>>> 6
Forgot 9, would place it between 7 and 6
>Jason Takes Manhattan ranked that high
It's one of the slowest and most nonsensical films of the franchise, and the only really memorable kill is Jason knocking the black kid's head off with one punch.
Yeah, this is about right.
I liked it because it changed locations. I t was something different and I can appreciate it for that. Same reason I loved X, it was Jason in space. I don't care if it was ridiculous, it was just a fun movie to watch
The flashback sequence is arguably the funniest scene in the entire series
>6 > 4
Based. Why is FvJ that high tho
Fite me
The fight scenes were fun and I love Freddy.
thi thi thi cc cc cc
You're deep in love
but you're deep in the woods
1, 2, 4 and 6 and you're good to go
Best girl
Who did it better?
jason obviously ;)