*Sprinkles nutmeg on your post*
*Sprinkles nutmeg on your post*
"Its better because the recipe is 400 years old"
No, Townsends all that food looks incredibly unappetizing.
*makes 20 videos saying how he isn't interested in politics days after insulting Trump with a video*
>insulting Trump
And into the trash that subscription goes. Oh well.
he sort of overreacted like a bitch
I don't know if he got a lot of very personal abuse that he wasn't used to at that point but it sort of put me off his channel just a bit
also that one video where he said they weren't doing enough to be historically accurate and was going to try harder in future videos
just came off as a bit mentally unstable
Based, fuck that Isreali puppet
he does have a tendency to babble on about shit
Only Trumptards would be stupid enough to thing a recipe for a desert is political commentary against their Dear Leader
Wait, this is bait right? Nobody but retarded /r/The_Donald mongs actually thought it was supposed to be an attack on Trump?
I think it's fairly commendable to try and remain a-political this day and age and tell those people to kindly fuck off. Not that his "rants" aren't pretty weird and kinda ominous at points.
It's a shame they focus more on the reenactment and live-streaming stuff rather than making food videos theses days. I love historical cooking, it's why I started watching, but I don't much care for American history reenactment.
>Orange fool: a drink fit for the dumb fucking piece of shit Drumph in Washington
>I'm frustrated
By the way everything you see can be bought on our store! CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME
good lord, it was /pol/ that thought he was being political with a common recipe, of course it fucking was. I never understood why he even made that follow up video, but now I get it. Some of your brains are pickled to mush, literally jumping at shadows.
Well no shit. The entire channel was made to market his store pretty much.
and yet its the left that sees nazis in okay signs and other 1000 things that ADL lists as extremist symbolism
>tfw watch Townsends and Steve's MRE videos at work
Old food is comfy.
>let's fight retardation by being even more retarded than the opposition
Sounds like a great idea.
>No, Townsends all that food looks incredibly unappetizing
I didn't really get the idea that it was supposed to be good so much as authentic. Which it probably is, at least as far as I can tell.
I think it went down that way :
Townsends thought it could be constructed as such, didn't make any remark on it in the video and went with it.
In the comments, however, there was a flammewar between the leftists who thought it indeed was a jab at trump and congratulated the recipe on that alone, and right-wing subscribers thinking this was a jab at trump because every leftie was arguing that opinion.
Townsend and Wife's Sons, am I right fellow youtube fanatics?
oh btw which one of you is Nicole Marly?
Its not meant to be better you fucking retard
he emotes like a woman
He does say that pretty much everything he tastes is delicious, no matter how gross it seems.
Though I've always interpreted it more as "delicious for how simple and old it is".
Hello Nutmeg Daddy.
who fucking cares
>and yet
shut the fuck up
Enjoying a baked onion right now, AMA
Rate it 1-10
MmmmMMm the only thing it needs is some Nutmeg :) 1800/10 ;)
>you:fuck niggers and kikes, here's our latest psyop to convert more people to our cause. hail hitler (ironically tho lol)
>msm, hungry for clicks: here's what these faggots are doing
>you: wow why the fuck do they think we're nazis and racists???
step as faggots, the superior historical cooking show is here
comfiest guy
Bob Ross only made his videos for PBS to sell paints and stuff.
if PBS was as easy to win over as the average Youtube viewer is Cucksend would be shilling his catalogue over public television thanks to viewers like you I'm sure
This is a pretty good point.
It's unsuprising the only retort the leftist NPCs have against this is "hurr u retarded" This whole game's getting boring though
False. He did not make the orange fool vid because of trump. nice try jew.
Tell me about the peasant, why does he wear the hat?
Lot a loyalty for a sprinkle of nutmeg
"ima kill nazzees!!!"
No matter how much you try to shift the blame, the fact remains anyone who thought that was a legitimate political attack is straight up retarded. Leftist or right.
Even if you're not on PBS, back in the glory days of public access TV, you could easily have a show like Townsend's on there. Historical reenactment has been popular for a long time in America and combining it with a cooking show is perfect.
>shift the blame
Great, more logical fallacies. How exactly was that post "shifting the blame"?
Like I said, this whole game's getting boring.
Why do people watch cooking shows though?
Are you actually retarded?
Its hunger porn. Its not really more complicated than that. With Townsend you also have that extra level of information since its about historical food.
I don't know exactly but I noticed that when I went on diet I immediately started watching cooking shows on youtube so there has to be something there.
>I think it's commendable to stay apolitical
>and to tell those people to fuck off
user, i...
>he insulted our daddy. not fair
This, but unironically.
Accelerationism is the only logical position.
He didn't. This is the video he's referencing.
Why would anyone hardcore LARP about a century nobody cares about? You don't see Yuros LARPing about the Middle ages or Renaissance.
At least Civil War reenactors do it because most are bitter Southerners who wished the South won so they just LARP about Civil War battles instead and pretend they've won.
Fucking hell. This is why they say "don't meet your heroes." Twitter was a mistake.
>I am gonna make a plea to all the centrist people: republicans are literally nazis!
>soẏlent and Trump go together
Does the left have to get EVERYTHING wrong?
>durrr people we don’t like are retarded so we should be too
ultimate brainlet
I want her dairy bros
The recipe was called Orange Fool. Its the comments that claim he was teferring yo Trump when tge recipe itself had nothing to do with Trump.
But seriously. Why can't the right meme?
Townsends and sons is actually historical reenacment first. Food is an important part of it, but the company is focused of potraying and maintaining historical reenactments
The right loves to make fun of the left eating their own and now the they are too
Do you honestly think a dude who is into american reenactment is a liberal?
>You don't see Yuros LARPing about the Middle ages or Renaissance.
You do though.
Imagine being this retarded
He's just reenacting. The 1800s people called the drink Orange Fool. Why do the alt-right have to make everything political?
He almost bald right? That's why he always wears a hat.
comfy channel
Because they’re effeminate and weak as the democratic population
Killed his channel. Surprisingly, turns out people who are interested in watching 18th century cooking tend toward the conservative.
Background with the (((New York))) commie spin on this:
I'd churn her butter, if you know what I mean
> "I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry."
> Cries
Townsends is based as fuck and I wish you fucking faggots never learned of him. If you guys fuck with him in any way you are making a big mistake, this guy is exactly what the internet needs - passionate about a topic most people couldn't give a shit about and wholesome to boot. I ignore the politics because who doesn't these days. There is nothing wrong with this man or what he does. Leave him alone. Yea Forums can be like the fucking Eye of Sauron, I don't want you guys turning your eye to him and trying to fuck his shit up, it's not worth it.
> Abloo bloo!
The recipe had nothing to do with Trump
>I don't want you guys turning your eye to him and trying to fuck his shit up, it's not worth it.
is this bait?
>Be apolitical!!!
>In your depiction of colonial america!!!
> Makes you creme
I think he's a drunk, his occasional red nose and loss for words make it seem so.
>opposing nazism because the ark of the covenant belongs in a museum
He's clearly addicted to nutmeg.
> Hannah has girlie handwriting and takes notes in green ink
She's -- prefect.
Please, anybody besides Townsends.
modern history TV is also a great youtube channel in a slightly similar vein
Lol I didn’t think people on here knew who this guy is. I watch many of his vids. His brandy “posset” recipe is awesome.
you obviously didn't see the 3 hour livestream where he was sauced on colonial wine lol
I've been subbed to Townsends for over 4 years and never did he show any apolitical leanings on his channel which I found great considering the political climate today. I'm pretty sure the guy is red pilled but he doesn't really want to taint his channel for that
ah beat me to it, i love both of these channels
I'd let her churn my butter if you know what I mean.
You all realize that the Orange Fool video wasn't a coincidence, it was a deliberate political message considering the time he uploaded it. The only question - why did he do it lads?
I can tell you never seen his videos.
> HFW you drop your pantaloons.
I have, let's say, very strong philosophical and political convictions but this ridiculous modern mania for inserting the political into every single thing is pathological and gross. Shame on every one and this deeply sick society. Let the man talk about hats or whatever.
>getting baited this hard
>this is bait right
I think it was a coincidence. He's too pure for modern politics. If he were a leftist PBS would have given him a show by now.
Then why did he make such a big deal about it? If it was coincidence he would have just ignored it.
Because his comment section went nuts over it and he didn't expect it.
Why isn't there a /youtube/ board? There so much content to discuss and I feel like this thread is going to be deleted.
You know Indy was actually more or less looting. He would just grab shiny things, pay no attention to their context, and stick them in Marcus Brody's museum on a shelf.
Ok and? Slavery isn't modern politics.
I do dislike how a lot of these historical cuisine memers go out of their way to pretend literally all the dishes are delicious to a modern palate. Especially the medieval ones. It's like baby's first medievalist factoid that medieval cooking throughout much of europe was based on the "sweet and sour" meme which means a lot of the fancy stuff upper classes ate would be disgusting by today's standards. Ah yes, let me get some of those radishes covered in honey please.
But there is a silver lining, because the health argument isn't just a meme. Medieval people got most of their calories from carbs, and ate a low sodium, low sugar, borderline vegan diet and thus a similar diet transplanted into today's culture would be vastly more healthy than the average amerifat's processed death sentence buffet. so I guess they should shill it, it is literally a superior taste in the sense that if you had good taste you would choose to eat things that don't kill you. eating "good tasting" unhealthy things is literally darwinism blowing you the fuck out
I think it's because he got caught trying to push a certain agenda. Prove me wrong, why did he overcompensate?
Kill your idols.
there really should be, tv and film are old media, most of the shit people watch is internet content now and yet Yea Forums has no board for it. fuckin boomer website.
Still bitching about "we wuz slaves" sure as heck is.
He's not passionate. He's just promoting his store. In private life I bet he doesn't even wear a tricorn hat.
Only a Buddhist says that.
Because the media got involved and started writing about it. Imagine you're a guy who just wants to sell shit and make videos about history and suddenly the media is all over you for a video about a drink that people are assuming was a shot at Trump. How would you react?
Any video from YouTube will fall under the topic one of the existing boards... This thread for example would be on topic on /his/
>implying you cant be passionate about your business
i love how /pol/cels are so touchy that even mentioning the fact slavery exists in a historical context is off-limits.
It’s a historical show you Fucking retard. He’s trying to teach you about your history and culture which is something that Jewlywood would surely hope you don’t learn about
Goddamn she could have done much better than him.
This is unironically one of the comfiest youtube channels of all time
Man fuck the leftist media. Also fuck the alt-right for overreacting.
Dude just wants to make an 1800s drink called Orange Fool.
If you're going to reenact history you have to cover all of it. He owned slaves, people reenact that. I fail to see the problem.
hes a fucking renacter. adressing slavery is fucking normal
jesus christ
Apparently Hiroshimoot is afraid it will go on full shilling mode. Just a bunch of ecelebs advertising their channel
This thread would get deleted on /his/ too just like political debate videos get deleted on /pol/ with frequency. They want all YouTube discussion on Yea Forums which is just retarded.
The Chad Knight
The virgin 18th century peasant
Check out Adam Ragusea for a new cooking channel that is based.
does gookmoot even read his own chan? shills are out in full force already
I like his stuff well enough but it's too... Overly friendly? It seems fake. I mean, I'm friendly and know friendliness but it just seems like too much. Does that make sense?
His daughter is cute.
I've tried that, it doesn't work at all
they just slide right off the board with no responses or they get deleted for being off topic
Just face it Yea Forums is the best place for them
Wait a minute, are you telling me people interested in a channel that exclusively shows colonial american food preparation are also older conservatives in real life? Huh! I guess ol' Mr. Frustrated should've thought twice before shitting on the core values of his entire audience!
>Just face it Yea Forums is the best place for them
I agree but they still get deleted when janny awakens from his hotpocket slumber.
English Heritage is better.
All hail Mrs Crocombe
> Thinking he spends the same amount of time on say -- the story of indentured servants or American Indians
Yeah, no.
or just stop being so thin skinned, jesus
Yea Forums blown out again by low t nerd. now THAT is based
> This week, baked parsnips and transgenders in Colonial America.
With the exception of Elizabeth Warren no one is reenacting being an Injun.
I just watched his video the other day with two indian re-enactors. He also has an hour long video on indentured servants, youre a fucking retard
Compared to how many with stories of proud black wimmin cooking for evil massa?
I am mexican and I love watching this guy why do americans hate there history and heritage so much, its great history
Fucking snowflakes can't take humble 17th century banter.
I really wouldn't say americans, of any people, hate their history
Yeah I know what you mean. He's acting like he's pretending to be your aunt or something and it's unsettling.
>why do people like watching skilled people do stuff?
gee user, I have no idea
>implying they have to be skilled
damn my man's roasting an onion like a pro, time to sub
It was in mid-2017, not like it was just after the Election.
> Because right after the election all that "Drumpf!" nonsense immediately stopped .
He does though, he has a big fat black guy talk about slavery and reenactment. Fuck everyone here. Fuck politics. Fuck pol and fuck the boomer alt right who see kikes and trannies in every fucking thing their eyes gaze upon.
Dont you like food? I like to cook
alright I'm not sure what encyclopedias you've been reading but letting some brother stretch out your wife while you putt around the kitchen isn't legitimate reenactment
There's nothing concretely linking some guy's food video to Trump.
>Townsend's and Wife's Son
Shiggity diggity dooo
Grow up snowflake. You trump sjws are crazier than the trannies at times
Can I get the best kinos of whoever this guy is?
How stupid are you? Dumb American fuck. Also, reenacting is pretty fun.
More like the chad peasant.
>fresh wild caught salmon
>fresh organic veggies
>whole grain bread
>fresh pasture raised dairy and eggs
Fuck I wish I was a peasant.
He's cozy and pure. Leave him alone.
She's reenacting a slave you fucking dingus. Trump was a fucking mistake to /pol/.