Blessed Yea Forums images

Blessed Yea Forums images

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Other urls found in this thread:

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What's that thing with the red wires on the left?


Attached: 1504064553453.jpg (698x1024, 98K)

but also this

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Attached: brad.jpg (400x474, 78K)


>brushing your cunts teeth
So that movie was real. Glad I'm a virgin.

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Attached: billwilson.jpg (975x600, 82K)

Attached: wanderer.jpg (796x1024, 120K)

Attached: subway_man_floating.png (517x799, 683K)

Manlet of Steel

Attached: kCNR42l.jpg (1439x1312, 604K)

Zack is the ultimate chad. Only incels hate him.

This is PEAK

blurry, but obi-wan with a green saber

Attached: obiwanGreensaber.jpg (942x695, 71K)

is he hovering?

From what movie is that set?

2001 duh..

Suck a dick.

Attached: zorak.png (420x420, 245K)

>those turn ups


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Amy Schumer?


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You aren't allowed to post this. Delete.

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Attached: take THIS Marvel.jpg (2304x2880, 462K)

Here's an unironic one

Attached: Elem Klimov & Larisa Shepitko.jpg (1280x827, 87K)

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the pile of old mattresses always makes me smile

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Attached: Iron-Chef-1.jpg (500x525, 255K)

is that aaron rodgers semen?

lol jk cause he gay

what are the funny bits in this video? it's 2 hours long and I didn't hear anything funny or interesting.

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gay? He REALLY likes women dude. i dont understand where the confusion comes from.

Attached: meatrocket.jpg (449x324, 70K)


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Nice clock, Ahmed.

Any day, any age


Attached: I can't control my horny level.jpg (640x464, 21K)

Attached: 1532167292624.jpg (613x440, 147K)

Goodbye horses plays in the background

Wonder where they are now, some hobos sleeping on movie history and will never even know it

Damn you slow wi-fi

Attached: whiteincelBTFO'dbyGoddessLarson.png (1198x664, 1.14M)

a legitimately good song

very underrated bassline

come on now

Attached: cdfe653d26f90d22bc424163ffca3cdc.jpg (236x237, 7K)

Everything went gayer

lol what a character

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She's insanely stunning and about as close to 10/10 wife material as it gets but Christ is her mind a nuclear explosion of crazy.

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Lmfao that fucking cat Beast

Nightcrawler is the only one that looks better, Beast looks like shit now

I want to FUCK obi-wan

Attached: 5748fb3fjw1ebkyui6w3jj20qe17wtg8.jpg (950x1580, 283K)

she is so ugly but pussy is pussy right Yea Forums?

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True. I love this synthwave remix.


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why is she so mad bros?

Dumb commie cunt. This is one of the many reasons why woman should have never been allowed to vote.


>If it moves, it's food

Attached: 62 inches.jpg (410x600, 83K)

What am I looking at here?

Attached: fcc8561d35343affa8ac530d5f12e163.jpg (477x700, 43K)

wow THATS what commies look like!?

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Why does he look so sad? Any half-serious film buff would nut standing in that ro

Attached: 668.jpg (639x755, 36K)

Would you fuck me? I would fuck me hard.

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The funny bits are everywhere. You just have to watch it with a certain mind set. There are no punchlines or gotcha moments, yet the absurdity of every second of the video is what makes it funny. STAYVEN

All worker ants are lesbians too.

Attached: sxtui59cthv01.jpg (684x1024, 83K)

Attached: natalie-portman-butt-ass-butt-11.jpg (448x500, 49K)

In your dreams dyke



I cant even imagine being that much of a Chad, getting like 6 girls to trip over themselves slutting it up so that you can fuck one of them

Wonder how life is for Tyler now

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Attached: Why yeeeees.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Hold on can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened here

How has this not been posted yet

Attached: moretz.jpg (1100x1650, 262K)

twunk kino

conceive the fragrance.

i hate it too but you literally can't make an argument how eating cows and pigs is moral but eating dogs and cats isn't. not to mention the cold brutality of industrial slaughter of animals in the US


This is the image that saved Yea Forums

When I was last in china I heard a joke about the cantonese, as even other Chinese think they eat a lot of weird crap.
>They'll eat anything that flies except for an airplane, anything in the water except for a submarine, and anything with legs which means there's no table to eat it on.

midge making a mountain out of a molehill

Adolf HUNGler

too bad about the chicken legs

Attached: midgecore.jpg (1067x1600, 237K)

Why don't they lay eggs then, huh

he was hoping Dave would come

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Someone should ask her if she likes MudKips XD

Attached: Ma'am with the Swollen Bum.jpg (634x460, 82K)

>Will you go to HC with me?
What does HC stand for? High Charity?

Attached: steve.png (768x506, 150K)

>sees thread
>gets assblasted
>threatens "legal recourse" on twitter
>hilarity ensues

Attached: Tex.png (424x349, 138K)

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Attached: Ezra-Miller_(04A).jpg (2304x2880, 387K)

Oh no, she's retarded!


Probably great. People like to meme that chads end up with shit lives but the confidence they have works great in the business world, especially as they feel fine and confident in their bluster; they routinely talk themselves up well above their actual skill/ability and get jobs they're under qualified for. My chad friend moved to a financial company recently and got a 25k payrise and I can guarantee you that he isn't actually qualified for the role, but he can sell himself.

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Another bong learns about the First Amendment the hard way.

This males me feel old

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Home Coming.

Attached: Game+Thrones+Season+4+Premiere+RM1nUKdSsggx.jpg (682x1024, 189K)

Guys i think he might be gay

Where did Cory Walker go? Did he make enough off Invincible to not have to work anymore?

Attached: Ryan Greensling.jpg (1264x851, 117K)

it's a bikini razor

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She got hit in the head with a sledgehammer and went through reconstructive surgery, right? That can't be natural.

Based Rosa BTFO Ben Shekelino and Jordan Peterstein /nu/right fangoys

i think it arranges electrical cords for the stylist

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2019, I'm so happy for him.

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It's a based Prince Phillip gag
>“If it has four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.”

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>little left to do but to be barefoot and pregnant
Fucking based pregnancy+footfags


perfect height

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that fruit cup is "gender neutral" or w/e so it's not technically gay
you're still a faggot though

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has the perfect excuse to press his entire arm across the width of her brap


That was such a good thread


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is that Big Dick Dave Meltzer?

Attached: 141189284927.png (1010x713, 1.39M)

This guy is like AIDS incarnate

leave right now and never come back

>patty will never be your kinomommy gf

Attached: 1552690408781.jpg (960x1280, 179K)

>That can't be natural.
on judaism it can

>you just know

Attached: IMG_4618.jpg (2033x1465, 666K)

Throw her out of a copter


Attached: mogged.jpg (780x960, 66K)

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>"Resident Evil 2"

It’s kino


now that's a MOGGIN

Based as fuck. Can already hear liberals and /pol/tards seething

Attached: end_my_suffering.jpg (640x480, 37K)

what the fuck is going on in this picture

Attached: blaotrdoal.jpg (239x211, 5K)

More like gay Chad incarnate

>Name of this art: A man denied his kino

Attached: justice-league-zack-snyder.jpg (1200x960, 110K)

Attached: d98b970a22a5f23dd06ad4d5524ce237.jpg (813x467, 28K)

Did he get inside that thickness?

Intentional torture vs bolt gun to the base of the skull.

>Is a chad
>Decides to be gay

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Attached: smuggggg.jpg (1200x801, 228K)

something of lasting worth or with a timeless quality

That's what brought him back user

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Attached: Ciacide Squad.jpg (480x403, 123K)

hes so happy

Any picture of Bryce

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Fuck women, fuck capeshit, and fuck heteronormativity

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Attached: RIP Verne.png (768x450, 170K)

Attached: Cyan Gosling.png (1280x851, 1.1M)

Attached: 1547398598986.jpg (2048x1370, 282K)

how embarrassing

Attached: capeshit.jpg (480x270, 39K)

>ywn have a drunken Christina Ricci get slutty all over you

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theres a reason why shes one of the few child stars who isnt fucked up.

4 handsome men, that early? she was satisfied.

Standing on his tippy toes lol

Attached: alex tweet.jpg (750x705, 139K)

>the neck

Attached: 1558528539007.jpg (450x518, 119K)

One of Harvey's stranger requests, but a long way from the strangest I'm sure.

t u m m y

Attached: Pointing.jpg (540x420, 35K)

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>Andre hasn't looked at a weight his entire life
>still he could crush Arnold like folding a newspaper
Genetics man

Is this Christina Ricci?

Actually disgusting.
Hope he turned the thot down.

Attached: disgust.jpg (1030x772, 58K)

I bet you think t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m is absolutely mental. Fucking idiot.


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I've never understood what the deal with this image is. What's so interesting about it?

what did she meant by this

this made my day

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they're both ugly, justice is done

What video is this from?

I guess it's a straight thing.

Attached: Amanda-Seyfried-and-dog.jpg (615x615, 75K)

The cheese is shopped, but the jorts are real.

Attached: ED6AFAD8-856E-46E1-948F-BC817E68409F.jpg (2010x2010, 496K)

nvm alita sucks


God I wish that were me

He probably fuck chicks just to be decadent


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Attached: Christian and Natalie.jpg (2048x1538, 396K)

This is so accurate it hurts. However, the meme does have a nugget of truth. To be a real chad is to live a life of high risk; high reward. They have the gift of gab, but nothing else and if they can't continuously project that image of success and confidence then they will lose everything, but if they can they will have the hottest girls, the best houses, and the largest bank account even though they barely finished high school.

>He doesn't know
kek, have sex.

I need the pasta for this

I recognize that block of cheese

kek at the jews trying to push this goblina

CWC just changed his profile picture on facebook

Attached: 62144892_10155925259365916_1984311990679502848_n.png (540x960, 563K)


Attached: 1531193509140.jpg (365x495, 29K)

Attached: Dubu_SimpsonsShirt.jpg (1920x1080, 523K)

Chad getting a pass for such a dangerous stunt.


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I mean sure she's pretty and all, just not you know, meme image pretty. She just looks a bit like your average early stages pregnant woman.

This is "random woman on the street" pretty.

ummmm sweety

Attached: j.jpg (592x872, 63K)

cropped out my favorite guy

Attached: .jpg (126x97, 3K)

is that the "ill suck your dick for a cup of coffee" place

I respectfully disagree. I'm glad you like that change though.

based homosexual

>not the one where he crash lands and dabs


every damn time

Attached: large.jpg (800x450, 61K)


Attached: 1549182526641.jpg (590x523, 200K)

Is it that crazy bitch from Harry Potter? She was the only good thing in those movies. Please tell me it's not shopped. HNNNNNNNGGGGG

Attached: 1476763244752.jpg (1200x901, 224K)

Attached: Cameltoe.jpg (738x804, 286K)

you're not doi

Attached: 5b375a6fcbb1750ccb3811887a188498.jpg (1200x1800, 190K)

I can't find it

Attached: 1543087526310.gif (280x304, 656K)

>With a car you could go anywhere

Attached: 1558883828733.jpg (2268x3000, 1.86M)

Jesus christ

Attached: blacknigger.png (462x225, 194K)

How is that an oxymoron?
He's gay but could still steal your girlfriend if he asked her to go with him. That's the chad aesthetic.

Attached: jawlets btfo.jpg (2006x834, 381K)

Attached: 139837033058.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

lol get over it pam

>not posting the edit
fuck you

Very high IQ post, of course Yea Forums is REEEing

wow, Emilia Clarke is fucking tiny

Attached: Brie-Larson-Feet.jpg (700x700, 38K)

it's Helena Bonham Carter

its where the chick falls down in under the skin

Attached: 35286507_641456062867933_2092304824463785984_n.jpg (960x620, 83K)

Agent Baines?

Attached: 78873615-D396-4557-BF25-9EF973649E12.jpg (716x768, 79K)


Attached: 3cd.jpg (482x750, 42K)

He's a big show.


Attached: disney princesses.webm (360x640, 2.11M)

Attached: kino_trailer.png (1265x646, 556K)

"NIGGERS could be here"

Attached: 847daca650c39d480ce14204f1064082.jpg (736x831, 108K)

Helena bonham carter. Its not.

Attached: Helena+Bonham+Carter+56th+BFI+London+Film+jGgpjERimj3l.jpg (594x435, 47K)

you realize cows live a lifetime of unnatural food and confinement in tiny breeder cages before that bolt separates their brain, right?


I would grab her ponch so tightly

This town ain't big enough for the two of us...

Attached: punkyboobster.jpg (411x700, 58K)

on his way to fuck your bitch

Attached: 1542809844455.jpg (1024x759, 192K)

Nolan has not been doing very well after criticism Dunkirk has received.


That highlighted bit is mostly true.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaah.png (1280x715, 782K)

Wh-what happens there?

100% kek

Attached: sofi.jpg (906x919, 174K)

My theory is that guys who are too hot just get tired of pussy after having like 3 of them per day, and eventually go for the more "exotic" thing just because it's different

>tfw no sadistic mommy gf

Attached: gg.jpg (1024x759, 116K)

Attached: Cr_OCY7XYAAgiSZ.jpg (2048x1536, 583K)


Is this blessed or cursed?

Attached: tv b8.jpg (612x913, 280K)

>smoking while pumping


And yet I bet you're the type of person who thinks they're better than most people in terms of actual intelligence. But you can't use it to improve your life at all. The problem isn't that he's too charming. It's that guys like you are so the opposite of charming and relatively off putting.


Holy shit, I knew she was based, but not THAT based

>Not the spilled chili incident

oh my lord

mogged hard

Police that hand, Banderas!

based nolan

A bit thin for my taste.

you gotta be straight and a guy to understand.

its just that kinda feeling.

Where did you meet Nicki Minage?

I want to kiss that tummy! Give it small soft smooches up and down!

Think you're quoting the wrong person bub

I woulda jizzed all over myself.

They have to be able to feel that, right?

What women? Obnoxious ones that build their career on being a pseudo nerd who also get a lot of plastic surgery? No actual straight man puts a ring on that. Fuck no.

Highly, highly based and dare I say it, redpilled

Thanks. Why did they hide her tits? Fucking kikes.

Exactly! Homosexuals are known for being monogamous or sexually chaste

With a car you can go anywhere you want

Nope I'm quoting a fag who thinks that single notion is so accurate that it hurts.

It's ok he's just filling up his car with milk

Record pace thread for a non-general non-sticky

why is this so funny

Oh boy

>no sad Keanu

>Woah Momma!


You can see her internal genitals.

We know full and well that she traced those lines specifically based upon some facial she photoshopped so she could schlick to the idea of getting jizzed on by Krasinski

>be 8
>terminal brain cancer
>make a wish ask me what my dream is
>I want to meet my favourite ghostbuster
>big day comes
>can't wait to meet Bill Murray
>"We managed to get all four of them to come user, isn't that great?"
>4? But Harold Ramis is dead.
>The door opens and I hear shrill laughter and mumbled ebonics
>Four women shamble in to the room wearing cheap cosplay outfits.
>The largest, a barely human looking sheboon swaggers over to me looking like she thinks she's made my day
>"Who ya gun call lil guy?"
>The rest of them roar with laughter
>I hear a voice screaming "Ay gurls, lemme holla at ya"
>A strange negro runs in to my room and starts whooping.
>The 4 women begin to whoop along with him and chant "PHOTO OP, PHOTO OP"
>A camera flashes as I drift into the abyss

red dit

Limmy is a genuine madman. I don't really find his show funny, but I really, really hope he's happy and never ends up killing himself. He's a bro and his twitter is comedy gold.


