Alita: flop

>Alita: flop
>Shazam: flop
>Pikachu: flop
>Godzilla: flopping right now
>Captain Marvel: Massive success
Is this the biggest BTFO in Yea Forums history?

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>Alita : flop

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>3 posts supporting the movies
>54 posts from the disney shill jerking off or larping

really makes you think

If a movie doesn't gross a gorillion dollars tv considers it a flop

>still no stinklines

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hey fren

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My bad , I forgot Yea Forums is retarded

It's near the same score as Pikachu and Shazam. Don't be retarded

Still a success but add on a bit for marketing.

don't be retarded

Richard III didn't make its budget.

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Yea Forums has never been right about anything

>Barely half it's budget in domestic
That's a flop

You are aware that USA is not the only country in the world, right ?

>Is this the biggest BTFO in Yea Forums history?

Black Panther was better BTFOing of Yea Forums

this should go with out saying but box office success =/= quality

You are aware that American made films make a fraction of the ticket price back in other parts of the world right?

It cost 170 million to make before advertising, and a generous estimate is that the studio is seeing 130 million dollars of the gross.

we were right

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Do not talk about things you do not know, it's embarassing for both of us. USA ticket price average is around 9.5$. Average ticket price in western euro is around the same price.

And still, more than 100 millions $ benefit is not flop buddy.
I know it's hard being wrong, but you should stop posting

>Buying the bluray since nobody watched it

But it is nothing to do with the price you dumb retard. It is the percentage of the ticket sales that the studio takes from each market. It is much lower in foreign markets than domestic.

Discord is down at the moment...

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Shazam, FLOP
Godzilla: King of incels, FLOP
Alita: minimum success
Pikashit: FLOP
Endgame with Captain Marvel = biggest and MASSIVE event in the century

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In the US half of the box office goes to the actual studio and the cinema keeps the rest. Abroad its anywhere between 25-50% depending on country.

This is why the rule of thumb is that a movie has to make twice its budget to break even. But that doesn't factor in advertising which due to the global nature of film is in the tens and sometimes hundreds of millions. Alita is in the red and we're not going to see a sequel any time soon, just think of pacific rim. New cast, new director, new everything.

Without success your favorite movie will never have a sequel.


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have sex

>biggest and MASSIVE event in the century
That's not Avatar

I dont even watch movies anymore dont know why I still visit this cringe board

get a hug from someone who loves you


>50% domestic: 43 million
>40% overseas: 74 million
>25% China: 33 million
TOTAL: 150 million
(-) 170 million budget
= -20 million

Detective Pikachu (so far)
>50% domestic: 63 million
>40% overseas: 62 million
>25% China: 21 million
TOTAL: 146 million
(-) 150 million budget
= -4 million

>50% domestic: 69 million
>40% overseas: 72 million
>25% China: 11 million
TOTAL: 152 million
(-) 100 million budget
= 52 million

and that's without marketing

What will you trolls say when, without Endgame to lead into, the next movie makes like 300 million?

>source: my ass

WTF rent free ? What kind of retard would post alita reactions image and says "hello fren" in a thread mocking the bomb of alita and others films but alitafags.

The next phase of the MCU is going to perform terribly

If you're so obsessed with Alita and other films bombing then you have a problem

Since when do we give a shit what the mindless normies think of movies anyway?

>Shazam: minimum success
>Godzilla: FLOP
>Alita: FLOP
>Pikachu: minimum success likely with home video sales



Shut the fuck up

Go back to trash, fucking liar


Marvel has great marketing.

Mmm I can taste the salt

Captain Marvel is not even in the Top 50 now

no. marvel just buys critics.

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Shazam had better reviews than Captain Marvel.

Weird how I see this repeated constantly but never see any actual proof of it. Must be an airtight ship they're running.

kill yourselves you incredible faggots


Posting the same incorrect info I see.

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It’s called the velvet hammer and it’s used a lot in the corporate world. This is where you don’t have to pay off someone you just have to have the means in place to gently threaten someone.

In Disney’s case, they are in the process of buying out all of the media outlets. They recently acquired 21st Century Fox media empire, (with the exception of it’s news channel). So, if you’re a critic, and you work for ABC, you might want to think twice about dissing Star Wars or even the “porgs” since Disney owns ABC and all of its outlets.

For at least the last 10 years Disney has been lobbying heavily to gain control of the Internet. With purchases of media outlets in the $52 billion dollar range, it’s not a stretch to think that they couldn’t pull it off.

Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Time Warner. Time Warner is about to be acquired by At& T. With these types of acquisitions in the works it would not be a good idea for a mere critic to come out against Disney’s products, especially when it’s a product that has billions on the table like Star Wars.

So, you critics had better watch what you say, or the pink slip is in the mail.

The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future.

Actually seething

you are miserable. every day. you live in misery

It doesn't matter what happens, Yea Forums wil find a way to fit it into their agenda. A film they hate flops? It means Disney has gone too far with diversity and audiences are punishing them for it. A film they hate succeeds? It means Disney buys tickets and pays off movie critics. They can never be "BTFO" if they constantly move the goalposts over what is a success and what isn't.

Warner Bros. must be panicking right how. Shazam, Pikachu, and now Godzilla. All of their biggest expected Blockbusters either underperforming or bombing.

They only have It for a guaranteed success this year. Joker won't make big bucks and Shaft probably won't do too well.

>They only have It for a guaranteed success this year.
It Chapter 2 confirmed for huge bomb

and why would anyone but a disney employee care?

>this alittafag cope
every thread

>turns out Yea Forums is more than one person

>but a disney employee
Why would Disney think it's a good thing? Bombs and under-performances damage the entire industry, while successes tend to wash onto others.

have sex incel disney shill

Exactly the same as Blade Runner 2049.

Why do sci-fi fans hate the theatre so much?

>mfw Joker unironically saves Warner Bros. in 2019

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captain marvel was definitely helped by feminists critics and sjw. it didnt even need to do with disney.
critics didnt even like the movie that much on their reviews but gave it a fresh tomato score

no one is buying the blu ray. if it made 1 billion then how come no one cares about the blu ray?

Lmao I bet when Joker comes out a bunch of sweaty mexicans will flood this board with "JOKER WILL BEAT SPIDER-MAN IT'S GONNA MAKE 2 BILLION" and shit like that.

they are poorfags and introverts

The basic edition of Alita is at #4 too

if they don't I'm sure you'll make enough larp posts to spend all year spamming how Yea Forums was wrong

>3.5 stars

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Go eat a taco, chill out ese.

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>truly great films tend to flop
yes, it's an historical occurrence

No good movie has ever flopped and no bad movie has ever succeeded.

Box Office = Quality If you disagree you're seething and should cope.

That did Rosa mean by this?

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She's riding mouse cock, it's a coded message telling her fans she's sleeping with Disney executives to get the sequel funded.

starship troopers


>No good movie has ever flopped
Blade Runner, Dredd, The Thing, The Shawshank Redemption, Ben-Hur
>No bad movie has ever succeeded
Transformers series, The Emoji Movie, Minions, Jurassic World, The Last Jedi, the Hobbit series

>402 million box office.
>362 million box office.
>392 million box office.
>Godzilla just came out.
>None of these had Disney buying out tickets and inflating the box office.
Filthy dumb, subhuman scum.

>Blade Runner, Dredd, The Thing, The Shawshank Redemption, Ben-Hur
Those movies are all bad

>Transformers series, The Emoji Movie, Minions, Jurassic World, The Last Jedi, the Hobbit series
Those movies are all good

Get some taste pleb

b-but Yea Forumspol/ told me all these movies would k-kill t-the m-mouse?
why do we always lose bros?
reality leans left it's not fair REEEEEEE

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>disneyfags just claim "lol Avatar is Disney now anyways" every weekend Endgame doesn't beat Avatar
>won't take responsibility for the Alitaflop

This, but unironically

>believing that Disney bought their own tickets
Sorry to hear that you're braindead. My condolences.

Last I checked DP made over $350 million and is still fresh on RT.

I bet you also think the Earth is flat

that's what the studio takes from the box office


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Prove its not, ball cuck.

Sweet, thanks based Rosa!

Nigga fuckin broke his neck

Well it's less the the BO figures, but definetly more than what you stated...

maybe, but it serves as a point of comparison

Is there unironically Lesbian Marvel shills on this board? Ah! I forgot that he's rotten and infested with trannys, communists, and feminists for months.

sneethe more kiddos

Sci-fi fans are introverted failures

There's way more examples if you dig deeper. Marketing is a hell of a thing with movies. It matters so much more than the movie itself. They have all these analysts and try to figure it out. They still get things wrong. Detective Pikachu was supposed to be a hit. And no one in hollywood would have told you jurassic world was going to break the opening weekend record. It's impossible to really know how the public will react.

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It wasnt even me who posted this you fucking faggot. I told you to stop assuming things to insult people, its pointless, you see what is spam ? You continuously shitposting, if youre not waifuing your insulting, youre not a loss for this board


Proof that people with taste are a minority

this guy is based, fuck that roastie whore

your mom is a flop and should have aborted you

Mostly because Alita is rewatchable, while CM grossed a lot just because of Endgame

Tells you a lot about the state of Western Society they movies like that can continually break box office records. We are now so far down the Capitalist rabbit hole that poor people will now not only religiously watch these movies but will actively go out & try to make them the highest grossing movie of all time. We’re absolutely fucked.

>Avatards BTFO
>Pikachu flopped
>Shazam flopped
>Godzilla flopped
>Alitatards banned
Yea Forums is dead, bury it


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All those "unused tickets" that people were given were probably just sponsor tickets and media tickets that nobody used then, right?

They buy tickets, not critics

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I wasnt banned for the discord. It was down for lot of people. Fucking fagget. You keep inventing things, i tell you its down you said im banned. WTF how can you be so stupid. Still linking threads on your discord. Where is the movie discution ? Hypocrites

> Proof that America is black queer and femminist and are ignorant about cinematography

You guys are done. Let the chinks or the ruskys rule the world. Western culture has clearly failed.

They brainwashed themselves into buying any merch available about this movie.

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>implying it isn't

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Are you really trying to brag about seeing the movie 67 times ?

>Disney buying out tickets
cope harder

>any merch
There's practically nothing - three funko pops, three figurines and a cosplay sword. And that's about it, I think. The steel sword pre-orders closed many months before the movie came out, maybe because they kept pushing back the release.

captain marvel is shit

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Black Panther was a worse btfo. Never seen anything like it

It was confirmed that guy was lying, idiot

finna be slaw nigger

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This does happen, you know. They can write it off as "marketing" costs, and if they get a 60 to 70 percent cut of the box office, it's not even that expensive. It does happen in the music industry too, as a form of sales charts manipulation.

5 years from now, when you are dying from obesity and you are all alone.
you will never forget how Alita had generals for 3 months.

Fuck you

This is what happens when you front-load a movie, also. Even in a theater where seats haven't been bought out, if there's many parallel screenings, you can end up with a half-full IMAX screening running at the same time as a regular screening with four sad dudes watching the movie in a 200 seat auditorium. Even in opening weekend.

The 2xbudget rule of thumb accounts for marketing, and can vary quite a bit. Fox themselves said break-even for Alita was $350M. As for Pacific Rim, that won't happen here, since Jim owns the movie rights to Gunnm and clearly loves the franchise.

We're not getting a sequel, we're getting two.

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They got it all

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Nobody cares about capain marvel here. Cant you retard understand they make their sales with normies, marvel is super popular at this moment.

Warner sold RT to Fandango afew years ago. Buying a ticket through Fandango is now the only way your user review will count towards the user score.

No it fucking absolutely does not happen, you retarded fucking person lol Get off Yea Forums and go outside. Holy SHIT. People like you are helping make the world more and more stupid by the day.

Alita is the worst film out of those. FACT!

Stop with this shit. Seriously, every time you are wrong. It has no purpose, its you screeching trying to insult me and now you can only resort to this pathetic bullshit, alifags

Worth every penny btw.

The orange chocolate isn't technically movie merch. You reminded me of the iced tea cans though.

>any of those movies

Ok kidd

(because it sold out)

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They only drink that, some have even bought in bulk

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Disney shills strong today

I just watched Captain Marvel. Minerva was cute as fuck. Movie should have been about her.

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They have the orange chocolate because in the movie she eat orange and chocolate. I dont know what they are trying to do, its not love, its obsession

never even met a person who watched captain marvel, even made a poll on gaybook and asked all my classmates and family members, not a single fucking person

shazam however widely beloved

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The Germans and Swedes have been buying tickets too, to the point that it's still running in Stockholm, Munich and Berlin. Stockholm apparently had a 50+ audience of mostly random audience last weekend, while the Munichfags are a hard core of rewatchers and a few randos.

>Disney shills
>being surrounded by people with shit taste

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>Stop with this shit.

i will stop insulting you when you stop coming to alita threads. i promise

>3½ stars

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that is an unhealthy obsession

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imagine shilling for a movie so widely hated poop tomatoes had to completely restructure and eliminate user opinions

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Hmm, how could that have happened

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>widely hated

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Craig C looks like he fucks.

The Mummy made a bit more with even lower budget, yet tanked whole fucking planned Dark Universe. If this was a flop then Alita, with even lower gross and higher budget, was even bigger flop. Don't be delusional. Universal had whole monsters universe planned but 400M wasn't enough.

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*captain fungus

Hey discords faggot, how can you at the same time read what i write hear and pretend you arent the one responding to my posts ? Nobody else care

Audience response matters. Most people who saw The Mummy 2017 either didn't care or hated it, while most people who saw Alita fucking loved it.

Are you really still going on about them

Spider-Man is gonna make money cause its Spider-Man.
Shang-Chi and Black Widow are gonna be the ones to underperform hard as fuck.

>most people who saw Alita fucking loved it.
I have yet to speak to anyone who saw it who didn't like it. They're usually surprised that they liked it too. I wonder if it's this 90s feel that gets to them. And then they immediately assume that a sequel is coming. Oh, sweet summer children. (I still hope so.)

Money matters more. Transformers were regularly panned and shat on yet they made 5 of these because of money. Here we are talking about 50M budget difference. If The Mummy lost 90M according to, then Alita lost 90M + 50M extra because of higher budget. Huge flop. Still not Solo level. That was insane flop. Couldn't even pass 400M and with twice higher production budget than Mummy or Alita that probably cost them at least 200M.



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I suppose I agree.
I left the movie feeling it was meh, would have forgotten it by now if not for how much Yea Forums memes it. But another friend who went to see it fell fucking in love with it the same way Alitafags do, defends it any time it comes up. Weird how this film had the same effect on so many folk. It also got me to read 3 volumes of the manga so I can't say it didn't have an effect on me.

Reminder that Captain Marvel made $1,000,000,000.00 more U.S. dollars than every single "comicsgate" Youtuber said it would. Not a single person said Captain Marvel would make over $200 worldwide. All of you are eternally BTFO and Brie is confirmed a dime drawer and beautiful angel.

>Brie is a beautiful angel

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Many of those guys said it was going to make money though. Which ones of them actually predicted a flop?

Yikes. Its hard to believe the feminist havent banned high resolution cameras yet.

Alita is a great movie
I wish it was discussed more on Yea Forums

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I even shrank the image down to like 60% because it was so hard to look at

Not gonna lie, I thought it would be total crap since it's a Hollywood adaptation of anime and those usually suck balls and only went since I had a free ticket that was about to expire and there wasn't anything that looked interesting in theaters. Boy was I wrong. Ended up seeing it again in theater a couple of times, something I don't think I've ever done before.

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Dark Universe isn't dead. Stop listening to retarded media. Even before The Mummy they said that Dark Universe will feature both, blockbusters and cheap horror movies. It was planned since the begining but media made it look like just big budget blockbusters and they were biased against it even before the movie came out. Give them time, Invisible Man is on it's way and this time it is a cheap horror, it doesn't need adventurous action like The Mummy.

I did not expect the movie to be very good, but not crap either. Was hoping for a 6/10 "didn't hate it" experience. And even though it's not a 10/10, it's so fucking interesting to talk about. I have many movies that I like more, but that are just "What's to discuss?"

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to the /trash/ with you

Why is tv so obsessed with how much money a movie makes as opposed how good of a movie it is?

Captain Marvel can make as much money as it likes it was still felt corporate and dead. Shazam at least had a beating heart inside of it.

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Based UwU poster

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>This is 10/10 in burgerland

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You're right that they are the only things that matter in the long run. It is, however very important in the shorter perspective on if sequels can happen. And Yea Forums is about not just what's in the movies, but how they are made and marketed, because that can be interesting too.

Lol no maybe a 10/10 according to the media

Its pretty obvious Disney is going to be the only movie studio by 2030, why even fight it? Why should Warners even put in more than 80 million budget per movie, they always get raped by general audiences.

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what you did not like the movie?
tell us how you feel about it

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Your loss

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Showing the revenue it made is coping ?
Christ buddy, I know it's hard to know you're wrong, but i think it's better for everyone if you do not embarass yourself like that

El goblina de robota was ugly and disgusting.
Dr. cuck giving her his daughter's body was weird.
Dr cuck killing any sort of robots was fucking stupid.
Roller skate gladiators ripped off the robots movie.
Score was not memorable.
Super sword "honed to a molecular edge" was gay

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Only Shazam was a real flop. Picachu did well, Alita did very well for a genre that's usually unpopular, Godzilla 2 will surpass the previous movie.

Not when I previously saw it (and it was still in the top 30)

>Ido killing any sort of robots was stupid
They're cyborgs
>roller skate gladiators ripped off the robots movie
The manga is 30 years old, the only thing it could possibly be a ripoff of is Rollerball

>Roller skate gladiators ripped off the robots movie.


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>muh domestic

Kys amerifat.

this but backwards

Then I guess the best Youtube channel is the Indian ones.
And the 2 best singer are Justin Bieber and the Korean that sang Gangnam Style

Wrong, Shazam was the most profitable of the 4

UPDATE: Detective Pikachu is now at +6 million

Not counting of course the 100m marketing campaign

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Lesbian Marvel don't

How does that justify trotting out sales of one movie versus another to denigrate someone elses hard work.

People are like 'HAHA Shazam was bad it didn't make money!!' And I'm just over here like no bitchass Shazam was good. The failure of marketing just doesn't seem like a relevant argument here.

The fuck

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I'm fucking retarded lol


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Shazam was doing well in line with WB's own expectations until a week after Endgame when Disney made theaters prop up Captain Marvel alongside with Endgame and theaters broke deals with WB and other studios, and Shazam lost 2,500 screens in a matter of 2 weeks

Under these circumstances and being a New Line movie and made by people who have made them a lot of money in the past, I'm sure the sequel is still happening

lost 2,695 theaters
a fucking crime

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Well yeah look at that domestic

80M something, just like Alita, yet 50M less budget.


This. Bow down to Optimus at his prime.

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The lifting of the veil, my friend


God damn that threesome tho... Muh dick

So why are Dumbo and Aladdin rotten, with the former being a flop?

My dude I saw it 16 times in different theaters within a 200-mile radius.

I will watch it at least 100 more times at home.

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Ah yes, the marvel movie that has 30,000 more user votes than Infinity War.

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WB is killing their movies by putting them up against Disney's. Why not put a couple of them during the months of February, which we saw with Black Panther could be a successful month, or have like Shazam be a few weeks after Captain Marvel/before Endgame. August and September would also be good places to go since that's after most of Disney's blockbusters are out.

Oh yeah, if user said it it must be true. He can't be a waifufag

>gets more (moth) pussy than you ever will

>only 67 times
Why are Alitafags so hostile to Captain Marvel when they're just the same kind of autistic waifufags, with Captain Marvel just having more doing it.

So does every capeshit before 2018 in the thousands
RT is simply dying

>it gets a bit boring after a while
He didn't do that because he loves Captain Marvel, he did it because he lives in Wisconsin and there's fuck all else to do. He's an anomaly, while Alitafags watching the film 10+ times is a relatively widespread phenomena, even the lead actress did so.

So, here's the thing about Alita. Apparently the writer is writing a new Star Wars.

There was a Chinese guy who saw Alita 119 times.

Aladdin came out last week and it already has 41k votes and 30k "verified votes"

>disney buying their own tickets.

Doesn't count since disney bought their own tickets lmao

Plus actor dating the chick from already mentioned Mummy movie. LOL. Flops sticking together.

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I don't even waifu, that's the thing. Alita was based on principles of self-esteem and I like sci-fi and anime really it all just came together for me how great this movie is.

Maybe it's a niche, IDK, but it's a special and highly valuable piece of work, the very opposite of soulless cash grab. Highly-skilled people spent a ridiculously amount of time, money, and attention on this movie for the sheer desire for it to exist.

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>Germans and swedes obsessed with Christoph Waltz kino
makes sense

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>Godzilla: King of incels, FLOP
>movie hasn't even screened for a week
Why are mouse cucks so afraid of Godzilla bros?

Why do scores matter when we all know theyre doctored

favorite line in the movie?

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Best F-bomb in movie history, followed closely by "Fuck you Lucky Charms!"

>all that fake disney money buying empty seats
at least wait an hour before you pasta

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joker will beat avatar screen cap this post

>relatively widespread phenomena
Thats a nice way of saying 6 autist obsessed around the lead character

If it was just six autists it wouldn't have made $400M

well that looks fatal

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Now that's some diversity I can get behind.

What was this for? I don't think it was a movie.

Have you seen twitter? Literally every post anyone involved with the movie makes is flooded with replies about Alita. That's not just a few autisrs from Yea Forums.

>all that fake disney money buying empty seats
If you genuinely believe that, you have some form of brain damage and need help. Get well soon user.

nice cope faggot lmao

Reminds me of Zoe Saldana in this pic.

>Joker won't make big bucks
Trailer has more views than Star Wars

>tfw the money from Aliya is going to Disney

This but unironically

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Imagine if they had actually picked a likeable actress

They did

Then why'd they cut most of her scenes out of Endgame

>Yea Forums unironically defending some redditor trash called "geeks and gamers"
fucking kys im glad that faggot lost his youtube video

They didn't

The users score on Rotten Tomatoes


They cut at least one scene out due to backlash

>she was supposed to be the sacrifice until they realised no one loves her

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Wrong you fucking idiot

They say that's the first time they saw her in costume, but that's the Endgame set and her movie came out before Endgame so that doesn't make any sense

I like brie, but I watched captain marvel yesterday and it was fucking horrible

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Endgame was filmed before CM. The CG in Endgame took a lot more work than the CG in CM.

Endgame was filmed 6 months before Captain Marvel. This is common knowledge.

Loving every Laugh

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Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was required to give a fuck about Marvel

keep fighting bros!

>Sweetheart, you are.

>muh capeshit wars

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Even sadder considering how kneecapped that production was by its 1990s British TV-tier budget. I would love to see it redone with actual money and production values

whos the other women?

Oh goodie! Can I expect more stunning and brave woke movies from basedlywood then? Getting increasingly easier to outright plug out of society.

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Point is, they didn't cut any CM scenes from Endgame. End of story.

Ok then if she's popular then why is she barely in the movie in the first place

The Directors already explained that the intent was to focus on the original 6 Avengers.

Explain to me again why Shazam has so many of faggots hyped for it? It looks incredibly fucking dull to me just in the trailers, somehow manages to be even less appealing than the average capeshit churned out nowadays.

Incels trying to hype it up to embarass Captain Marvel
Ended up only embarrassing themselves

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So this is what it looks like when Disney shills try to fit in.

Alita fags at it again .. when will you retards ever learn?