justice for my nigga rodan edition
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justice for my nigga rodan edition
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poll still gonna go on
>go to see KOTM with my family
>Gojira shows up to fight Ghidorah
>mom and sis bite their lips in a unison
Was this mothra's best depiction yet?
How many MUTOs are there? As opposed to there presumably being only one Rodan
i totally expected hollywood to screw it up but it was okay i guess
I like how Rodan is just a fucking asshole. Wakes up and his first response is to take down the next biggest thing in the sky and wreck as much shit as possible.
Whoever wins... we lose.
>Rodan eating that one pilot
Reminded me of The Giant Claw.
Lets fucking go
RIP Mothra
*blocks your path*
They made it canon which makes it the best Godzilla movie
Is your mom Mothra?
Long Live the King
if the last time ghidorah fought Godzilla was in Atlantis then why is he in Antarctica?
it'll be explained in a prequel where we focus on the ancient civilization of atlantis
because godzilla won so he ran like a bitch.
>you now realize that Rodan was (re)born in Mexico, thus making him Mexican
sorry for ruining him for you guys :^)
Prequel comic says another member of Godzilla's species named Dagon is the one that ended up putting him in the ice.
So do the monsters talk to each other in this new one?
is that scanned yet?
>Mexican monster is hot and spicy
Special frequency roars to show dominance. Like dumber orcas.
that was neat
Rodan got what he deserved. He turned on his buddy Godzilla and Mothra put him in his place. Fuck that traitor.
Does anyone have the Monarch map showing where each of the titans are located and their names?
Was this the first time since 1964 that Godzilla and Mothra were on the same side 100% with no tricks or betrayals? There was Destroy all Monsters but they didn't interact at all for most of it.
i like el rodañe
>that ending
holy shit this was fucking insane
How is Kong supposed to stand a chance against any of that, with Godzilla doing plasma-nuke pulses on will?
well they set up megalon so it's possible I guess
He only got the plasma nuke pulse because of the bomb set off him. I assume once Kong tries to fight him the effects of the nuke will have worn out and his power level will have stabilized.
he doesn't. King Kong would get bootyblasted by any of the 4.
but, King Kong will get the Batman treatment.
I am assuming he only became Burning Godzilla because Mothra powered him up similar to how Rodan did back in Heisei. I don't think he could do it again at will.
Kong tags in bro Ultraman
Haven't found a torrent or download, so I guess not.
biggest chad in the Gojiverse
Godzilla is proof that DEF>CHA
Yes, Godzilla is voiced by Idris Elba and Rodan by Seth Rogen
Don't forget the nuke. My guess is that Mothra's spores stabilized his meltdown.
The Planet Eater, sort of?
I think it's because this is the first time in a long while Godzilla's been an unambiguous good guy. Even in vs Destoroyah and Final Wars he's a wild card despite being a protagonist.
the impending meltdown was one of my grips with the movie, why even throw that in there but make him become Burning Godzilla because of Mothra's sacrifice?
I kinda want to hear that.
He was going to meltdown anyway, I think Mothra's power allowed him to control it. Without that he'd have gone the way of Heisei Godzilla.
He was gonna be Burning Godzilla anyway without Mothra (he was glowing red while he was getting choked hard).
>The Batman treatment
Plenty of prep time?
A training montage?
I'm fuckin down
Yes she is
Ultraman is his trainer since he's pulled it off before.
he was flashing red only after Mothra was scattered over him, even then it took a few minutes for him to become Burning Godzilla, really wish they had followed through with VS Mechagodzilla and let him get up immediately and cut out mommy Vera's demolition derby through the streets
Why did Bear use Godzilla and Mothra's themes almost wholly unaltered but didn't include Rodan's (well technically Varan's) theme especially considering it already had religious type chanting in it?
>godzilla goes so fucking NUCLEAR he melts the scyscapers around him
do you rike it Yea Forums-kun??
if you do, i am will incrude goji in des sutranding
sugoi dessuuuuuuuu
>Godzilla gets a power up
>Ghidorah gets a power up
>that fucking DROP
>Godzilla proceeds to go Super Saiyan
It was all worth it for that final fight
what if I would recommend it to godzilla fans, but not to anyone else?
As a kaiju fan I enjoyed it and it got me hyped for godzillaverse.
But as a movie it was god awful. Dialogue was cringe, acting was bad, characters were one dimensional, non-monster scenes were genuinely hard to sit through.
It's like the entire fucking movie took place in a dark room full of wall screens and people I didn't care about saying uninteresting things.
Shin's bureaucracy and photocopy machines printing out papers were somehow more exciting than this movie's family drama from which the fate of the world hangs.
>Super saiyan
Funny you say that
didn't he end up getting blown up and then installed in a computer?
I'd say
If you're a fan of Godzilla or Kaiju
If you're uninitiated to the genre and just want an action flick
shit i fucking loved this movie
>tfw won't see it til next weekend
I take it it was much better than the 2014 Godzilla though.
The humans are more obnoxious in this one but the monster fights are much better.
Women can't resist Chadzilla
I felt like every problem I had with 2014 was addressed and rectified, personally. Rodan fight was a highlight.
are the godzilla netflix movies worth watching?
here comes our girl!
*travels back in time to destroy Japan again to secure another century of American rule*
Godzilla shows up for longer then seven minutes yeah.
You can watch the first one and decide for yourself bro
Better then just reading out opinions
If you want monster fights, no. If you want an interesting twist on the franchise, yes.
Kong is going to be a tool user so I expect him to set up traps all over the Island, use weapons like tree trunks or steel rods, maybe even have some ancient armor used by his ancestors in ages past.
Ghidorah in general stole the show for me, his design and animations were so good.
I'll give you fair warning that it is INCREDIBLY anime, and the first one isn't necessarily a fair representation of the quality of the subsequent ones. It gets really weird.
just got back from watching it
sheer spectacle - though probably expected from a monster mash like this - was insaaaaane
i loved ghidorah and how the lightning he emitted pulsed and lit up the whole sky
the supercell he was in in washington dc was a personal favorite when it came to imagery
I enjoyed it but the movie would have been better without the family and replacing Tywin with a charismatic eco terrorist. Have him be a former Monarch employee and friend of Watanabe that uses his knowledge to start waking up Kaiju because he would rather humans die than the earth. Recurring role throughout the movies as he wakes up more and more Kaiju.
did mothra really die ;_;
Thoughts on them being called titans?
How will he compete?
Saw it earlier today and it was fucking awful
>human parts sucked and there are two characters who are just there for shitty quips.
> Kyle Chandler, Charles Dance, and Ken Wantanabe did what they could to a shit script
>Monster fights were the best part
Godzilla 2014 was way better
Didn't mind. I figured they didn't call them kaiju because Pacific Rim already did that.
She died protecting her man. Plus she dies all the time and comes back so assuming this isn't dead after Godzilla v Kong she might come back.
They are trying to hard to connect the Kaiju to myths, but it's fine.
Epilogue cards at the end hinted the presence of another egg, almost certainly another Mothra.
Didn't care. It's fine. I agree that it'd feel weird after Pacific Rim used kaiju, and they really are just big monsters. Titan also does carry a connotation that fits with the theme of them being "the first gods", since the titans came before the greek gods - chronus being Zeus' father, etc.
Same about the super lightning scene. Whole thing was amazing. I loved how balls to the wall crazy it got.
I think the mom and the terrorist leader could be condensed into one character. Have them turn on their colleagues in the opening scene instead of terrorists coming in from the outside.
As always. Mothra is dead, long live Mothra.
Fucking konglets, when will they learn?
Lame but surprisingly it didn't distract me that much. Still, Pacific Rim got away with using "kaiju", I don't know why they couldn't either.
Why do they keep shoving humans in Godzilla movies?
It's like going to watch a batman movie and most of the runtime is dedicated to Alfred cleaning up Wayne manor. Who the fuck goes to a Godzilla movie to watch the humans?
I just remembered there's that tribe on the island who built that giant wall, maybe they can build stuff for Kong
Felt it made a good amount of sense since Monarch was run primarily by America and it felt pretty normal for them to apply that kind of naming convention.
Agreed, the work they did with Ghidorah alone makes this movie better than 2014. He was literally magic.
Pictured at bottom
You need the humans for a sense of scale and relatability
That said, it's all about the ratio of humans to monsters, and also where the humans are in relation to the monster fights
He get a hold of the beta capsule.
God I want to see some kaiju Avengers shit someday.
>all together versus Bagan
>no camrip yet
>When the argo flies into the hurricane
>The lightning flashes
Fuck off Bagan and go back to your room. You're never going to be on film.
scared the SHIT out of me
so ghidorah head + oxygen destroyer is definitely gonna be Destroyah right
cause people on /m/ keep saying mechaG but thats fucking stupid
also fuck rodan and fuck sam
>the Gamera reboot never got made
Some day turtlebro, some day
>first fight in Antarctica
>Goji and Ghidorah clash as lightning strikes
That was pretty amazing.
god, ghidora is so cool
Tim Buckley, he's improved a lot. Yes, I know it is quite surprising but you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it.
Tick-tock Gamera
It's possible for this character to be good... if they could have found it in themselves to scale back the script enough for the weird shit to be unexpected.
One of the epilogue cards mentions Monarch being accused of building some mechanical thing.
That being said, i suspect genetics fuckery will come into play.
Annoying, but I didn't really hate him. The weakest character but that's not saying much.
Gamera should have been in this one imo. If they cut the human plot by thirty minutes they could have squeezed him in and had a Gamera/Mothra/Godzilla v Rodan/Ghidorah/whoever battle.
I mean, Rodan DID bear a striking resemblance to that one Gamera enemy.
gamera isnt toho
never gonna happen
>2 hours of a garbage plot involving the human characters that serves no purpose
And I hoped they learned from 2014, guess they didn't
are you really so autistic that you think Legendary can just pick and choose any monster they want from Japan? Why not fucking throw in Daimajin and Kamen Rider too while they're at it you fucking autist?
Rodan long predates shitty Gyaos
Just got out of it. The monster fights were nice. Of course we knew the characters would be corny. But I got goosebumps whenever mothra was on screen. And the ending bow of the monsters was kino.
I just want Gamera :(
All I can say is you're wrong.
Same. I was already excited for seeing Ghidorah on the big screen and he still managed to surpass all my expectations. Whatever you say about this movie, it's the best portrayal King G ever had
I mean if you are a literal retard and need characters to tell you what a cocoon is or that depictions of dragons can be found through the ages then I guess the human characters had a point
Look at how mean this motherfucker looks
>But I got goosebumps whenever mothra was on screen
I love that they gave her the proper majesty befitting the holiest of holy kaiju.
>That moment when Mark is having his moment of doubt and the goddess appears before him in a blinding flash of light
So fucking good.
b i o l l a n t e
>kojima game about surviving in the gojira-verse
I'm down.
tune into godzilla getting assraped by my boy gigan
The human drama wasn't even that bad, just hollywood cheese.
Yeah, it really captured the potential Ghidorah always had as a terrifying space dragon. I was sure he'd just be another ancient animal, I'm so glad they kept his Showa origin and made it a central part of the film.
Wasn't there actually a game about being a human trying to survive kaiju fights? It never made it to america but I'm sure it was a real thing. Ultraman was in it.
fully expected godzilla to bitchslap rodan at the end for being a fag
it was a reprehensible piece of doghsit that completely disgraced and wasted all the wonderful characters they brought together
Just a nice tail slap?
There was a mech game that was really underrated about being a human and remote controlling a mech against Kaiju
One of my favorite games of all time
you had to be cognizant of your mech and your human
Probably because kaiju is now permanently associated with Pacific Rim in westerner minds. Titan is a reasonable synonym so I didn't mind.
It'd really be a disservice to watch a camrip of this.
>Fat LEFT head is the retarded one
What did Dougherty mean by this?
People who are left handed are dumb, obviously.
>dude moth sex lolol
>ends up being my fav human character.
He seemed to enjoy the part desu too.
Saw it this afternoon. The only part I absolutely hated was the family scenes. It wasn't necessary at all, and could have been either cut out completely (and shortened the run time), or replaced with something that actually builds the evil eco terrorist dudes story or with extended fight scenes. Everything to do with the actual monsters was fantastic, but they could have had more actual fighting instead of focusing on people trying to do something around the fighting. We know people are willing to watch long drawn out fight scenes in every other genre, there is no reason it can't be done here. They basically magnified everything I liked and hated about the 2014 version, which makes it harder to say it's better or worse. There were more moments in this one where I rolled my eyes at stuff like stupid diogue, but also way more times when I thought it was absolutely magnificent. I would probably say this one was better, but that's based on my own ability to tolerate Hollywood cheese.
It was the youngest one since the head got ripped off by Godzilla and reborn.
Possible monsters that where dropped:
>Destroyah (oxygen destroyer)
>Biolante (combining human and godzilla biometrics and the plant stuff in end credits)
>Mecha King Gidorah (obvious sequel bait end credits)
>MechaGodzilla (by proxy and a newspaper clip accusing Monarch of building a giant metal weapon in the credits)
>Megalon (undersea kingdom)
>Gigan (by proxy and Gidorah introducing aliens)
>Batra (due to mothras presence)
I know that they have to establish Ghidorah as a threat and a badguy but having him say the n-word felt like a bridge too far.
It was dumb before that.
The way the heads had different personalities was a nice touch.
Keep your chins up, kaijudes
We opened at #1 overseas so while it's not a GREAT opening, it's not as horrible as Yea Forums propagates. GvK can still make enough money for more movies to be greenlit
>please be patient he has autism
>we must try brother. we must try for fathers sake.
>the first scene of godzilla slowly approaching castle bravo
>the buildup with the sonar radars and readying the shields and cannons
>the rhythmic pulsing of his spine and eyes
>the thrum of his heart
>the sight of him just staring down the water base and being so fucking BIG
not nearly as bombastic as the other scenes with him, but it left such a huge impression to me since it's at the beginning of the movie when you're still anticipating the kaiju and aren't entirely desensitized to them yet
I thought that was just a thing to show that each head acted independently instead of one brain controlling three heads simultaneously. So when they woke up they were for lack of a better word bickering.
superego, ego, id
sabarada, tomo yo
Just came back from the theater. One of the worst paced movies I have seen. They were desperate to make sure there was enough action moments to placate the audience that the entire move is just one consistent fast pace sequence of events in which there was barely any time to develop characters of build up to any of the set pieces. It was so monotonous in that sense that any of the battles just rolled by without any sense of weight. The movie was packed with too much going on with little having any real resonance. Rodan, as much as I love seeing him on the big screen, served little puposed and should have been cut out all together (except maybe a cameo like appearance at the end when all the monsters bow to zilla). It should have been just Godilla, Mothra and Ghidorah, maybe then Mothra could have more than a few minutes of meaningful screentime. The characters were thin and obnoxious at times with the cringy quips. Watanabe scene was good but somewhat squandered when sandwiched between the rest of this nonsense movie.
This comes off as a case of overcompensating after the reception of 2014 but seriously fuck them and you for being to ADD to appreciate the build that one had. It's a way better movie than this trash.
>Godzilla disappears and seemingly backs off
>suddenly roars and swims right past the window
I know it was a cheap jump scare but it worked on me.
That part was so awesome. Giving the monsters personality was really good touch. Also a side not as a Red Sox fan I got a little chills when Fenway Park was shown.
sarabada lol i am retarded
I'm seriously still confused that people are complaining about the human characters in a Kaiju film, like it's any different from previous films. I actually thought the cast was more serviceable than the 2014 film.
As an Orioles fan I cheered when it got destroyed :3
I know my team sucks.
What is the deal with critics and KotM? I'd watch KotM 5 times before I watched 2014 again. Also wasn't one of the complaints with critics in Kong terrible humans, why is that so much higher? That being said I think KotM and Kong >>> 2014.
it was very cringe and no fairies. f you Yea Forums
2014 > Pacific Rim > Kong > dogshit > KOTM > Uprising
>No fairies
Wasn't paying attention. The two chinese scientists are the shobujin of this world. One of them's even there when Mothra emerges from her cocoon.
>Ghidorah wrecking shit in boston
>Hear Godzilla’s roar
>A rejuvenated Godzilla charges in with the US military while the classic Godzilla March theme kicks in
Words cannot express how erect I was
Watched it a second time in IMAX, still a very fun movie (7.5/10) but you really start to feel the drag between when Godzilla gets fucked by the OD, and when they revive him.
They had a nod to them in the movie. The female asian scientist and her twin sister were the "fairies" as were their mother who was also a twin and their grandmother who was also a twin. They even played the Mothra music during the scene.
The only thing bad about the characters in 2014 was too much focus on the kick ass guy who is a weak actor and less on the actual better parts of the casting. It actually bothered to put effort in the characters and make you care somewhat with what they are doing. KOTM had a better cast but shit writing that was implemented poorly.
maybe but the oxygen destroyer being used is the the thing that creates Destroyah. thats like. a pretty important part of the mythos.
kill yourself
I enjoyed it, solid 7.5/10 for me. Monster fights were great as was the soundtrack, humans were boring.
Some people complaining are just people that don't get how these films are meant to work, but I think others are legitimately responding to some of the excess feel injected in to the movie when they could have just had a straight forward villain. The family issues were a waste of time more than being straight up bad.
>Godzilla kills Ghidorah
>all the monsters gather around
>Godzilla sees Rodan
>gives him the kaiju side eye
>rodan covers his face with his wings and bows down
This. Probably my 2nd favorite moment. 3rd is Ghidorah power up, 1st is obviously burning
How can you possibly rate 2014 that much higher than KOTM when the human drama was equally bad in both?
I will take understate human drama over cringworthy garbage anyday.
I don't know if it's sad or encouraging that everyone involved in the movie and the studio account are so cool and casual as if nothing happened. It's fine nothing happened. Meanwhile in real life there must be a panic I don't think it's something that they've taken into account or something that they can blame on bad release date or some other marketing mistakes. I hope there's still a future for Godzilla.
I wanna fuck those alien monsters!
because there are a handful of shills going around posting it as bait to piss people off
I'm halfway convinced it's one guy suffering from a severe case of autism and lack of sex
Kong and KotM shit all over 2014's boring, lifeless runtime. I'll just skip to the end anytime I watch 2014.
>Rodan switches sides no less than 5 times through the movie
>tries to hit on Mothra's respawn as soon as he thinks Big G is down
I'd actually live to see a movie like that. Alfred is based
i liked 2014, skull island, and kom
pretty much my favorite movies of the last 5 years to be honest
but KotM was the first movie i went to the theatre to see so far this year.
fuck capeshit
More realistic than redemption but I don't think it would be better.
Chen was cute
>pacific rim higher than any godzilla movie
I like how in these threads no one talks about the human characters and everyone discusses what monsters are going to team up and fight in the sequels.
I like that they actually managed to make Rodan look fucking cool
I've already said all I have to say about them multiple times, I'm getting sick of repeating my points.
I didn't think they were that bad. I actually liked some. I managed to remember their names. That counts for a lot in my book.
The fight in the city was better than anything in KotM
2014 was terrible after Bryan Cranston's character was killed. The "family" scenes with the kid made me feel gross and the military spics were standard boring military spics with no personality. If I wanted boring military spics with no personality I'd watch Battle: Los Angeles. I came to see Jap shit and monster shit. And the first movie didn't have fucking Atlantis.
didn't have much of a problem with the human stuff in either, actually. KOTM as a whole lacks atmosphere and tension, and while there's plenty of monster scenes, they are badly directed, often unintentionally goofy with cheap-looking and ugly CG. over-correction to this degree from 2014 was a terrible, terrible misfire.
whatever lets you sleep at night, user.
My #1 favorite part was that pilot ejecting and Rodan eating him, legitimately laughed my ass off when it happened.
You mean Seatopia, right?
not a fairy. not a good movie. im hurt and betrayed by you all.
>watches American movie
>expects Japs instead of spics
Your fault really
>I hope there's still a future for Godzilla.
Legendary Godzilla you mean. Toho is already prepared to start a new era of G-films in 2021.
No one is falling for your lame shill attempt faggot.
You were expecting a friend but it was ME, RODAN! KING OF THE MONSTERS!
Toho seems to have their shit together, Shin was fantastic. Hopefully they'll come up with some cool new monsters.
Sure, Megalon when?
The lowest critic score has the highest audience one. Hmm...
It doesn't have any retarded cuts to humans in another part of the globe during the middle of a battle so it's already much better.
1. KotM (8/10)
2. Kong (7.5/10)
3. Godzilla 2014 (6.5/10)
As if anyone ever talks about the human characters in any Godzilla movie.
He became mechagodzilla
It isn't like this movie wasn't filled with human character shit, only this time they were annoying and cringy and there was little effort in the actual writing for them. Just because they peppered more action in between doesnt redeem that aspect of the movie.
Ghidorah. Mechaghidorah. Discard
Pacific rim was pretty good though. Arguably the human story wasn't too shit and that fight between gypsy danger and the flying kaiju was pure kino.
Uprising was, however, legitimately terrible.
you are literally a jewish shill but thank you for revealing your tactic to me so i can be more careful next time.
2014 was probably a 5/10 for me. KOTM a 9/10. Haven't seen Kong, should I?
KotM is an 8.5 but over all yeah thats about how I see them.
I think the order is right but all of those scores are about 2 points higher than I'd give them.
I think Shin Godzilla is the best Godzilla movie but I'd still only give it like an 8
Godzilla vs King Ghidorah was so fucking bad. I can’t believe people actually like that one.
mechagodzilla was built from mecha-ghidorah, so is technically right
You're watching these movies for the wrong reasons.
If you liked this, you'll probably like it. It's a vietnam-era Moby Dick if the whale was a kickass gorilla that fights giant lizards and helps people when they're not fucking everything up around him.
Perfect way to go out for him
>6 year old two seats away from me
>constantly talking because of how exited he is
>can't even get mad because it's wholesome, especially when he gets outraged at someone saying Fuck
Kong is good. It has more cringe moments than KotM but John C Reilly holds it together.
Sam Jackson is the same as he always is.
KOTM is a reverse Last Jedi
Kotm - 7/10
Kong - 8/10
Skull island - 5/10
2014 - 7.5/10
Pacific rim - 8/10
Uprising - 4/10
They're silent about it. Best case scenario, they release Godzilla vs. Kong in a different month than Mulan and other Disney competitors, but especially Mulan, it does ok and then the series goes on hiatus for some time while Toho does their thing. Then Legendary comes back once they have a decent strategy. If not then I hope GvK has lots of atractions and they show every monster and maybe a few Toho ones because it won't happen again.
I think the Godzilla series as a whole, despite me holding a lot of nostalgia for it, doesn't deserve any higher than a 6 or 7/10. There are too many peaks and valleys.
it distracts from it, which is perfectly fine
So how many hours did Emma spend putting together that footage of overpopulation etc. for her big speech?
>Kong - 8/10
>Skull island - 5/10
u wat now
Is this you by chance?
>Sam Jackson is the same as he always is.
>tfw this is the second time Jackson got killed by Monkey Lad
You anons may like this.
Go to 13.24. He talks about another tag (end credits sequence) they would have done for the film.
Would have been glorious.
My Kaijufu needs her own spinoff yesterday.
That's cute as hell. I love seeing kids sharing passions for niche topics like Godzilla. It warms my heart
It has a ton of problems.
>Time travel bullshit.
>Ghidorah is not an alien but a genetic modified monster hit with radiation.
>Mecha Ghidorah gets almost no screen time.
God damn it why can't they just make up their mind
THIS! She's just godzilla's little sis!
Stop thinking about the movie you Disney shill.
>these red haired freaks killed my favorite childhood franchise
Years. She's been working on this plan and pitching it to people for years
Yeah, I guess if you are a retard then that type of thing is sufficient to distract you from the shit writing.
>1 rain scene
>get called out for shilling the same exact shit worded in the same way in every god damn thread
>get mad
Critics hate monsters fighting, they'd honestly prefer if the monsters stayed metaphorical for the entire run time.
I fucking hope not man, they're finally getting the formula down just right and I really want kaiju movies to take over the place of this fucking overplayed superhero trash.
Now that it's a confirmed flop you shills should kill yourselves.
>Something similar happened to me
>Mom kept yelling at him at the top of her lungs
>Finally turn back and say its alright
>"Mind your own fucking business"
Thank God I got to hear her screaming like a maniac every 3 minutes instead of her kid very quietly excited for Godzilla or "Ghidorrrra"
this, box office = quality
>#1 opening overseas
>local woman ruins everything
I don't care if it's a flop. It's the best Godzilla movie period
I can enjoy Godzilla both at face value and ironically. Vs. King Ghidorah is one you have to enjoy ironically.
You should have told her off for being louder than the kid
Shit like that always pisses me off
Are you sure? She helped release all the kaiju. Assuming you aren't getting stomped TV is now kino.
Still horribly underperforming at overseas, only half way to it's break even if the estimates hold.
The multiplier for Godzilla/Kong movies is historically middling and it's not gonna make it
Even if you are too pleb to enjoy the early ones Shin Godzilla was better
Such a shame they didn't film that.
You can tell the shill is only 1 guy because he always gets mad at being called a shill and says 2014 godzilla was better than kotm. Same shit in every thread. Every damn thread. What makes it better is that he isn't being paid to do this. If he were being paid he wouldn't be getting mad.
This is just mental illness.
Human characters imo were much better, if only because they weren't trying so hard to be good characters.
Parts of Godzilla 2014 seemed like they were going for this immense familial tragedy when it was just incredibly boring and bland.
True, I'd be fine with dying if I got to see this battle happen irl.
If she had known about Ghidorrah being an alien she would have been ironically 100% right
They never had a chance but they can be a success in their own right. What's sad is that I thought Godzilla was becoming a mainstream property. Well I guess it still is just not for dumb masses who watch low effort Disney remakes. Same with Pokemon. It's huge but most people don't follow what's going on with movies or games. Not every property breaks through to the normies.
Sat behind a couple clearly huge Godzilla nerds and it made my night
They weren't loud persay, but every one and a while a deepcut reference would set them off in the best way possible
>Asian girl reveals she is from a lineage of twins
"No fucking waaaayyyy"
>Oxygen destroyer comes on screen
"Holy fucking shit the oxygen destroyer"
I wish someone with that much passion sat behind me for every movie I saw. It helps hype you up
name 5 godzilla characters outside the monsters
no references either, exact names
Word of mouth will save it
Shin Godzilla was pretentious. It was good, even great, but it in no way represented what I want from a Godzilla movie
What are you talking about? It already broke even
The budget was only 200mil
*activates superior Ghidorah theme*
KoTM's was still pretty great
I know posting E-celebs is bad form but this is legit the only review of the film that actually "got" KOTM
>1. KotM (8/10)
>2. Kong (6/10)
>3. Godzilla 2014 (5.5/10)
Small rebounds like with Kong can happen but in general box office of all movies big and small is a slipery slope. So it won't get better, things can only go slightly better than expected but it's gonna be a really difficult year for us.
>You need the humans for a sense of scale and relatability
I think that's just something people say because it's always been the case but isn't actually true in any way. I think you could do a Kaiju movie without dialogue from the prospective of the Kaiju with humans only in the periphery.
Like most of the posts here are people relating to and talking about the Kaiju. Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidora, and Godzilla are very expressive so do you really need a human expositing for them? I'm not convinced.
Experts of Yea Forums have informed me that a movie needs to make 4x its budget to break even.
These are experts, mind you.
im not even memeing what other series has such KINO LEGENDARY film score?
like what even compares, it's prob my bias but nothing beats the godzilla franchise
Reminds me of simpler times.
the monsterverse ends at zilla v kong right? how do you think they are going to end it?
What's going to happen in GvK? Are there any leaks or theories on story?
Who will voice Kong? Mothra? Ghidorah?
That's when the contract expires, but Toho and Legendary can extend the contract at any time if they want to
>How do you think they will end it?
Pic related
Rule of thumb is 2.5x the production budget domestic to break even.
4x is foreign since they get a smaller cut from foreign markets, only like 25% of the ticket price gets back to the studio from china for example.
It's going to be either
All based on the aftercredits scene and the newspaper clippings durring the credits
Just got through seeing a second time this one in IMAX. Movie still kicked ass. Sound was better the visuals werent any different. Definitely a bigger audience this time which is good and bad.
Anyone see it more than twice?
Marketing isn't factored into the budget, and between Marketing & Distribution cuts it's safe to assume the total cost is 1.75x/2x
That said this movie coming close to breaking even isn't a total death knell. Companies can use loses to help cover taxes and shit, and if Legendary believes that the product will get stronger for KvG or Godzilla 3 (Or if Godzilla 2 has a strong home release) they won't hesitate
Biollante seems like a second-before-last movie monster, not a final film monster.
Seeing it again next weekend but I definitely want to see it at least 3 times while in theaters if I can
>how do you think they are going to end it?
the big bad himself
the kaiju krusher
the mothra mutilator
>without mothra godzilla goes a bit rogue
>kong is like bro nah stop
>rodan fucks with kong
>kong visibly pissed
>rodan cries to godzilla about it
>kong vs godzilla happens
>humans spectating this whole shit are like bro godzilla why
>asian qt says "bitch i fucking told yall in KOTM"
>charles dance character creates mecha ghidorah or some biollante type character
>Mothras child or spirit echo makes godzilla be like fine Kong but just this once
>Godzilla & Kong fight the mecha bastard
>Mecha Ghidorah calls upon some alien friends to even the odds
>godzilla and kong wins
>godzilla goes into a nuclear slumber
>kong goes back to his island
lmao, no. What word of mouth would that even be? Only Godzilla fans care, everyone else thinks its dumb or didn't care to see it to begin with. The movie is by no means great even as a fan, and a lot of people are even hating it so there are plenty out there not spreading the "word of mouth" you're hoping for but rather telling people it is shit. This movie isn't going to be making a comeback, next weekend is the release of X-Men Dark Phoenix and even if that movie isn't a massive success it will damn sure be knocking this off the charts.
I saw it twice myself and while I thought it was still a fun time you definitely feel the drag after the Oxygen Destroyer fucks Godzilla up.
I agree, but as the other user said we aren't sure if GvK will actually end up being the final movie or not.
So I kind of want to start watching as much Kaiju shit as possible, however I live in an apartment complex that provides internet so pirating is out of the cards.
Is there any good streaming service that has it (legally or otherwise)? If not I will just grab them all off my parents internet when I visit home next month
Not him but I convinced an entire group of 5 friends to come see it with me a second time, all of which had never seen a Godzilla movie (except for a couple who saw 2014) and they all loved it
Most Godzilla films are on Amazon (for rent, they aren't free with Amazon Prime).
Honestly, Rodan vs. Fighter Jets was the action highlight of the movie for me.
El Ray Network used to play them all the time.
it was easily the best scene
They are all over the place.
Some of them you can find on YouTube, some of them Hulu, some of them on weird sites you have never even heard of
Worst case scenario you can use shady streaming sites like Putlocker
>sat one seat away from an autist that rocked back and forth in his seat the whole time and muttered "titaaannnss" whenever they said the word "Titan" on screen
>movie ends and some little kid in the theater goes "is mothra dead?"
Had a good time overall
Now that Serizawa is dead, is Jonah the only watchable character in this franchise?
I just want to follow eco-terrorist grandpa around and watch him fuck up the world with Mecha-King Ghidorah.
Criminally underrated film. The Chinese better save this at the box office so we can get Kong vs Godzilla
Provided that they definitely say that there will be no more movies after that my best case scenario is as follows:
>Godzilla and Kong can have some bullshit excuse to fight I already know none will make sense but they have at least two fights in case Kong wins the first one I don't want Rodan to turn on him
>we see all new monsters awaken at the end of KotM, some are Toho properties like Manda or King Caesar, perhaps Titanosaurus but I know they will never make the monster cast too reptilian
>Charles Dance combines DNA of certain monsters and creates Biollante (inspired by the recent tease by Dougherty on twitter) and he has at least one good scene, I don't know who else they hired so I won't write about human characters
>Goji wins the final fight and Kong is out but then Biollante comes (yeah the story would require her to be malevolent sorry) and he struggles but then Kong awakes with new electric powers and they both defeat the threat, they know they're allright niggas and peace out, no tease for future movies. Maybe Mothra's birth I don't know but that would be mostly symbolic if anything
>Most Godzilla films are on Amazon
not even close
His eyes flashing as well was what got me worked up.
same i have about 5 friends as well i know havent seen it that wanted to see it and will see it with me any time i make the plan
same with family members
everyone is aware of the movie, if you are a fan just nudge people that already had a somewhat interest
I found and downloaded them all from internet archive, just search 'Toho'.
You can stream them all too. Some are dubbed, some are subbed, some are so grainy and scuffed you can't really tell whats going on but still worth.
You also have to factor in the theater's cut which is usually between 25-50% of the ticket price depending on the movie. Big movies like Marvel and Star Wars can negotiate for higher % because the theaters know they're going to big money makers and Disney is strong enough for enforce it. It's unlikely Godzilla got a favorable split so assume 50% of the money it makes goes to the theater instead of the studio.
So usually it evens out to around 2.5x the production budget.
I don't usually wish for a movie to flop but you fags and trannies spamming godzilla shit all over the place the last coiple of days really pissed me off for some reason, probably because you couldn't keep it in your own fucking threads. I guess that piece of shit they're filming now will go straight to netflix thankfully.
This is why I enjoy watching very generic jumpscare type movies in theaters. Sure the movies themselves suck, but watching normies freak the fuck out is amazing
One of the best movie theater experiences of my entire life was seeing Paranormal Activity 3 opening night. Packed theater and girls were FREAKING THE FUCK OUT and it was hilarious, and honestly helped highten the tension
Mothra ALWAYS dies, it would've been more weird if she didn't in this one. Besides, there's always another Mothra waiting to be born somewhere else in the world. Director said he wanted the post-credits scene to be the twin Zhang Ziyis unveiling twin girls (daughters of one of them) singing to an unhatched Mothra egg, but the director couldn't sell the studio on it.
This. I don't think the problem is disinterest with general audiences, it's just that none of them are interested in going without the push to. A simple request to go to the movies with you would be more than enough for most people to come check it out
Don't you have a discord or something you could go back to?
But that's not a bad take.
Tfw I actually welled up with emotions for
>Mothra dying
>Supercharged Ghidorah
>Nuclear Godzilla
and I am not even a huge fan of Godzilla and saw it on a whim
There are like, 2 threads up at a time, spaz. Maybe the reason you feel overwhelmed by Godzilla posters is because you spend time in their threads, like you are doing right now
>New movie comes out
>Why are people on Yea Forums talking about it reeeeeeeeee
i'm glad some people are liking it
for the life of me I can't understand why people go to monster movies and expect game of thrones drama bullshit
That’s because he was getting energy sapped from him by King Dickhead(s).
If you get Starz, well over half of them are readily available on Amazon.
Rodan is a bitch in this movie.
>it's okay when game of thrones and marvel does it
Godzilla vs. Kong is already finished and in the can. They're just doing post-production at this point.
>does a barrel roll to take out several jets
He was based.
>some reason comes up for Kong and Godzilla to fight
>goes back and forth for a while
>Kong pulls a long shot and ends up winning, bringing an end to Godzilla
>in his weakened state he falls easy prey to Rodan who beats down Kong in a 20 minute fight
>Rodan becomes King of the Monsters
He jobbed to a bug.
>All these bites
And you people wonder why these people keep coming back.
New thread
Because he bows to Godzilla, or because he gets shanked by Mothra? He fucked up that entire Mexican city by himself, which was pretty cool.
t. bootyblasted lockheed executives
He's always been a jobber.
Get off the internet Rodan.
I'm annoyed they wasted burning Godzilla, actually.
Rodan was workin hurt you fucking simp
Chicken Shit heels are goat anyways
gain taste
Everyone jobs to Mothra. Even Godzilla has.
The Gohan of monster heads
Final Wars 2004
We are getting Kong vs Godzilla no matter what.
Mothra is the second most famous kaiju, of course she's gonna beat him.
Post yfw Mothra climbed on top of Godzilla burnt all to hell
kek I loved that. I almost thought he was going to rip his wings off.
SSJs are small time
I actually don't give a shit about Kong vs Godzilla and never thought that was an interesting match-up.
I'm way more interested in whatever they do with a Godzilla 3
Jokes aside I'm sure Goku would beat Godzilla, but it would take at least SSJ2 to do it.
I'm glad my friends aren't pleb enough to unironically love this film. Thank you for sharing.
Like i said im glad it flopped because you fucks kept trying to bring godzilla shit in to totally unrelated threads. It has nothing to do with marvel or dc. Last time i paid for marvel was iron man 3 and last time for dc was batman returns.
This guy is pretty based
I liked the death of Serizawa. Him sacrificing his life and holding Godzilla one last time was nice
I also like they brought the scientist guy from Kong Skull Island.
How does Goku handle nuclear radiation? He's not invincible and can be taken out by heart disease and when Krillien through that rock at his head he took it very poorly. youtube.com
Would he be sterilized and develop all sorts of cancers?
Whose the bottom?