This is scarier than any horror movie I've ever seen. It's so fucked up to think this actually happened.
This is scarier than any horror movie I've ever seen. It's so fucked up to think this actually happened
Other urls found in this thread:
>when they see us
Lock the doors and call the police
They did it.
It’s this another i’m a victim meme? Is this all black media and culture is? That i’m a retard?
You've got to be kidding me. They were literally in the park for the express purpose of beating and robbing passerby's. No one disputes this. They admitted they did it. No one disputes this They described in detail exactly what happened. No one disputes this.
But because one guy took the blame for what they all did, they got off and got millions in restitution.
Even a cursory reading of the case pretty much demolishes their "innocence." The fact that people still trumpet these monsters is evidence that people don't look into their own causes, don't examine them, just repeat what they are told
These fags are actually criminals though
To black people it's ok to be criminals as long as you don't accuse them of the wrong crimes.
I'm ready for The Last War.
What happened?
>we didn't rape her
>we just held her down
this, I don't see Netflix shit
is this the ultimate form of jewery film out there?
>we just went to the park to beat up random people, not rape
>here’s $41 million
So what do we think actually happened?
wtf is wrong with Americans and their nigger fetish?
soon as this popped up when I opened Netflix I knew it was another DINDU NUFFIN movie but holy shit.
Someone give a quick rundown for non-burger friends
Privileged liberals like Sarah Burns genuinely feel guilty for living on easy street.
I’m a lifelong Democrat and I can’t tell you how much this makes my blood boil.
>I’m a lifelong Democrat
No one asked boomer
So true
Niggers being niggers but not niggerly enough so they are a sob story about white racism.
The democrat party died with JFK. The cuckoldry it has evolved into is the natural progression of what LBJ put in place.
>Know nothing about this
>Look it up
>It's about some criminal case from the 80s
>Know nothing about that either
>Look it up
>Some dindus got accused of assaulting a woman, turns out the dindus dindu nuffin, but it was actually another dindu who did do it, but that one was a serial rapist
>black people make movie about black people
everything from now on is nogs are innocent, tranny shit and homo pozz. everything.
It probably only got made because of Trump's association with the case.
Is this any good? Don't lie to me faggots. No pol faggots crying about nigger this and nigger that either.
They must have changed the ending so it's a white yuppy the one who did it
Leftists aren't American.
It’s about the Central Park 5. They were accused of raping a woman. They didn’t rape her...they just held her down and hit her. Oh, and they went to the park in the first place to attack people. But they’re victims of the system or something.
Just wait until they make the Treyvon biopic. Good lord these niggers need to all die.
It's pretty gud
For me it's Mike Brown.
I really want to be an egalitarian, but reality makes it so fucking hard.
>Hulu keeps showing me ads for some cancer original show of theirs that has a joke where a sheboon pepper sprays a white male and later when he says he forgives her she says "I don't apologize to white people"
They'll never make a doc of a dindu that truly did nothing wrong.
Are they portrayed as innocent boys who never did anything wrong?
An accurate mike brown documentary would be kino
Netflix is literal jew propaganda.
Being an egalitarian doesn't mean that unequal outcomes are the result of psychosocial, environmental silliness. The more you equalize the environment, the more inherent group differences will show through.
Because jews dont like whites and want them gone in their own country. Im not joking. Its not all jews of course, but behind all this antiwhite garbage is a jew.
apparently they showed some restraint and just had his name/picture shown in newspaper clippings in the movie. I was expecting him shot in silhouette tying nooses while roy cohn jerked off in the corner.
>go to a park to beat the shit out of people and rob them
>one gets accused of rape
>I'm supposed to deal sympathetic now
Why? I seriously do not understand, why is this movie trying to push sympathy on these literal criminals. What is the endgame?
To normalize 1053
all im getting from this story is dindus will either rape you or beat up and rob you but they wont do both at the same time. cue enigma song. return to innocence.
>it's a black people movie
>feeling bad for themselves again
>no new stories or characters
>nothing to promote #BlackExcellence
>and over
>and over
>with a guest appearance by Tyler Perry as Madea
Surely black people must be tired of it at this point, right?
They’re unironically portrayed as victims of a racist system.
Leftists aren't human.
>must be tired of it
No, why would they be?
>Surely black people must be tired of it at this point, right?
I'mma be real wit chu, dawg
you right, I am tired.
I much rather not have #Selma treat The Central Park 5 as martyrs and give them the same air of reverence like they Medgar Evers or Thurgood Marshall or something and would instead they give me the insane dark justice action treatment to that is only reserved for clowns like Keanu and Liam.
However, I have to confess I am in the minority in my thinking amongst minorities...
Man this is stupid. You charge the person with the crime they commit.
It's why I got back to pirating, even though I can afford to pay for everything.
What's it about? Where is the trailer?
Oh. I didn't see the Netflix logo there before. I don't need to know what this is about, that pretty much says it all right there.
It's kino.
Well, they are not wrong, it's about a group of youth that went to a park to enjoy a nice day, but white people kept headbutting their fists.
This is why I pirate too. I will not support this garbage. And still! Most of it isn't worth even pirating.
>...they know we're the 6% of the nation responsible for over 50% of all homicides.
Don't you hate when that happens?
Because black ppl are raging ethnonarcissists who don’t know how to take out their own trash. The sad thing is I see stuff like this and I wonder how many lynching stories were subjected to the same revisionism.
Nope. They want it more than ever.
This sounds very illogical
>only half of all the victims of lynching were black
>blacks commit a nearly exact proportion of violent crime
I guess we'll never know.
oh wow one group of niggers out of thousands ended up not being vicious rapists. I guess we were wrong about black people.
It's not the jews fault that women are repulsed by you
>Netflix releases Making a Murderer
>Premise of the documentary is a man is wrongfully convicted of murder
>His conviction still stands and he is still the primary suspect in the case, to other perpetrator has been found
>He's white
>Yea Forums's reaction:
>Netflix releases When They See Us
>Premise of the documentary is a group of men are wrongfully convicted of assault and rape
>Their convictions have been vacated and the actual perpetrator has been found
>They're black
>Yea Forums's reaction:
>lol it's so obvious they did it, dindus, despite being 13%...
Explain yourselves, incels.
"we didnt rape her we were too busy beating people with lead pipes and stealing their money"
t. tranny
Um sweetie, there's nothing wrong with being gay or a tranny.
go on jew,embarrass yourself further
They were self admitted thugs who beating up random people and the 41 million dollar pay out they got for it apparently isn't enough so no now they're chasing another 50 mil
They're argument that they didn't rape her was that they were to busy holding her down while someone else did the rape.
>You charge the person with the crime they commit.
But that's just it, innit?
They wanted to set an example of them despite some of them technically still being minors so they dropped all the charges for all the crimes they actually confessed to and went for the most sensational one to justify punishing the lot of em as adults.
It backfired tremendously.
They confessed to physically and sexually assaulting her and just pointed fingers at each other when it came to the actual rape.
>The five convicted men sued New York City in 2003 for malicious prosecution, racial discrimination, and emotional distress. The city refused to settle the suits for a decade under then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, because the city's lawyers felt they would win. However, after Bill de Blasio became mayor and supported the settlement, the city settled the case for $41 million in 2014. As of December 2014, the five men were pursuing an additional $52 million in damages from New York State in the New York Court of Claims.
those details are based on the confessions the police illegally got from them under duress.
muh DNA evidence shows none of these boys did the deed, bro.
Average African American IQ is 85
DNA shows they didn’t rape her. They admitted to beating and groping her.
You anons need to start to ignore this sc
When I see them I usually cross the street.
And they were accused of the rape by another black guy, two in fact, who were being interrogated by the police
> but it was actually another dindu who did do it, but that one was a serial rapist
they literally did everything except actually raping her. They held her down, harassed her, admitted to molesting her and had very similar confessions implying they were somehow involved. They also intentionally were in the park to rob and beat up random white people. They also admitted this.
Anyone trying to paint this as a sob story is a dishonest piece of shit.
>Anyone trying to paint this as a sob story is a dishonest piece of shit.
>Don't tip because they assume you won't anyway
>Kill someone over sneakers because they all think we're violent thugs anyway
>Have four kids by four different mothers/fathers because the system won't help us anyway
>Attack the police because they're all out to kill us anyway
>Fuck it, do whatever you want, because we got taken from Africa anyway
This movie is basically what happens when you embrace that "if they're gonna think it, we might as well do it" mentality. How about a new movie on the Duke lacrosse case and how that woman was a bold faced liar?
You would have to literally and unironically believe the word of a schizophrenic serial killer to actually trust the official story of there being only a single rapist.
Based Netflix radicalising both the Left and the Right in order to hasten the inevitable Race War.
>Ava DuVernay
no need. I shoot them on sight.
whats with blackies and victimization?
>Later on, after Raymond Santana had been interrogated about the rape, he was being driven to another precinct. Without prompting, he blurted out, “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel her tits.”
>gets $41 million
It’s all so tiresome
I want to see one on Tawana Brawley.
>But because one guy took the blame for what they all did
took the blame or was actually guilty of it?
So how much did they change the story
They do nothing wrong and the real rapist is white
it's made by Ava Duvernay, but I guess you would only know that she's a black power activist if you use twitter. It doesn't even include that they were there to rob people, it just paints them as innocent kids
Essentially this. Even when they're criminals they're still victims of society. A nigger is never responsible for his own actions.
So what were they all doing there user? The expert opinion is that all of them were involved somehow, whether it was holding her down, striking her, or taking a turn later.
Now I’m not going to contend that holding a woman down is the same as raping her, but uh, it’s not exactly a sympathetic position. And it shouldn’t get a multimillion $ payout.
>Legal scholar Patricia J. Williams wrote in 1991 that the teenager "has been the victim of some unspeakable crime. No matter how she got there. No matter who did it to her—and even if she did it to herself."[31]
>no need. I shoot them on sight.
On a similar note did anyone watch the L.A. 92 documentary about the riots? They had a good case, but then they went on to prove that they are in fact animals in a jungle once the riot broke out.
Also based koreans.
Keep in mind the cops only arrested them in the first place because other thugs ratted them out.
as usual, mutts are displayed to have no human compassion and lash out at anything they feel is different or challenging.
Can you imagine if the five people who beat you and helped someone rape you ended up receiving tens of millions of dollars for doing it and just being slapped slightly harder than they were supposed to be?
Imagine going through a stroll in the park and coming across 30 niggers out for white blood and wallets. Now that’s a horror story.
Apparently the 40mil they got wasn't enough so now they demanding another 50 mil.
>get 41 million dollars
>still want to get 52 million more
What do they even want to do with that much money?
>be black
>do a crime on purpose
>convince the police you were going to do something else, even if you didn't
>get your lawyer to see that the police are wrongly accusing you of a crime
>become a millionaire
seems easy
lottery tickets
>niggers getting payouts and hero/victim roles for beating and molesting someone
Clown world can't end soon enough
rape white women and kill white men
I don't intend to watch this shit, but did the show have them at least admit that they were in the park looking to rob and harm people.
It they're anything like Rodney King they'll blow all their money on drugs and drown in a swimming pool.
>they went on to prove that they are in fact animals in a jungle once the riot broke out.
meanwhile, my kickball team is better than yours
not watching this crap either, but my educated guess is NOPE
Based extreme racist
The real horror is people taking what's portrayed in this movie as the truth.
>You've got to be kidding me. They were literally in the park for the express purpose of beating and robbing passerby's. No one disputes this. They admitted they did it. No one disputes this They described in detail exactly what happened. No one disputes this.
Does the Netflix show mention that at all?
>that’s a horror story.
wrong genre, sis
funny how not only all of the L.A. 4 didn't feel any remorse for what they did, one of them got killed in a gang shootout and another one is currently in state prison serving a sentence for an unrelated murder. And on top of that, that last guy's mom still has the typical "he dindu nuffin, he a good boy" mentality to this day.
>a few third worlders kicking over trash cans is the same thing as looting stores and committing gang violence en masse
take your (You)
>Surely black people must be tired of it at this point, right?
Given how much money they can make and political power they have, nope. Blacks want and need to be victims.
they're setting up as they dindu nuffin and the evil po-lice forced them to admit to it under threat of having more jail time thrown at them. They were all good boys, going to church every Sunday, etc.
If I remember right the lady who was attacked basically came away from it almost brain dead. They beat her up good
They weren't even wrongly convicted, what the fuck? I thought they would have been for the rape they supposedly didn't do but CONFESSED to aiding in. But they didn't even get charged on that either.
Four of them were charged with sexual abuse, assault, and rioting. WHICH THEY DEFINITELY DID.
Prove me wrong niggerlover.
I personally am tired of it, but most other black people?
They want to eat this dumbfuck shit up until they die.
Black people as a group are the best thing any corporatist could ever ask for, we always eat up whatever shit you shovel down our throats so long as you pretend to be "on our side" (whatever the fuck that means).
It's why I rarely watch movies and instead stick to anime and manga nowadays.
Fuck this whole industry, it's worthless.
Blacks really can't get tired of anything.
Black music hasn't changed in 10 years and they love it.
Black tv shows and movies haven't changed in 10 years and they love.
Black books haven't changed in 20 years and they still don't read.
Oh God on no oh shit of fuck this reminds me of that one tragedy
Lol books
>The jury, consisting of four Caucasian jurors, four African American jurors, four Jurors of Latin American descent, and an Asian American juror, deliberated for 10 days before rendering its verdict.[45]
based nigger weeaboo (neeaboo)
Confessions are meaningless in the US. Cops have gotten mentally ill persons, black and white, to confess to heinous crimes for the promise of ice cream.
>Is this all black media and culture is?
Their failures are so glaring and unavoidable, that any media about black people is forced to focus on why and how it's not their fault.
You’re right tho. Just all that racism in one comic made me kek
The lawyers are at fault, always.
>Black music hasn't changed in 10 years and they love it.
>Black tv shows and movies haven't changed in 10 years and they love.
Try 40 years (50 years for TV and movies).
Name a black movie from the last 10 years that isn't about oppression and racism.
>Try 40 years (50 years for TV and movies).
Not really.
Cosby Show, Good Times, What's Happen', Family Matters, etc were really good shows that weren't just "muh racism".
Nowadays what black show doesn't have it oozing out of every aspect of it?
Death at a Funeral.
Oh wait, that's a remake of British film...from 3 years prior.
Satan wtf
It's more that those shows weren't written by fucking retards, so when they approached the subject of racism it was usually a handful of episodes and didn't beat you over the head with it, unlike nowadays.
what you call "gang violence" is just the urban youth team building activities designed to help them better engage in hostel world that fears and hates them.
That's a yikes from me
lol did they really make the actual rapist white
On one hand, I hate niggers.
On the other hand, I hate roasties.
This is more of an enemy of my enemy case.
Yes. The he’s like a yuppie
was it this?
But did they do it?
Whats the proof they didnt?
Reminds me of when people were celebrating a court ruling being overturned because they intentionally had an all white jury to get the harshest sentence. The black guy did rape and kill a white woman, but the fact that white men used an all white jury to get the harshest sentence for him was the REAL injustice. It’s all so tiresome bros
You just know if these five kids were asian or hispanic, they wouldn't have received shit even for a false accusation.
>wtf is wrong with Americans and their nigger fetish?
Who owns our entertainment media empires? Now you know why.
>Get BTFO by a nigger
>Instead of just making absolutely sure that the nigger gets put away, cucks try to give your murderer the harshest sentence ever
>End up fucking up the entire trial
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus
>When they see us
...................... yes? When we see you what?
At least with animu I can enjoy a black character who feels like an actual character and not another boring blank slate.
heavy-handed justice is like, the opposite of cuckoldry
>prosecutor turns out to be dumber than some rapists who left their victim alive
>When they see us beat a woman in a park that we planned to attack but not rape her, we shouldnt have gone to jail, money please.
america will not exist in 20 years
That is one hundred percent the fault of the lawyers though. The justice system needs to be fair, so the jury should consist of the defendant's peers mostly consisting of a solid mix of different races and genders with respect to the population of the area.
To heavily skew it in any particular way is an abuse of the system. I absolutely believe that guy should rot in jail but you can't just misuse the system for whatever you want.
how hype are you for Granblue VS, tho?
Depends on whether or not it's coming to PC, I refuse to give modern Sony money.
So you agree with the almost all black OJ Jury?
an unironically based human being
nigger what the FUCK did I just say
No. The show was pure dindu nuffins. Any admission of guilt was coerced by white cops
Ayy yo *sucks teef* yo yo yo we dinin rape nobody man shiiiiet we out here just tryin to make a livin bruh
They got paid. It was a good deal. They collectively settled for $40 million which for those of us who can't do math, is $8 million a piece.
I'd spend two decades in jail for that kind of payout.
Is the Burns doc any good?
Martin Reyes's DNA was actually inside of the beaten woman. He confessed while he was already in prison for raping and murdering a different woman. He suddenly remembered that he acted alone after he was put on the same cell block with Kharey Wise, who was a member of the Bloods gang.
Even during initial testimony several members of the Central Park Five contended they didn't actually rape her - they merely restrained and fondled her as the "Puerto Rican guy" raped her, then afterwards helped him beat her to the point of death
Their alibi is literally that they couldn't have beaten and raped that woman in Central Park because they were busy beating and robbing other people in Central Park that same night.
Seriously, they cracked John Loughlin's head with a pipe, mugged Robert Garner, and beat and stole bikes from two other men. After being arrested for those crimes, the police thought maybe the guys going around smashing people with pipes and robbing them were involved in the woman who was raped and beaten half to death the same night, in the same place.
So if the whole thing WAS a miscarriage of justice, and they indeed weren't involved in Ms. Meilli's rape at all, then they are men who did six years in prison and then were paid $40 million. For roaming Central Park, beating white people with pipes and taking their wallets.
And we're supposed to praise them as heroes. They're even described as children. Look at these innocent little kids!
Look at this frightened little 15-year-old boy
>Look at these innocent little kids!
Looks "whitey racist", or is it just me being prejudice?
>When They See Us
>Get Out
>Dear White People
>Black Kklansman
yusef salaam
This is like something the USSR would release to make their citizens feel better about their egalitarian society, while hating blacks all the same.
Indeed. The commies were always very adept at presenting themselves as the alternative to "oppressed" people.
The series acknowledges that the beatings and robberies happened but claims the Central Park Five didn't participate, they were just out partying and got mixed into a mob of other young men that were actually committing the crimes
Are you really going to say that's still not a kid just because he's tall?
that's what happened and it's explained that the police officers used the reid technique which is outlawed in US law
That's a 15 yr old child and you are sick by pushing your mindframe to make him out as an adult by that time
Nope, totally cut out. The boys are all little angel Trayvons
never happened
The show makes them seem like perfect angels that would never commit a crime. Literally showing the kids hugging their grandma right before these horrible racist accusations by the evil whiteys.
Americans should blame yourselves, you imported them. It's like buying a nice house and soon after buying a bunch of cockroaches then letting them free inside.
>Black people as a group are the best thing any corporatist could ever ask for, we always eat up whatever shit you shovel down our throats so long as you pretend to be "on our side"
I'm convinced this is the real premise behind anti-Whiteness in general. Whites are bad consumers, so the banks and international businesses want to replace them with people who will endlessly buy and take on debt.
they serve like 30 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit, boy
It's a fighting age male
That's some real dangerous thinking you're doing there go...I mean guy.
"Give an inch and they will take a mile."
I mean... thats kinda true.
Even the poorest of poorest blacks buy Iphones and expensive shoes. Only white dudes and asians buy android.
according to whom? would you consider yourself as a threat to society when you were 15??
Yeah, a pack of 14 and 15 year olds just walking around at night beating people's heads in with pipes then taking their shoes/wallets/bikes is no big deal, it's just one of those harmless childhood pranks
>Cop:"..Nice suit. Where's your receipt."
That's not what not what Fucking happens in this series! They all five were victims of circumstance. They witnessed bad shit going down in the park and was trying to get away from it!
What the series!
A crowd of 60 children in a already crowded night in central park get handpicked by police officer when it was confirmed later that they didn't have anything to do with the violent attack that night
hell yea I was, pussy
I'm so sick of jewish propaganda
When was it confirmed? One was even carrying a pipe similar to the one Loughlin was beaten with, and he identified him by both appearance and voice.
Even if they were there to beat and steal from the homeless, they shouldn't be imprisoned for someone else's crimes. They have enough of their own crimes, there's no reason to pass someone else's onto them because "they were bad anyway". That's not how it works. If they were going to serve time, it should be for what they did so the sentence can be adjusted accordingly.
>according to whom?
Me. Society. Biology. All of human history.
>would you consider yourself as a threat to society when you were 15?
Compared to these animals? No. In a hypothetical sense? Sure, at 15 I was large and strong enough to severely injure adults in a fight even if I lost. But I also had an IQ over 80 and a conscience so I didn't go around mugging people as soon as I was old enough to hurt someone with my hands.
I bet my ass you cried yourself to bed after watching scary movies at that age. Your edgy cringy phases only made sure that you grew up to the big faggot you are today
bring in your bikes kids
>my client could not have done this rape, members of the jury, for he was at that very moment committing a violet mugging several blocks away
and they still send him down, just because of the color of his skin, is this justice?
Because everything was tried at once, once Reyes's confession caused the rape charges to be disproven, all of the other assault and robbery charges just disappeared alongside it.
Not to mention Reyes' DNA and confession hardly proves their innocence at all, since even the earliest confessions from them claimed they didn't penetrate the woman, only restrained and beat her
You mean forced to say that in the police interrogations. She wasn't even hit with a pipe, she was hit with a branch and a stone you fucking retard.
according to society you are wrong, 19-21 are the ages male are most dangerous. Also you don't have a high IQ, you wasn't physically capable to damage adults and you still aren't capable. Grow up ffs
>She wasn't even hit with a pipe, she was hit with a branch and a stone you fucking retard.
>kikes rewrite history
>water is wet
They were forced by police officers to admit to those crimes they never did, they claimed that back then and still claim that to this day
>I bet my ass you cried yourself to bed after watching scary movies at that age.
user, you are aware that 15 is not 5, right?
What kind of horrifying arrested development were you stuck in where a fucking 15 year old cries after watching scary movies?
The police had the foresight to force them to admit that they held her down and beat her while she was being raped but didn't actually rape her themselves because they knew that 15 years in the future DNA evidence would prove that there was semen from another felon inside her?
I was talking about the rape case you retard, maybe you should have a better reading comprehension than a 10 yr old. They were even found innocent of those crimes, so your point still is worthless
Don't be mean, that user had to wear diapers in high school because he'd wet his bed everytime he watched tv.
Im not talking about me, im talking about you. I know plenty of people just like you who think they are tough but only show it on the internet
>I was talking about the rape case you retard, maybe you should have a better reading comprehension than a 10 yr old
Let's do the reply chain here. I posted >One was even carrying a pipe similar to the one Loughlin was beaten with, and he identified him by both appearance and voice.
And you replied >She wasn't even hit with a pipe, she was hit with a branch and a stone you fucking retard.
And you now have the balls to call me illiterate when you fucked up replying to a post where I said "him," the name Loughlin, and pointed out that he actually had witness testimony identifying the men, all of which means I couldn't possibly be speaking about the woman who was raped.
Perhaps it's time for you to acknowledge that you're the fucking moron here.
They were held in interrogation for 40 hours. They were kids and was ready to say what ever just as long it meant that they could go back home user
Seems legit enough for people with a mean IQ below 90
And yet the police didn't force them to say they actually raped her, they simply forced them to say they held her down and beat her while someone else raped her.
Then lo and behold a decade later DNA says someone else raped her, which apparently proves they couldn't possibly have held her down and beaten her?
Dude, I'm , I was a 210 lbs linebacker at 15, what the fuck are you smoking to think that ANY 15 year old in ANY year cries after watching a scary movie?
If you actually hung out in any high school you would EASILY consider most 15 year olds with a violent streak and no conscience or self control a threat to society.
Like fuck, do you think people just SUDDENLY become shitty people when they turn 18?
That shitty behavior is present throughout MOST of their adolescence.
funny how i wasn't even referring to the crime at the first part, but about your thought that these kids were a danger that night, which was disproven on all accounts. But go on and talk about this one case when you could not prove that they actually commited that crime
This is pathetic damage control, buddy. You fucked up. Own it.
Why don't we get a movie about the Crown Heights riot when Jews ran over black children then left them to die?
you're right on the money, classifying peoples based upon spending habits is easier than ever
how bout an israeli sniper movie..Bullets Balls N Caps
It's pretty funny that everywhere from the American ghetto to the Brazilian rainforest, people all over the world are united saying "fucking Jews"
No user, when you turn 18 you magically and instantly go from fragile little kid to adult, because reasons. You just wake up on your birthday 100 lbs heavier and two feet taller than you were before.
user, they were forced to say alot of things that quickly escaleted to them being forced lastly to confess to the rape they never did.
Also don't forget that they looked for any small amount of dna in the crime scene that could relate to the boys but nothing was ever found. They were never there according to DNA
Do you know that mental development exist? do you know what being a child means figuarly? do you think 15 yrs like you had the balls or the capabilty to do first degree violent crimes. Statistics show a reason why crime is mainly commited in the 19-21 age, and it does not agree with your "experiences"
The most hilarious thing about this moron's argument is he's looking at photos and saying THIS dude looked like a totally harmless, helpless child. Like it's got to be trolling at this point.
jews are still considered white people in the black communities user
Like me? No, I didn't.
Like a feral urban dweller? They're getting groomed for the streets before they're teens.
that is literally your argument
>look according to me he looks harmful, that means he is
Why are you so immature
doesn't really matter either because crime is most present between the ages 19-21 in their race too
he's a nigger, of course he's harmful. Get a better argument next time
>What if all boys were created equal?
Do these dumb cunts really think white men aren't accused of rape every single day and are locked away on false charges?
Your argument is straight up
>no one is ever capable of committing physical violence until after their 18th birthday, no matter how large or intimidating they might be
Which is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard from anybody and is convincing me that you're just a shitposter
Trump is a jewish pedophile
>do you think 15 yrs like you had the balls or the capabilty to do first degree violent crimes.
I KNEW guys who were my age and were committing violent crimes.
Are you fucking retarded or is this just bait?
nope your argument is that 15 yr old is capable of commiting as much and serious crimes as the 19 yr old when it's disproven by facts
It's also still proven that the kid was innocent all the time
did they really do this? could work better with black desu
>15 yr old is capable of commiting as much and serious crimes as the 19 yr old when it's disproven by facts
nothing wrong with being a pedophile
user, if you look at crimes being commited now you are not going to see your friends jimmy and timmy. You are going to see 20 yr old jamal who just got out of prison after 1 yr.
Also post pic to prove you are not a nigger, im highly convinced you are a nigger right now
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
yep faggot, facts don't care about your feelings
Shitskins don't belong on juries, they have no ability to use their brain beyond basic instincts.
>World hates them because of their violent, racist, and territorial pack mentality
>They're only doing it because of the result of their violent, racist, and territorial pack mentality
all jury members do that retard, every jury member is going to be a retard no matter the race
>it's statistically scientifically proven that 15-year-olds are physically incapable of violence and anyone who disagrees with me is a dumb nigger
Just fucking with us or legitimate Downs Syndrome patient? The world may never know
God I hate black people. I honestly don't know How I ever thought they were oppressed. Embarrassing.
>all 15yr old are violent and commit crime always in my head
>i knew this one guy in school who like got in a fight... so like... everbody who points to facts saying that it's highly unprobable for 15yr olds to commit first degree crimes is wrong
you are probably a virgin nigger who thinks he's being oppressed right now by anita sarkeesian. Grow up user, stop projecting angers and better yourself
>literally one source
>no specified numbers of test subjects used
>covers one year
yep checks out
Your entire proof that teenagers can't commit violent crime is "trust me they can't, stop being a stupid nigger" and you have the balls to shoot down a Department of Justice study as poorly cited
I'm on my second cycle of test. I'm taking 750mg of Cyp. I'm 6'2 and 225lbs. I'm pretty sure I probably look better than you, and I know for a fact you wouldn't say shit if you saw me in person. Grow a sack and stop ignoring fact, libtard faggot.
The White guilt shit isn't working anymore. The only reason they made this is to incite blacks into violence. I don't even blame the blacks. If the zookeeper leaves the chimp house doors open, and the chimps escape and wreak havoc, do you blame the chimps or do you blame the zookeeper? Jews should have to pay reparations to cities like Ferguson and Baltimore (and many others) in which they have used their media monopolies to incite race riots.
Holy shit, user, perfect analogy.
>low test by the way you talk
>speaks like low iq nigger
user if i ever saw you in real life,or anyone for that matter. We would laugh together synchronised to you
user you have nothing to back you up anymore
Even with your mob you probably wouldn't say shit. You'd probably try to be all buddy buddy like everyone else.
Me: federal government studies
You: shitty anecdotes
I mean I'd love to see YOUR citations, I'm sure you've got some really interesting peer reviewed ones that'll rip mine apart?
>doesn't want /pol/ to cry bout race
>as your asking for a recommendation to watch a movie watching /leftypol/ cry about racism
jee maybe you're smart enough to see the flaw in your argument. or maybe not
>Also post pic to prove you are not a nigger, im highly convinced you are a nigger right now
Whoa dude, what made you think that?
Was it in when I pointed to my post here () where I outright imply that I'm black?
No fucking way!
>did they really do this?
Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, and a ton of other big-name black actors/actresses.
late reply but you aren't a minority. globally black people out number white people 4 to 1, same with asians, indians, and most other large groups of "minorities"
it's missing the part where he collects the money to buy another gang get killed in a gang rival and the crying mom sues again.
Your one source and graph doesn't hold up to the subject user, you must have a really illogical thought procces if you think it does
I wold point my finger so close to your face that you could smell it, while laughing and calling you a big faggot
I don't know why you are arguing when you have below 70 iq, nigger
How long til we get a movie about this motherfucker? Can't wait for the Jordan Peele/Ava DuVernay collaboration about a white Jewish neo-Nazi savagely gunning down a bunch of underprivileged African-American youths who just wanted to give him back the screwdriver he dropped and ask if he had any spare change for them to pay their fares, like all upstanding citizens.
Okay we're done here. You've done nothing this entire thread but make bizarre baseless assertions. Should've known you're a retard who had no idea what the fuck he's talking about back when this embarassment happened That said I'd still welcome the evidence. Your own peer reviewed study that proves teenagers DON'T commit violent crime. It doesn't exist.
user, why do you not keep the same energy when white niggers do the same thing
Act dramatic how much you want, it doesn't change the fact that you didn't have arguments against my points
There's a bunch of white people going around attacking and robbing people on subways?
They literally don't release footage of public transit crime in some jurisdictions because it "causes racism"
You don't have arguments in favor of your points. You never even attempted to supply any, at any point in the thread. You're still avoiding supporting your own retarded assertions right now. Get fucked.
When it's white poeple chimping out it's "look at these animals and these crimes statistics, they deserved it, the white guy dindu nuffin"
When it's jews chimping out it's "look at these poor negros that died a tragick death because of this kike".
Somethings not adding up
You can’t talk about political movies or movies starring black people on Yea Forums. It’s bound to be a shot show. This falls into both categories
you have not yet give proper argument, but keep in going
Niggers are wild talking apes and belong in cages.
Your argument is that teenagers don't commit violent crime. Mine is that they do. Mine is statistically provable and you simply refuse to provide any statistics of your own.
Give me a fucking link to a study that says the contrary, that teens don't commit violent crime. It doesn't exist. You are ducking even attempting to produce it. You lose.
>Crown Heights riot
>The police car and Schneerson's automobile crossed Utica Avenue on a green light and proceeded along President Street at a normal speed, but Lifsh's vehicle had fallen behind. Not wishing to lose sight of Schneerson's car, Lifsh's vehicle either crossed Utica Avenue on a yellow light or ran a red light. There was no indication of the exact speed of Lifsh's vehicle.[3][5] Lifsh's vehicle struck a car being driven on Utica Avenue, veered onto the sidewalk, knocked a 600-pound (275 kg) stone building pillar down and pinned two children against an iron grate covering the window of a first-floor apartment in a four-story brick building (40.66717°N 73.93166°W). Seven-year-old Gavin Cato, the son of Guyanese immigrants, who was working on his bicycle chain while on the sidewalk near his apartment on President Street, died instantly. His seven-year-old cousin Angela Cato, who was playing nearby, survived but was severely injured.[6][7]
He was a spic
Based ESL retard
>Some members of the community were outraged because Lifsh was taken from the scene by a private ambulance service while city emergency workers were still trying to free the children who were pinned under the car.
Yeah, the aneurysm you had while typing that nonsense
Maybe your just really abd at understanding graphs hmm... Maybe go back to my orginal comment why your graph doesn't work
Why do you keep typing replies where you don't even say anything?
Anyway as the thread wraps up I just encourage anybody scrolling through to go look at and keep in mind what an utter fucking idiot that user was today
They literally were not even charged with the rape.
still not given a proper agument
No, what he's saying is that the child is capable of violence. He obviously has the strength for it, like most 15 year olds who aren't dilating.
Hang it up. You just keep repeating the same tired shit over and over. A 15 year old is perfectly capable of committing rape and aggravated assault and your claiming otherwise is totally ludicrous. You've wasted enough of my time.
Shit, Mattias Reyes was a teenager himself when he raped Meili, I guess that proves the DNA test was fake too.
he 15 yrs old, he's not mentallly equiped to as serious things like user was suggestin. Him being innocent all the time proved it
false, mattias reyes was at the specific age where crime is mostly done
>Mattias Reyes
He was a teenager. That proves he's innocent by your retarded fucking rules. Why the fuck are you still replying and still failing to actually support any of your moronic assertions anyway?
>the only defense of these murderous niggers that anyone made today is "15 year olds are physically incapable of violence"
Great thread everybody, goodnight
Look at that poor kindergartner
he was 18 retard, that age is not considered a child in the law
Yeah? When's his birthday?
Also hilarious samefag, top kek
There's more than one person on Earth who can recognize your "15 year olds are incapable of violence" argument is dumb as shit. Imagine how many school shooters must have been framed
hilarious damage control for samefaging