Lucifer Discussion Thread

- Best Girl Edition

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Have sex

So you guys think there will be a next season?
First ones were fun, last one improved the storytelling a lot, it was conclusive but still left room for another one

how reddit is this show?

Ehhhh idk lol

>First ones were fun
I'm ashamed I enjoyed something this trashy

it's one of these

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>implying you being ashamed has any significance

It's not even reddit, it's made for moms that stay at home and binge cw shows all day

It's just comfy

She's hot but greatly underutilized.

ROFL your right it's top comfy kino :D


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top tier comfy
top tier trash that I love
top tier Linda qt

It's alright. A police procedural with the devil with a fantasy element. Loosely based on the vertigo comics.

Not much, it's just a show for women and faggots

Overacting: The Show.
Only literal redditors watch this.
And women.

As opposed to me an alpha male who watches Game Of Thrones

It sounds like peak reddit.

Constantine should do a crossover with this show.

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haven't watched since the mom thing, do they add more supernatural shit or is it still generic buddy cop show with a zanny twist?

Not going to read the thread because my gf and I aren't finished with S4 yet but I just want to say its a great show and I like leather clad maze.

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>Maze slices your scrotum opend and stabs her finger inside to mush up your testicles.

Do you ask for more?

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Unironically they all exist in the same universe since Constantine and Lucifer both crossed over in sandman.

it get's better when everyone learns that he is in fact the actual devil

Play videogames.

Lopez is a qt3.1416

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qt butt too

This show has a surprising amount of asian extras.

no lie

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God i had forgoten about tha side character that became a fucking parody of itself.
Annoying fucking cunt

I want to put my penis in that annoying cunt.

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I just started watching the show. Not the worst thing I've seen.

charlotte > maze > decker > linda > lopez

Kind of a depressing ending if it's not renewed.

What about Eve?

Is Lucifer's qt omnipotent niece in the show?

dunno havent watched s4

Who all /40somethingfemale/ here?

Garbage show you all have bad taste and are low IQ

She was criminally underused this season and the whole Dan thing was out of nowhere. And what about that whole Angel of Death thing not being mentioned at all?

no u

> Lucifer's qt omnipotent niece

>not lopez in the chorus line girl outfit

I was cringing at the BLM episode in season 4 and was legit mad about how Amenadiel started acting irrationally after the whole thing. Like what would even be the problem? The kid is half angel. If he dies from some racist cop or something then he'll just go to Heaven and presumably just fly back down to visit his mother. At least he came back to his senses as fast as he lost them and just forgot about the whole thing once Linda told him to stop with that shit.

>Lucifer makes a skipped leg day joke
Mild keks.