Muh difficult childhood growing up in poverty makes me a better fighter than medieval aristocracy trained from...

>Muh difficult childhood growing up in poverty makes me a better fighter than medieval aristocracy trained from childhood to fight
This is why Somali pirates are the deadliest soldiers in the world and routinely wipe out Navy SEAL teams

Attached: Karl.jpg (720x404, 53K)

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this character was ridiculous

>fighting all the time makes you a better fighter

I honestly hope you didn’t just compare medieval aristocracy with modern day navy seals


being a FOOKIN LEGEND makes him better than them, cunt

He was a fooken legend, OP, not just a normal poverty stricken boy

He fought dirty, john fought with honour.

He'd have gotten BTFO by Jaime or any truly "elite" knight. He didn't kill Jeor fockin Mormont fair, and he was basically the first "boss" for Jon, a talented but young and inexperienced fighter.

Have you never seen a criminal shithead talk big? "FOOKIN LEGEND" was just jerking himself off.

Literally was about to kill jon before getting deux ex’d by one of the daughters. FOOKIN LEGEND

I want to fuck him so bad bros ;_;

I think him fighting Jon and somehow not just immediately being cut to ribbons was the first sign the show was just chasing reactions instead of trying to craft a believable and coherent world. If Jon has just so much as walked forwards while holding his sword out in front of him there isn’t really anything Karl could’ve done

Attached: F2A85E22-C630-4F90-853B-AD0F49D7168A.png (250x215, 121K)

He was an above average thief and bandit who grew up in the sewers, probably fighting for his life from a young age and carrying out hits. It's not unbelievable that he developed some fighting skills during his life, especially when he was probably contracted to kill men who knew how to fight. I don't think the fight between him and Snow should have been so close, though.

>Muh difficult childhood growing up in poverty makes me a better fighter than medieval aristocracy trained from childhood to fight
But the show literally makes the exact opposite point in season 1. Jon comfortably beats the shit out of all the other recruits because he's been trained and they haven't. Tanner is one of the first people he's fought who has actual combat experience with a sword, and a lifetime of it too.

has there ever been a more based rapist?

There isn’t a single fight scene in the show that is both well-choreographed and well-filmed so I’m not sure what you were expecting

special forces are only good at killing outnumbered rebels in their sleep with the assistance of air support and artillery

wow very cool

Except special forces routinely edge out situations where they are outnumbered. I'm not pro-military guy, but what you said is either bait or just plain stupid.

jorah vs dothraki in season 1 is decent

To be fair, i get what your grievance is, but if you lock up 50 poor people and tell them to fight to the death, the one surviving is sure to be a cool killer.

but there's a difference between a true warrior and an assassin. He shouldn't have been able to stand toe-to-toe with a gifted swordsman like Snow.

imagine actually and unironically writing this post and believing it

He learned how to fight to survive, whereas someone like a noble learned how to fight just because he was made to

Its why Mike Tyson was so fucking good. Dude learned how to fight growing up in his shitty childhood.

Tyson learned how to fight because he trained with people who knew how to fight. Go look at the latest world star video and tell me if your theory holds any weight. Growing up fighting might make you a more aggressive person who is prone to violence, but training and skill is the only way to become a great fighter.

and yet, in season 8, dothraki btfos armored knights

Attached: 1556942356446.png (2760x2192, 3.88M)

>Not being able to defeat a top tier fighter makes you a bad fighter

>most of the people we see Jon kill are untrained peasants and savages
>Jon is an honour autist who almost always insists on fighting fair
>Jon is nearly killed by someone who was once a payed murderer who fights dirty
There’s really not much wrong with this
The fight probably should’ve been closer but comparing medieval nobles to navy seals is absolutely embarrassing
Pirates regularly get BTFO by seals. And anyone really. Somali pirates are only good at fighting unarmed civilians and unarmed boats.

fighting all the time gets you injuries, and back when there isn't any medical technology or medicine fighting all the time makes you a cripple and lame

This. Plus the Nights watch trains people additionally. And this happened before D&D decided that Jon should be an amazing swordsman that can 1v1 a white walker. He was just kinda average before that

Hound vs Beric is the best fight in the show

What a dumb fucking chart. Is it left -> right, or top to bottom? Would it really have been that hard for this user to put in an arrow?

>this character was a fookin legend
fixed & agreed

the former were nobles and generally people with high intellects and a great deal of spirituality
the latter are usually drug addicts, college dropouts, roidmonkeys, etc.

um sweetie

how is that an argument towards what he was replying to? shitting on season 8 is the laziest fucking thing imaginable

stannis and davos being so low is a quick way to let us know you're an absolute brainlet normie pleb lacking any context of cinema or stage outside of your garbage popcorn shit

I could piss in any gutter and soak 5 OP's

X axis is based
Y axis is redpilled

>Dude learned how to fight growing up in his shitty childhood.
Brainlets like to believe this so that they can convince themselves something useful came out of terrible childhoods but the truth is it had literally no effect on his skill

>Dude learned how to fight good growing up in poverty

Dude was trained by Cus d'Amato, one of the best trainers of his generation.

Your analogy would be accurate if the assassin in the OP was trained by Barristan Selmy or Lews Martell, not learned by himself.

Life isn't a fucking Rocky montage fag. A guy training by himself and learning by trial and error forgoes literally centuries and millions of hours of honed craft by people who have did what he did and built upon previous generations of effort.

Fuck, if you put a trained boxer from the 1800's and put him against a street fighter today I would put money on the boxer. Hell, pull it back to the 1400's and i still would put money on the 1400's guy.

You go to school to get trained to be a scientist, a chemist, an engineer, a historian, a literary critic, a writer, fucking anything. Fighting and skill is no different and your way of thinking will cripple your ability to ever become better than you are to any significant degree.

By your logic, D&D, who have never gone to school for film making, should be the best show directors and writers because they learned in the trenches.

I am telling you this because I went through this too and suffered needlessly to learn this lesson. You are not a badass by learning through the street. You are an idiot and denying what made humanity conquer the planet and species far physically stronger than us, the ability to learn from the mistakes of others, to learn from others, and build upon knowledge.

I would even go back even farther. I would put money on a trained greek wrestler from the 6th century BC rather than an untrained fighter today.


Have sex.

>shitting on shit

>the side with vastly better equipment, logistics and support wins

child arya should be high tier
grown up arya should be lowest tier

>a citizen of a group of people that did outstanding feats of strength would beat a skinnyfat candy-ass

yeah no shit

Yeah, that was the point being made. A trained person from any time period would destroy a person who tried to learn by himself.

Mentoring would probably have gotten my point across better, but I don't think anything can get through your fucking donkey thick skull.

shut up asswipe, you're the one that keeps making dumbtard posts driving the same point like a faggy parrot

No need to get mad there Tar Star, its not your fault your brain is as soft as melted ice cream. Maybe if you listened to your teachers and learned how to read from books rather than learned language from the animals grunts your parents made while they tried to redeem their failure in making you you wouldn't get so made at my posts.

Not mad at all piss stain, I understand your low self-esteem needs the occasional boost from sucking your own e-penis on a congolese stamp painting forum.

I understand that, you know, you want to keep this conversation going, but meet me here halfway buddy. You really need to start insulting me better.

Like "hey e-virgin, the last time you touched pussy was when you were coming out of it".

step it up man.

Jon Snow had received better training than what the Night's Watch gives from a much younger age. He's not some super badass sword master or anything, but him not handling a minimally trained hobo with two knives is pretty embarassing

So why does Yea Forums hate ramsay and his shirtless knife scene when it was the same as this dude

Navy seals and other special forces typically have middle class backgrounds. It's the rank and file grunts that are the detritus of society.

I didnt go to film school, I went to films

Yea Forums hates most of the series.

Burn Gorman can act.

The simp that played Ramsay can't.

Simple as.

The Legend of Gin Alley is fucking hilarious too, the whole scene is comedy. Ramsay's scenes were neither funny or good.

The Legend was hilarious and it was over with in like 5 minutes
Ramsay had been getting more and more ridiculous over multiple seasons and I was getting real sick of his shit by that point

You fucking retard. Tyson had the best coaches in the world to help him out. If your logic made sense, then former cartel hitmen would be the greatest boxers ever

Everything about The Ramsay Arc was just fucking god-awful.

The show's quality just fucking plummets after they started focusing on him.

I didn't even go to films, I went to Yea Forums.

A somali pirate kills a Navy seal 1vs1.
They're just bad acting organized in groups.

For 99% of all Fleabottom peasants this is true but those that make it become fookin legends.

Jon should have merked him based solely on the fact that he had a fucking sword. He had about two feet of reach on him with his weapon.

OP,you look like a fookin ballsac

Yes, but Jon wasn't a fookin legend.

You can't drink out of skull like that. There's a hole right in the middle where the brain stem used to hang out. I've tried it and got schlitz all over my linoleum floor.


Realistic sword fighting would be clumsy and brutal and last like 4 seconds.

Unless you're good at it and survive, like he did, hence why he's still alive and kicking without any issues, fucking retard.

And training.

Training a SOF soldier costs millions, training a somali pirate costs 5 bullets for his AK.