what the fuck happened to the French film industry?
What the fuck happened to the French film industry?
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they couldn't compete with americans
Too much nudity
They ran out of ways to talk about sex.
got heavily state funded
Our New Wave area is massively over rated.
We still make some good movie, but since we do not produce as much movie as Hollywood, there is just less good movies
Rohmer, Resnais, Marker and Rivette are pretty great.
Based. Just watched Claire's Knee last night.
Nobody wants to listen to that stupid noise known as ‘French’ when watching a film.
subsidies and nepotism
Because the French are lazy degenerates who like movies about homos and race-mixing.
>Implying (((they))) do not produce such film in Hollywood
Great film.
State founded aleays end up with shit.
>Leftist government
>Make movies about leftist propaganda
They stopped making movies and decided to shift to children’s TV shows about teenagers running around in skin tight outfits.
Failed to get Nora Hamzawi naked in DOUBLES VIES, despite succeeding with the other three leads.
>All boring degenerates besides Resnais to a lesser extent
The French truly are the worst
>"I'm a great consumer of Wong Kar Wai, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Arnaud Desplechin, and David Lynch, but above all I hope there's something of the influence [in Private Fears in Public Places] of Kim Manners. He directed some 50 episodes of The X Files, and the virtuosity of his shot-breakdown technique and of his mise-en-scene, and the way in which he treated actors' performances, all of it impressed me. He's the best of the best. I'm not an expert in television series, but in Millennium, The Shield, The Sopranos, 24, and others, I find the cinematic syntax more rich and inventive than in the majority of cinema."
--Alain Resnais, in the November 2006 Positif
>be Italian
>watch tv
>ads for a French movie
>it's a "comedy" about a dude with 5 daughters who all fuck shit-skins
What the fuck is wrong with the French?
Hollywood kikery is nothing compared to french media
>The French comedy “Serial (Bad) Weddings” opens with a white Catholic couple grimacing in church as they marry off their eldest daughter to an Arab. In the second scene they grimace once again, as their second daughter marries a Jew.
>Not hot-button enough yet? A third daughter then marries a Chinese man, and the film’s conflict is thrust into motion when the fourth daughter becomes engaged to an African. He’s Catholic, but still, the parents weep over losing their final shot to have a white Frenchman son-in-law. Soon the parents may not be the only ones with an uncomfortable look on their face: American audiences will join them.
>At least, that’s the fear of international film marketers who have declined to release “Serial (Bad) Weddings” stateside, according to TF1 International, the movie’s distributor. Released in France last year under its original title, “Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au Bon Dieu?” (literally, “What Have We Done To God?”), the movie grossed more than $104 million in its native country, becoming the highest grossing film of the year.
>the movie grossed more than $104 million in its native country, becoming the highest grossing film of the year.
>the highest grossing film of the year.
TV channels happened. The state forced them into invest in cinema, so though years they ended up putting their mediocre """comedians""" in their productions.
Now it's full of dumb scenarios and bad acting. Most movies aren't even profitable but they don't care as each time you pay a movie ticket, even for an american movie, you pay a tax that funds french studios to make more shitty movies.
When will commies learn not to mess with the free market?
This is France right now.
This. The truth is that french cinema don't exist anymore, it's french television. The movies that come out are produced by french tv for french tv, cinema is not the main goal. Channel produce a film that will satisfy the retarded boomers who watch the news everyday and the stupid normies who enjoy Hanouna. And the state give a lot of money if you do movies for the cinema, so the channel decided to do cinema for the tv and got the free money. French cinema don't exist lads.
They justified this under the guise of "cultural exception".
The argument was that since the market of movies in french language was limited to roughly 70-80 million viewers worldwide, we had no way to compete in equal terms with american blockbusters, so the system had to be cheated to advantage french studios.
The only problem is that today this "cultural exception" has nothing cultural in it : it's bland, stupid and mediocre. Look at the youtube comments on those trailers : 90% of them are trashing those movies. French people don't go watch french movies anymore. From time to time you have a movie selling more than 10 million tickets, and it's usually a politically correct steaming turd.
it was always mostly boring leftist propaganda made for white collars and stupid trash made for blue collars, with few kinos there and there in both categories
problem is there is much less kino nowadays than decades ago
cinema became as decadent and uninspired as the society it reflects
well we have been decadent for a century but the decadent stuff filmed 40 years ago was better filmed at last
can't remember the last french movie I saw desu, and I go to the local kinoplex every week
t. french
all french are degenerates, when you see shit like Lastman being shown to their youth no wonder every french end up growing up as a divorced godless asshole
I remember, it was "Les tuches 2". Since then I'm vaccined against this crap.
The last French movie I saw was "Microbe and Gasoline" which was a half-decent coming-of-age movie until they ran out of state money for location shooting and wrapped by sending the actors home on a plane with no explanation.
It still exists, but literally every film is some "wacky" scenario like
>"What if my daughter was dating a nigger?"
>"What if I had a lesbian affair on my husband?"
>"What if a rich family had dinner with a poor family?"
All of it is garbage.
Jacques Audiard is pretty good though
The same thing is happening with Brazilian cinema, but to be frank brazilians have always loathed our national cinema so it's not like a new political economy will make things worse.
Honestly though, which country is *not* shitty at making films nowadays? The only living, breathing film industries are Hollywood due to having shitloads of money, Korea and India because their people are very nationalistic with culture, and Japan because their directors are slaves putting out one, sometimes two movies a year. No one else can compete, let alone globally, so they just let their film studios die.
Godart the magnificient, litterally the god of art is still there to make a great film every once in a while
This, unironically.
it's all fucking comedy with the same actors again and again, it's all so tiresome, it's always the same shit
Kleber Mendonca Filho is good. Didn't brazilian government just took some large % of funds from education and culture?
State funding fucked everything up. They give money to make the safest shit possible. What works is comedies with shitty progressive undertone. Since Intouchables brought a lot of money back in 2011, and Bienvenue Chez Les Chtis in 2008, now you have midly racist humor and social undertones done wrong.
It rakes money, and are cheap to make. They are coproduced with tv channels, since those movies end up playing on TV on Sunday nights, and then rotating around on shit-tier channels afterwards.
New shit that are coming up are poorly made thrillers with Eastern European funding, shot in English to try to get international bucks overseas, since no one wants to read subtitles.
Except Canal was here since the end of the 80s
Paris has gone to shit while american cities have become more attractive.
It became something BECAUSE of subsidies, it became shit because they ended up giving subsidies to the same jews.
Baguette user here and this is the true reason
>Lastman shown to our youth
Jesus dude, don't embrass yourself like that
Just stopping in to say this is brilliant.
Les juifs.
A small clique in Paris keep jerking each other off so no good movies anymore.
>romanticizing Arabs
>clips from edgy Pasolini flicks
>dumb 7.1 stereo mix
In no way.