Yep. Today is the day. Today it will all come to an end. Today I will cease to exist...

Yep. Today is the day. Today it will all come to an end. Today I will cease to exist. I will liberate myself and my surroundings of my petty and miserable existence. I will do everybody a big favor. There will be no memory of me for I haven’t brought anything significant to this life. And how will I farewell with this life? I’ll watch a movie. Cuz everything, every memory, every vivid emotion I have is thanks to movies. It’s simply who I am and how I always associated my memories and thoughts - with movies. So what will be my last movie? Dubs decide

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one wants to enable you, user.
Go watch the MLP movie & then get help.


What the MLP movie?

Go do drugs instead. I like psychedelics personally but pick your poison and do it for a while. It's better than becoming an hero

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If only...

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Watch Fight Club, hopefully you'll understand the movie and not miss the point and you'll realise you can live a happy life

>tfw literally been spending the last month daydreaming and planning my suicide, getting all my affairs in order, cleaned my browser history, boxed everything I own for easy clean up when I'm gone
Just gonna drive until I run outta gas or money or I find a spot remote enough and take a good stab at the carotid. Btw this is all hypothetical and remember everything on this site should be considered satire :)

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unironically this is the most based post
rewatch 2049 because you seem to have missed the meaning entirely
have a nice cozy meal and then get help

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Why is chad an Aussie in this?

Sneeeed lol

That’s actually a pretty good plot for a short movie hmmmmm

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Dubs for skip the movie and get straight to it


Dubs for 900, a 5 hours long movie so you'll have time to rethink about it

It’s all good man. Death is an illusion. Don’t be scared. We will all join you soon. Time is a flat circle

The Simpsons Sneed episode

Cringe, you can't reroll

dubs and you'll jump from a bridge lol
i'm planning on cutting my jugular, wrists and stabbing myself before jumping while high on drugs to guarantee my death

Captain Marvel

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Captain Marvel

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>I will do everybody a big favor.
Your life is your own and it's your right to end it if you wish to put a stop to your existential dread since despite what normies say there really is no cure for that. You don't owe anybody anything. But you're not doing anybody any favor with suicide, you can't be so easy on yourself. Somebody's gonna have to clean up after your body, and even on a perfect stranger it'll weigh heavily on them.

>we live in an era where people don't know about Zyzz

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>the reroll is the exact opposite of what i want! waaaaa
if anyone should be killing themselves it's you

Based, this is it


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Why isn’t assisted suicide a thing but abortion is?

If rerolls count, then anybody can just reroll until they roll dubs. Either you get it the first time or you're fucked. Blow your FUCKING brains out

user, don't kill yourself, every day we're one step closer to incredible virtual reality where it'll feel like we're really with our waifus

Captain Marvel

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Don't do it you stupid fag, if you kill yourself you won't go to heaven - you'll burn in Hell. Repent, believe that Christ died in the cross for your sins and then live a good life. Find a wife, have children, enjoy living. This is just a temporary low that'll seem insignificant in the future. Get some balls you idiot. Talk to us if you need a push.

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Based sneed

>that kino panel of the virgin cradling jesus but with zyzz and nogainz user

>this is just a temporary low
What about twenty years? Is that long enough to call it good?

>a good stab at the carotid
My nigger. Did you buy a special knife just for this occasion? I did

finally. the great sleep.

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>It's my birthday. I'm turning 25 and joining the 25 year old + virgin club.
I invited my friends to come for a birthday party. They all cancelled.
What kind of life am I living. A dead end job. No reliable friends, no one wants to date me. I'm truly alone. I had a chance 2 years ago. Someone I truly connected with. She grew as a person and I didn't. My life had gone deeply wrong.

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based. good luck and see you on the other side. i can't imagine anything worse than botching a suicide attempt

how can one shitpost comic make me feel more emotions than any other video or strip ive ever seen?

i don't know. it's wonderful

Why not just say fuck it and live a based life doing whatever you want. None of it matters anyway. You’re next life could be worse.

This and also I’m in a dead end relationship which is fucking killing me inside

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see you tomorrow OP

>You’re next life could be worse.
What if the next life is exactly the same?
Eternal return is our punishment

Nah. Hypothetically whatever's sharp and pointy should do the job. Nothing serrated.

Well then we truly are just Sisyphus and like I said why not just be based and enjoy it

I can't think of a reason to live on other than fear of death

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Good bye user...

>pic related

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why do you fear your salvation?
a fear of a life not well-lived i can understand, but death itself? why aren't you comforted by the idea that there's an escape from the life you're condemned to?

I think it boils down to simple survival instinct. I welcome the idea of death. I understand that in the end nothing of that will matter. But at the same time there is some deep fear within me. One that cannot be defeated by reason. I know futility of it all and yet I still feel like I'm wasting my life. Life, that is pointless anyways

That's always been my concern with suicide, what if you just have to live out your life all over again until you get it right?

But then what if you already know the motivation or drive to do it right will never come? Fucked if you do fucked if you don't.
>m-maybe in another twenty years it will finally click and then it won't be so bad

Most depressed people that have been that way for a really long time are very aware they could change, they know the steps to take. All motivation or drive to do so is gone, you gotta make baby steps to slowly pull yourself out and keep that momentum going or you stall and fall right back in. Its like trying to crawl out of a mud hole or something. You either keep trying to get out or you get too tired to try any more.

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See you soon, user.

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i think it boils down to instinct too. it makes me envy those who were able to make their peace and bring themselves to put a period at the end of their own sentence. i don't think i can do that, and it has nothing to do with inner strength or a will to survive. it's just cowardice for me, i'll have to die accidentally

Try hatred of niggers user, it works to motivate me and has for some time. I've also gotten fit for the race war which has helped me a lot

that's a terrible way to live. you unironically should just kill yourself


But I legit feel great while you guys sound like mopey faggots. Oh well, stay miserable. 14/88 to you and your families

The dark knight rises

Try ops edge

A scene at the sea

Explain to me why "never having a girlfriend" isn't a legitimate reason to kill yourself.


Uh yeah ok have fun missing and dying an agonizing death while you choke on your own blood and realize what a stupid idea this was
Mark my words if you go through with this those will be your last thoughts