/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Actually Significant Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


check this, lads


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>3.6 Roentgen

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>no hickey credit

absolutely un-based


>claims your thread

Attached: >we claim this nuclear wasteland.png (1614x1184, 2.66M)

36 hours

Attached: 4U2.webm (1200x600, 2.93M)

Was it rape?

Attached: chernobyl.s01e03.720p.webrip.x264-tbs.mkv_snapshot_00.22.54_[2019.05.31_22.24.11].jpg (1280x640, 80K)

No, but maybe sexual harassment.

You really should have done a longer edit with the full version of the song and most of the major cast



It's /RBMK-1000/

Attached: 1559322501024.jpg (875x875, 119K)

>no hickeyfu
>no dyatlov vomiting
>no comrade falling over on the roof
>no puppies

tried doing a drinking game last week watching the last 2 eps watching that stream last week, where I took a shot every time alcohol was in a scene, and I was blacked out soon after

Attached: pours drink.png (1310x1262, 1.89M)

What your preconditions? Everyone panicked about Ulyana saving thr day and slaying filthy men but i think they ovsrdramatize


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Just bants comrade


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>get to dress like a ninja, climb some dope tower, and get a refreshing, zesty pepsi cola when you're done
I'd climb that tower tbphwyf

Attached: kino.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

kek, had the exact same plan to watch it with a friend. Too bad for me my friend is a Polish mutant madman, so I'd probably die from alcohol poisoning before he even felt dizzy

>cant make a "you're done" to a thread because the thread has to die for it to happen

Who's is this actor and why does he look familiar, reminds me of that dude from Nasha Rasha...

pretty delusional thing to say my dude

Attached: watch it.png (1410x948, 711K)

>That clap

Post the meme
You know the one

don't even need to watch it to guess what you did for the clapclapclapclap part

Attached: huzzah.gif (316x306, 1.05M)

How long until the episode? Can someone create a countdown?

when does the finale drop lads? I got work tomorrow but I don't wanna miss the freshest /rbmk/ when it drops

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous hats

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there are no shitposts. they simply arent there.

Attached: active_zone.jpg (768x1024, 74K)

we do not absorb alcohol like firefighters absorb radiation, we have a limit and not everyone can down 3 liters of vodka and still walk properly

>How do we close the portal?
>You are dealing with something that has never happened in this dimension before...Gordon Freeman. If we send Gordon Freeman to Xen he may be able to kill the Nihilanth on the other side, but that will create problems of its own...

Reminds me of classic 2ch

Attached: компот.png (941x463, 125K)


Steam explosion and metldown?

Thank you comrade

Attached: 1559414151233.jpg (960x960, 411K)

impressive, very nice
>that clap part

dinner will be fine

Attached: too much feed water.jpg (2084x1444, 318K)

>there's no chicken on the ceiling


excellent work, comrade

What are the odds the final episode is going to be people recounting in a courtroom-looking hall what happened and we finally get to see the re-enacted few minutes BEFORE the explosion.

10 out of 3.6

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someone appears to be a bit ~~RED~~
they are working out too hard I guess!

That's literally what the director told us on twitter

Get some coolant on that oven.

Just some hydrogen


Attached: OH FUCK OH GOD FUCK SHIT.webm (360x640, 1.32M)

Attached: AE879299-2939-46B4-A8D7-814818D81682.jpg (1125x844, 138K)

>Not introducing Vasily with the sunglasses.
You had one opportunity user, and you missed it.

Could this BE anymore of a /Chern/ thread?!

speak for yourself you fookin casual

Attached: drinks up.jpg (1472x1076, 671K)


Attached: too bright.jpg (480x851, 82K)

Hi, Mentalcrash. I like you now

I don’t get on Yea Forums for one week and there is shitposting about this show on every board now. What the hell?

Attached: FC33B55B-0E0B-4C46-B376-7677733058D7.jpg (960x431, 195K)

haha, nice, ha ha

what do the slavrunes say?

What would his stand be?

Attached: 01.jpg (777x791, 184K)

Attention (probably machine translated from Warning)

>watches your thread

Attached: spooky gooksters.jpg (1516x1180, 773K)

The Kino effect, in some regards it's good that the series is only going to last five episodes.

Attached: homer.gif (418x300, 735K)

>not being able to read basic russian after all these slavic kino threads
It says Attention

Attached: дуга-РЛС-чернобыль-Чернобыль-2-3399247.jpg (900x900, 57K)

your tie is covered in spaghetti right now.

Attached: >fix your tie.png (1182x1150, 1.44M)

I nerd the fix your tie Valéry meme. Is for the good of all mankind, comrades

Yes, I figured, thank you. I assume it's the same word as in the evacuation scene.

>2-4 megaton explosion
How can anyone take this show seriously after that?

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Touches you and leaves a coal type stain, can control and boss around anyone who has been stained, if the stain is cleaned the effect vanishes.

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you mean this one?
or is there like a memememe of it now?

Attached: confirmed for autism.png (974x812, 998K)

This is insulting to Ukrainians


slaps table

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Is mentalcrash a girl? Someone said that

Post more /rbmk/ webbums

Attached: 1558637475969.webm (700x350, 1.25M)

There Is an uwu version my comrade

Need moar

Anyone knows who they are?

big yellow pump boys

Attached: 1548118812634.png (805x2038, 2.3M)

yeah that's Ludmilla and Volodya

What if he touches graphite, though?

Attached: at1.png (380x380, 13K)

definitely not KGB agent #1
definitely not KGB agent #2

>tumblr is shipping Legosav and Shcherbina
that's actually significant

Attached: >not within our lifetimes.png (1716x1120, 1.91M)

last you'll see of them.

stay wrong

What do you guys listen to while browsing /RBMK/ threads?

I wouldn't know

Attached: lol who?.png (1320x1252, 1.81M)



The amount of memes this show has showered us with is insane

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Your defeat will be my Opus Magnum.

As long as he only wears the hat, he isn't affected by extreme temperatures.

Ah fuck the firefighters were that close to the core? Holy shit

Attached: 9.7.webm (1280x640, 2.91M)

think this might be my favorite now. The non-retard tripfag nailed it.

Attached: ricardo check the core.gif (480x270, 3.38M)

So tired of HBO sexualizing miners for base audience titillation

they just want to hurt communities.

put the control rods back in the pot

We can roughly measure the amount of visits to the thread with this video

>there will be no more content to meme about after tomorrow

Attached: its the beginning of the end.png (730x768, 699K)

Attached: atf.jpg (627x357, 145K)

it's for the best faggot, series that drag on too long always end up shit tier

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those shiny rocks look cool, can i have some?


Gives ARS to anyone he touches.

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>sexualizing miners
it's called peak performance comrade

Attached: have you ever spent time with minors?.png (1598x1254, 1.84M)

never got the idea where the core actually was before this picture

fucking hell, all those people were swimming and breathing in several deadly doses of radioactivity per minute

is he a potatoe?

what the fuck is going on below the neckline

I forgot what I wanted to post, so here's a random /rbmk/ pic. Do I have Alzheimer's?

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did he get this shirt from the show?

Attached: cat killer.jpg (1024x889, 83K)

>people were starving in the soviet union dude I swear
yeah right, look at this unit

It's called being YOKED

Attached: alphadestiny.jpg (1032x1065, 94K)

>diet consists of nothing but bread and vodka
that'll do it

It's just another effect of ARS, user.

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I love you guys. You're so funny.
I wish I was...

coalmen got fed

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These threads are a disappointment.

I kekked

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Yup, kids these days are delusional...

Attached: cherno.gif (452x306, 1.39M)

Would I be delusional to buy this?

Attached: youre delusional 2.png (355x1000, 293K)

We know it's you, Bash.

I wonder if kami-ships-it posts here too

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>that dabbing core-chan

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death is a gift in socialist hell

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> IAEA episode

Will Hans Blix be played by a black man to compensate for lack of American minorities in the series?

>condition: not great, not terrible
Yes, although a few days ago I saw a dope cold-war era dosimeter and almost bought it (I live in a post-communist country so it was only like $15). tfw I realized I would probably get bored and throw it in the trash in a few months.

anime is pedophilia
sick of this gross shit

>It's not the Third Impact, you morons blew the anti AT field. The resurrection of Lilith does not lead to Human Instrumentality

t-the lid is off.. sorry

Attached: 1555438906448.jpg (1280x640, 299K)

What caused the wipe pictured?

Attached: molten core.png (1923x1082, 2.44M)

>one must always wear a hat when radposting

Attached: thank you based Gorbachev.png (806x585, 478K)

What even is this? I don't understand

it's annoying. At least p*nyfags stay in their containment zone but animefags insist on posting their autism everywhere.

It say 3.6
nothing personnel kid

Hey,huys. I am not in Nucklear energy generation. Can you explain me that:

Why US\Europe\Other soviet reactors be like 40-50 meters tall smooth buldings whereas ChNPP be like 150 meters (with chimney) tall fucking gigant building with 100500 additional rooms? Is it beacause of RBMK only?

Attached: main.png (498x288, 260K)

>ok but hear me out

Attached: exploding bullets.jpg (1652x1244, 714K)

>not getting water to the core

Things you can say about RBMK reactor core but NOT your girlfriend.

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disgusting jew tranny

>It's there

needs to have them dragged away screaming "it was the tripfag!"

When he turns back he needs to have a red face.

Attached: image5.jpg (503x527, 83K)

not great, not terrible

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are the things next to his head supposed to look like hanging dongs? Because that's art af if so

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Attached: 16 Chernobyl threads.webm (854x420, 2.86M)

because soviets looked at that shit and realized without aesthetics it looks like shit, so they went and added that along with the uranium pressure-cookers

FYI you can buy the Liquidator's medals on Ebay
It's not that hard to find them in mint condition, some include the box for it as well

Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

It exists

RBMK reactors won't cheat on you with that black guy from work

Attached: isded.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Soviet satistics,lol. My parents remember this green-skin chiken in the shop and 99 cans of sea sea kale cause noone wanted to buy

>that guy sold 610 of em
And how many medals are there even,thats way too much

you assheads had one fucking job

Attached: 111.png (1164x489, 259K)

>601 sold
>condition to good to be authentic
surely they're not made in China

barry keoghan having fun? i don't know mate

Attached: bktweet.jpg (607x529, 73K)

Yes. RBMK was cheap, cost-to-output effective, and easy to feed and reload fuel. The only problem was, unlike, say, Westinghouse reactors used in Fukushima, there's no way you could build a containment around it so when the core is breached all the shit from inside gets airborne.
Except that in Chernobyl they had to build a containment anyway, called Sarcophagus.

they were tabbed out watching fetish art that's why

Attached: success.webm (1280x640, 2.95M)

>I'm breaking graphite in the hot sun

>I fought the core and the core won
>I fought the core and the core won

>I need lead shielding but I have none

>I fought the core and the core won
>I fought the core and the core won

>When he turns back he needs to have a red face.
he does tho

Attached: red hot memes.webm (1280x720, 250K)

I think he's the one robot that William likes in Westworld?

The hispanic one who's the gang member?

>> containment anyway, called Sarcophagus

Man,i am in theme,i asked about scale of station in its origin,before explosion

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They got a 16 year old Warrgen from Layer 16 Asmongold group 5 to tank Rag instead of a 30 year old Druchad.

What a shitty CGI. Discovery version at least had a feel of weight to it youtu.be/ITEXGdht3y8?t=1677
And they just keep reciting same proven fakes like the fact that cubes weight 350kg instead of 50.

Attached: 15594964523993.webm (720x720, 446K)

>Smell Em up there! Nice Feet fer ya Age!
what did he mean by this?

Attached: vomiting.webm (1280x638, 2.84M)

my fucking sides

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Unlike western light-water reactors, the RBMK had a positive void coefficient of reactivity at low power levels, meaning that when water began to boil and produce voids in the coolant, the nuclear chain reaction increased instead of decreasing.
Given this characteristic, the No. 4 RBMK reactor operation was now at risk of spiraling into a positive feedback loop, in which the formation of steam voids would reduce the ability of the liquid water coolant to absorb neutrons, increasing the reactor's power output, causing yet more water to flash into steam, and yielding a further power increase. Throughout most of the experiment the automatic control system successfully counteracted this positive feedback, inserting control rods into the reactor core to limit the power rise. However, this system had control of only 12 rods, as nearly all the others had been manually retracted. At 1:23:40, as recorded by the SKALA centralized control system, a SCRAM (emergency shutdown) of the reactor was initiated.

I'm not going to watch that and spoil the last episode.

You can tell it's fake.

lucky you, my gf is JUST like that

i thought there would be more episodes, i didn't realize the first one came out a month ago already, i downloaded it on the 10th but only watched it yesterday thinking i still had plenty of time to catch up but i just realized the final episode comes out tomorrow, the show seems to actually be good and i missed out on all the threads and memes fuck me

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pandering to foot fetishists
you think he browses Yea Forums?

relationship goals

his smile and penis: gone

Attached: shadow game.png (878x1176, 1.2M)

Last time I looked into it i saw a number of about 450 000 to 700 000 of those medals being given out to the Liquidators
This page collectinghistory.net/chernobyl/ says that those medals were given out in such a way that a few thousand might have simply not reached the Liquidators. Also many might have just died before they got the medals.
If you go to Ukraine and go to a local bazaar you will definitely find original ones. People don't give a fuck about them as they aren't something to be proud of. The authorities did not give a fuck about Liquidators in any way besides giving out medals. Those people are slowly dying out one by one, usually because of cancer.

literally the CIA was reporting that the average Soviet citizen had a higher caloric intake than the average American.

Is the CIA a secretly communist agency too now or what?

Attached: 1558774587045.gif (300x300, 655K)

you fucked up. ywn get to partake in the Dyatlov Delusion posting after episode 1 and Minerposting after episode 3

Attached: COALED.png (1403x999, 1.56M)

it's the vodka

I love how authentic everything about this show is. It really looks like the USSR in the 80s

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Well, yes, RBMK reactor is fuckhuge massive, hence the massive reactor core buildings.

Attached: 1558983163413 (2).jpg (2558x1396, 483K)

vk com/video165011536_170451231
Always loved this music video for eerie atmosphere and the real pictures of melting graphite and the series captured the real thing pretty solid.


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I do not know about statistics. In Moskow or in cities with high supply cathegory (they were in USSR in the country of equality lol) maybe.in averege soviet sitizen was given a fucking shit with bad meet quality and empty shop shalves.

except Gorbachev

Attached: 36f5ceeb42362773.jpg (621x428, 46K)

A single RBMK-1000 reactor core has almost the same energy output as six Fukushima-1 reactor cores put together.

looks close enough

You do know that IRL Dyatlov was more professional and less delusional?

Attached: 1558491090760.png (1920x3066, 2.75M)

So is it more efficient or just fuck huge?

Guys what is feedwater and why was Dyatlov always talking about it?

Attached: Dyatlov MAIN.jpg (800x512, 56K)

what do you expect, a clone? i was talking mostly about the aesthetics, the costumes, vehicles, buildings. There used to be a time where they didn't bother with this shit, as ralphie said in sopranos "THEY DIN'T HAVE FLAT TOPS IN ANCIENT ROME"

Do russian girls really do this?
is2.Yea Forums.org/gif/1558843981165.webm

>literally the CIA was reporting that the average Soviet citizen had a higher caloric intake than the average American.
no soviet propagandists were. Why would the CIA say that?

The reason there's a sudden drop after the USSR fell was because suddenly they weren't just making up numbers to look good.

Attached: gubment gang.png (2682x1432, 3.65M)

Now I'm curious too why there's different looks. I feel like the one in your pic is a typical american one, the ones in sweden look pretty much like chernobyl, see e.g.

There was nothing sexual about that and I'm thankful for them not going vulgar on it.

>He missed the delusions
>He missed the miners
>He missed the WaterboilingGate
I would kill myself tbqh

Attached: 5 years.png (550x366, 290K)

The water that goes into the reactor



I've read it in his book "Everyone is stupid except me and also fuck Legasov"

>complaining about anime on Yea Forums

Did you get lost on the way to reddit?

I figured it was some footfag Photoshop

my grandma did

>he doesn't know that anime belongs on newfag detected

Attached: 1544230075388.webm (1280x640, 530K)


this site literally would not exist if not for anime
you owe weebs your respect

UHHHHH Soviet culture of eating was like macaroni,bread,mayonnaise."doctor" sausage and tons of buckwheat and usual porridge and the same shit. All calories was gained from them.

*Post-Soviet user*

Gorbachev in the show: the boring apparatchik
Gorbachev irl: a cheerful pizza advertiser

Attached: 17194544.973003.1462.jpg (479x333, 40K)

feedwater is a refreshing zesty spicy in Russia. But if you drink too much you get a bit sick

Attached: noble too much feed water.png (2084x1444, 2.35M)

Why were people drinking it

Soviet propaganda in 80`s was like picrelated

Attached: Image `.jpg (1895x934, 105K)

Please stop
I saw that reply chain so many times
Now one of you faggots will post the "anime boards vs non anime boards" pictures
Please stop
I can't take it anymore

Attached: not like this.jpg (349x326, 61K)


That was a good one, a day of wageslaving not wasted.


It's good for your health, stimulates blood flow into the feet

Somebody needs to post the collage

they like to party

Attached: bottoms up.jpg (1482x958, 67K)

It is more efficient. But in terms of safety, you are better off with smaller cores in pre-built containments so that when core meltdown happens, you are not spreading fuel all over the place.
In Fukushima not one, but three reactor cores melted down, but thanks to the containment radiation at the site maxed at 0.5mSv/h - thats 50 Roentgen if i'm not mistaken.
Not good, but not terrible.

>the collapse in caloric intake means this was the truth the entire time

if you really think this was the result of the soviets just lying the entire time about the intake rather than the fact the entire economy was in absolute freefall in the last 1-2 years as literally the entire nation suddenly burst into flames, you're positively retarded.

here's the commie propagandist!!!! CIA study.


Attached: fuck you.jpg (184x184, 6K)

When you do this, you can feel the cold rushing to your head and staying there.

like "lava" lava?

Attached: lava.jpg (1920x1080, 539K)

What should I do with my /RBMK/ folder when it will be over? It would be too sad to rewatch all the pictures alone.

Attached: muh rbmk.jpg (1464x1730, 383K)

>that squeak then when sits down
My heart!

Some of these memes won't die for 50,000 years

>The reason there's a sudden drop after the USSR fell was because suddenly they weren't just making up numbers to look good.
Uhh no. The reason was crisis that accured after ussr desolution

Attached: foal.png (680x700, 606K)

if you really think this was the result of the soviets just lying the entire time about the intake rather than the fact the entire economy was in absolute freefall
why not both?

It's like how "the soviet union doesn't have serial killers" because they just buried evidence of theirs and when they caught them they just disappeared them. We only know about Chikatilo because he happened to get caught right as everything was falling apart.

That SHARP drop wasn't just caused by the economy going to shit. It's the same as "government spending" in the US under Bush versus under Obama. Where the Bush administration just didn't budget or account for like all their terror war spending, and then the Obama administration did, so suddenly from 2008 to 2009 it looks like there was a sudden explosion in spending, when the reality was that they just stopped cooking the books.

>He missed the WaterboilingGate

any screencap or something

those memes will be firing trillion billion shitposts every hour that'll pierce boards, threads, generals

Entire threads will become uninhabitable. Millions of users will be saged

I'd rather have some chicken. Please.

yeah i was shitposting pretty consistently and didn't check in for like a day and entirely missed whatever the boiling water thing was.

Attached: noble need more water.jpg (910x910, 200K)

2nd OC coming through
I've done my part

Attached: delusional.png (497x576, 212K)

Imagine, your one of the first fire fighters on the scene. You have your gear and are ready to fight the fire at the reactor, assuming its just a normal fire.
You fight it for 12 hours then fall back so another unit can take your place.
A day later, you feel sick and are puking constantly
Two days later, you feel sharp pains all over your body and don't know why
Three days later your skin starts peeling off your body, causing you excrutiating pain
Four days later, you start puking blood as your organs are starting to bleed internally
Five days later, you and everyone who was with you is most likely dead, or will be by next week.

Guys I think this whole series is made just to boost tourism money for ukraine. Imagine the amount of normies that now want to visit the “Holy Grail” its not even bait at this point

Come awards time when it's inevitably gonna sweep the floor with everything, you can post le funny may-mays in those threads and feel superior that you were one of the hipsters who like Chernobyl long before all the other normies even heard of it.

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>the fucking pan in the ceiling

we're literally messing with the very fabric of reality

This show has spawned some extremely good OC.

Attached: rbmk.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

that's the lid


Really looks like Mandy Patinkin there.

i can believe it. i assume russians did a lot more manual labor on average, and thus had greater needs for energy and so on. not to mention that you don't need to eat burgers and coca cola to get fat, you can just as well get calories by eating fatty sausage and bread

3.6 holes in the ceiling. Not great, not terrible

worth it for the clap, but missing vasily


Attached: 1555451150921.jpg (365x365, 56K)

Trips to Prypyat have been "common" for a while. I wanted to go a few years ago with my girlfriend, but even living "nearby", I was not fancying the connections. Then the Crimea stuff happened and we shelved the idea.

what's that

Attached: tumblr_psg2w1lH9w1y5qzo5o2_1280.jpg (706x349, 130K)

what a file path
>4 of the same picture right next to eachother with an incremental filename

>it's a girl!

Attached: 1548451582089.jpg (764x720, 201K)

B2 please
asking for a friend who likes the color yellow

is that thing with the dozens of bent metal bars the core? are the metal bars the control rods? it looks spooky

>the soviet union does not publish systematic data of per-capita levels of calories or nutrients

I like how your source further illustrates the point that you're trying to reject.

I'm gonna miss you fuckers

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>Disco local

Attached: s-l300[1].jpg (197x300, 15K)

Don't forget the latent period when it appears that one is recovering. You get your hopes up as the initial symptoms seem to reside, but then the real nightmare eventually kicks in.

Attached: chrome_2019-05-24_13-53-59.png (1714x793, 355K)

post that "reactor in repo..."

Attached: 1559071043567.jpg (960x960, 492K)

An Endoscopie or Ouchi, what else could it be?

It's that screencap of informative post about how radiation and nuclear physics work, the original post was flawed and I asked some /sci/ user who provided corrections, but the first correction still needed some work so I ended up making 3 edits of the screencap in total, it's why there's also a .psd with the same filename.

Attached: ouchiendoscopies.jpg (1092x446, 71K)

It's almost perfect, if you replaced spicy rock with spicy graphite it'll have the cadence of the original

Attached: Reactor in repose .png (1244x822, 340K)

>tfw Valery and Boris will never stay good friends until they die of natural causes at the age of 85

Attached: 1534026102379.png (326x226, 140K)

>Draw me like one of your French reactors...

>that pic

I can't see much difference between day 15 and day 65 but maybe I'm retarded

which one?
this is the pic btw

Attached: 1558377922416.jpg (1899x1172, 928K)

This legit hurts to look at

Attached: anatoly thumb .jpg (258x356, 34K)

Request comrades, spaghetti roof worker pic

>only 3.6 roentgens

Attached: d7b31d29b2154014c19d19f458cab47c.jpg (1024x1024, 134K)

>Colon Day 65

Attached: 1517080399203.jpg (584x530, 216K)

are binging again on that rip fuel? cos i cant understand shit?

upload em to somewhere will ya?

Never thought this show would expose the board to such a contamination of memes, most of these memes will not stop being posted for 100 threads, some of them, not for 50,000 threads.

Attached: 1559478389707.jpg (700x653, 54K)


Attached: oops.png (1590x828, 1.77M)

Say what you will about the russians, but at least they didn't keep a man alive who was begging for death just to watch him literally melt in front of them.

Attached: ouchi.jpg (400x400, 44K)

Attached: spaghetti.jpg (488x390, 137K)

thank you

Attached: D7u3uU5W0AANQ-d.jpg (680x677, 110K)

Did they at least give him morphine or some painkillers?

New thread frens?

so when is episode 5 finally coming out?

>When your veins are fucking sieves

To top it off that happened at like 3 in the morning in my timezone, so it was perfect for the nonsensicalness of it all. God bless.

Attached: 3415342662346452.png (430x164, 34K)

Nope, they gave him nothing. His wife was allowed to visit him, and he begged her for death, upon his request the doctors escorted her out and didn't let her return.
They also shoved camera's down his throat and his ass to watch his organs melt.

Thank you comrade

Anyone have a gif of that naked miner walking towards the camera in episode 3?

how the fuck do you shoot the neutrons? also where does uranium occur naturaly? and is it radioactive on it's own or only when you shoot neutrons at it and split it?

forgot to quote the post Maybe I should have some coffee.

Attached: le 3.6 roentgen face.jpg (493x402, 42K)

I meant that their friendship is beautiful and it sucks that they die a few years later.

Hisachi Ouchi. motherfucker's got the most appropriate of names lmao

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>alpha emissions (the "bullets" that kill you)
alpha particles can't even get through your skin, beta particles worsen your health a little, gamma particles will melt you alive

>Retarded muricans believing that shit is authentic

>And they just keep reciting same proven fakes like the fact that cubes weight 350kg instead of 50.
350kg always did seem like a lot, thats well over 750lb per cap and wikipedia says there's over 1600 channels, so that's a over a million tons or well over 500 thousand kilos of weight. is there any diagrams or documentation that shows how much they weigh?? all of this is insanely interesting.

>it's been 92 seconds and he still hasn't rung the bell

You're not done

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that's fucking doctor mengele tier

>don't touch the slavs
I bet the OP of this pasta was some Slavic diaspora LARPer

is this concrete?

Hey guys can anyone help me out?
I wanted to celebrate the airing of the final episode by making a set of Chernobyl-themed Peggle courses in peggleedit using screenshots from the show. Problem is: Peggleedit is requesting me to install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 that will then always result in an error code 0x80073712
Anyone know how to fix? Google isn't helping shit.

btw if you're wondering what Peggle is, refer to pic related.

Attached: Peggle.jpg (795x595, 145K)

what the fuck is peggle

Someone make one of these with this guy

Attached: 85a[1].png (990x1146, 963K)

Nips were worse.

update your windows maybe

just get 3.5 directly from MS's site

A pretty fun game

My windows is fully updated
I tried that already

pretty sure there's already a coaled meme for that and a core-chan one.

upload them for those of us who may lose harddrives in the future, comrade
t. someone who lost my HDD and backup HDD in a house fire

Now, explain to me how a pressure cooker could explode

Brazilfag or Portuga?

Attached: Michel_Temer_e_António_Costa.jpg (1024x683, 82K)

Already did, posted the link in the new thread
Spain, but I was born in Chile.

>more calories
>its all tasteless lard and fat

What happens if you put a geiger counter in a microwave

Attached: 1464711418605.jpg (657x526, 62K)

Microwave radiation isn't ionizing so it probably won't read anything, the microwaves will destroy it though.

>Unidad de CD
Damn that shit is old, are you rocking a Pentium II?


No choice in shops says nothing about the energy intake. When bread is basically free you can still get fat. You dont need 15 different ice cream brands for that. The soviet Union in the 1980s was not Romania or the Soviet Union in the 30s.

>not having CD player to use your vintage CDs on
I still play Combat Mission Beyond Overlord on my desktop. The disc is prolly 17 years old now.

I actually don't have a CD Drive, that thing got added when I first built the PC since I think the motherboard expected me to connect a disc reader, and it just doesn't go away, I've formatted a couple times and it's still there.