This is the pinnacle of Batman movies

This is the pinnacle of Batman movies.

Don't even discuss.

Attached: batman_returns.jpg (674x1000, 93K)

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It’s good but not a Batman movie. It’s 100 percent a Burton freak show movie.

Keaton is my favorite Batman but he was so underutilized in both Burton’s movies.

To be honest, The Animated Series did a better job of taking Burton’s concept and making it Batman

Keaton was best batman, nolanfags on suicide watch.

The batman cartoons are still to this day the best batman. Same goes for 90s spiderman cartoon, 90s Xmen cartoon etc.

>90s spiderman cartoon,
The spectacular Spiderman cartoon was superior.

It's alright. I liked how unapolagetic it can be with the world. I guess that's prime Tim Burton. I wish Batman had the ability to move like he did in BvS early on. Even Nolan Batman can't pivot to save his life.

This was a terrible movie that could've been really great. The casting and costumes and look and tone and emotional beats were all great, just as good as the first one, but the rest of it was trash.

>every line of dialogue is now a double entendre
>way too many villains and no time for any of them to breathe
>frame-batman plot amounts to nothing since it's fixed in the next scene
>zero effort put into the Bruce/Selina dynamic
>how does he get that fucking duck car into every building?

Awful script. It failed to do what it set out to do, which was be as good as the first. I'd argue that Batman Forever, a retarded movie, hit its goal of being a retarded campy super gay movie better than Returns and did it expertly so.

Dark Knight is the best Batman movie.
>Don't even discuss
Why make this thread then, megafag?

unironically have sex

>90's Spider-Man Cartoon
>No punching allowed.
That shit has not aged well at all.

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>This was a terrible movie that could've been really great.
Could be worse. My nose could be gushing blood.

Attached: BatmanReturns21.jpg (266x200, 60K)


Attached: catwoman.webm (900x503, 2.17M)

Ahh. Just the pussy I've been looking for.

The little plot there is, is full of holes.
Batman has no consistent moral code, even if you prefer Batman to be like The Punisher or not, he should at least decide if he wants to murder the criminals or put them in jail. Why did he stop Selina from killing Max Shreck and claim he belongs in jail, when he killed several criminals just for the sake of killing them just before?

The comics Batman is the best Batman.
The animated show suffers from restrictions by being a Saturday morning cartoon.

Based, it's a shame it's criminally underrated.

Also, Dany De Vito as Penguin was kino af.

The Batman cartoon didn't allow any killing.

Superman (1978) and Batman (1989) are the two greatest superhero flicks ever made, this is indisputable

Attached: GOAT.jpg (1464x1125, 145K)

I wholeheartedly agree. Batman (1989) is a close second though.

Superman 2 is better, it's so boring seeing Superman handling everyday criminals and catastrophes.

I liked it.

Attached: batman returns bat signal.webm (1920x1072, 2.41M)

That was maybe 20 minutes of the film, tops.

>This is the pinnacle of Batman movies.

Attached: batman mask of the phantasm.jpg (1400x2100, 471K)

Catwoman is the reason I'm into Dominatrixes nowadays.

Close, but Return of the Joker is the true kino

Attached: batman beyond joker.jpg (1024x768, 51K)

I know it's not a popular opinion but I love how the Burton movies portray Bruce as a hermit. This scene is awesome, how he is literally doing nothing, just waiting for the signal to go off so he can suit up and feel alive.

Is this the same movie where catwoman baits batman with that slutty santa chick tied to a chair?

How was Beyond so fucking good? Its unreal

Attached: batman beyond.jpg (1568x3558, 2.68M)

No, Lex is a boring regular human villain.

He wants to destroy the west coast with nukes, hardly a "regular villain." Also you have shit taste if you found him boring

Yeah. She was such a whore, but she was proud of it. The way she licks his lips afterwards became a huge turn on for me, and I have always asked my Mistresses to do that to me during a session.

How will the new Catwoman even compete?

Oh shit, you got me.

Eggbaby and Terry's Friend Dates a Robot are my two favorite episodes. And who can forget, "Batman: The Musical?"

My first boner was to Pfeiffer licking herself in the cat suit

Attached: batman returns catwoman.webm (700x391, 2.86M)

Attached: Batmans.jpg (1493x989, 183K)

Old films had kino set design

It will hardly ever get better than this. Shirley Walker's best scoring, Alan Burnett and Paul Dini's best writing, the voice acting spot-on, great pacing and satisfying ending

everything went so right

batman's design is shit
dunno what people see about it

Unifroncaly like Forever's suit the best.