Considering how a large number of films from the era were an "answer" to the Reagan regime, how different would the 80s movie landscape be if it wasn't for him? I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have gotten even half of the glorious cult classics we cherish today, because with Mondale being /theirguy/, Hollywood would've stuck to shitting out milquetoast trash because there'd be no need to "resist". Thoughts?
Considering how a large number of films from the era were an "answer" to the Reagan regime...
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>tfw you think you made an interesting thread but it just drops to page 10 without a single reply
The kike faggots didn't go full scale commie until the Clinton era.
You're not wrong, but there's really no need for that kind of language.
Politics are boring
Politics are far from boring, even as a field of study, but this is an attempt to examine the influence the Reagan regime had on Hollywood filmmakers and the potential lack of content that in my opinion would have resulted had Mondale been elected instead.
Bump. ;_;
You're asking a serious question on Yea Forums (recognized as the Television & Random board by the mods), and on the weekend to boot. You'll have to time travel to at least 2012 to get a good thread going.
That said, there were movies that responded positively to the Reagan administration too. Who knows how popular action stars like Stallone and Schwarzenegger would have been without him.
Respect my culture and quit being such a fucking preachy bigot, faggot.
Chill, dude. I'm not trying to police your speech, you can say whatever the fuck you want. Just sayin', it's kinda rude.
Was big in the 70's dude. Pic related is 1976.
"Rude" is defined by culture, and you're being rude by attacking my cultural communication methods, simply because they're not your own.
That's why I said "action star". Rocky made him big but that was drama with some sports thrown in at the end. Something like Rambo II came out in '85.
Again, not an attack. I just personally try not to say stuff online that I wouldn't normally say IRL.
Thats dumb. It's his breakout role and is only 4 years shy of the 80s. It's also the first in the series that gave us Rocky 4 which is arguably the most 'Reagan' movie ever made.
Ronald Raegan and Republicans in general are the reason U.S. is a racially ambiguous wasteland.
Ronald Reagan and the Republicans passed the Hart-Cellar Act in the 1960s?
Notice how people who shot presidents in American history never shot the bad guys.
lbj convinced a lot of midwest and Rockefeller Republicans to pass it
>his breakout role
That would be Lords of Flatbush in 74' user.
>if this major historical thing didn’t happen, would the culture of that time be different??
wow what a tough question, so hard to answer
Let me bump your thread for you OP, I really dont give a duck about what you're talking about but you deserve the chance to discuss it
It would be the same. The Reagan administration was a CIA administration. HW would've done the same things.
king cuck
The majority of Yea Forums users are phone posters. They're not going to type out paragraph replies necessary to respond to this thread, and there are no existing memes or meme responses for them to regurgitate. Thread was absolutely DOA.
To answer your question: I really don't know. So many things would have happened differently, or would have been received different.
Does Sylvester Stallone still make Rocky III and IV? Does Hulkamania still become a cultural phenomenon? Does health and fitness become a fad among the left after they become exhausted from politics following Reagan's dominance? Or do they bask in their victories and attempt to even further interject themselves into politics?
Reagan is such an essential figure to the zeitgeist of the 80s it is difficult to imagine the decade without him.
We might have seen more of the 70s intellectual, social conscious, street level stuff and that experimental auteur direction stretch itself well into the 80s, resulting in less "turn your brains off, bro" action movies being made, because Reagan did what a lot of conservatives do, they cut funding to a lot of culture and education programs. Instead of muscles and explosions Rambo II clones you might have seem more "really made you think" movies akin to First blood where there's action but it's wrapped in an actual social message.
Or not.
>The majority of Yea Forums users are phone posters
Is there actually some statistic behind this? I don't know why mobile cancer is so prevalent online these days, mobile sites are terrible to use.
Mobile posting has been pretty good on 4channel after mobile optimization became a thing and they resolved the capthcha issue that didn't always work properly.
But Reagan was literally /Hollywood's Guy/. You do realize that he was an actor, right?