I feel like this movie completely exposed how clueless and powerless this board is when it comes to the entertainment...

I feel like this movie completely exposed how clueless and powerless this board is when it comes to the entertainment industry.

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Who gives a flying fuck?

Altia should have showed you that. This board is so irrelevant

You can't shill a movie for three months as a triple crown blockbuster that was going to bury the avengers and then try to backtrack this hard when it can't even break $200 M worldwide. Either that means that you have zero influence or zero comprehension.

Why do you act like Yea Forums is one person?

Godzilla 2 is boring shit :^)

he's an assmad disney fanboy

Acting like there wasn't an overwhelming general consensus is dishonest.

The cope has been hard to watch, but we had every reason to be optimistic about this movie. It had a big budget, the monster scenes in the trailers looked great, we assumed they had learned their lessons from the missteps in 2014, etc. It was by all appearances shaping up to be a decent summer blockbuster. The only real red flags were the Marvel-style quips in the newer trailers, but those weren't bad enough to tip us off to the script being as bad as it turned out to be. Nobody had any idea just how awful the human side of the story was shaping up to be until Thursday.

I agree, no one should ever be hyped for a movie that isn’t made by Disney. All movies should be made by Disney. In fact, it should be made law that no one should be able to make a movie unless they are Disney. Anyone that dares to make a movie that does not work for our Jewish overlord Disney should be jailed and put to death, Oy Vey.

Now if you excuse me I have to go watch Star Wars The Last Jedi.

You already have a circle jerk board for giant dinosaurs

It seems like every non disney movie is not making its money back, what the fuck bros.

soon theyll get btfo again when endgame passes avatar

How many people realistically use this board anyway? Perhaps its been elevated since 2016 cuz of /pol/ but I seriously doubt anyone cares what we think

At this point there will be no movies at the movie theater except MCU films, Pixar, and Disney Live-Action remakes.

Which what Yea Forums wants.

OP isn’t circle jerking though. He hates Godzilla and is angry that /tv:m/ wanted to succeed and is glad that they were wrong.

r/Boxoffice also thought this and Pikachu would make a billion.

I wanted to like it but the shilling here was disgusting. I didn't even bother to go.

There was a general, I know you're a normalfaggot but you need to realize that le hacker Yea Forums isn't one, all-powerful internet user

Where to watch this? Not gonna pay!

>Alita should have showed you that
What do you mean?