/got/ general: Cute edition


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First for ham

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Outside of the Hound, why was everyone not having PTS from watching their friends get eaten by wights after Long Night?

Azor George

Everyone kinda forgot about the long night

>Sansa's ""romance"" with Clegane occurs when she is just 13
Remind me again why women fantasize about this

Rewatchablity died with season 8, episode 3.

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>cute edition
>posts an ugly whore
If you are going to post a slut at least post a cute one

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because none of their friends died, even though wights had seemingly overrun the entirety of winterfell
the amount of side-characters that died you can count on one hand
and apparently, the casualties for Dany's forces were only 50%, and the North somehow had enough power to threaten King's Landing afterwards
bravo mr benioff and weiss!

I want to fuck Cersei

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I want her to be a lesbian in the books.

women are just as degenerate as men, they just pretend they arent

11-12 actually, but women don't care, it's not pedophilia if he's hot

Best boy

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Then the North helped Dany rape KL.

The North remembers.


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Hound isn’t hot though, he’s an even uglier fantasy version of Two Face

I remember wondering what the point of fAegon was gonna be when I originally read the books. Now I realise that when you cut him and Victarion (and too many others to list), the story doesn't make any fucking sense

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>Then the North helped Dany rape KL.

Jon killed the best friend the North ever had.

Mad Dany needed more time ruling with an Iron Fist.

Easily a season in its own right.

>Joffrey could have had had her, Sansa and Margery if he hadn't been such a proto-school shooter

>beats the Hound

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>ywn be an otherworldly ice demon hiding from man beyond the wall

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Rewatchability and all artistic credibility died with this moment

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How can a RANDOM FUCK write almost GRRM-tier scenes?

>Mad Dany needed more time ruling with an Iron Fist.

It's ridiculous to have her rule for like a few hours.

Should have been a season or two.

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He even killed the Northmen being courteous to the civillians by trying to help them sire only half-KL scum!

>tfw GRRM specifically said she isn't
And meanwhile we don't get any of Daenerys lesbian bits in the show. Gimme a break

>7 feet tall
>quintessential "bad boy with a secret heart of gold" archetype
that's all women need to fill in the rest

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Remember when Lady Stoneheart was cut?

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>they were only Miller’s boys
Theon is still a dick and I hope he dies in TWOW

it died when they cut jeyne and burned theon’s arc to resurrect sansa’s

This season should be about the white walkers and her turning mad
Next season her rulling with Jon and Jon getting the idea of killing her because of the crazy shit
10th season the ending

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Honestly killed Cersei at the start of Season Seven then spend the rest of it building up to the White Walkers.

Then a season on the war with the White Walkers.

Then Dany going mad as fighting the White Walkers and having to torch civllians to stop their speed of progress leads her to break and go tyrant.

why? hasn’t he suffered enough for you? death would be a mercy at this point

Nah he’s cute. His not burned side.

>needs help from poop

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>book version looks like a weird scary jew
>show version looks like rory mccann

I wnat to kiss him and tell him its okay. Without my dick in him.

>at someone else's hands for reasons separate from his crimes
No. That's like saying if you committed murder in America then got taken hostage in the Middle East you shouldn't face consequences for the murder

>Ilyn Payne


>Cersei Lannister

Violence is bad cause Sandor said so.


Clegenbowl maymay

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It would have been kino, brah.

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>Honestly killed Cersei at the start of Season Seven

Word. Cersei serves no plot narrative for a couple seasons of this show now. She spend this season drinking wine out a window.

Theon is a Chad who learned to be a real human bean. He was my favorite character when I first read the books as a kid and I really wanted him and Asha to fuck when she tried to convince him to abandon Winterfell.

Remember that time George dabbed on roasties by casting the 40yo Scottish Rory McCann for the "dashing troubled badboy"

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>My Lady, I swore my sword to you! Please, spare me!
>*gurgle gurgle gurgle*
>She says... no way fag

whats this image supposed to convey?

But user, "Mad" Dany was right all along. Westeros is one land, one people and should be united under one Godking who doesn't have to answer to Lords and appease them to get reforms passed to help the people.

Her being Empress/Queen should've been endgame. Her death should be a tragedy because the future of Westeros would be bleaker for it.

>has spot of greyscale on forearm
>doesn't cut off the infected skin

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>sandor clegane

Because they looked like they were in trouble but then they cut away so they're fine

I hope she gets to kill Jaime and a load of frey fucking shits but not roslin pls

It is painfully obvious that characters like Cersei and Bronn were kept around because the audience liked them. D&D had nothing to do with them and knew it, which is why they barely appear in season 8.

um he isn't a genius like sam so he never thought removing grayscale would remove it

>stop falling for the bad boys please

I still can’t get over this

Did Visenya rape him?

Then her and Jaime can have their beautiful death instead of pretending he can be redeemed. Cleganebowl comes at the right time, all exits are blocked by Dorne, Iron Island, and Tyrells as the consequences of destroying the High Sparrow.

Ill allow an episode to pass with sleeping with Brienne if he puts a bun in the oven.

>a supposedly incurable disease
>all you had to do was just peel it off your skin with a knife and you will be as good as new

The freys did nothing wrong.

Lolicon is kino.
Too bad most of the fic out there is consensual.

The inn Bronn scene was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

>shoots bolt and let me take a minute to reload.

>not handsome, middle-aged, a bit scary
>still a gigachad ginger magnet
How did he do it? Is this how it is to be 6’6”?

>George dabbed on roasties
They dabbed on him first and eternally by falling for Sandor instead of Sam Tarly. George will never, and I really do mean NEVER, be able to recover.

>Westeros is one land, one people and should be united under one Godking who doesn't have to answer to Lords and appease them to get reforms passed to help the people.

That's what Stannis wants in the books

They seem to be setting her up as that for Essos. Drogon was heading to Vol- before Sam was cut off so it's clearly Volantis and R'hollors devoted are all Pro-Dany.

The clothes they had her wear also alluded to her being pregnant so I think GRRM has something planned involving that, but D&D are hacks so who knows?

*slaps you*

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>seduces you
>murders you
Nothing personnel

Threadly reminder that the Tully sisters spent years passing Petyr Baelish back and forth in a kissing game so they could practice for Chad and that Catelyn rejected and laughed at him the one time he tried to kiss her once it was announced she would wed Brandon Stark

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"One small man can cast a very large shadow"

Littlefinger is the key to the whole series. He will win in the end because he's earned it

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When does shooting for the prequel pilots begin?

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>Sam and Gilly sex scene

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he didn't really mean it

meant for OP

Why would anyone fall for Sam Tarly? Plenty of nice guy types like Jon or Robb are probably more appealing to girls, while Sam is a pussy with few to no attractive characteristics. What did gurm expect

*dodges all of that*
*slaps you again*

>He will win in the end because he's earned it



should've cast someone younger and hotter tbqh not realistic having littlefinger so obsessed with a plain 50 y/o


Its ok i forgive you

What's her endgame bros? In the books

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she’s his oneitis. he doesn’t care that she’s average looking now

Sam is GRRM's self insert obviously. It's honestly amazingly pathetic that even his self insert in a fantasy world is still raising his wife's son.

Varys season 7

>Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure. There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King. Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in being king.

Varys season 8

>Have you considered the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?

What did he mean by this?

Littlefinger has no place in The Three-Eyed Raven's Westeros.

pathetic yes, but humbly realistic

>There was a lantern hanging just inside the cabin, and he managed to bang his head on it going in. “Ow,” he said, and Gilly said, “Are you hurt? Let me see.” She leaned close …… and kissed his mouth.
>Sam found himself kissing her back. I said the words, he thought, but her hands were tugging at his blacks, pulling at the laces of his breeches. He broke off the kiss long enough to say, “We can’t,” but Gilly said, “We can,” and covered his mouth with her own again. The Cinnamon Wind was spinning all around them and he could taste the rum on Gilly’s tongue and the next thing her breasts were bare and he was touching them. I said the words, Sam thought again, but one of her nipples found its way between his lips. It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good. If I do this I am no better than Dareon, Sam thought, but it felt too good to stop. And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast. It looked so silly standing there that he might have laughed, but Gilly pushed him back onto her pallet, hiked her skirts up around her thighs, and lowered herself onto him with a little whimpery sound.
>That was even better than her nipples. She’s so wet, he thought, gasping. I never knew a woman could get so wet down there. “I am your wife now,” she whispered, sliding up and down on him. And Sam groaned and thought, No, no, you can’t be, I said the words, I said the words, but the only word he said was, “Yes"

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Dude fire lmao

Dabid doesn't understand the character of littlefinger because it's the compete opposite of who he is as a person, a character who comes from nothing yet outworks and outwits everyone around him to rise up. Dabid is essentially tyrion Irl

>What did he mean by this?

Varys final red pill moment was when he realized that Robert was right about everything and the only way to rule was get someone who doesn't give a fuck about ruling.

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The Eternal Tully strikes again

Not if you believe the theory that Sam is going to kill Euron.

Season 1

>Dothraki coming to rape Westeros will definitely help the people. Now Ill sell his sister as a broodmare.

Season 8

>Changed my mind!

Varys could justify burning KL as long as he's the one doing it basically.

bobby b truly was based. rest in peace


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And little finger got his revenge. It took time, but he's been steadily blowing out the entire system of lords for years by turning them against each other

He didn't realize shit. He just wanted someone with a penis on the throne.

Viserys died so he had to have Dany cause no other Tars. Then he found one with a penis!

Odds of Shireen and Edric Storm getting together? Or is it too incest-tier?

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She's still pretty attractive, it's just in the show some actresses looked way worse that irl, Sansa for example. I want to chop off hands of everyone responsible for this

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ADWD needed more Bran chapters, he’s becoming more interesting
>wargs into Hodor for fun despite him being scared of Bran
>ate human flesh
>takes pride in tricking Meera when he’s warged into Hodor
He’s turning into a power hungry fuck and commits two warg abominations

Bobby B needed to know the girl he idealized not only never wanted to fuck him, but would rather die from childbirth than be near him.

>is it too incest-tier
>implying anything is too incest-tier for the degenerate fat man

And his death will also be a tragedy which makes the future of Westeros all the bleaker for it. Him and Dany really do have much in common. Right down to D&D assassinating their character to distract you from realizing they were right

I have no faith in D&D whatsoever. Why they had Drogon fly her away I assume is just because they'd otherwise have to deal with what Jon or anyone does with her body, which would detract from the timeskip and meeting of all those Lords which was cringe as fuck. Preston had a good idea though that since Dany has no love in Westeros, no one to mourn and no one to care to cremate her body like Targaryens should be or to lay her ashes somewhere that Drogon took her to Essos where proper funeral rites would be observed.

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Has it ever been brought up how Dany was culturally appropriating Dothraki culture?
Shes some white girl from the west that ditched her culture and stole Dothraki dress, braided her hair and after marrying Drogo talks about herself as if she is actually a Dothraki girl

She wants to save the world from the others/white walkers

Shireen and Devan Seaworth is patricial choise

Storm and Clash-era Bran was such a good boy. What the fuck happened

Will nobody call out the fat man on his painfully obvious incest fetish?

Long Night cause it's the only one without T*rgs

>Then he found one with a penis!

To be fair, Queens ruling only happened when there was no male rulers either there or ready to rule.

So varys wanting someone with a penis is inline with Westerosi culture.


>not Robert Rebellion

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When is he going to try to fuck Meera?

Are there any pieces of good literature that handle sex well? Sex and romance just seems to flow better in a Visual medium.

>I can't marry Robert, he'd cheat on me!
>runs off with married man

I highly doubt Drogon is going to let his mother die. Especially when he's intelligent enough to understand symbolism.

Going back to R'hollor they were declared to be gifts and the Lord of Lights fire made flesh. So whats worse than religious fanatics is a dragon that is a religious fanatic!

But since D&D are off to continue murdering Star Wars theyll have someone else sit upon the throne.

Are they the most anime couple in GoT?

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I'm doing the prequels being considered by HBO.

I wish we had gotten to see Viserys with Dothraki rags and braided hair

she's getting burned

last night I dreamt they re-aired the finale with the "true ending" where Robert Baratheon was resurrected from the dead by R'hllor and put Danaerys' head on a spike and paraded it through King's Landing, and banners showing a burning, slain stag raised by two swords flew in the background. Gods, it was good. I was so sad when I woke up.

Isn't cousin marriage normal in medieval times? Would be no different than the Tywin-Joanna marriage.

ADWD is the worst book in ASOIAF series and probably one of the most boring books ever written, literally only Theon's and Bran's chapters save that pile of crap.

Why wouldn't they consider the Rebellion?

Lyanna didn't hate Robert, she just knew he'd cheat on her

Based autist.

>Isn't cousin marriage normal in medieval times? Would be no different than the Tywin-Joanna marriage.

Have sex

>Cheated on a likely cute Dorne Princess.
>Dorne ends up hiding her.
Five bucks neither one wanted to be married to the other. But it probably wasn't obviously like Cersei and Bobby B or anyone else with Cersei.

I like that channel, extremely comfy.

God I fucking hate Dorne. It's obvious they exist so Martin could have a medieval utopia to insert his 21st century progressive ideals in.

God, I love that
>stern aunt who needs to fuck you

The Tower of Joy is on the opposite end of Dorne from Sunspear, the Martells probably had no idea about it

Varys was turned retarded by the end of the show. Jon can't marry Dany because "she is too strong for him"? First of all, that's not true. Second, why the fuck does it matter when Jon will be King-Consort anyway?

Varys saw Jon either tell Dany what to do and she listened and he saw Jon do whatever he wants regardless of Dany's wishes. The power dynamic clearly isn't tilted on Dany's side in her relationship with Jon. Until the very end, she cared about his opinion, but Jon stopped having opinions due to plot contrivance.

Not wanting to fuck =/= hate

She probably hated him anyways in thebend considering her hubbys death and making her brother betray him by taking her boy.

>that tummy
mmmmmmm yes feed me

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>literally only Theon's and Bran's chapters save that pile of crap

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>Jon can't marry Dany because "she is too strong for him"?

Amazing how this was never brought up to neither Jon nor Dany, so I guess we are supposed to just accept it????

Varys has been so thoroughly emasculated by Olenna and Kinvara the idea of a woman in power terrifies him.

She probably has the best tits of any non-tit character in the whole show.
>tfw Ramsay got to see them but we didn't


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>Dany: I have to leave you Daario, I must marry someone
>gets to westeros and doesn't marry anyone for political alliances

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this.My oneitis was a 8/10 at her peak,the last time I saw her was 12 years ago, and judging from her IG,she has gained some weight and her face looks way older than her age but I am still moved to tears over what could've been if she hadn't rejected me and given me the "youre my best friend I don't want to lose you" speech every time I asked her out

Varys kind of forgot about this scene


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Only the last 2 chapters are good, deal with it.

Varys and Bran ruined it.

GRRM has outright stated RR isn't being adapted because we already know all the major story beats.

looks like a tranny

Roll for your waifu/husbando

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D&D kind of forgot Dany and Tyrion planned on marrying her to someone

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What a fucking retarded old fuck.

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>my hips are moving on their own
Every time

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>everything has to be about le twists
The complete opposite of kino

Is it possible to do a ASOIAF adaptation if it's done with animation using the old actors?

Nearly consensual sex pleases the Lord of Light. She merely exists to advance the Lord of Light's goals for the night is dark and full of moaning.

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whats wrong with ADWD?
t. currently reading ASOS

Orell pls

>The absolute perfect candidate for a political marriage walks straight up to her door almost immediately after she arrives
>No one suggests it

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I’d be scared to be in an elevator alone with Melly

she's looks like she's bite your cock

People don't like it because half the book is Dany shitting herself in Meereen

>"Are you a virgin"
What did she mean by this?

I'd be a lot of things, but scared isn't one of them

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Jonerys is max cringe.


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She had:

Prince of Drone
Sweet Robin
Someone from Hightower
And a bunch of other houses

Lol all dropped, show is as stupid as fucking cartoon now.

Brandon the Chad
Petyr the Incel
Cat the Stacy
Lysa the Beckie

A Song of Virgin and Chad

>you will never taste gillys titjuice

literally get the helium tank

Yeah, we pimpin

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>Hey Jon, I know I have spoken to you only one time before, but please overthrow your aunt. Why? Because I read the script for episode 5. I know you have had romantic relations with her and that I have no solution to deal with her army or her dragon, but pretty please with a cherry on top? ;)

They have the stupidest hats

I've only ever lost my virginity to prostitutes and never had relations with women outside of prostitutes.

Am I based or cringe?

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Imagine having such a shit taste

She hot.
But their scene was cringe as fuck

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that's three years in the iso-cubes, user

What do you do when Darkstar cucks you though?

Gimme 35


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I'd have loved to see Arya against the Mountain and how hard she'd lose

Basically Varys' actions make no sense without the Aegon plotline


dying sad and alone is cringe

She's hungry for cock. That's why I love her. She's like a lioness ready to bite

>Are you a virgin?
>(Don't say, "Yes." Don't say, "Yes."Don't say, "Yes.")
>Uhm ... Yes.

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>She's still pretty attractive

Mine has put on a ton of weight, cut her hair and started working on her biceps. I'm thankful I didn't get saddled with that.

>dying sad and alone is cringe

I'm not alone as long as I have enough money to pay her.

`>"I prayed for it," she said dully. "He was my special boy. I went to the sept and prayed seven times to the seven faces of god that Ned would change his mind and leave him here with me. Sometimes prayers are answered."
>Jon did not know what to say. "It wasn't your fault," he managed after an awkward silence.
>Her eyes found him. They were full of poison. "I need none of your absolution, bastard."
>Jon lowered his eyes. She was cradling one of Bran's hands. He took the other, squeezed it. Fingers like the bones of birds. "Good-bye," he said.
>He was at the door when she called out to him. "Jon," she said. He should have kept going, but she had never called him by his name before. He turned to find her looking at his face, as if she were seeing it for the first time.
>"Yes?" he said.
>"It should have been you," she told him. Then she turned back to Bran and began to weep, her whole body shaking with the sobs. Jon had never seen her cry before.
who was in the wrong here?

>that hair
>that clothes
Darkstar is literally the most /fa/ man in Westeros.

I'm almost positive that she would've said, "Good" no matter what his answer.

At that point Dorne was still controlled by Ellaria for some reason and the Reach by Olenna Martell, both who were allied with her already. Sweetrobin is Sansa's puppet and sworn to Jon as King in the North anyway

Jon was the only candidate, the fact that he's the same age as Dany, young and unmarried himself makes it baffling that no one even mentions it until Littlefinger in episode 7x07

>"I prayed for it," she said dully. "He was my special boy. I went to the sept and prayed seven times to the seven faces of god that Ned would change his mind and leave him here with me. Sometimes prayers are answered."
>Jon did not know what to say. "It wasn't your fault," he managed after an awkward silence.
>Her eyes found him. They were full of poison. "I need none of your absolution, bastard."
>Jon lowered his eyes. She was cradling one of Bran's hands. He took the other, squeezed it. Fingers like the bones of birds. "Good-bye," he said.
>He was at the door when she called out to him. "Jon," she said. He should have kept going, but she had never called him by his name before. He turned to find her looking at his face, as if she were seeing it for the first time.
>"Yes?" he said.
>"It should have been you," she told him. Then she turned back to Bran and began to weep, her whole body shaking with the sobs. Jon had never seen her cry before.

one day you'll understand user


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Darkstar would never do that to me and Ashara is a loyal wife.

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Gib Cersei, Melie of Myrcella. Osha, Gilly and Margaery are ok too.


Rolling for 06

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>High Sparrow
God fucking damnit

let's go

this so much

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Darkstar is the most dangerous man in all Dorne, is the most handsome man there as Arianne will testify, and is a great swordsmen. He'll cuck the fuck out of you and seduce Ashara who he knows better than you anyway.

>commander of your army
>some dude who didn't inform his generals of his plans and then autistically attacked said generals when they didn't just sit around twiddling their thumbs like he thought they would

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trout fucking shits. give the riverlands back to the ironmen, they’re retarded but at least they aren’t t*llys

>berates anyone for a bad decision when he married a literal who in the middle of the war just because she had a nice ass

He was still winning those battles though. Edmure captured a windmill and two boys

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hmmm i wonder

>Lysa the Beckie
not really, Becky is supposed to be that "girl-next-door" that is very nice to everyone and "not like other girls" but is just as big a slut as Stacy when a Chad goes after her.

We need a new character in the Virgin/Chad universe, Stacy's ugly friend who latches on to Stacy to use her social capital to treat everyone like shit

>There was a lantern hanging just inside the cabin, and he managed to bang his head on it going in. “Ow,” he said
Who wrote this shit?

how could have joff fucked her?! did i miss something?

>swears oath
>breaks its number 659th time

Fuck it

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Based Davos

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This needs a short description of each prequel idea.

>season 7 starts
>boy oh boy this should be over quick, Cersei has no support, killed the pope and tyrells and has zero army, only retarded writing can stop her from dying

And than you saw the season.

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based D+D

>Yeah... take it... TAKE IT!

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>spunky peasant girl with a large ass
Nice, no idea why you have her in the lowest tier

>Dany not S tier
>Missandei not at least A tier
>Cersei, Gilly and Brienne that high
>Talisa, Tyene and whipsnake that low
Was this made by a faggot?

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Fug :DD

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wow pretty based

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Please delet this.

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Gods I hated Catelyn

Ramsay and Daenerys would've made a perfect couple.

It is based on characters I like, not characters I want to fuck. I don't think with my dick

>B tier gilly
>brienne and osha on C
>bad pusi and Robb wife on D
>Cersei on S

It's baffling how the show cheats to have Cersei win for two seasons to make her a credible antagonist, then does a 180° and has Daenerys curbstomp her anyway. The Iron Fleet, the Golden Company, the Lannister army and the scorpions were defeated in the span of maybe ten minutes.

t. Varys

where can i find a shirt like that?

Stannis and Daenerys is endgamr

FUCK t*llys

Reminder the kingdom has literally no gold left.

based pete will breed his dragons until they’re rolling in money again. unless sansa kills him

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>Dany: We shall attack King's Landing
>Varys and Tyrion: Dany is going INSANE

tied with Martells for worst house


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>undead Mountain

I can't not see this whenever I look at her stupid face.

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Hey fuck you, buddy.

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this is the face i make when i’m having sex


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why does it look like chocolate

Isn't that from that one game that had a YASS QWEEN diversity hire to do the CGI facial animation and it turned out to be absolutely shit?

Only acceptable t*lly
him and Blackfish

Finally something fun

What a fucking Bitch, I wish Jon had just raped her then and there. grabbed her by the waist, slammed her down on her unconsious sons body, ripped off her clothes, and fucked her. His slim boy cock sliding through her MILF tully pussy, her screams echoing throughout winterfell as Jon chokes her and violently takes her Honor. He continues to ravage her despite her pleads for mercy, Jon feels no guilt knowing his crime will be wiped out

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He continues to ravage her despite her pleads for mercy, Jon feels no guilt knowing his crime will be wiped out the moment he takes the black. He hopes a bastard is born of this rape, so that she may have a permanent reminder of what happened on this day.

Attached: jon.png (2560x1600, 1.08M)



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based and antibastardpilled

Please be 15

What is 56's name again? She was hot

The could have used chocolate syrup for that scene. I know back in the day of black-and-white movies they used chocolate syrup for their blood because it had a similar viscosity and appearance as blood does when shot in black and white. In fact, I'm pretty sure they used chocolate syrup in the movie Psycho during the shower scene.

>"It should have been you," she told him.

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waifu please. if husbando, he will go to the user who posts directly below this post.

I'm also ok with my result







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Enjoy your Hot Pie husbando.

Reminder last episode was a Tully coup.

Thanks fren

now THAT'S based

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Basé et Clarkepillé

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What's the lewdest scene in this show?

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What does this post say? I don't speak Surrender.


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Censor that shit.

Is a fine too

Patrician choice

spoiler that stuff, you sick bastard

So with Bran winning being confirmed as the canon ending, does that mean the fan theories about the Children/Bloodraven using him as a puppet are true as well?

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It wasn't rewatchable ever.

This tbqh. I loved the show but I've never had much of an impulse to rewatch more than an episode or two at a time.

>nk dies
>show dies its final death
he was our only chance

That tiny, sexy, soft hand...

ygritte pls


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Is season 7 the stupidest season ?
- Teleporting characters
- Entire kingdoms defeated in one battle
- The cure for Greyscale is... removing it with a knife.
- The White Walkers had no plan for the Wall except waiting for a dragon to zombify
- Everybody hates Littlefinger even if they have no reason to.
- The rape Sansa, the rape.

oh nonono

It is strange how the lords of Westeros were completely fine with letting the Tullys rule everything and nobody cared that Jon was a Targaryen anymore.

>Is season 7 the stupidest season ?

Season 8 and 7 are tied for stupidity. hard to say.

Checked, also does anyone have the picture like this but with Dayne

Season 8 has even dumber battles, even more teleportation and the mass murder of almost every character's arc. It's even worse because this is the end and it can never be reversed.


S8 is way worse
WAAAAAAAAAAY fucking worse

I'm pretty sure GRRM will give the same explanation. A bad pact the Children of the Forest made to get rid of humans.

I only hope he won't use the "Independance Day" cop out in the final battle like the show does. Kill the big vilain, see his whole army crumble to dust for no reason.

Cersei going goth was kino. She has the best costumes.

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>nobody cared that Jon was a Targaryen anymore

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Meh. Season 8 has the excuse of wrapping things up. The Long Night battle is completly retarded but it's only one episode, everything else is pretty logical, except maybe with MadSkills Drogon dodging everything. I don't recall teleporting in season 8.

>nobody cared that Jon was a Targaryen anymore.

I can’t believe no one even mentions it. Not even a “he killed Dany so he can’t be King now.” Not even San who in episode 1 told Jon he should be King, not even Sansa who broke a weirwood tree oath because he was “someone better” than Dany

>everything else is pretty logical
>jon being a targaryen didn't matter
>dany and jon marrying not even considered by them
>jon gets exiled because GREYWORM demands it


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rolling for qt salsa gf

Season 8 at least had good photography, season 7 is a complete waste. S08E3 had amazing shots all along, pure kino in terms of cinematography. The white walkers arriving near the weirwood tree where Bran is, the dragons in the clouds, the Dothraki charge, etc.

>>jon being a targaryen didn't matter
Why would it matter ? The show pretty much implied bloodlines are the problem.
>dany and jon marrying not even considered by them
Varys explained Dany would never share the power while the people would mostly listen to Jon. Even a mariage couldn't fix that (also after he learns, he won't touch his aunt).
>> jon gets exiled because GREYWORM demands it
It illustrates you can always find a compromise. Obviously it won't matter since Jon is already tired with all that shit and probably WANTS to go back North. If he wanted to stay, he just had to go back the minute Greyworm sailed to get killed by butterflies.

>S08E3 had amazing shots all along, pure kino in terms of cinematography
Yes, those trebuchets on the front lines looked magnificent.

Nothing is logical after The Long Night. Missandei's capture and death was retarded. Rhaegal's death is retarded. Dany murdering everybody for no reason was retarded. Jon not wanting to fuck Dany was completely unexplored. Sansa's plot to spark a Targ civil war was retarded. Cleganebowl was retarded. The Golden Company disappearing in one minute was retarded. Arya even being in King's Landing was retarded. Jaime's character assassination was retarded. Euron fighting Jaime for no reason was retarded. Etc.

The Long Night was garbage, but the show could have rebounded somewhat, but everything became even worse.

I'm just saying S8 is getting the "last thing is the worse" syndrom. In 5 years, I think people will admit S7 is the real garbage killing what survived of the show after bad S5 and S6

>The show pretty much implied bloodlines are the problem.
>literally every lord there at the meeting is due to bloodline
>Sansa becomes Queen because of bloodline
>all the characters except Bronn and Dany got where they were purely because of bloodline and name
Not him but you wot. And it should be important, it's why Sansa and Varys conspire and why Tyrion doesn't tell Dany and instead went to Varys. Yet it's used for nothing but trying to make Dany look unfit and crazy then dropped

>Varys explained
Based on nothing. Season 7 was nothing but Jon defying Dany, calling her out, bringing her around to his ideas, and even snitching about bending the knee even if that hurts her and what they're at the Dragonpit for.

>can always find a compromise.
No it doesn't because there's no reason Greyworm would ever let Jon live and it doesn't make sense Grey Worm would even know how to contact all these Lords and Ladies to bring them to judge Jon. It doesn't even seem like Grey Worm planned to let them judge Jon until fucking Tyrion says it should be up to a king. So why were these people there