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and u are gay aha gottem

if your will to live was dependent on a franchise putting out more media you never really wanted to die in the first place and were just looking for an excuse

>Godzilla isn't bombing but Aladdin is
Is there any board that knows less about their hobby than this retarded shithole?

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r/movies is only slightly more retarded

This board is so niche and lives in a cease pool not in the real world. I doubt these faggots even go outside

Based Aladdin
Looks like Disney fixed it self after last year where everything besides capeship flopped

how depressing


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Billion Dollar Brie has arrived!
Outta my way you box-office-flopping-shits

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>have almost attempted
What does that even mean

Aladdin is doing quite good. Will probably make 800 million


Kaijufags are pathetic. It's just a movie. If you didn't want to live before, You wouldn't want to live after watching it.

Huh she actually looks attractive here, I don't usually find her that attractive. Nice.

Unironically I'm depressed as fuck and wish I was dead but Godzilla was a fun break from it. So there's that.

She has some Jennifer Lawrence thing going on in with her face in this picture.

I completely agree with both of you, Aladdin is based as fuck. Aladdin is such a comfy movie.

Your film still objectively sucks and is enjoyed by an enslaved and brainwashed population.

/m/ should stop going to this board. Tokushit is for manchildren

First. Captain Marvel did only made so much because of the Endgame Hype. And dont forget Disney buying Tickets. lol

A movie doesnt need to make a billion to be financially successful. Godzilla doesnt need to make a Billion.

Endgame made 2,6 Infinity War made 2,0 was endgame the better Movie? No By far not

Godzilla has 170 million budget, so it needs to make around 500 million worldwide, and it very likely won't be even close

I remember some fucking retard yesterday was saying that Aladdin wasn't going to hit $500m, $600 million worldwide because it was bombing. Even suggested it might not hit $400 million yet it just blew past that amount this weekend.

>it's a Hollywood Godzilla movie
It was clear that it was gonna be shit. Yea Forumstards keep falling for cool looking trailers. Only Shin Godzilla is gud

it's fine
Godzilla has been a niche series for a long time
even with Godzilla 2014 it didn't do Marvel numbers but they're still committed which is nice

Yea Forums in general has really poor understanding of the box office for some reason.

It's because Yea Forums lives in a bubble just like Hollywood celebrities do.

>long time 'G-fan'
>'stumbled' across trailers instead of eagerly anticipating them
bullshitting fag

feels good to be a shazam fan

>literally no mention of Marvel in the OP
>user goes on defensive
>saying not everything needs to be as successful as marvel
>makes excused for flopzilla
This is how we know Marvel WON

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>reddit blaming Yea Forums for being reddit

>Sadzam fan
They have a medication for that now

Why is the actual actress such a bitch, bros?

In retrospect perhaps it was crazy of Warner Bros to release GODZILLA KING OF THE MONSTERS on the same weekend as a new Brian De Palma film.

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Aquaman made more money