>didn't even beat ken's record
>gets btfo by a dyke
lmao what a faggot
Didn't even beat ken's record
Other urls found in this thread:
So his weakness was a dyke.
What is Aleve?
it was inevitable, the jeopardy metagame is shifting
Wait what? He lost?
He lost on purpose he was getting bored
>bored of making $2.5m in a couple days' work
She was an obvious plant.
they shoa'd her twitter and university page. What could be the (((reason))) behind this?
A cute
The future is female.
What were you planning to do with them? Oh look, there's the reason!
she cute
where can I watch the entire thing?
some mega link posted this morning, found by searching the quoted webm
wait what, he won friday is this a leak?
How do I know this isn't a deep fake?
Yes. Monday this episode airs
based dyke
can't seem to download it from there. Can you upload somewhere? Maybe GDrive?
Fake fuck off
Please be fake
My mom is going to be so dissapointed
And doubly so when i tell her im not coming over tonight
that probably already happened when she gave birth to you, user.
More like he wanted to go gamble.
wait I don't get it.
He lost one game?
Out of what, a hundred?
By what metric was he BTFO?
Babe Ruth didn't hit the ball every time he was at bat, his team didn't win every game. Did that mean he was BTFO?
Sorry, that is incorrect.
>only bet $1300 at the end
I think he might have been bored
BASED jeopardy bro
(((Merv Griffin)))
Commander tell me about your sexual organs
Queen SLAY
>awkward handshake high-five
he really is /our guy/
I thought he was going to sucker punch her
What a waste.
God she is going to be annoying always showing up as the person "who beat James". I pray that the she goes the same way that the woman who beat Ken does. Loses the next game terribly and then disappears.
>first day of pride month
>lesbian defeats the 75% white male
Sorry the correct response is, what is Geico? Boo hiss.
why didn't he bet it all? was he just tired of playing?
The power of the meme total was too much.
to make sure he atleast comes second
Wasn't Ken Jennings also beaten by a woman? Crazy to think he was only about $50k from the record
Why do the homos take all of our tomboys? ;_;
tomboys aren’t allowed to exist anymore.
they’re encouraged to become men.
Why did he do so poorly in double jeporady?
leak is out on mega
Then she would die too HAHAHAHHAA
women aren’t men tho
Please don't let this be real
>he wasn't in the thread yesterday
>mfw bandwagon memers finally fuck off my jeopardy
>mfw I have no face
>babe ruth
Why do nerds always refer to the oldest fucking athletes when they try to use a sports metaphor?
Says the guy who has begged literally everyone here to fuck him up the butt multiple times.
Go back to sucking that cock you self hating retard
Because he’s what most people think of when someone describes the best player in baseball
No. His weakness was the answers.
Do you understand how Jeopardy even works?
this legit upsets me
Have sex.
What a legend
Oh don't worry, once James is gone I have no intention to watch this stupid show.
With who?
>that aggressive autistic congratulations
He's a hapa though.
Why did he clearly self destruct? Man, I'm depressed af. This was getting me through a really rough time and I hated the new Godzilla.
l o l
what was the question?
Babe Ruth was batting against Civil War veterans and coal miners with one eye and black lung. Terrible analogy
I'm sorry you both are incorrect. The correct answer was Ray Liotta with Chantix
*slicks back hair*
me, bb ;)
*spreads asscheeks*
Put it in stud, I'm ready uwu
don’t let the door hit you on the way out
then substitute Michael Jordan or some other sports guy
I'll fuck the shit out of the dyke
>babe ruth
no nog or beans played during his era, only soiboy whites, i could been a viable option during his era
So she's a plant like the other middle aged woman with a dyke haircut who beat Jennings right? She'll probably lose in the next game or two then make the morning talk show rounds as the "whiz girl who bested the white man" and James will take his payout to keep quiet.
Unless he is a compulsive gambler, he really does not need any more than that.
no game show would risk rigging the game unless they are stupid retarded. There are laws against this could risk getting their entire show in jeopardy.
>james counts as white in america
Why do Yea Forums incels cry about metaphors so much?
Except you've frequently been having anal with his dad, so???
Now Alex has nothing to live for. Seeing how the Holzhauer saga plays out was the only thing keeping Trebek hanging on.
You can gamble online on who will win in tomorrow's Jeopardy. I took cash advances on 4 credit cards, used everything from my savings account, and cashed out my 401k. Going all in on James losing tomorrow, gonna make an easy 146k.
Why aren't all of you doing this??
proof pls
wait you can bet on jeopardy? These things are not live and taped in advanced.
This was filmed in March retard
There's no way it's a coincidence that James loses on the day he would beat Ken's record. He clearly threw the game on purpose. Not saying the game was "rigged" or anything like that or any sort of conspiracy, he probably just didn't want to be the all-time record holder
Just like how Ken threw his 74th game, purposely getting an incredibly easy question wrong. probably didn't want to reach 75
Nah she doubled up and passed James early in double jeopardy and he couldn't keep up
James lost on purpose! How could he do that to Trebek? I was a huge fan, but no longer. And to a LGBT freak.
Is this tranny actually decent or was the game rigged from the start?
>Is this tranny actually decent or was the game rigged from the start?
the fuck do you think, incel faggot?
James was up for most of the game, but then she hit both daily doubles in double jeopardy
Very strange game. What fucked James was he only got one DD, the one in the first game, on the very first clue so he only got $1,000. Second round, she got both, got both right, yet only wagered a total of $10,500. He was also clearly very slow on the buzzer, not only did she get a lot of clues right, but the third guy did as well which never happened even in James' 2 close games
Even though his strategy was always prone to weakness (basically relying on getting the DD and betting big to have a large cushion over the competitors) and this was bound to happen, it's pretty obvious he threw this game
how tf are you people already watching this? That stupid mega link crashes my computer while downloading
Babe Ruth isn't Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown
you stole the idea from me yesterday, you’re welcome.
That is 100% true, though.
Nice toaster
>downloading a mega video makes your computer crash
maybe you should run a virus scan from "fixmypc.com" grandpa
>Beaten by a woman
Truly embarrassing.
That's literally his strategy
Would have been kino
Why? Is this what you're supposed to talk about during gay sex?
How did ChemoTrebek take the loss? He had to sense James threw the game. Fucking sucks.
Why would he give a fuck about coming in second
He doesn't but its the next best possible outcome. He's not a sour loser.
what kind of makes me angry is all the players that dethrone the greats will go on to win 1, maybe 2 games after that and then fade to irrelevance, but the game must go on I guess.
Still, I'm bummed because I enjoyed watching Jame's run and it actually got me pretty interested in Jeopardy, now I could care less again and won't watch it anymore.
I bet the producers of the show are bummed too, ratings must have absolutely spiked in the past few months because of him, and now no one is gonna give a fuck anymore.
What's is Jame's address
He only bet enough to win if she got the wrong answer, which she didn't.
He pretty much lost the game before he even got to final jeopardy since he was behind, to my knowledge he had never been behind before final jeopardy before.
This is the content we all need, even if we don't deserve it.
james was the best thing to happen to jeopardy in well over a decade, so enjoy as it fades back to irrelevance once again.
It's James'
>every shot of him up until now was so smug
>first time you see his face in this video he's BTFO
>I bet the producers of the show are bummed too, ratings must have absolutely spiked in the past few months because of him, and now no one is gonna give a fuck anymore.
they definitely did. the only thing i wonder about is if james told them specifically that he was gonna lose on purpose or just did it organically
He bet an weird amount where he wouldn't have won even if she hadn't bet anything and basically didn't even give himself an outside chance at winning. I'm not saying he threw on purpose but it was strange. I suppose he is a gambler at heart and was only playing the odds and trying to maximize his winnings
Can I use Nick Foles?
He clearly didn't lose on purpose, he lost fair and square. He's had a few close games where he's almost lost already, and I don't buy that he "lost on purpose."
If you look at how much he bet, he bet just enough so that if the other contestant lost the FJ clue he would come away with a win. That was the only way he would win.
why would he take an entire year off just to prepare for Jeopardy if he intended to purposefully lose after 20-30 episodes? Didn't even break Ken's record.
If she was smart enough to beat james before FJ, she probably was smart enough to not bet $0. And he knew that.
No. No, you won't.
Nice fake there m8
fuck off emma
>Alex announces cancer diagnosis
>James appears
>Alex's cancer enters remission
>James loses
I don’t know who that is, but maybe I guess?
I’ll take “things that really make you think” for 600 Alex
This man is delusional get him to the infirmary.
gamblers don't care about that, and he was donating it anyway
Are suggesting Alex is pulling a gypsy rose? And James is in cahoots?
No fucking way.
I don't believe this.
stop trying to give people viruses, it’s very rude
He didn't even really lose, he threw the game obviously. Pretty disappointed.
Nice horse porn, faggot
You'll have to excuse him. Brainlets on Yea Forums get tranny and dyke confused.
consider him excused
Honestly I could pretty easily smoke all his records, but I'm already rich, and fame sounds like a burden.
What a retard he was always too brainlet to catch based daddy Ken.
>feels smug
I hope she gets sued over this. Its easily implied she won and thus breaking the NDA.
It will lose within the week
2.5 million is fucking nothing in 2019.
I hope Alex has her assassinated by the jeopardy house ninjas. dumb bitch deserves it.
most likely safe because who would've known 3 months ago who she was unless you follow every person that goes on the show before it even airs
Any source? Is this a leak?
Fuck I guess the future is feminine.
Says the NEET. I'm 25 and would happily retire. I could live comfortably for the rest of my life just by investing in a fund that tracks the S&P 500.
Is there any source for this being tomorrow's episode?
where can I do this?
>losing to a woman
I thought he was supposed to be smart but apparently hes retarded
>betting sites bet on Jeopardy!
>they also don't update there odds after a episode is leaked
No way he didn't just throw the fucking game. James never bets like this, there's no way he would bet anything near this low.
>from left to right: norm macdonald, louis c.k., and beto o'rourke
You got a site for that?
He’s The bleaken.
hue hue hue
? Merv Griffin was Irish Catholic
The only people who will refer to her like that are faggots and retards.
Is this episode airing tomorrow...?