Tik Tok James

Tik Tok James

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Who cares which shitty action movie made more money? Get a hobby.

>not adjusted for inflation

Why was avatar so successful anyway

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>not even gonna beat Avatar's first run

>spelling it as Tik Tok
Because you ask this question every day

Because ultra-autists watched it in theatres 3x a day every day it was in theatres

tik tok yag sbaro

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because it was popular

Big gone with the wind fan?

that is cancelled out with the poor exchange rates. Endgame made about 80 million in Brazil. If it had 2009 exchange rates, the same amount of tickets sold would wield 200 million

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They kept Black Panther around for 175 damn days, the last ones I'm certain for the express purpose of crossing the 700M line. Endgame has been out for 38 days. Yeah, I think they'll keep it in markets to shimmy past Avatar on the global index. (Usual inflation bullshit aside.)

Furthermore, Black Panther spent just over 2 months stalled at 699 million.

you wanna try that again?

why is this comment in every one of these threads anyway

Reminder that Disney shill Scott Mendelson said in an article that came out two days ago:

>It's starting to lose theaters (-735 this weekend), but it's not done quite yet. The whole "Will it top Avatar worldwide?" question is still a firm "Maybe!" Again, there's no shame in the silver medal when you've earned this much money in North America, China ($630 million) and around the world.


Endgame is gonna lose; the mouse is already doing damage control.

Gimmick technology allowed them to charge more for tickets and create interest for the movie.

Is this adjusted for inflation?

To think it only needs 70 mill and won't get them is a baffling concept when it was making that money hourly 2 weeks ago.
Like, aren't there enough people in the world to go see it?

I was alive in 2009 unlike most here, so I can say Avatar was a lot more popular than Endgame

3D. The fact that a movie might actually beat it or has gotten close to beating it without utilizing some newfangled gimmick is actually extremely impressive. I Endgame doesn't manage to outgross it, chances are it's gonna be the first movie to succesfully use a higher fps rate or something.

the same memelson that said it would beat Avatar on the day of Game of Thrones' finale

James Cameron on suicide watch. If a comic book movie beats his beloved Dances with Smurfs he's probably going to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and never return.

gimmick retardation

That really doesn't speak well about Endgame's future, if Black Panther had such a hard time getting that little money. Endgame is quite far from its goal.
Also the situations must have been different, there probably wasn't competition against BP and it could stand there for months while summer is coming now with many major movies


Endgame is just back to the future 2 with a grapefruit in space

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I am actually, just like Avatar they are better movies than Endgame and that's why they made more money

It was a meme. Everyone wanted to experience the 3D gimmick technology and it was the only movie that ever used it well. Nobody cared about the movie itself that much and is why any sequels that come out for it will not generate much interest.

>4 days until the surprise early release of Avatar 2

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>Tik Tok

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>Endgame beats Avatar.
>Capeshit goes on for a few more years.
Goddammit, I want it to be over already.

More than cancelled by the growth in the chinese movie distribution market. That shit has been growing 10% a year since 2009

>few more years
it's gonna be strong at least until 2030

Then is pure fucking kino? I think i'm gonna see it now
Thanks user

>"it was just because of the 3D"
>sells 2x the dvds and blu-rays as the latest avengers

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Yeah, right.

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You just know at this point Disney are the ones buying all the tickets now.

Because Cameron is a blockbuster machine. People make fun of Avatar for having a bad story, but honestly "having a story" is 1) not a requirement for a good movie and 2) often holds a movie back from its full potential. Anti-narrative cinema is at the forefront of art cinema these days. Cameron frankly would have been better off cutting out the little narrative there was.
Avatar was never about the story. This is a MISTAKE many directors make, thinking "movie" and "story" are synonymous. Cameron understands that this is a mistake.

Same reason Endgame is: MARKETING. You think the content of these movies matters? It doesn't.

Not really, time travel does make sense in BttF. Endgame is just a piece of shit

Who buys DVDs or Blu-Ray anymore?

3D meme is literally it.

it doesn't have a bad story either, it's just a cliched one but people like cliches
it's also not full of holes like the latest capeshit

That makes it sound amazing.

No one buys dvd/blu ray anymore.
Captain America 1 sold more dvd/blu rays than Infinity War

>WOW it took 22 of you to beat me!

>having a story" is 1) not a requirement for a good movie
ultimate state of avatards

James Cameron sent me a book of 100 tickets after Avatar was out for a month.


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Typical angry Avaturd, stealing the original.

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>haha your yet another capeshit entry made a few hundred grand less than my CGI tech demo
i hate this fucking board

>it's just a cliched one but people like cliches
Yea, the whole "Pocahontas in space lmao!" criticism is such a stupid fucking thing to say. It's designed to be exactly the minimum amount of story needed to get people in the door without detracting from the actual purpose of the movie, the visuals. Cameron is literally, unironically an ARTIST when it comes to making blockbusters. That man understands how to focus a film like nobody else, and that's why he's never going to be beat.
Just go back through his filmography, choose any film, ask yourself "what is this film about?" and consider how every single element of that film from cinematography to story to art direction to casting is geared towards that central purpose. This is the kind of quality that we praise in the directors of art cinema, and the lack of which we deem as "dishonest film making".

Now that's quality content. Literally teasing the X Men in the after credits scene may have hyped the word of mouth to get it the 70 more millions it needs

I mean those 22 made 21 billion, so technically...

I'm an art cinema guy. I've watched enough anti-narrative, slow movies to know that "making a movie" and "telling a story" are two totally separate pursuits, and it's a failure of movie making to focus too much on telling a story when your movie is not about telling a story.

Captain America 1 is a better movie

Why don't Avatards like it when their movie is rightfully called Dances With Wolves?

End Game could start grossing $20 a day, it won't change anything. Disney is going to leave this in theaters until it beats Avatar, be it 1 week or 6 months. It's not leaving until it's #1

Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives.

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I don't know, Dance with Wolves is better than Endgame just like Avatar itself, yet another thing they are similar about

>make like 20 movies throughout 10 years just to make a 21th one to almost beat a movie that came out of nowhere with no 0 years of prequel movies and marketing

>allowed them to charge more for tickets and create interest for the movie.
>endgame lacks any sort of gimmick
le mao

>No prequels
Avatar was riding on the Smurfs craze at the moment and some people thought it was a sequel

>Avatards actually think their Pocahontas flick is better than Endgame
Literally every smart person knows that Shyamalan's Avatar trumps Pocahontas Avatar.

>gay blue pocahontas is worse than faggots in capes
a great accomplishment "you" have there user

Inflation aside, even if Endgame does beat Avatar, it's not very impressive because Avatar was a single movie whereas Endgame had to first be propped up by like 22 other movies that built it up and led up to it.

They stopped playing Endgame here.

Avatar isn't moving any time soon.

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3D resurgence, a lot of the highest grossing films rode the wave on new 3D tech
>Jurassic World
>Iron Man 3
>Furious 7

Captain Marvel is STILL in theaters too
It came out March 8th

Endgame is going to sit in theaters all summer. It'll pass avatar

Furious 7 was only in 2D in the US. It had 3D in some countries, but its success has nothing to do with that

>10 years from now
>20 people see gay niggers from outer space
>each pay 10 billion americababwe bucks to see it
>some retarded subhumans jerk their dicks over the fact that it beat capeshit and blue faggots

true, it will stay in theaters all summer
and it's still not gonna beat avatar

There are about 90 days between now and september.
It only need to make an average of $700k per day (worldwide)
It'll get a bump from FFH (same as CM got a bump from EG) and Disney could keep it in theaters well past september anyway.

They'll push it to hit the WW total, rerelease Avatar to take the record back for Avatar 2 marketing, and laugh all the way to the bank.

>reminder it takes a whole franchise of 20 movies for over 10 years to create enough hype for a single movie to even just fall short of your one time movie

how does he do it bros

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>make 20 billion in the process

Another retard in deinal. We'll see how you move the goalposts when its 20 million away lmao

i was 8 at the time. can remember everyone talking about it but not seeing it. idk

I mostly buy digital

It was supposed to be 2.720b by now

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>"having a story" is 1) not a requirement for a good movie

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I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.

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everyone has seen it already

Avatar might suck dick but at least it's not capeshit...

Utterly Based!
Keep crying. The tears make this all the sweeter.

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Thing is, nobody is ever going to beat those adjusted records.

Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon prime, etc are killing the cinema industry and torrenting hasn't helped those falling numbers.

Endgame will propably be the last big box office splash.

>adjusted records.
Making ONLY 3.3 billion over roughly Sixty years and Eight re-release is not something to envy. It's bloody pathetic trying to claim GWTW is even close to movies like Avatar, Star Wars and Endgame.

It was shilled super hard

>"having a story" is 1) not a requirement for a good movie
is this the Yea Forums equivalent of "fun is just a buzzword?"

what we need is nerds with the means to actually compare literally week by week of Endgame and Avatar. Endgame has been out 6 weeks, compare that to Avatars 6 weeks.
from there, see how much Avatar made in week 7, 8, 9 etc and see if Endgame is making more or less than that. we'll have our answer.

>Avatar 6th weekend: 35 million
>Endgame 6th weekend: 7.8 million

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Endgame needs 60 million more, friend. its like you think that its hard stopping on its 6th (sixth) week. it will stay in theaters for many weeks more.

its over. better you accept it now

It needs 70 million, and it's not gonna make it

It's done shill. China is done and America is pretty much done too. Will finish at 2.75 at best

>Avatar almost 790

Because it was KINO.

Cringe and Bluepilled.

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>The gross of a movie is indicative of its quality

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Which only makes it more embarrassing that Avatar will lose to Endgame

where are you?

begone zoomer

It took Black Panther 2 months to make its final million dollars.

Exponential decay is a bitch.

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It won't beat avatar. It's sinking by 50% each week. It ranked 6th domestically this weekend. Theaters are dropping it massively (remember this turd is over 3 hours long).
Your only hope would have been Chinks, except they already dropped it as well. Face it, it won't make it.

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>endgame has no gimmick
What the fuck are you retards even saying anymore.

It'll make it guys, don't worry it only dropped 90% last weekend lmao

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it's doing huge numbers in korea lmao

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>from certain
>to maybe
>to a bridge too far

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>this dude thinks on its 6th week, a movie as massive as Endgame is out of theaters

Captain Marvel is still around, dipshit. you avatarfaggots are actually stupid

Captain Marvel made $73,000 on a Friday dipshit, last weekend it made like $0.2M. Leave Endgame in theaters as long as you want it'll only pull in an extra $5M.

What's Endgame's path to $3.5B now?

Attached: $3.5 Billion.png (1854x1310, 403K)

Domestic highest selling isnt in order

it lost 750 theaters this weekend, infinity War had more theaters on its 6th weekend, so he's right

If endgame reaches 2.730 next week, then it will beat avata

so what's with Yea Forums's obsession of box office jew money?

Nope, it should reach 2.744b to maybe do that

don't ask MCU fanboys to understand this concept though
the fact they only face reality once the movie is basically out of the theaters makes it more fun though


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Godzilla is flopping so maybe it could help Endgame

how long was BP in theaters for?

declare martial and force people to go see it
that's the only thing I see

3D meme

what gimmick it have?

>not adjusting for Avatar having tickets that cost five times as much as normal


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lmfao no one cares about domestic.

>not adjusting for lies

>Avatar tickets cost 70x more
>people still bought them
based Jim

Just re-release it a few months from now after it wins some awards or whatever. That's how Avatar squeezed an extra $50 million or so in at the end

Modern cgi and 3d technology

>after it wins some awards
good luck lol

what was Avatars bullshit reason for it to be rereleased?

>with no 0 years of prequel movies and marketing

this. but that is pushing it. avatar was highly marketed, i remember the hype anywhere i went. and if i remember it well they spent more money on advertising than the movie itself or at least it was close

At this point the only people still watching this in theaters are Spendgame autists double (and beyond) dipping and obsessed with the record, right?

>literally a no name movie in top ten when using this metric
no thanks faggot

>Comparing a winter release with no competition to a summer release


You do.

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holy zoomer

popular demand

This is the fight of the century. It will decide if we get nonstop avatar bullshit or nonstop cape bullshit for the next few decades.

Ok I have a question, has any one estimated how much money Avatar would have made without the additional 3-D pricing on tickets?

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I paid $10 for a 3D ticket. This was in fucking Miami, Florida. Granted, it was a matinee showing, but it was still 10 dollyroos to watch Avatar in 3D.

Regular tickets these days cost more than a 3D ticket back then. So don't be disingenuous. Has anyone estimated how much Endgame would have made in 2009?

does it really matter? Endgame also benefits from 3d and especially IMAX
It's 20$ to go see it, at least Canada

>capeniggers pretend most showings of Endmeme aren't (fake) 3D

ITT: mediocre avg people fight who has the most avg mediocre people in their team.

not really
there's no comparison between the 2
capeshit is all over the place
Avatar is just Cameron doing his thing and it will probably end with him

damn I'm average? thanks dude that means a lot

>it's the video games
>it's the video games
>it's the video games

Games are the most successful entertainment products in the world ever. GTA5 earned over $7 billion dollars and sold 110+ million copies. Beated both Avatar and Gone With the Wind combined (even if you adjust them both for inflation).

Netflix admitted they weren't worried about competing against Hollywood. They were worried about competing against vidya.

Back in 2009, gamers were still laughed at. But today, almost EVERYONE plays video games. I can't wait for the near future. Goodbye Yea Forums and hello virtual augmented reality.

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I care I want my capeshit escapism to beat blue people shit. Please you fucking Marvel soys spend more money now!!!!

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The average game doesn't do nearly that much. How many GTA McDonald's tie-ins did you see? That's where the real money is

because people are thirsty for (You)s

>The average game doesn't do nearly that much
Same can be said for the average movie, you fucking retard.

>He actually thinks Endgame can beat Avatar

hahahahahahahha everyone remember this moment in a few weeks time when all the capeshitters will go completely silent out of butthurt after they realise that Cameron won.

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At least we know correct grammar.


>$7 billion dollars
Stopped reading right there

>doctor zvhiago makes me a zoomer
lol what

It's true, just google it

Based MiamiAnon
Wanna meet up and dunk on MCUcks?

I remember reading articles about it causing severe mental illnesses on people. They felt drawn to the 3D world and simply couldn't stop watching the movie. Some commited suicide because they couldn't live in there

I dont need to Google for something that obviously isn't true. You bait game is terrible.

Incorrect, it's actually $6 billion


delete this please sir please

If they did nothing would ever beat GWtW because movies arent distributed like they were back in the day

>"With an estimated 90 million copies sold across all platforms"
>article is 1 year old, and GTA5 sold 20 million more copies since then
>game also has microtransactions

I can't find anywhere that it earned over $7 billion, but it does seem plausible. I'm flabbergasted right now.

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