In 1999 Stephen King was hit by a van and nearly died from ruptured lung

>In 1999 Stephen King was hit by a van and nearly died from ruptured lung
>In 2000 the driver was found dead in his own apartment

Why has nobody ever made a horror movie about that?

Attached: Stephen-King-stephen-king-20117308-2560-2146.jpg (2560x2146, 1.11M)

And then King basically went on to piss on the guy's grave in the Dark Tower.


Stephen King is not a good writer

stephen king hate trump

Meme writer?

Agree, King shouldn't be mad at a guy who put him in a lot of pain and nearly killed him

>character goes off on a tangent for 50 pages
>thoughts and monologues mostly irrelevant with the main plot point
>1000 pages, virtually un-edited book completely falls apart in the last 200 pages
Fuck this guy. He can't write for shit

>You will see King outlive Trump during your time
Best timeline

maybe, he's still produced some good novels though. many people find his style of writing too overloaded and simple, i like that. in some cases. and i love the americana of some of his novels

The dude's fucking dead, what good does basically desecrating his corpse in a public venue do? I'm sure the guy has family, and that's just inviting harassment from the deranged fans that King likes to reference from time to time.

I just finished Book Three
>Author’s Note: I felt like ending the book so I ended the book lol

I agree. He's all theme and concept. I remember reading It and thinking "wow this guy writes like run-on sentences are a literary device" fucking god awful writer.

>dude runs over kosher propagandist
>is found dead

There isn't a single King book that had any ending, let alone satisfying ending.

Long story short, based on my somewhat loose recollection (it's been 10 years since I read it):

>The story of The Dark Tower involves Roland the Gunslinger and his crew jumping dimensions
>In one, they meet Stephen King, and initially believe him to be some kind of god
>While they eventually realize he's just some guy, he is essential to the continued existence of everything
>The characters realized that King is going to get hit by a van, and go on a mission to save him
>The guy driving the van is portrayed as a junkie piece of shit
>Instead of killing King, he ends up killing a beloved long-running series character, ensuring fans will hate him even more

His face is creepier than his books

What a petty cunt

I remember this thread from the other day.

I thought IT and Salem's Lot had pretty decent endings. From his short stories MAYBE The Langoliers and The Mist.

you mean like 90% of all the threads on here?

I can't decide if thats based or cringe
I'm thinking based
Self inserting into your own story is cringe but defaming someone who harmed you irl that can't do anything about it is based

Plot twist: The driver was old and died of natural causes

actually the driver was donald trump

Clinton, stop posting on Yea Forums

The Dead Zone