ITT kino Britbong tv

I'm tired of million hour long amerishit and need some tea and crumpets to cleanse the palate.

What's the most quality Her Majesty's Broadcasting Corporation has provided.

I'll start with the series that saved me from Kevin Spacey show.

Attached: houseofcards.png (771x1080, 1.34M)

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This remains the best of what I've seen the BBC produce.
Very well-written and acted, wholesome, funny, great chemistry amongst the cast.
It may not seem like much at first glance, but it's one of those shows that you really grow to appreciate quite quickly.

Attached: Microsoap - bbc.png (1062x796, 724K)

yeah well does UK house of cards feature a SOUNDTRACK by SMASHMOUTH??

didnt think so.


Spooks is good at the beginning

their history animations are kino

Attached: tg25juJ.jpg (800x420, 41K)


Threads, Ghostwatch, Avengers, Day Today, BrassEye, Classic Doctor Who

Red Dwarf. Just make sure you stop after you finish series VI.

Attached: suck it, nerd.jpg (287x400, 15K)

Cadfael is top kino. Comfy murder mystery. Comfy medieval setting. The usual smattering of actors who went on to be famous in minor roles

Attached: 91UnaN9jnXL._RI_.jpg (2560x1920, 847K)

Great show made better by an amazing cast.

Attached: 34C97E3700000578-0-image-a-4_1464680656682.jpg (634x466, 103K)

Midsomer Murders is legitimately one of my favorite shows. It is maximum comfy-kino. My girlfriend and I have watched all 13 seasons (we stopped when the original Barnaby left).

I'm almost positive that 'Hot Fuzz' is a parody of this series in particular. It's all about these small, pristine country villages filled with weird quirky characters and MuRdErRr

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peep show

Messiah season 1 and 2

3 and 4 are much weaker but the first two are great


doctor foster. i only saw season 2 but it was a tv show that actually moved me

Derry Girls was really really good & super funny.

It's on American Netflix.

Attached: cropped_derry_girls_imdb.jpg (640x405, 38K)



The Thick of It


Fawlty towers

The first 3-4 seasons are great then it takes a nose dive

not a series from BBC but it's still a british drama,
just recently finished season 1 and it's kino.

Attached: 1.png (1280x720, 377K)

Lol, did the British cucks really remake it? This bullshit looks like it was made in the 90s. Why do the bongs suck so much?


I loved this as a kid

Avengers and BrassEye at least were not made by or on the BBC

Oh yeah, was just thinking tv in general based on the thread's title.

i think all americans think BBC is the only channel in the UK

Is that the bong version of Broen?

I really want to watch UK house of cards but it's hard to find on streaming sites. Anybody have a link?

>Download Opera
>Use inbrowser VPN to use Bong Netflix
>Watch UK version of House of Cards

I've tried to enjoy this, but just can't seem to "get it".

If you're into crime/police stuff I strongly recommend DCI Banks.