How do we encourage the next generation of film makers?

How do we encourage the next generation of film makers?

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Post em, lads

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Do people really use tinder?

I only ever got 3-4 matches in Tinder, one was fake and the others were chicks making fun of me

Were they hot?

Based phone on silent basedlet

I managed to fuck 1 girl off tinder. But she was fat and black. Fucked her in the basement with the lights out since her brother was up in his room playing video games. I slipped the condom off and fucked her raw for a while and she didn't even notice. I left without CUMMING because death gripped

>I managed to fuck 1 girl off tinder. But she was fat and black
oh user why

i downloaded tinder once but all the girls was ugly. i swiped like 300 people and only saw a couple i thought were cute.
2D has completely ruined me.

Post your profile. You probably just need better pictures


enjoy your STD

are you Black ?

No I'm white

>chad friend installs tinder
>it's all chubbies
>gets a million matches
>ropes along like 5 or 6 chubbies and leaves them hanging after he sets a date
>uninstalls the app and laughs about it with the bros
That's when I realized there was no point in it

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>That's when I realized there was no point in it
The point is getting head by fat girls. That's always been the point.

Tinder is the get head by fat girls app and your friend played it wrong

He was fucking some milf from his job and some high schooler, he didn't give a shit about getting head from some tinder chubbies.

Based Chad posters

disgusting racemixer

I'm a skinny blonde twink

>And some high schooler

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>pretending to be a hot chad on tinder

>pretending to be a decent half stacey to catfish the guys and the lesbians

post more bridget

being white in Korea has its advantages.

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do asians love white men that much? not only have i seen it posted but a friend living in china said the chink women flock to him and his white friends. this intrigues me since I am going to asia next year


She's Bessie through and through

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white people are the only other race on the planet that gooks actually see as human

Being White in Asian countries has benefits as long as you're there for quick fucks. Good Luck landing a woman that'll be into you aside from money though.

I should really travel to asia considering I'm white and have yellow fever

Jesus Christ

she looks like she smokes copious amounts of weed

guaranteed great sex

make no mistake, you still need to be good looking. but whereas there are hundreds of good looking white guys for women to choose from back in the west, here in Asia the local ladies are very eager to meet cute foreign guys that aren't creepy weeaboo nerds.

also this. i made the mistake of falling in love with a Korean, but her obsession with money and her parents resentment of foreigners dashed any ideas of marriage.

they were good-looking but not crazy hot
they were my best pictures, i'm just very hideous

what is the best asian women japan, china, korea, vietnam, thai, cambodian etc etc and the worst?

>ood Luck landing a woman that'll be into you aside from money though
You act as if it is any different elsewhere.

i'm probably biased but for me, #1 are korean women. they're very pretty, enjoy drinking, and are easy to seduce if you're charming.
japanese are cute in AVs but boring as fuck in real life.
Chinese are shrill and shallow, avoid. but Hong Kong girls are refined and retain some of that old world British charm. i've only hooked up with one Hong Kong girl via tinder, a 22 year old exchange student, but oh my god she was great.
vietnamese are pretty nice. cambodians are dumpy and make me sad. thais can't be trusted.

Hey bros how do I know who liked me easily without paying? I used to put the filter to 1 km to find out but it just works like 1 or two times and then I can't do it again.

I have a white girlfriend that actually supports me through her work while I'm studying.



post it, almost everybody here is an ugly autist

I had one but it sucked so much. I couldn't even tell if shit was being read and had to move every conversation off it to IG. Figured if I'm using IG so much anyway what's the point of this shit.

You don't need to.

They're out there and they're going to do it no matter what anyone says or does. Art is a drive for people like that. They could work at a McDonald's for fifty years and every spare moment would find them making amazing shit in their garages.

I'm an actor and I work shit jobs in the fucking deep South with no hope or chance at ever doing it as a sustainable career but I'm never stopping. Couldn't if I wanted to, and I'll never want to.

why fat girls specifically?

Nice fanny pack, if you catch my drift

they are easy and can throat cocks like nobody else because they are eager to please thanks to self confidence issues and the fact they eat a lot.

Two of them are casual friends of mine already so I just keep them there because I like having the match

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>Kong girls are refined and retain some of that old world British charm

to each their own

congrats i'm genuinely happy for you :)

girls who ask you to move to IG just want you to follow them on IG. too many instagram whores using tinder as free advertising these days.

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They look pretty. Well done, user, well done.

I never got a match, so I deleted it

Read retard I move them. Staying on Tinder to talk is just retarded, it's messaging sucks ass.

>make no mistake, you still need to be good looking.
Not true at all, I speak from personal experience.

You don't even have to go overseas, most universities have a bunch of Asian international students and a significant portion of those will have the fetish

why do they call you snowstorm?

BASED artist. Everyone else itt is cringe btw.

unlike their mainland cousins, Hong Kongers have manners, practice good hygiene, dress fashionably, and aren't brainwashed by the communist party (yet).
furthermore, the women embrace their femininity and don't sound like a dying alley cat when they talk :^)

there's white man fetish?

what's the point? I don't want to become a Yea Forums meme

>tinder thread
>still up

All those Koreans are post op uggos.

Because I'll give you a few inches and really inconvenience your evening.

have sex incel

Absolutely. You barely even have to try because of the language barrier.

What size cities are you guys in? Just curious relative to the number of matches you've got.

I’m headed to India tomorrow lads. Should I try tinder over there?

why the fuck would you ever visit that country?

If you have blue eyes you are basically a god outside of northern Europe or NZ/australia/canada/ northern USA. I went to the USA for a year in the South and got a fuck load of women throwing themselves at me because of my blue eyes

Blue eyes are common as fuck across the US though.

In in a pretty standard suburban town. I get a lot of matches from my local college

>matched with a really cute grill
>grill is also film student so we have shit to talk about
>autism fucked it all up came on too strong
being handsome yet socially retarded is a fucking curse

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dude there are a ton of rednecks in the south with blue/green eyes. what kind of south did you go to? miami?
