What will happen if it's not good?

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I'll become a real life Joker and kill a bunch of people so we can finally have a good real life equivalent

Then, like Godzilla KOTM, I will forget about most of it the next day.

Guy who read the script here (btw answering questions in a thread right now) it's good. Test screenings happened yesterday and they said it's great.

Inb4 this movie causes at least one shooting

based and clownpilled

Well just pretend it is, like we do for The Terror & Rome

>The Terror
Yep, boring trash once they leave the ships
kys dumb kike

>Test screenings happened yesterday and they said it's great
Where is the proofs?

The Warner Bros executives will blame everything but themselves

I'm taking my frail old mom to see this

they will blame Zack Snyder

>Yep, boring trash once they leave the ships
Imagine being this much of a pleb.

Even if the script is not good, im gonna rewatch it just for Joaquin performance

Relaunch with a female joker.

I doubt Phoenix would star in something too bad, plus they are aiming for an R rating, so at least we won't have another Venom on our hands.

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It was fucking dull. It was 5 episodes of hide and seek.

Same shit as with Alita-posters and their pathetic threads

Based, dubs confirm

you haven't been paying attention, have you?
it will get relaunched with female lead IF IT'S A SUCCESS

kek this but unironically. I bet if the movie is good they will say that's how you do a movie; low budget high profit. And if it is bad, they will say WB indirectly tried to go back to snyder road and failed.

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God I wish white families overtook america

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it will be like every other DC piece of shit


Hopefully, rioting in the streets. The usual. We haven't gotten one of those in a while.

Yea Forums shuts down.

Honestly, half the people I know who watched it thought it's pacing was shit from the beginning.

Every time I see this trailer now, I have this gut feeling this films gonna stray far away from the 'Joker'-type stuff we want to see (intricate yet wild plots, wonton but purposeful violence, etc) and more on how " artsy " it can be. The trailer shows this joker trying too hard to be "this is how I became craaaaazy bwahagdewiuhwoiesh", but less in a tongue-out-screaming crazy and more a "mommy threw balogne at my naked ass while sesame street played in reverse on the tv" crazy.


About fifty snowflake fuckheads who see in everything some kind of political agenda and have single-handedly ruined the word "kino" will cry about it here and call anyone who liked any part of it a "liberal sjw cuck nigger."

Won't matter. It'll make it's money and then some on premier.

>no mention of Chernobyl

what if that was the intention all along?

Tbe usual, Dcucks will blame critics as usual, make patetic petitions on social media and live in the delusion that its an underpreciated masterpiece