I just read the JOKER script. AMA.
I just read the JOKER script. AMA
does he honk honk
Is it good?
Unironically kino. Here's proof. I'm only sending small shit like the other guys did.
they write scripts for capeshit? I thought they just left it to the cgi guys to dub in whatever.
No but he laughs a lot.
No heavy CGI, just gun murders and blood. It's VERY Character based.
Just post the script.
Ain't pulling that shit mate sorry. Maximum pussy here and I don't wanna risk any trouble.
Just upload it on docroid. Nobody will give a fuck.
What a coincidence, I've also read it. What'd you think of the second to last scene?
Best way of alluding to Batman without showing.
When I first read it I thought it sucked, _________________and fucked
Also OP here, what'd you think of the script? I really loved it. Joaquin is gonna kill it.
I just like how it happens around all the chaos, it was just a crime that happened around all the others at the same time. Almost makes it not even a big moment which I like.
Is it true he is an incel?
He calls Zazie beets character a whore and a horrible person after seeing her fucking her boyfriend cause he's delusional and thinks they're together cause she's nice to him due to feeling sorry for him.
So yes
That late night show scene is going to be fucking scary on screen. Especially the howl.
McDonald's art house
It's going to be shit
can you drropbox orr whatever a link to the scccript? would love to read
Why does he wear the mask?
There are so many differences in terms of these shots and context that even putting reading the script aside you're so wrong. It's also a full fledged film, barely capeshit anywhere. It's definitely a character study and he's not "Joker" till the end of 2nd act.
Which mask do you mean?
is the word 'society' ever uttered in the film at any point thus sealing the final covenant and ushering in the age of baleful honk goddess astrid
One of us
No but Joker literally has a speech about how the rich fuck over the poor and some woke philosophy shit, basically doing everything but saying those words.
Does it have a lot of meme potential?
The one he throws away on the fucking teaser trailer that mask
do they even try tying it into the dceu as some sort of prequel or inspiration to the modern day joker, or is it really just a stand alone movie that works as its own thing
If this movie isn't a collection of scenes where the Joker yells racial slurs in various ethnic neighborhoods abd then has to run away count me out
Not really. Most of the movie is Arthur being an autistic sperg and taking things too literally and making a fool of himself. Like for example: Zazie beetz character says "tell you mom I said hi" and then he repeats it to her he will and the next week he intentionally tries running up to her during her job and says in the middle of the "conversation" that he told his mom he said she said hi and it made her day even though he never even told her.
DC using this movie to reboot the dceu with a bunch of cgi-less character driven capekino would be ultra mega based
Standalone. 1981. Only 1 scene alludes to Batman. The script even begins establishing it is completely elseworlds.
Cops chase him and he goes into the middle of a scene with protesters against Thomas Wayne in clown masks, he takes one of theirs so the cops can't tell the difference.
Is his mother really bullies him?
And Arthur lives at the end. He dances to that's Life by frank sinatra in Arkham.
She's a delusional psycho who let her ex boyfriend sexually abuse Arthur when he was 4. She also says he's not funny.
is it a taxi driver/king of comedy rip off?
does the mom live
does he kill the darkie
Is he a Thomas Wayne son tho?
Sorta Taxi Driver but not really. Maybe a bit of king of comedy.
Is the film like watching a train wreck? Is the Joker, more or less, Chris Chan? Is the point of the film to observe how a man becomes a murdering psychopath? Who's the hero of the story?
Is he THE joker or just a proto Joker where someone else takes his message and becomes the actual thing?
I already know who you are and you will be getting a memo on Monday
does it matter?
>let her ex boyfriend sexually abuse Arthur when he was 4
WTF? Are they even allowed to mention this kind of shit in a COMIC MOVIE?
Just answer the fucking question. Trips command it.
>He laughs a lot due to a medical condition that causes uncontrollable laughter
Is that true?
Robert De Niro plays Jerry Lewis or what?
He kills the mom but not zazie, he leaves her a note so she watches him committing a terrorist act on TV.
No. Arthur believes it but it's just bullshit his mother says. Thomas tries beating him up once Arthur sneaks up on him in the bathroom to tell him about it and punches him once he starts laughing (Arthur has a condition that makes him laugh at times he should be sad/scared/nervous.)
Not really a trainwreck, just the life of a man who realizes his whole life is garbage and goes full crazy for it.
The script implies after one scene his is "The Joker" on just Joker like he's referred to for most of the script.
Nice bait m8.
Not really.
>my mother always told me
>I would bring joy and laughter to the world
Cba finding the exact quote but you’re full of shit
*instead of just Joker
Why does he kill the mom?
Wow why are you so pathetic?
She's a schizo delusional bitch who's on a ton of meds. Her nickname for him is Happy.
Realizes she's what I said above.
What do you mean? I'm just answering questions about the script.
Why does he kill his mom? Also, where Zazie is working? Is she a prostitute?
Zazie works at a bank and gets fired
What type of crimes he do through the movie? He kills the guys in a subway and whats next? Is it his first crime?
Poor little capeshitter
A guy he works with gives him a gun to defend himself with cause of how the world is. He shoots the wall street guys dead, then stabs one of the people at his old clown job in the eye and smashes his head on the wall, kills deniro on live TV.
Yeah, and Tarantino is the epitome of American cinema for the past three decades. Fuck off, pleb.
And whats about his relationship with Bruce?
He visits Wayne's house cause he believes that he's Thomas's son and tries to see him, Alfred pulls Bruce away. It's not pedo stuff he just tries to cheer people up.
Fucking based
It is literally the only way to save capeshit and hopefully end it..
Are there only one scene with them together in a movie?
Why so serious?
Another way is just cast Keanu, Jolie, Leo and ets as a main characters
So who is gonna kill Thomas and Martha? Or they will be alive?
It's a random punk on the street with a clown mask that shoots them during a huge riot after Joker commits murder of late night TV.
Michael if the MCU was unironically unscripted. A lot of it was just adlibbed by the actors
What about his stand up career? Will it be pure cringe?
Oh it's pure cringe alright. It's so bad he's invited to a late night talk show just so they can make fun of it. They run the clip and make fun of it before too.
will he say the n word?
No but Phoenix rumour is that Phoenix said it in private, in order to get into character
The script is literally online
Post 4 proof
what are some of the jokes he makes?
Fuck, im gonna die in the cinema, i hate embarrassing moments like that
Any mention of Three Jokers or at least a nod towards it? Something from current DC where there are literally three Jokers running around the DC universe and there is a big mystery behind it.
>Joker looks at porn and has playboy pages cut out and pasted in a notebook he carries
Wtf? True? Why is he doing this?
Did you know that racial equality is a lie and that mass immigration of low-IQ non-Whites into White countries, as well as repeated attacks to destroy legal avenues of White racial self-prioritisation, heavily promoted by Jews who openly self prioritise themselves in their own homeland and in White countries, could lead to a situation where White civilisations collapse and become fundamentally toxic to the survival and prosperity interests of the White race, thus validating the concerns/warnings of counter-globalist White nationalists and necessitating the creation of pro-White political movements with the target of establishing/re-establishing homeland civilisations for the White race?
Did you know this?
Do people die in this movie on camera? I'm watching this with my niece and don't want her to have a bad experience.
its definitely a family friendly movie
It's kino.
Definitely K..
Will this be an incel power fantasy?
How long does it take him to realize he lives in a society? This is important.
Why didn't Thanos just create infinite resources?
What will he do in the first part of the movie until he doesnt became the joker?
Why do all actors smoke
So the film is unironically a joker meme. Fucking hell.
Does he make a reference to honk honk? Or at least gangweed memes?
Does he fall into a vat of chemicals ?
The first Iron Man had a basic overreaching plot and 98% of the stuff was improvised because there was barely a script.
So what happens in reality show scene with De Niro?
>this Joker bangs his head a lot
Why do they keep giving this character edgy ticks.
Yes, it does fucking matter.
why don't you just have sex though?
>finally edge-lords, incels, GAMZERS RISE UP, and tendie connoisseurs, are getting mainstream representation in cinema
>joker betrays us by turning out to be a FAGGOT in the last act
No way I'm seeing this shit in theaters with all you nut jobs out there.
Give us a beat by beat plot synopsis.
Is is the incel kino we have been searching for?
OP answer me:
1. is there any Batman reference?
2. probably no, ANY DC character reference? Supes?
3. Will we see Batman in it?
Do you incels have any idea how pathetic you sound when you say the Joker is "just like me?" That the character you can relate to the most is some sad, woman-hating, murderous piece of filth? That he's some kind of social outcast, psycho-terrorist clown? I guess just like the Joker, your mommas didn't love you incels enough.
have sex
Batman isn't in it, but Calendar Man is.
who the fuck is calendar man
damn, this joker movie looks boring. it just borrow the title joker in DC. hell, even if they put the title Weird Clown it still works.
Will minorities feel threatened by this movie? Will the Democrats bring it up in the debates?
What other songs will be in this movie besides "That's Life"?