"You need to have sex"

>"You need to have sex"
>"I reject your hypothesis"

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uno farto

Jar-Jar Abrams' lost female twin.

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Damn. Can you look any more jewy

Somehow this cuck's complacency and self-denigration infuriated me much more than the Jewess' baiting question.

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>"When I say favorite composer, I don't mean movie composer — that ghetto. I'm talking about Mozart, I'm talking about Beethoven, I'm talking about Schubert. That's who I'm talking about. Ennio Morricone has never won an award for any one individual movie that he has done. He has in Italy, but not in America."

>When Tarantino left the stage, presenter Jamie Foxx returned to the mic with a puzzled expression: simply saying "ghetto" before introducing his daughter, Corinne, as Miss Golden Globe.

>Many people on Twitter were offended by Tarantino's word choice, particularly given the recurrent use of hate speech in his films.

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>what are we doing here? what is this?
>I'm shutting your butt down
>I reject your hypothesis

Too bad for niggers for instantly thinking of themselves when hearing a word that doesn't have any direct connection with them.

lol BASED drunk Tarantino

>Niggers feel attacked when people use ghetto
Sensitive ass bitches

Jesus blacks are so self absorbed

>Jamie Foxx
He can shut the fuck up, he was in Django Unchained.

>use a word that means something negative that has no connection to a specific race
>nogs take it personally and get offended because they think they’re the only people in the world who have anything tough
Like pottery

The stupid negroids trying to steal (((our))) thunder baka.

Not any nigger, the guy who literally starred as a black protagonist on the path of vengeance who killed dozens of whitey racists and slave owners. And he didn't even give Tarantula a benefit of doubt. Talk about the lack of self-awareness.

I've never seen someone want to be black as badly as Tarantino does.

>Talk about the lack of self-awareness
that's rich coming from this website

Epic comeback, how will I ever recover.

the funniest thing about this is that the reporter asking the question quickly corrects herself when she refers to Margot Robbie as an actress rather than the gender neutral "actor".

Actually, that isn't funny. Just something I noticed.

Foxx is a notorious diva cunt

> I reject your hypothesis
> I'm shutting your butt down
> Makes his actors say nigger every other line
In the just nineties, he would've remained a marginal effect. Everything has to be cool. It's like he never grew up. Which is why you incels breathe on it so much.

if we're playing word association "ghetto" gives me "jews" before "blacks," i think i'd even get to "golem" first

i just watched the clip and i don't understand, what hypothesis was he rejecting? that the actress was good? or that he gave her few lines?

whats with white people and their barney rubble fashion

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I'm guessing he's rejecting her thinking that you have to do a lot of talking in a movie for your character to be one of note, as well as him giving her fewer lines because she's female

At least that's what I figured he meant

Also, Margot Robbie seems like she's both nicer and more intelligent than most young actresses working today

QT wore a bowling shirt to cannes because he's bigger than Cannes

You could have sex

Could he though?
