Is this how you stop a school shooter?

Is this how you stop a school shooter?

Attached: OA scene.webm (400x224, 2.86M)

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Attacking them somehow might help.
Maybe with something that launches projectiles with stopping power that are difficult to dodge, like... I dunno, I can't think of it. If something like that existed it would be useful for stopping a crazed man with a gun.

A crossbow?

>someone actually gave the greenlight to this
Wtf is this show? Does this scene make more sense (less cringe) in the context of the rest of the show?

>Maybe with something that launches projectiles with stopping power that are difficult to dodge, like... I dunno, I can't think of it
Yeah k faggot

Flying midgets with knives?

I'm sure there is a good explanation but everyone i've talked to about it says that even with whatever explanation was given its still fucking retarded.

Would be effective, also the midgets would function as a distraction to increase your odds of escape.

What's the actual context? Superpowers? Mind control?

No. The show was honestly pretty good, and this scene was built up throughout the season, but the fucking dance fight came out of fucking nowhere. It made no sense at all. They were "dancing" throughout the show but they explained it as meditation (like yoga) - Nobody could have predicted that they'd go THAT route. If there was ever one scene that could ruin a show, this was it.

it does make sense in the context of the show, but every time they do this dance it's cringe (as much as i hate that word). for the record i love the show

t. Dancing homo

Is that Phyllis from the Office

not even going to bother with the second season. this scene ruined the first.

fuck you guys I'm going back to /ck/

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Season 2 has the dance being done by machines and it makes more sense

This made me never even give season 2 a chance

>Is this how you stop a school shooter?
The sperg would think you were attempting some kind of team kamehameha and open fire on you before you could finish

Dont live in america

Would be better if he just shot those fags

I thought they were going to become power rangers
>mfw they don't and it keeps going

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Cats are faster than midgets. Throw angry cats at the shooter.

The entire last episode was just awful. After all the cool scifi and thrilling stuff the season shows the big bad is just some random school shooter who is not foreshadowed at all and is beaten by interpretive dance.


I never thought this scene was at all funny.
Until the tiny dancing robots showed up.

This is still probably the genuinely worst scene I've ever witnessed from a professionally produced television show.

My penis?


What show?

only way to stop school shootings is to institute mandatory pat downs and metal detectors by police officers (not rent-a-cops) in front of schools

any other method is useless, gun free zones, gun control laws etc all useless


It's supposed to be cringe.

You can stop it pre-preemptively by getting rid of white incels

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should incels be put in sex camps until they finally have sex, or should we just outright exterminate them wholesale

>we need more guns to solve the mass-shooting problem
300IQ mutt right there

They will never have sex, even in sex camps. Euthanasia is the only solution. Cutting them off from their anime for a few days should do it.

No its not fag, what show is this

shoot em back

MFW americans literally, unironically, seriously think that the way to stop gun violence is to give everyone else guns under the theory that they can shoot the shooter. Oh and metal detectors and security checks

banning guns won't stop gun violence m8 you can get guns illegally easier than you can legally

The O.C

Imagine thinking banning guns will solve school shootings when classrooms are like this

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based chef saving the day

how it wouldnt? you dont see as many if not nearly 0 school shooting in gun ban country

That's one situation where a school shooting is the appropriate response.

People act like bullies kids are 1 hair away from committing an atrocity when the percentage of bullies kids being shooters is pretty low.

That kid went home and didn't go back and found more comfort and release than he's ever had since starting the school system. You have no idea how freeing it is when you realize you can just walk out of school. Very few people are actually capable of murder.

>implying executing baboons is a school shooting
school shootings are white on white crime
a white student killing a bunch of apes is just pest control

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>elliot rodger
>20 victims
the fuck?

Fantano really went off the deep end

>cherry picked mspaint incel

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By not being an American

this show is so retarded

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What does "identity" got to do with statistic of the race and ethnicity that causes mass shootings?

Victims implies they were shot or stabbed by him. It doesn't say dead.

what did that hamplanet even say. Why is that lil nigga sleeping

>triple privileges

what a lame threshold

Are you actually suggesting to bring a trebuchet to school?

>heroic cafeteria worker tackles shooter
>dancers don’t try to help him subdue the shooter
>instead they start head banging

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hope he shoots them all up

>he didn't just shot them seconds after they started dancing
That's retarted as hell.

He was too stunned by the sheer stupidity of what he was seeing.

come on, in reality he'd be surprised for about 3 seconds before he decides to shoot one.

If you understand the psychology of a school shooter, you will know that the shooter wants to have their moment of revenge or whatever mowing down dozens of people trying to become the best shooter if all time. Just have one random student conceal carrying per classroom and that might be enough to dissuade any would-be shooters. I wouldn't want to be a shooter anymore knowing that I would get maybe two people before getting shot in the dick by Kevin from biology class and die in such an anticlimactic way.
Equipping high school students with weapons comes with its own problems but in theory it would work at least in mostly white schools.

I Iike the idea of a random draw to see who gets to hold the gun in class that day

Thats pretty dumb

Second season of the show is WAY better than the first desu.

Maybe not random, but selected from a pool of qualified students based on grades, medical and disciplinary records to make sure they have a relatively low risk of flipping out and shooting someone in anger

oh another low IQ retard who thinks we shouldnt have guns for the entire reason theyre created and we would all be better of only criminals had them. there has been 10 shooting fatalies in NSW in the last week alone. so much for gun control and hoping criminals and nut jobs will obey the law you fucking retard

Yeah, the first season is really just a long setup for the second season, which is kino.

I couldn't get through the first. I probably dropped on the third episode of so. Is S2 really any good? and do i need to watch all of S1 because nah man

>Attacking them somehow might help
Literally every law enforcement personnel ever has said this is the worst idea possible. Confronting a school shooter will get you shot.

You stop school shooters by having women have sex with them.
Not a single school schooter was a normalfag or chad just doing it because they can. Notice how there's not a single female school shooter either.
It's all about the pussy.


A good way to stop it before it starts is to not treat weird kids in difficult situations like they're pieces of shit, but America has trouble with that. So nah, this spastic dance probably won't help.

look at how well it works for europe lol

based pussyposter



>dance off bro, me and you


it's about pusy

yeah well so is trying to confiscate hundreds of millions of guns in a country with an established anti authority record

i think school shootings are good and show us how sick and damaged society is

>per capita
You know that's actually a less compelling argument, right?
>number of Arab shooters is actually lower than number of white shooters
>there's just way more whites than arabs

>there has been 10 shooting fatalies in NSW in the last week alone
Why you lying.

The second season is much better than the first and puts the shooting scene into a wider context.

Sure the show has some weird wtf shit that doesn't always work but you can't deny it's creativity and originality.

Yes. That is exactly how you stop them.

>Is this how you stop a school shooter?
Yes, in the mind of a liberal.

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You could maybe do something about the shit state of the education system, or try to help those facing mental health issues.
But no, demonizing young men seems like a better idea.

Guns are for hunting and warfare.

Why the fuck would you bring them to school you idiot.

are you suggesting that we shouldn't???

school shootings will never stop, we're a country of a third of a billion people. no matter what safety, gun, education, mental health etc. reforms you do, statistically someone's going to be batshit enough to want to kill a lot of people. if you demand that the school shooting count goes down to zero, you must be willing to give up lots of freedoms in the process; that's the real reason these statistically insignificant but admittedly extremely tragic events are pushed in the media.

Or you know, remove guns from civilians? It's pretty damn obvious that it's the common denominator. The entirety of Europe has had like 8 school shootings in 10 years. Whereas the US has had 30 in 2018 alone.


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Niggers gonna nig


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>remove guns from civilians

>Muh guns

Not that I really care though, you mutts are good at population control in from of murder.

>Or you know, remove guns from civilians?
that's what he said, retard:
>you must be willing to give up lots of freedoms in the process
the freedom to own guns comes with the risk that someone might misuse guns. the alternative is to remove that freedom, thus minimising the aforementioned risk

Nah... thought of that. Catapults and scorpions don't fit in doors

racist niggers attack asians, whites and brighter hispanics all day and you must never mention it or it's racist

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in order to defend yourself and others in the event of a homicidal shooter attack. idiot

The best part is it probably took days worth of work to synch everyone up and nail the choreography.

Having guns isn't really such a big "freedom" as you Yanks make it out to be. Literally everyone else who lives in a developed nation sees guns as a hobby tool for hunting.

Of all the freedoms to remove for public safety, guns would be the easiest decision ever.

>Not that I really care though
Pretty obvious by your lack of knowledge

>tfw couldn't walk out of school

in europe you can be arrested for saying words. i'll keep my guns and take nogs and schizos shooting each other over being charged with hate speech because i didn't agree with a tranny's pronouns

Huh, it's almost as if really good gun control would prevent that scenario from happening in the first place. As it does in most places.

>in europe you can be arrested for saying words
You can in the US too.

The only thing good gun control would prevent is legal firearms from being owned. It does nothing for criminals. Deterrents have been studied to death, they don't work.

i'm not a yank, retard. and it is a big freedom, which is why most nonamericans (like yourself) despise it along with other important freedoms

at the cost of losing the freedom to keep and bear arms, yeah. do you get it yet

only direct and credible threats against someone or a group; saying "i don't think 6,000,000 people died in the holocaust" won't land me in jail. not that i agree with that statement, but it's ridiculous to charge someone for it. here's a guy getting arrested for shitposting IRL, for example.

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It's worth giving a try. Let's try rolling it out for next week's school shooting. If it fails, it's just 1 of 100 school shootings anyway.

How many upvotes did that image get on reddit?


looks like he's just getting told to stop.

>gun control

will this meme ever end. the only people who follow laws are the people who don't commit the crimes in the first place. it just makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to defend themselves when Jamarcus comes around with his snub nose .357 and asks for your cash.

Recently there were 2 kids who attempted a school shooting and only managed to kill 1 because they got tackled by students

Shoot back.

It worked for me and the boys in A-stan and Iraq, and countless armed citizens when faced by savage niggers and criminals.

go back

whatever you call it, having a police officer come into physical contact with you because you made a hand gesture is absurd. i can drive by cops all day and give them the finger in america and legally they cannot do jack shit

>really good gun control would prevent that scenario from happening
tell me your suggestions and I'll tell you why they're stupid

it was a fag and a tranny, of course they'd fuck it up

You are a fucking idiot.

based and PTSDpilled


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Can't corner the Dorner

ps, i just looked it up and they detained and charged him. no clue if he actually was punished, though.


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what fucking show

like the taste of boot there, paco?
>blatant reddit spacing
go back

A few gook tourists were also fined for doing that in Germany about a year ago

more like cuckedland amirite lmao

>this is what school is like in the us

lmao what a beta incel. These are the creatures that post on Yea Forums

The OA on Netflix

white betas btfoooo

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>mfw Americans call Annual School Shooting Training Day "Tuesday"

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They lead up throughout the show that doing that series of movements would open up another reality or something. They all think it’s some kind of message from angels. Not sure why they do it to distract a school shooter though, that just kind of happens.

>i can drive by cops all day and give them the finger in america and legally they cannot do jack shit
Yeah, try that. See what happens.

Most gun deaths are suicides. Mass shootings are both insignificant statistics wise, and also used to be far rarer not too long ago. Gun control is just putting a band aid on whatever the real cause is for the rise in mass shootings.

Moot really cracks under pressure.

America didn't use to have a lot of school shootings either, and it's always had a ton of guns.

Love how the mods of that Jewish shithole site delete "racist" comments while leaving comments calling out all Americans. My HS was 99% white and fairly large and I never saw anything close to this.

Why can't they stop? America did not always have this problem.

Friendly Reminder

unironically the media circus and the fact that there is no longer any sense of national unity or community in america is the reason for school shootings. this country is full of callous disregard for life and banning guns won't fix that

the best way to stop them is to literally stop talking about them in the media, don't give the killers any recognition or air time.

But that doesn't make for an interesting news day.

With pic related?

Attached: how-it-works-airzooka-is-the-fun-gun-that-blows-36749609.png (500x709, 151K)

There are female shooters. Its just that most of them tend to fuck it up or don't hurt that many.

If he paid him not to beat his ass, that's robbery with assault.

Jamarcus wouldn't have a snub nose .357 if there was gun control.

In my 25 years of living in Finland I've never heard of a gun robbery happen anywhere near me. A lot of people have guns here too, and 90% of all males use guns on a daily basis while on conscription so it's not like guns are rare to us either. We just understand that they're tools for hunters and we don't put them on a ridiculous high pedestal as Americans do.

WTF, I love the NRA now


Dance off, bro

>Jamarcus wouldn't have a snub nose .357 if there was gun control.
that's some real fuckin' comedy gold m8; yeah, maybe he wouldn't have a nice pistol and instead would have some kel-tec piece of shit that might blow up in his hand, but that's still enough to kill or intimidate. have you ever considered that the problem isn't guns and maybe that it's jamarcus?

Yeah, you people prefer to just glass a motherfucker.

But violent crime rates have decrease drastically over the last 40 years.

Foreigner here. Maybe just stop bullying weird kids. I dunno, just a suggestion. He's shooting you for a reason, not just because he woke up one day and went like, well, let's shoot all the kids that were so nice to me.

>And in other news, there was a shooting at the local elementary school that left 8 dead and 3 wounded.
>And now, sports!

>In my 25 years of living in Finland I've never heard of a gun robbery happen anywhere near me

That's because theres nothing worth stealing in Finland. What ate you gonna do with a gun? Break into a sauna? Lmao

Maybe you should realize teenagers deserve to die.

Tbh I can't relate to these types of scenarios, so it's difficult to give any real input. I live in a place where we haven't locked our doors for the past 20 years because there's literally nothing to worry about.

Nah, weird kids need to be bullied. Otherwise you get adult dweebs.

>Break into a sauna
ngl sounds pretty fuckin nice to me

Attached: sauna2.jpg (387x271, 59K)

you probably don't live around niggers

Best way to survive a school shooting is join in

>he thinks bullying is the problem

Bullying happens everywhere. People don't shoot up schools as a result. Mentally unstable kids shoot up schools because they're fucked in the head. I promise you majority of the posters on this site were bullied, yet how many of them have shot up schools?

>wearing towels in the sauna
Absolutely degenerate. Put those towels on the bench and sit with your dick and tits out, like a normal finn. Perkele.


You can't put these pics on K-Rauta ads if they're nude. 65 year old Anna-Maija from Oulu will throw a fit if she sees a tit on a commercial.

Really? Slav here, we got tits on billboards all over.

why isnt there are higher ratio of cute girl shooters

If you put tits on billboards here people will start screaming Sodom & Gomorrah.

It doesn`t nowhere in the world has bulling the same levels than in america. There are places dangerous like fuck, but nothing of that shit.

I love this show, season one wasn't like anything else I've watched and season 2 just doubled down, that finale was fucking great

Maybe they're mentally unstable because their environment has a destabilizing effect.

This is the same argument people make for communism saying nobody has tried "real communism" yet.

bullying aside, that's not how a class should work - no respect whatsoever, people yelling, etc.

is this how you stop a fascist cheeto?

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Not really. The difference is that most of the developed world is already doing it and it works really well.

that because its a woman teacher

based already posted it though myself in the thread bud

I notice that "most of the modern world" didn't have any strong pre-existant gun culture, nor do they share a border with Mexico.

The power of tolerance.
Also useful for stopping stabbings, acid attacks, suicide bombings and rape.

I'm so glad I got out of school before social media was the beast it is now, probably would have killed myself

Be honest, would you fuck the tranny?

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Hispanic school shooters are regularly lumped into the "white" category. Your study is trash and proves nothing.

>tfw trying to find the scene with sound on youtube but can't because there's 5000000 school shooting news clips

>every country should be the same :)

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Spontaneous dancing drives me into a rage, I'd pick up the shooters guns and finish the job.

segregation might be more effective than banning guns, actually
anyone have the racial demographics of schools shot up?
I mean the mass shooting ones, not gang violence ones (those are obviously full of niggers)

what kills me is that if some gangbanger kills three others in a drive-by, it's never reported with the hysteria that a traditional "mass shooting" is but still gets lumped in with the statistics when it's time to brow-beat gun owners about "violent white men"

Fags are so damn cringey

>country with obvious problems should risk public safety in order to be "different"

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I may have a solution, your grace

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Yeah because it's just a short haired cute girl

Just like really good drug control has stopped the spread of illicit narcoti.....oh wait

>gets stabbed

The only problem we have are 13 and 50

Dont blacks shoot up schools more than whites

>In my 25 years of living in Finland
>living in Finland
I tell you what, Finland, how about you convince your government to take about 20 million U.S. niggers and spics and then get back to us on the whole "gun issue" thing, o.k. pal?


>country with more respect for freedom and rights should give up said freedom and rights because it will make resentful foreigners happy

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Never heard anyone get stabbed from a robbery here so it must be working :^)

By most of the developed world you're refering to Euro, Aus, NZ, and CN. Countries who's goverment will ruin your lively hood or imprison you if you're critical of some of their policies?
You know, things like not agreeing with your 12 year old son getting forcibly sodomized at a public pool restroom bu some middle eastern "refugee" your gov let in for "humanitarian" purposes.

What freedom is this again? Freedom to have firearms? I can go get a license any day if I wanted to. Then proceed to buy pic related.

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the right to keep and bear arms

So whats your fucking problem?

>Is this how you stop a school shooter?
Tackling him from behind and disarming him, sure. Those dancing kids are assholrs who were gonna get everyone killed

The OA was great.

>can go get a license
Your license application has been denied after our extensive background revealed a history of browsing hate content on the website 4channel. You have been addes to our watchlist, have a nice day.

Can't happen, our ISP's aren't allowed to share internet history.

Background checks only check your crime records here.

She’d probably tease you and call you gay.

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6 million people didn't die in the holocaust
>6 million jews
>11 million slavs
>implying a single one of those counts as a person

I hope some vapid lefties actually try to do this one day and get their asses shot to shit

>Can't happen, our ISP's aren't allowed to share internet history
The unelected bureaucrats that dictate your livelihood laugh at your pitiful notions of what they can and cannot do

that's much less kino than just giving teachers guns and mandatory training. they have shitloads of free time anyway. the only downside to this is as soon as teachers are known to be armed at a given school these faggots won't go their for their child-slaughtering escapades. they'll go to another one that's "gun free." so we won't get to see any epic gun battles anyway

Not if you're armed.
It happens repeatedly, as soon as the shooter faces resistance they break - either run, or an hero, or drop their gun. Some shoot back, sure. But many, possibly most, don't. They have their fun when they're the only wolf in the sheep pen.

I see you never watched Sense8.

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Everyone you've talked to, eh?

Politics in Scandinavia isn't as exciting as you make it out to be. It's more like this side thing that comes up once during gatherings, then we go back to fishing and or skiing.

>if i don't hear about it it never happens

All it took was one terror attack in NZ for the gov to lose its collective mind, ban all fire arm ownership and pander to islamists by shitting on natives.
Scandi nation's are worse, and for the exemption of Norway, you're beholden to the EU. Your illusion of say within your nation's policy making is naive and annoyingly pompous


If you want to be a fucking teacher, you should be able to defend those kids that are put in your charge. Any adult unwilling to defend children should be culled from our society.

Instead we let fat cowardly bitches try to make policy, and this is exactly what we get.

Imagine if 4channel banned you for saying Nigger... oh wait

>dance off, us and you, bro!

of course

Actually, I would use the kids as shields.

No. School shootings include discharge of a firearm on or near a school even if no students were harmed. Sorry incel, better luck next time

>Huh, it's almost as if really good gun control would prevent that scenario from happening in the first place. As it does in most places.
*gets run over by a truck of peace*
*your kids get raped and stabbed to death with butterknives*

Not really, if anything heart disease as a result of obesity, medical malpractice and abortion are pretty much tied for 1st place. Look into the total murder rate why don't you?

Wouldn't surprise me since you faggots have been brainwashed by single mothers into believing that a fist fight is among the most traumatic things you can ever experience in life.

This level of cringe should not be possible, yet here we are.

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Have sex

This isnt an argument

Yeah it is, nice NPC response faggot. The point is you don't need a gun to kill a lot of people. Might as well have guns. Even if it stopped all killings, their lives aren't worth giving up the Second Amendment.

People also conveniently ignore the statistics showing how many deaths gun prevent heavily outweighing the negative statistics they like quoting.

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This was literally me in high school even tho people would invite me to their table I was too scared to impose

No it isnt an argument. You just think it is because your reading comprehension is terrible. The poster said it's almost as if very good gun control would prevent children in schools from worrying about homicidal, gun wielding lunatics. You then responded with something about trucks. It isnt an argument. I know what dumb point you're trying to make though and it still isnt relevant. Active measures for one crisis are taken and then more measures are taken as new crises arise.

>The point is you don't need a gun to kill a lot of people
Ok... a gun just makes it easier, and faster.
>Might as well have guns.
So people in a fit of rage can just pick them up and start going to town... ok!
>Even if it stopped all killings, their lives aren't worth giving up the Second Amendment.
Would you elaborate, based retard? How is a law, which is there to "protect" citizens more important than the guaranteed protection of citizens? This is by your own scenario too

The OA

Ah yes the unstoppable power if interpretive dance

Australian here. Never give up your guns, Yanks. I realised the slippery slope it causes when the police threatened to arrest me for chasing burglars off my property with a golf club, then did nothing about the burglars despite the fact that I had their licence plate and car model on footage. They hit the house twice more after that while I wasn't there.

You cannot trust authority to keep you safe. In fact, they want you unsafe and helpless. Today, they say you don't need an AR-15. Tomorrow, they say you don't need to defend yourself.

It's like he tries so hard not to reveal himself as weapons manufacturer shill.

>elliot rodger
>20 victims
it was 6 only and that included himself this meme infographic is bullshit

We literally have too many guns to take them away. Even in places with strict gun law like Massachusetts and California have tons of guns especially outside the cities.

During Australia's gun buybacks, there were estimates that 33-75% of now-illegal weapons weren't turned in. I imagine a lot of boomers just hid them in their back yards or attics or something. Maybe even lost them in tragic dinghy accidents on the Murray.

Ian Alexander is a cute
Of course I'd fuck that chick

Girls who got shot was blind missing for 7 years when she reappers she needed the help of five ppl to makes the some newage dances bullshit who can send her in another dimension
She started telling her story to them wich was pure fan fiction and in the end they started to call her bullshit
Then in last final scene unrelated schoolshooting happens and you have wbm related
Is an open ending finale Was she lying? The bullshit dance did only distract the shooter long enough to be caught?
Was she telling the truth?

Can you bring a bow to school?

Alternatively, segregation should be brought back and made mandatory nationwide. Niggers and other subhumans shouldn't ever be allowed around any function that involves the pure white race.

It totally is. Just because "gun control" worked in like two highly homogeneous island nations where gun culture was never a thing to begin with it's supposed to work here in America, an ethnic grab-bag of 300,000,000+ that shares a 2,000 mile porous border with a cartel-run shithole? Fucking massive brain opinion, lad

Based Asian killing efficiency.

Grasping at straws

They should be stuck in a hotel until they find someone to mate with. Otherwise, they turn into an animal of their predetermined choice.

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will never forget chocolate Rambo

link doesn't work

>Confronting a school shooter will get you shot.

I miss when board cultures could come together like this, before all the psycho progressives would bombard threads over niggers and fags

>local hero stops gang from obliterating school with energy wave

Yeah, let's turn every active shooter scenario into the OK Corral. Then it's sure that fewer people will be hurt when there are stray bullets flying from everywhere.

Also, what gay ass movie is this from?

>mfw Americans try to tell me they're white

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Something like this

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I actually enjoyed the first season, but it makes absolutely no sense at all and I burst out laughing when I realized what was going on. It's the stupidest thing I have ever seen that was supposed to be taken seriously.

>let's turn every active shooter scenario into the OK Corral.
YOU pussies should be hung by the neck until dead for cowardice. You don't get people intent on trying to kill you to stop by cowering like a faggot, you get them to stop by MAKING THEM STOP, with a bullet to the brain, a fist to the jaw, or a chair to the head.

You're a cowardly piece of human shit and I hope you get hit by a truck this week and die.

sounds more like BASED



Are school shootings or in general common in China? Chinese think of each other like dirt based on all those rekt threads.

Not as good as a dance off though

Attached: 1427519234475.jpg (4156x1600, 1.61M)

It was a question of them being crazy or the magic being real-was cool


when i was in HS I drove past a cop coming the other way on a two way street and for whatever reason I flipped him off. I have no fucking clue why I did it, but I did. The fucking cop must have flipped a uturn or something because within just a few seconds he was right behind me. I was already at my destination, a friends house. But he asked if he could search my car for no reason, which I told him no and since he couldn't arrest me for anything I ended up just going into my friends house. Standing in my friends kitchen looking out the window and this faggot called two more cop cars for "backup" they just ended up standing in the middle of this cul de sac for like 10 minutes looking like retards. cops in the suburbs really have too much time on their hands I guess.

Lol the article is so bad that their publisher saged it

??????????? because black people exist? fucking retard

most us are just trying to do are job and maintain the peace. we have to deal with so much bullshit throughout the day. trust me, this job fucking sucks and the pay is absolutely not worth it. so glad i am a firefighter now.

>ones that get reported

>based white privilege

probably maybe a combination of guns being regulated thoroughly and gun violence impacting social credit scores negatively

>t. 56%

It's a school. You can throw tables and sits at the shooter to gain momentum and imobilize the sucker. Bosh! I wish I was american to face this kind of problem in my life.

wow, this is some peak fagotry

Ban niggers.

IIRC school stabbings happen often.

So the evil of censorship is not that government has that power, but *who* in government gets to have that power?

Sounds like a good, stable design for humanity.

guns are deterrents tho

This guy was actually my friend in hs.

We used to play melee and ds and shit.

Now he’s 30 and lives with his parents and none of us talk to him anymore. He really likes hentai.

You make it sound like China lol


Maybe but they're not as successful and the victims aren't white so nobody cares.

The more gun control and anti gun zones has only made more public shootings in anti gun zones. Most shootings happen in strict gun law areas. Majority of mass shootings happen by people the illegally obtained their guns or would not of been effected by any reasonable gun law(no record, no documented history of violence or mental illness)

Just give him a knife and kick him at the gunman

Attached: (650x366, 27K)

based slingshot poster

Attached: Kirsten Baker - Friday the 13th Part 2.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

No bystanders were shot at the OK Corral.

the chinese don't put their children on SSRIs

Whatever you say, keyboard commando.

More guns in a public setting means more stray casualties. Think about a classroom full of people. Do you want all of them shooting haphazardly to try and subdue one person? How would the police distinguish between the "good guys" with guns and the active shooter?

Attached: fuckyouup.gif (500x282, 1.02M)

who said all the students would be armed?

It's an expression for an out of control gunfight with a lot of participants. Don't be pedantic, you know the point I was making.

Please tell me this is a comedy, this is like what some drama nerd fantasizes they would do in this situation

Nigger, I'm a combat vet. A-stan AND Iraq. Baqubah, Mosul, Gardez, A-bad, Bagram, K-har. I've been shot at on multiple different occasions, have you? Shooting back WORKS. KILLING the motherfucker shooting at you WORKS BETTER.

Now kys already for being the cowardly piece of human trash you are.

>How would the police distinguish between the "good guys" with guns and the active shooter?
Who needs police?

>How would the police distinguish between the "good guys" with guns and the active shooter?
That problem exists only in your imagination, retard. Cops dont just come in guns blazing unless they have to.

We really need to start institutionalizing leftists.

It's piss easy to buy a stolen gun in Finland user. Some years ago there was some TV reporter interviewing a gun dealer.

too many people forget him :(

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

This ruined Yea Forums for me

Why buy gun if you have kirves?

>Tfw we will never play a leaked version of the US government school shooter simulator

There has to be some way if you file enough FOIA requests

>combat vet
>born to kill
>it ain't me

lel, cool made up story anonymous internet warrior

That's the whole purpose of SWAT. Come in guns blazing when there is an active threat

lmao dude, you act like every school shooter doesnt think exactly the same way. Every one of them thinks they are some badass mf who can take on any civilians who try to get in their way.

>t. Ike the Spike