Graduate film school

>graduate film school
>fail to get work in the industry, shoot weddings instead
>years go by, still no break in the industry
>shit on other people's movies on the Internet, in character, to get noticed
>the industry still doesn't give a fuck
>finally make some films of your own, but intentionally bad so they'll be exempt from criticism
>still get shit on
>YouTube channel takes off, its a living
>accept that the filmmaker thing is never going to happen, settle for being an e-celeb
>wake up one morning a jaded 41 year-old fat fuck

Why is Mike so based?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Lmao, this dude probably makes over 200k annual. Easy. Working for himself.

He gets paid to see and talk about movies all day, including shitty b-movies that are his true passion

What's wrong with all of that?

It's not a productive way of life and is completely bereft of any real accomplishments.

That's a low estimate, he has 7,621 patreons

Because Mike gets to enjoy content he's proud of while hanging out with friends, laughing and making money doing something that isn't soulless. Unlike another Mike (of the Bootsy jealousy douchebag variety) interacting in a group that lacks true bonds or chemistry

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he shills for marvel so its easy 2 million per year but he has to pay jay,rich,jack,some bald guy,beardfat, at least two extra people so he ends up with min wage.

Says the Yea Forums poster.

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a pet peeve I have of them I noticed recently is their reluctance to admit they found anything funny in the movie they watched. Unless it's mocking a movie for some stupid error or bad writing/acting, they always seem like they are too cool for comedy

I hope he's saving it because he only gets a decade of it. They didn't start making big patreon bucks until 2013 and they ran out of creative steam in 2015 and are just coasting on their past work. Space Cop proved they simply can't make movies and are afraid to seriously try. Their opinions and ideas have been exposed as idiotic and uninformed and their biggest paying fans are slowly drifting away. In 5 years these guys will be irrelevant. I just hope they don't think the gravy train will last forever.

Thanks for the hot take DSP. You were so right about Minecraft, Jack Black's Youtube Channel and every other of your predictions

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why are there so few POC on their show? They need to reflect on their perpetuation and re-entrenchment of harmful norms and systemic racism. They could hire a diversity firm to train their on how to change their attitudes and policies, and they could make a video about it, encouraging other creators to do the same. There are a lot of diversity specialists with PHDs in the field who need to be seen publicly doing what they do best, and people like mike (cis white male) have a civil duty to help promote justice.

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>making all of this shit up because you're mad people on the internet are making money
Have sex

Oh my did this really happen? Is luke going to be ok?

far from being a failure, they should produce content in a more regular basis. its way too random.

i also think its been a long time they dont have an interesting review and shit too much on top of their audience, but anyone who pay these guys deserve it anyway.

Is this some stupid alt right /pol/ insult?

>implying there is a way to not wake up a jaded 41 year old
How old are you?

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literally me in real life

Going to be 12 in a month why?

there's a lot of people who are interested in movies, but don't want to watch them, especially if they're new movies. at the same time, they like listening to familiar voices talk.

it doesn't matter if their opinions are correct or not, the audience isn't going to watch the movies anyway. the review is itself the end product.

lol it's you

That's a stupid fucking thing to say and you should feel stupid for saying it.

>finally make some films of your own, but intentionally bad so they'll be exempt from criticism
yeah that only works if you prove yourself first by making good films, which he never did. you're right about the trying to be exempt from criticism part though. his ego couldn't handle it

I'm 6'4, why?

>it's supposed to be bad haha
Do they have one sincere bone in their body?

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>>implying there is a way to not wake up a jaded 41 year old
being tall, healthy and with tons of cash. waking up every morning with a hot 16 year old ukranian sex slave next to you

>wake up one morning a jaded 41 year-old fat fuck

I think you're projecting way too much. You might be jaded when your Mike's age, but you have no proof Mike is unhappy. There is so little of their personal lives revealed in any of their content. I dare you to achieve a modicum of his cultural impact or success

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>part of a group that probably brings in about a mill annual between patreon and ads
>vids get 500k views in days
>also shoot weddings on the side

Oh gee, I hope he’s got a rainy day fund.

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They had that jew Max Landix on and it was fucking awkward so they said never again.You have to be funny and have chemistry with the rest of the guys, that inherently excludes non whites.

I did not need to see those tits. Fuck you user.

>but you have no proof Mike is unhappy.
he looks 10 years older and grew up in illinois. he IS unhappy

That would be okay if they didn't also shit on anyone else that did bad movies on purpose

just became a patreon

split between three people.

at least 5 people dont forget that creepy crewmember

manlet detected

>Trying to flex on Yea Forums
I'm sure that's all true, incel

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mike and jay get all the money and rich is the only employee. the other guys aren't getting paid.

Does Mike make Rich Evans dress up as a girl when they go out now? You can see it's making Mike quite excited

>tfw Jay looks so cute with Jeffrey Dahmer glasses

Hahahaha Trump is the man boob spokesperson

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If Mike and Jay are so rich, how come they still look poor?

Mike, Rich and Jay are the only three official employees, the others like AIDSMoby and Beardfat have dayjobs and appear in videos for fun.

I just said how its possible to wake up happy at 41 not that it is actually me you retard

It's okay at the golf course, not in congress

then explain this guy

Rich could have been a carpenter, but Mike ruined his life. :'(

It's Jessi Nakles. She used to be in Best of the Worst episodes until faggot incels would try to pry into her person life and be creepy

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Prove Mike is unhappy. You can't

yeah post 20 year old pics she looks like rich in a wig now

Yuge man boobs

hes white.

Certain shity dress style is not necessarily indicative of how much money you have, sometimes it's just indicative that you come from low class.

Case in point: Look at these people - they're fuking multi-millionaires for God's sake

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Most of this thread is made of retards that RLM would make fun of

And insult her. She used to get trashed pretty hard back in the day.

>study thing
>dont immediately rise to the top of your field
>get by and find some enjoyment in life regardless
That's still the top 10% of people in the west.

>wanting to be a filmmaker
>have criticize ofther people's movies instead
I guess it must be frustrating, but it's not like he had any talent to begin with and got denied for not having connections.

rlm never makes fun of marvel fans. so no.

Yuge Man boobs

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Hollywood is full of guys like him, cynical, jaded and hypocritical. The other guys have more connections to the industry. If he wanted to make a difference, he needed to be different but he idn't. He's very much like Rian Johnson and i'm glad we'll never see a movie directed by him.

>i'm glad we'll never see a movie directed by him.
we did

by "ironically buying stupid capeshit merch" wow they showed us the people that don't donate to there patreon

Isn't Mike Stoklasa responsible for one of the most sincere, well-received and widely distributed takedowns of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, to the point people have actually blamed Mike for Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney and paving way for the sequel trilogy?

Doesn't that make him influential, even if it is just in terms of ironic infamy?

They're based. They don't give a shit about Yea Forums retards. RLM are too busy enjoying their lives doing something they love and making money

>tfw you finally have a thicc president

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i thought she got creepy and started trying to pry into jay

yeah rian johnson said he was a fan of the reviews. and then pointedly said half in the bag was trash after they reviewed TLJ

>They don't give a shit about Yea Forums retards.
yet you give a shit lmao. whens the next star trek video Rich.

Yes. This thread solely for bitter retards that haven't created anything well received. This thread is chock full of Paul Latzas

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he's another friend who helps out.

I feel like their Half in the Bag on TLJ was much less scathing than their Plinkett review

>, to the point people have actually blamed Mike for Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney and paving way for the sequel trilogy?
no one cares about prequel fags. star wars was shit after episode 6 and ACTUAL lucas ideas for episodes 7,8,9 trilogy were terrible - just as bad as rian's writing

Do you think they will ever try again? People forget about The Recovered, their only sincere attempt at filmmaking. It was horrible

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>he's another friend who helps out.
with what? contributing none of the fan banter like canadians do?

they get paid on a per basis. Aids moby some times does editing work for them

. . . and?

Your point?

The fact is, people genuinely believe the Plinkett reviews influenced the Star Wars IP changing hands.

What the fuck has literally anybody else done of note in the industry?

They're powerful enough that the SJW media had to come out and defend their shitheap Star Wars film when they released the TLJ Plinkett.

no idea who this is

I bought Space Cop and genuinely enjoyed it. Fuck the haters.

This is like saying Tay Zonday is an accomplished musician because Chocolate Rain was really popular on youtube

>The fact is, people genuinely believe the Plinkett reviews influenced the Star Wars IP changing hands.
>prequel fags

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Does Teddy Roosevelt not exist in your world?

He was in Space Cop, he was in some other, older projects, he only just started appearing in BotW because their even less funny friends to keep things new and interesting on this six year long show.

>Tay Zonday
Well, he is.

But he is an accomplished musician.

The dude did score himself a commercial and the fact is you still remember his name and the song to this day. He's a one hit wonder then?

Like who are we comparing Tay to and who are we comparing Mike Stoklasa to?

>mentioning Teddy Roosevelt, one of the most athletic Presidents in history
>not mentioning Taft, who literally got stuck in the bathtub and needed to be pried out

You's ignorant

>Nothing has cultural significance unless the Legacy Media say so or the old/elitist journalist gatekeepers nominate it

Most movies that try to be funny aren't though

like space cop

Almost all movies are total unredeemable shit now, so I derive more enjoyment from them being dissected and insulted than watching them for their own merits.

max landis got accused of rape and stopped doing all appearances with youtubers after that

>not mentioning Taft, who literally got stuck in the bathtub and needed to be pried out
This never actually happened.

>max landis got accused of rape
so? mike fucking killed 3 people on camera

>d-dude Tay Zonday is a real accomplished musician tho!
No he isn't, he was a meme artist. Same with Mike.

Isn't this the story of James Rolfe?

But Mike is actually making money, Tay was famous for 15 minutes and got nothing out of it.

james isnt this fat or alcoholic

so you admit your point of criticism is pointless?

Im not him

James made a more sincere attempt but he fuked it up nonetheless

>people pay this guy thousands a month to make 1-2 videos where he watches an old movie and laughs with his ugly friends

yeah James' movie is geniune and does not need "it was supposed to be bad" shtick to defend itself from criticism.

Both of them made more money off of their 15 minutes of fame than either of you pathetic incels will make in your entire lives.

Shut up James, you Caucasian sausage fest enabler

whats his tax policy?

And Adam Sandler gets to hang out with his buddies and make millions


wtf is a sehnetig?

james went into debt for his movie and had to sell his soul to the fat fuck rayan. mike just used space cop as an excuse to be lazy

Jesus all of them are gross but Jay

Wisconsin is a shithole

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jerry is a manlet thats fucking gross man

Kek, it's funny how quickly you RLMfags turn into the people defending shitty actors they make fun of on HiTB
>b-but they make more money than you! Shut up!!

>no long-form plinkett on STD

Fucking hack, just give me what I want

idk who Jerry is but rather a manlet than any of those other ones

Do you think getting fucked by Michael Jackson baked his noodle, as they used to say in 1999?

Mike has been around longer than Tay Zonday in several different incarnations.

Let's discuss the honest facts about Mike Stoklasa.

1) He is responsible for a series of reviews about the Star Wars prequel trilogy that is ridiculously famous, well received and praised. There is a non-zero chance its effect on public perception of the prequel trilogy goes all the way to the top and affected George Lucas's deal with Disney.

2) Mike Stoklasa makes a fair amount of money reviewing all types of movies, as himself and as Plinkett, bad b movies and popular blockbusters, by himself and with his friends. He is profiting off what he does in a substantial way.

3) Mike Stoklasa has interacted with a fair number of "real" celebrities, both in person and on twitter. He's had on Tim Heidecker, Macaulay Culkin, Max Landis, Patton Oswalt. Rian Johnson, director of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, said he feared RedLetterMedia on twitter.

Considering this, all we have to make any wild guesses on how jaded Mike is is based on random people on Yea Forums doing armchair psychologist guesses that Mike desperately wanted to be the next Stanley Kubrick or something and is so assblasted he is literally not one of the most famous directors of all time that he hates himself.

As opposed to, I don't know, having learned to live with not being super famous like most people on the planet.

Jay and his bf look cute together.

>Tim Heidecker, Macaulay Culkin, Max Landis, Patton Oswalt.
other than mac those are literally whos to zoomers and non americans

>zoomers and non americans

Why would Gen X-ers from Wisconsin give half a shit about non-Americans or Gen Z?

Fuck, Space Cop was literally the most popular movie in a non-American country, do you really think Mike cares Ugandans love his directing?

what brand mike smokes?

fuck off jessi

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You've never had to work a shit job.
Being your own boss is freedom.

despite what you might think everyone doesn't have to cater to zoomers. Also, as a non-american I can say that I know exactly who Home Alone man, Death of Supermanrant man and fat ugly whiny dead wife """comedian""" man are.

no way this dude is 34. add 10 or 15 years maybe

These fags are on Disney payroll. Who else is feeding their patreon if not studios? I know that because they refused to aknowledge rey as a Mary Sue and that's a red flag because Disney-Lucasfilm has forbidden their employees from even mentioning it. they aren't allowed to spell those words even if it's to say she isn't a mary sue.

who's the second guy from the left?

the accomplishment is to be free of living in a society

They should just make Star Trek videos

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Jay's bum buddy

they wont try cos they FINALLY realized filmmaking isnt just about a story, its the whole package. if all you got is a story, write a book.

oh shit you guys, I just remember some weeks ago I had a weird dream where I visited RLM. from the get go Mike hated my guts, Jay was just being weird and after we wandered the streets, Mike showed me his rundown Pizza place he was running next to RLM. only some highschoolers seemed to use this place, but constantly made fun of Mike - he looked so sad and old. he was also wearing flip flops and cargo pants and I still remember the huge keychain he was holding, with a faded RLM logo on it.

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They don't though

What comes after:
Rich: restarts PreRec but this time with a big breasted bimbo instead of Jack
Jay: starts his own review channel and goes full youtube cancer like and subscribe retard and does collabs with anyone who buys him a free beer
Mike: after realizing what he lost by closing RLM he kills himself after killing Josh in a murder suicide pact

>Rich: restarts PreRec but this time with a big breasted bimbo instead of Jack
i'd watch that

or maybe it's a musical governess thing

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You're forgetting about that Critters type thing they did

That was schlock "dude it's bad on purpose" type film. The Recovered was the only film they ever tried to get legit distribution for.

>shit on
mike is a softy and tends to recommend almost everything besides starwars.

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I'd watch it but Jack would have to be the big breasted bimbo after extensive feminization and Mike reneges on the pact seeing how sloppily he killed Josh

>There is a non-zero chance its effect on public perception of the prequel trilogy goes all the way to the top and affected George Lucas's deal with Disney.

>Mr. Plinkett is the catylist for the creation of Disney Wars

>Everyone hates DisneySJWars, and prequels are more popular than ever due to meme magic

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They have made movies

They're also basically the siskel and ebert of our time.

There's a decent chance there was like 3 black kids max in their high school(s)
White: 85.90% Black or African American: 6.35%

That seems like a pathetic put down. I mean it makes you more pathetic than Your target. Who fucking cares????

I'm sorry friend, the star wars prequels really did suck.

I wonder if 40 year olds would be like 20 year olds in a world where we lived to 160 on average

I bet you like your expectations subverted.

>killed 3 people on camera
Which instance are we referring too here?

>trying to pry into jay

Not the previous poster.
The prequels suck.

You guys ever think that underneath their wry sense of irony, lies a genuine wry sense of ironic humor? That perhaps what they genuinely wanted to make, was something so bad it's good?

>Why is Mike so based?
Because even if the things you said are true, he still makes more money that anyone on Yea Forums

nobody's ever really gone

How is their style of dress "low class"? They look comfortable. Isn't the point of money to live comfortably?

He was 34, 7 years ago.

Most 50 year-olds I know look younger than that

He's only 41?

Jesus fuck.

Did you all listen to the podcast?

If you didn't they confirmed they did shoot a ghost hunting thing once, but never released it.
I doubt they ever will, because Jessi was there.

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What's stopping him from making genuine indie films now that he has enough bank?

Other than fear of sucking, that is.

>What's stopping him from making genuine indie films now that he has enough bank?
lack of talent.


have some

>needing talent to make films

Non-issue, talentless hacks make it all the time.

>get a phd in psychology
>make some youtube videos where you review random cheap shit on your sofa
>decide it's more fun than psychology and since you don't really give a shit about money that much you just keep at it
>gather up some friends and acquaintances and make the only passably good youtuber movie
>release it on youtube for free
>keep steadily growing
>never change your format even an iota, only get better equipment so the videos look less like shit
>start a second youtube channel with your friends where you just fuck around
>probably cost way more than it made but who cares
>keep your poo and female friends behind the cameras 90% of the time because you know no one wants to see them
>write two books for a very niche market and they both do well
>don't get involved in any controversy despite being on the platform for 13 years
>if youtube falls apart you can just get a well paying job as a psychologist

Attached: Ashens.jpg (214x317, 15K)

>same face
>same fashion sense
Is it actually him?

Attached: GMP Presents Feet Monger.webm (1280x720, 495K)

This is the path of the internet critic.

It's a pretty dumb idea to train yourself to get into an industry that is mostly nepotism not a meritocracy. Even most cameramen are just sons of super rich people. It's a high cost investment to get started in the movies and basically all the new upcoming directors had shitloads of money to produce films themselves.

That being said, it's also hard to mock failure when most career tracks have dried up. Every specialist job is completely flooded with people, as the last generation of Western civilisation desperately tries to find work that isn't mediocre

Lack of vision. You don't need talent, but you have to have a vision you want to see done. If you don't, there's not much you can could you? No vision, no story, no nothing.

Yeah, but any moron can make a movie and sell it on Amazon Video.

Not really. Most successful internet reviewers (like Jahns and Stuckman) have no formal education in film whatsoever.

Mike's knowledge of film theory is miles above most RT critics as well.

Reminds me of that movie where Richard Dreyfuss plays an aspiring writer who realises he has nothing to write about and throws a 500-page manuscript into the sea or some shit

>because Jessi was there.
Ah what, that would really stop them?
It's not like they removed all the old shit she was in off the channel.

Only Jay and Rich get paid IIRC. Josh and Jack (at least Jack) do commercials for a living.

You forgot a few things:
>tried to force his girlfriend into his livelihood, undoubtedly at her behest
>fanbase rightfully mocked both of them and he cowardly swept the whole thing under the rug
>gave glowing reviews to absolute fucking garbage like Battle Los Angeles
>dislikes John Carpenter movies and soundtracks
>dislikes movies that don't explicitly spell out plot details, specifically heist movies and horror films, but criticizes popcorn blockbusters for doing exactly that
>dislikes surrealism, abstract filmmaking, or any attempt to advance the medium beyond mainstream drivel
>befriends z-grade "celebrities" and invites them on regardless of chemistry or how well they fit into the group
>also sweeps this under the rug when they turn out to be autists and you have to constantly cut their audio so you can have a proper discussion (kabasinski) or sex perverts (landis)

How is the camera quality so bad?

She was a brapper. Even here those fucks would be the first to go if IP to names ever became a thing.

This is becoming a thing already. 26 year olds today are said to be as mature as 12 year olds from a few decades ago.

Michael "Mike" Stoklasa, also known as "Third Reich" Mike[1], Mike "The Nigger Grave Digger" Stoklasa[2], and Mike "the Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer" Stoklasa[3], is a prolific member of the Wisconsin cinephile and white supremacist communities. He is best known for his Plinkett Reviews, in which he humourously reviews films such as Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace[4] and Triumph of the Will[5].
Though never convicted of any crime, the Milwaukee Police Department considers Stoklasa to be connected to the Walnut Street Lynchings of 1998-99.[26] Stoklasa has vehemently denied his involvement in the crimes. "No, I was absolutely not involved in that... tragedy. I find it disgusting that you would accuse me of such a thing merely because of my political and social values. If my testimony is not enough, my business partners Jay Bauman and Dolf Herrman can vouch for me. I offer my condolences to the families of the victim,"[27] Stoklasa said in court when questioned about the lynchings by prosecutor William Carpenter. After Stoklasa was found innocent, Carpenter told reporters afterwards that Stoklasa had a hint of a smile when he said "tragedy"[28] and that Herrman was hardly a trustworthy individual, having served time in prison for racially charged assaults and vandalism.[29]

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those talentless hacks have connections though. you need talent and connections or just connections

Because they'd lose money overall with all the shit they'd steal from set.

>those are literally whos to zoomers and non americans
probably the worst argument I've seen against rlm in a long time
I don't know what's going on in these threads recently, but here have a (You)

And nobody will watch it even it's it good. The world is utterly saturated with media. If you don't have connections or money to spread the word, nobody will ever see your film. These "indie success stories" all turn out to be kids with heirs to massive fortunes. Look at Dolan for example

Based Brit with a brown couch
His second movie is coming out later this year you know

nah but milwaukee is

it's weird enough being a fan of something like RLM
but being this bitter about a youtube channel that reviews movies is terminal autism

>REAL accomplishments
nice empty buzzwords. 2/10 made me reply

I actually met Mike and Jay at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Mike looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Mike you found another goofball?", "Yeah Jay, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is" . Right at that moment Mike jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Jay jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Mike undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Mike just kept pushing her head down. Mike looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Mile then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Jay who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Jays boner pushing into my back... I blacked out."

I like em big
I like em chunkeh


>if youtube falls apart you can just get a well paying job as a psychologist

thats not how it works. phd is very different

A random Yea Forums user in LA. He caught them when they were there filming Patton Oswalt's scene for Space Cop.
The unseen person taking the photo is Jay's trans gf.

Attached: Jay and his mtf gf.jpg (500x375, 108K)

It's Milwaukee vogue

Clearly her band took up

Not the worst looking tranny ever, I guess. Not when goblins exist.

>well-produced YouTube videos aren't films
OP is an idiot

He's certainly living the dream. YouTube comfy hanging with friends and making money. So much better off than the Jelly Jellersons who can only sit and sling mud from their armchairs.

I thought I was being followed by the RLM guys one night, most likely the spindly one. Then I got a better look at what was following me as it passed by a streetlight and I realized it was just somebody's lost umbrella, the spokes bent and flailing, being blown down the street by the wind. Then I realized there was no wind that night and, well the hours of terror that followed are best left for another day.

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>he thinks Fat Mike and his pedo friends have any cultural significance whatsoever.
It is to laugh. You seem a real insular faggot. Get out of the house for once.

The level of delusion here is truly quite something. Why do retards insist on making out their favourite e-celeb is important?

>part of a group that probably brings in about a mill annual between patreon and ads

kekest of keks ad revneue pays shit to youtubers, especially to ones like RLM that don't even consistently get 1mil views a video and they maybe get average 20k a month from patreon and shooting wedding videos and being a freelance editor pays less than minimum wage

christ why are there so many financial brainlets on this site

Cool fanfic, you jealous cunt

Now we know where those disney bucks went.

I’d like to know more

>shooting weddings
>freelance editor
They haven’t done that type of woke in at least a decade.

Kids aren't going to wear Armani suits every day

Who is that guy?

RLM threads are usually pretty pathetic to begin with but this thread has reached maximum retard.

I guess you only can have a productibe and meaningful life if you inhabit some place on the wagecuck hierarchy. Fuck off, lobsterboy.