Character smokes a blunt

>character smokes a blunt
>starts halucinating

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wtf I love meth now

>video games only 25% below sex
wtf you guys told me sex was amazing

not even going to get into why this list of static percentages comparing widely varying experiences is stupid, just work it out

>Have sex
>Only 100% increase in dopamine
Have video games

so is beating Firkraag with your perfectly coordinated low level party and picking up Carsomyr

Have video game.

Have meth

Top kek. And since it's ahead of food, it might be a good thing for fatties too--at least compared to tv.

so I guess sex wouldn't do much for me since I'm so depressed that I have to force feed myself and video games feel like a chore

fucking on meth and x is the best fucking feeling in the world

Fuck yeah dude, degeneracy is awesome! You know what's an even better feeling? Sticking a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.

But what would happen if you played porn games on meth while eating and getting sucked off?

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go back to your containment board, waste of trips

cringe and incelpilled

Eat a dick faggot, that'll give you a nice dopamine rush you crave.

have meth

based and checked

tranny and druggy freaks seething

one time i was very suicidal,I took a ton of my step brother's ADD/adhd meds and it completely went away. Knowing It was possible to feel so good made me want to live.
Weird but true

back to your containment board, Yea Forumscksucker

Sensory overload

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where does exercising fit into this? i feel bretty good after going for a run

Where does worshipping kstews divine soles fall on that graph?

Beating up the lgbt community: 2000%
Electing Hitler 2: 2500%
Nuking Israel: 5000%
Sneed and Baneposting: 999999999%

It really isn't unless it's your first 10 times with a new girl that meets or exceeds the expectations her attire gave you. And even those ones get boring around the 25 mark, hence why only serial cheaters and idiots marry women that only have that to offer. That's why you always see the elite with the trophy wives cheating left and right, despite already having a perfect 10 sitting at home.

What the is this chart even saying? How much Meth do I need to smoke to achieve these levels of release? Same for video game, sex, everything fucking listed.

Holy fuck what a retarded chart.


double based

Probably a bit lower than sex. It's the reason meth is so scary, it's not that it's dangerous, it simply feels TOO good. The homeless methhead talking to himself on the street begins to make sense when you realize that guy is having the time of his life, feeling as if he won the lottery every minute

How much dopamine does being a /pol/tard seething about liberal tweets create?

No, don't exercise goy, it's not a viable source of dopamine. Only stuff your face with fast food, play video games, do drugs and have sex(preferably gay sex).

When I was younger competitive multiplayer games gave me the same sort of rush playing real sports did when I won. It's pretty close to average sex but I always figured it was the male competitiveness dopamine.

probably about 0.00000001% of when President Trump got elected kek

and 0.00001% of when Mueller absolved him from far left jewish conspiracy theories

come to think of it /pol/acks must be on a near continuous dopamine high with all the seething libtards frothing and foaming about something new every day

How GOOD does it feel to smoke meth while fucking your girlfriend while playing video games? And then having her feel you fries?

About as good as not reading the thread and basically making the same post that has already been made

How much does premeditated murder release

Sexhaving incels BTFO by Chad vidyagamers

And if you eat and play video games at the same time it's apparently better than sex


>not eating and having sex at the same time

amphetamine and internet porn, best combo in the world

This man knows what's up.

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>not sex

Have sex. And have meth.

Is there anything that gives you a better high than meth?


autoerotic asphyxiation

I've had three pot brownies in my life and I've hallucinated every time. But I'm told most people don't. They're sort of different than how I imagine LSD hallucinations to be like, but I've never had LSD so IDK. I'm not going to explain how because I don't think people will care to read that.

Cocaine is literally the most overrated 'hard' drug ever

Wait what episode of RLM is this?

what if someone were to have sex while eating food while playing video games while speedballing cocaine and meth?

>stormfront buzzwords
Gay post


It's fanfiction, user. An edit of a scientist man video.

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See Chris farley

What does love feel like bros?

>redditnigger signalling
no one cares triggered snowflake

How much dope would you produce if you did all those at the same time

cringe and electionpilled

why dont we just extract dopamine from people and inject it directly into ourselves

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What about heroin?

this. druggies at every level of society are subhuman vermin

>playing vidya in the dopamine mines while getting safely dosed with small doses of meth