Cast him
Cast him
dubs and you die
we've been over this before, its jesse eisenberg.
Idris Elba
Who is the man in your picture, OP?
He looks like a dweeb, LOL!
Who's this?
Terry Crews
Didn't they already make a movie about Zuckerberg?
Thats just replacing the “social network” with “the image board”
Sigourney Weaver.
He must be really filthy with himself that the founders of a shithole lie reddit can be millionares but he is stuck sucking Google's cock
they should call it "the anti-social network"
>e-celeb thread
>gets called all kinds of names for a decade
>gets called a cuck once
>leaves Yea Forums permanently
this is how you break a man...say your gf is cucking you and that's it. it's over.
this dude
it wasnt his gf
poor fucker was friendzoned hard
He doesn't care, he's living his simple life in Japan.
I don’t think so Tim
he's got the face of a goddamn cartoon character
Macaulay Culkin
The anonymity doesn’t make us anti-social.
In fact the anonymity makes people more honest, thus leading to a more satisfying social experience than real life.
This is why Yea Forums has been so successful
I thought Moot was mexican.
Ezra Miller
>In fact the anonymity makes people more honest
Oh yes, i believe you.
fuck you faggot
>the anonymity makes people more honest
Really? Personally it's the opposite for me. I just say whatever will get me the most (you)s. I can be found attacking the Jews and insulting whites sometimes in the very same thread.
>I can be found attacking the Jews and insulting whites sometimes in the very same thread.
that just makes you a Muslim tbqh
But user, Jews are white and are our greatest ally in the Middle East.
You need the discount version of that, Andy Samberg
Could work desu
They both have the crazy chad jaw
It does. In the minority of times you have in depth conversations on Yea Forums, there is not social consequences if someone reveals an honest opinion/view/experience if they think it could be received negatively.
Thus, people are more honest and the experience is less false than the real world where everyone is trying to keep up appearances
some random jap who can't speak english
This is a good choice
>everyone is trying to keep up appearances
You hang in the wrong crowd, user.
Anyway, I get what you are saying, kinda, but that "ideal" you describe hasn't worked in years. This place is too mainstream and popular nowadays. Everything has become muddy and there's no sense of belonging anymore.
other way around
Michael Cera
this, but I do mean it when I saw that trannies are subhuman
The catalog confirms the perfect casting.
She plays himself
Not everyone browses Yea Forums. We are the world's collection of sick, dumb and anti-social misfits that are here to spew out shit that we couldn't do out in the open.
What soup does he make during the Caturday nap
Anybother oldfags still pissed that moot looks more like the actor Hollywood would cast to play him than what we expected him to rook rike?
He's good looking-ish, but no model. Unless you like soja boys.
>Cast him
into a volcano
god he is so damn handsome
Wow you're so deep
A better riddle,
Cast Snacks
I am deep. Balls deep in your ass faggot.
Myspace movie
>some 15 year old faggot stole Japanese code to make a website
>10 years later I met my wife on his site
Crazy to think all the shit this place has caused, it's also probably saved lives and help form real relationships
>I can be found attacking the Jews and insulting whites sometimes in the very same thread.
This is what a true user should be doing
he looks just like i did when i was younger, now i look like
Kinda. But who knows what he looks like NOW? I haven't seen a recent photo of him in years...
And also, moot still felt more real than whoever runs this place nowadays. So kudos for at least that.
>it's also probably saved lives and help form real relationships
Nah. Yea Forums is a shit site. But it is fun.
honestly based
>moot got called a cuck
I thought moot left before the cuck insult thing took off?
Ron Howard when he was young
Bill Skarsgård
I heard a rumor Brad Pitt is going to get the role.
Just as it was taking off. In his farewell he called it the thinking mans fetish
Me too. What is this story even...?
this got posted everywhere in 2010 you fucking newfags
cast him
Warwick Davis
Sage move on his part. May he live long in modest prosperity.
Get outside mom’s basement and get a job. Preferably in the corporate world, then you’ll see what the user is talking about.
robert patinson
first half decent pick ITT
You also hang out in the wrong crowd, user.
I don’t hang out with anyone other than a few people.
Because people are fake assholes solely concerned with sucking dick (figuratively and literally) of upper management to get promotions.
fuck him, he's a quitter who sold his baby, not a leader
why are newfags posting this FutaBoi
winrar u ded
>"I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman"
I wish we could've had that. Marvel would've have been so much more enjoyable with m00t
please get off this website and go back to 9gag
>all these redditers hearing this for the first time
>people have actually never heard this one
fuck why must more young people be born
He was trying to distance himself from Yea Forums and sell it for years before it came out some Jewess friend zoned him hard. The cuck mocking just gave him that push to accept any offer so he can leave.
You either married a dude or bought a body pillow from j list.
Anyone have the screencap of his linkedin?
I am going to guess its the second one.
Finn Wolfhard
it did, everyone commenting on moot's exit from Yea Forums suggesting it was from insults is a fucking newfaggot scum.
Moot's email got spammed countless times over the years, with everything degrading and degenerate you can think of and then more you can't.
Moot left because of GamerGate. Everyone born before 2012 knows this aka NOT the user you're replying to
Gamergate wasn't what caused it you idiot. I'd argue the fappening, which pissed off some very powerful people in Hollywood, had more to do with it.
>Moot left because of GamerGate.
Moot left because of the fappening, GG was just e-celebs cashing in on moral outrage nobody gave a fuck about. It went so far that even one of those cringelords tried to run into politics, only to destroy the party he was running in.
You get NOTHING from this!
Just ressurect Anton Yelchin niggers
Make Disney produce it so he can officially be a Disney princess.
>who knows what he looks like NOW?
Here's a recent picture
>everyone is a basement virgin like me
The Antisocial Network
woot moot is looking sexy has he been lifting?
>work at google
>still poor