You have sex yet user?

>you have sex yet user?
>be a lot cooler if you did

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Lost my vcard in 2006 so yeah I'm good

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My coworkers asked me if I had a girlfriend when I walked into work on Wednesday. Now they bug me every single day saying "this is why you don't have a girlfriend you never listen".
How do I get them to stop?


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have sex

I always answer "sometimes, and then I'm single in the morning again. It's great, you should try it". It shuts the conversation down and they never bother me again.

I legitimately haven't met a girl I was interested for the last 2 years.

oh fuck

>coworkers ask when was the last time each one had sex
>they make fun of those who say anything over a week ago
Lying or not, it's so stupid.


have sex incel

not since I was 19 and now I'm 27.
get on my level

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With who?

this is why you dont have a girlfriend
that doesn't make any sense
>"but then im single again in the morning"
this makes even less sense

so you have a girlfriend at night and then in the morning you break up? but only sometimes? i dont understand

>when youre more concerned about the sex life of anons on Yea Forums than they are

Yea Forums is a virgins only website.
why do you think Moot had to get replaced with a Japanese guy?
He had sex

You don't understand because you never interacted with women.

Normie level? No thanks

in what country? France?

So what happens if you tell them you're a virgin

your waifu pillow

>some of the i consider gfs and some of them i just consider

that's not even the scene where he says that

Argentina. Most conversations between guys are about sex.
Idk, my only friend in the office said he didn't want to answer and so I did the same.

nice dubs. I am no normie. I'm a wagie in a small town with no friends and my only family is my mom. when she dies, I will kill myself. My hobbies include PC building and malt liquor drinking.

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that's crazy man. in the states we have laws against sexual harassment. you're not supposed to talk about anything sexual in the workplace

Why would you have sex with someone you're not in love with? What's the point? You're treating them like a piece of meat


I could never fall in love with someone. I hate every second I'm forced to be around other people. I often think of nuclear holocaust and human extinction events. I support total genocide. I want to kill everyone around me and then kill myself.

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Having sex does not make you cooler and don't do it with someone you don't love. Wear protection.

other people are fucking disgusting. sometimes I can smell their breath and see the grease on their faces. I hate them

Friendly reminder not to give into their demands as they are all going to be left behind in the great rapture
Being in love involves submission. You open yourself up to being hurt by another person but it can bring meaning and happiness and inspiration to your life like nothing else.

it's not funny to roleplay as me on the internet

Lost mine in 2005 on a Saturday after watching Boogeyman. Why are incels at home on Yea Forums on peak banging night?

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I've seen like 10 videos from this man. He is very intelligent. I wish I could be like this. I don't even read any books. The only thing I read are forums and movie stuff. But this guy seems to have read 10,000 books. Incredible. I couldn't even hold a conversation with this guy. I would just be mind = blown the whole time. btw his Satanist hair and pentagram is kino. I tried to grow some long hair, got about halfway to where he is here, and shaved it off. Long hair is really irritating, even if it feels good while headbanging to some Black Metal. Thanks for the vid Yea Forumsro

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We had sex

It's all about self discipline
I woke up this morning and decided that I wouldn't turn on my computer.
I spent the day reading house of leaves with short breaks and got halfway through it

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I lost mine in the backseat of a car I stole when I was 15 back in 2007. It was a hot 80 degree summer night. Rolled the windows down, had the radio on the oldies station, put on a 'ribbed for her pleasure condom' and beat the pussy up for 2 hours. I just thought that was what was expected of me, but in reality, I asked her afterward and she said, 'why did you go for so long?' She said afterwards that 20 minutes was enough. It was awkward for both of us.

I don't think that actually happened
I think that sex isn't actually a thing that happens it's just something people make up to talk about online

not since I was never, and now I'm 32.
You don't want to play this game here.

I lost my virginity to a girl with a rotten tooth. Women piss and shit and get fat. If you manage to get an interesting one, it's not half bad.

Guy is saying he's a stud that just pump n dumps chicks because he ain't about lovin them hos.

It happened dude. I was there. When I was 15 I stole a car and drove it around every day for 3 weeks until I got pulled over and arrested. The car was pretty much full at all times with my homies and some of their girlfriends. Sometimes 5 or 6 people in it. We would go around and steal liquor bottles from grocery stores, go to the beach, house parties, bonfires, smoking blunts in the car. Best summer of my life. I don't regret it one bit

>That's what I love about these holocaust survivors. I keep getting older and they stay the same age
How the fuck did they approve this?

Again that sounds like a movie
I think you're just making shit up

If you ever get a girlfriend that last thing you want to do is listen to them

maybe I should write a movie script about my life. Send it to Harmony Korine, maybe he would like it.

My parents asked me that when I was younger and I remember I replied something like "well if you had handsomer genes then I would have one."

alright dude, we get it. Kids is your favorite movie

I'm west coast but yeah that's a good movie. I could relate to all the skater punks getting drunk and smoking weed.

>tfw 34 and collegues are starting to suspect you're gay
Pretty based on their part. I need more sex in my life.


sodomize the alpha in front of the others

Cringe reddit response


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>tfw have sex but can't discuss it without being awkward because I'm a violent deviant that is only attracted to either crazy chicks or unrealistic purity that I want to destroy

>coworker overhears that I'm taking time off to go to disneyland
>asks if I'm going with my girlfriend
>awkwardly look at my feet and say no
Never quite know if people assume it to rub it in or if they're trying to be nice.

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Why were you going to disneyland?

My grandparents take my sister and me there every three years and it'd be rude to say no even though we're both in our mid 20s now.

I could never NOT turn my computer(s) on. It's the first thing I do when I wake up. Turn on my main gaming (BEAST) PC and open firefox, (all the tabs I was browsing the night before, drunk) and then turn on my other PC and play ASMR videos. Perfect way to start the day. Then I switch to metal music and take a shit and shower while drinking a rockstar and smoking a cigarette

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Yeah I've had sex many times, Not a big fan, My ass always ends up hurting a lot afterwards

>He turns off his computer.

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27 actually.
I pay my own electricity bill. Gets pretty expensive with the air conditioner running frequently, because it's summer now in the midwest.

Don't be a slave to routine. You're a human being with autonomy

get a laptop

what a shithole

It's not bad actually, I moved here almost a year ago and I like it. The people are mostly Christian, friendly, polite, decent folks. You should come and see for yourself. The landscape is very green and refreshing.

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Put your computer to sleep, dumbass. Having to replace your CPU and HDDs because you shut it on and off everyday is going to cost a hell of a lot more than a few kw hours every night unless you live in bumfuck nowhere and have to power your house with a gasoline generator.

is this true?

Different user here. The computer that I shut off whenever I go to bed or work has lasted me longer than the last computer I had that I left on 24-7. Purely anecdotal evidence, but until it turns out wrong I'll stick with it.

I highly doubt my SSD and i7 3770 is going to just DIE because I turn my computer off like a regular person. Feel free to tell me why

Drawing a complaint to your superiors of harassment. Your personal life should not be discussed by others at work. Or be the “nice guy” and bring coffee to everyone with laxatives in them one day.

doubt it. He's probably one of those /g/ pedophile linux tor fags.

Do you legitimately think this is a good idea that will solve the problem and not just cause even more gossip and my coworkers to hate me?

tails os and tor right pedo?

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90% of the time yes, go to and look for the dumb questions thread if you're seriously interested. There are some cases where it is better to leave it running.

To put it in layman's terms you're putting unnecessary stress on your computer. Going from a powered down state to start up causes rapid heating which, overtime, is more stressful than leaving it running. It's like if you turned your car on and off every time you stopped at a red light.

Cute girl but no, I don't have the time to learn linux and I don't really give a shit about security, I don't buy stuff online and my sexual tastes are as vanilla as they come.

laptops are for corporate shitheads. I can't work on them and replace CPU's, RAM, or HDD's or even fans. Useless garbage with no processing power or storage.

The problem with incels isn't that they simply haven't had sex, it's that they haven't had anyone love them enough to want to have sex with them. Just going and fucking someone randomly (whether that be a hookup or possibly a prostitute) will not remedy the problem and may possibly accentuate it.

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>How do I get them to stop?

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By taking hallucinogens?

a big reason incels can't just get a whore is because prostitution is illegal in many countries, and incels face personal problems that are connected to sex. their inability to have sex implies lack of social skills needed to "perform well" in the highly social work environment. if an incel happened to be some sort of rich engineer or STEMfag then he could easily fly to a 3rd world country to get sex, whether by paying for it or just catching the attention of a hungry brown slut who wants to get a greencard/citizenship in a wealthier nation.

the issue is lack of motivation, will power, social skills, which bleeds into everything else. most movies and tv shows won't ever address this, they'll just go the route of mocking incels as being weak and stupid for not simply buying sex with a whore. for example that scene from law and order svu. the issue is much larger and deeper. i didn't have sex until age 18, but i've had incel "nerd" type friends in hs and college, so i can sympathize with them and see from their perspective. these guys can easily make $80k-$100k in their MUH STEM job but when it comes to even TALKING to a woman they get nervous. so you see, paying a whore for sex or getting laid with a desperate Venezuelan girl who wants to flee her home country still involves the incel talking to the girl and not sperging out.

the movie industry exploits this by making movies/tv that show confident men talking to women but they don't portray the process of getting laid in a realistic way, thus the demand for PUA and "gonzo pickup-style porn" such as "MILF Hunter" where they show you "in-field" videos of men talking to women.

>You from Coolsville, user?
>It sucks if you were.

who dat

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>Remembering the exact year you first had sex

All I know is I was 14 and you guys are faggots.

you don't know quick maffs?

literally lost mine to a hot tight 18 year old last night at 23
well sort of, i had whiskey dick because i tried too hard to kill my nerves with heine. mostly fingered. she sucked my cock really good and i got hard for a bit and penetrated her for a good 10 seconds until i went soft again, inside her, and felt the strangest combination of shame and triumph in my entire life

Tripfag who was often on cocaine benders and made posts about "the good old days" when he would slay pussy in ridiculous circumstances. He made a goodbye post a couple years back though and I haven't seen him since, probably not actually him.

This is the real problem. Normal people honestly are so capable that they have no fucking clue just how far down people can get. It's like normal people who don't understand why suicidally depressed or schizophrenic people in asylums don't just "wake up" and "get over it." Normal people are so blinded by normalcy itself that they cannot fathom a group of people who just cannot operate socially. It's also like when normal people try to pressure an autistic person to just "be yourself, bro" at a party or whatever. They autistic person just can't; they actually are that low on the ability scale, that deep in the hole. Incels may be bitter faggots, but it's easy to see how they got that way. They try to do the social game and not only fail miserably, but realize that there's so little natural talent there to develop that they're basically fucked. Then the rest of the world trashes on them every day for this lack of dna/genes/brain that would have given them social ability. Over years that turn into decades, I'd almost be more worried if they weren't pissed and bitter. It's really sad.

You should feel only shame. Stop being such a pussy and stop drinking. You know what you want, you dont need to second guess yourself every 10 seconds you absolute faggot.

Man up or kill yourself.

you would be surprised dude, how many people I knew back in the day that lived life just like me or even more degenerate and extreme. I was pretty tame compared to some of the people I knew. I was a teenage criminal, party addict, alcoholic, drug user. It's pretty common in Cali. I know I'm posting in Euro hours but really, you guys have to have some understanding of what life is like on the West Coast. It's a really common lifestyle.

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No I'm not but I did lie to my friends and told them I lost it at 14

No clue. Lost mine after watching my first DVD(tombstone) with my gf at the time a fellow marching band member

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You stay away from the kids, user.

I stuck a flute up my pussy

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I would stick my tongue up her asshole

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