A 4th apology from Moby

Based Hershlag

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What a fucking beta. No wonder Portman is embarrassed to have known this faggot.

Bald pussy


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Based Nat dabbing on the soiyim

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that bottle = me

Haha but he sure did tell off Drump amirite goys!

drumpf: cringe
hershlag: based

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do they threaten to cut of these guys balls or something? Seriously what the fuck, he's rich, he could just laugh at her on twitter

What the fuck, Moby. I used to love his music but this is just pathetic. The 2010s are the decade where all the cool guys from the past end up falling.

Eminem shouldve killed him

It gives me so much pleasure to see these cucks grovel on social media like this.
Soiboi btfo for eternity

so beta

Strip Natalie Portman of her clothing

haha imagine being threatened to be castrated by natalie wouldn't that be terrifying

He has depression and is terrified of being hated. But he wont get the praise he thinks he will get. It's sad because he keeps trying but even 1000 apologies won't turn him into the SJW hero he thinks he has to be. He's just a toxic male example to SJWs now. He should stop caring but he cant.


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it's always white men. always. so beta. so cucked. that guy actually "tried" to be gay and was disappointed when he find out he wasn't.

it's a fucking race issue. don't you forget that

Reading shit like this, I can completely understand why women are so wary about accidentally giving up some pussy to the wrong guy. Imagine fucking someone this beta and having to publicly deal with this nonsense decades after the fact.

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QRD? I have no idea what’s going on

moby is clinically depressed.

What even is a good Moby song? I keep confusing him for the much superior Fat Boy Slim.

Gen X DJs go away.

how could a guy not know that he was or wasnt in a fucking relationship?

and its the 90s, you cannot even come up and say "oh, it was an internet thing that i got it wrong".

what a fucking weirdo.

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And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie
You thirty six year old bald headed fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let it go its over
Nobody listens to Techno


>Moby identifies himself as heterosexual andcisgenderand had felt "disappointed" to be straight.[12]

moby? more like mopey


Another creepy old white dude bites the dust.


So first dweeb hack fuck Jonathon Safran Foer divorces his wife after Natalie emails him about possibly adapting one of his books, and proposes to her lmfao and she’s got a husband and all.
Now Moby is making up a relationship between them.
I’m surprised she isn’t gay yet.

Moby made some fucking based music. This makes him come across as the retarded version of a sociopath.

>cool guy

Moby wrote a book, a memoir, and talked about flirting with and dating Natalie Portman in it. Natalie Portman claimed he's a liar and basically called him a pedo creep. Moby then apologized profusely, canceled the rest of his book tour, and apparently is going to disappear completely from the public eye as a result of the controversy

Perfect illustration of why publicly apologing for anything is completely retarded. This whole thing would have gone away in a day if he just posted the pic of them together and said "look, this is the truth how I remember it, I can't help it if my book offends certain people"

>how could a guy not know that he was or wasnt in a fucking relationship?
I think they fucked a few times, but Hershlag is embarrassed about it now since he's not hot.
Moby had to take the L, because fucking with a wage gap while not being hot is currently considered worse than lying.
On another note, that IG post is the perfect public response to such a thing except for the "I'm sorry" at the end. I wish he hadn't put that in.

What a fucking pathetic man. Jesus Christ

>Being an incredibly massive bitch and embarrassing yourself is the perfect response

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Should have gotten stoned by Obie

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you just know

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>this shoop

Reading it again even without the sorrys seems too much, you're right. What I liked about the post is how he took full responsibility, which is a great
underhanded man move. This way you basically assert that even if wrong, men are the ones that get to make decisions and not women. Since garden
variety feminists also proclaim to believe that, they have no choice but to agree so reaffirm a social contract in which men are the leaders and women only get to nag when the former are wrong but have no chance of obtaining power due to their inherent vanity.
tl;dr: Always taking full responsibility for everything going wrong without becoming a sniveling mess is 5D chess.

Fucking hilarious

What a pussy beta. Deleting my 192 kbps download of Moby's Play RIGHT NOW.

Probably Porcelain or any of his songs off of Play
He can most agreeably be described as a downtempo house DJ when listening to this album but he has experimented much in a few genres.

I personally think he's a great artist and a pretty cool person in general. Like many famous or successful people, he faced a shitload of challenges in his life and just kept trying, eventually he came out with this song and struck gold. He's been doing fairly well since then.

>I mention that in a recent interview, Moby hinted at a romance between them. "He did? No, he didn't." She lays down her spoon in shock. "We're going to have a talk, then," she says in her best school-marm voice, "because that's not ture. Not at all." She resumes knocking back dessert, and in tones as dreamy as her caramel cake adds, "I love Moby, but it's more intense than a romance. It's a really good friendship. A soul connection."
>Marie Claire (United Kingdom) – November 04, 2000
How will Moby ever recover?

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Why is she even trying to lie about this shit? Early 2000's Moby was a fucking God and I legitimately doubt he didn't fuck her once or twice.

What's your guys' favorite moby song? For me, it's In This World


this picture is the worst. it look like those fucked up guys who get women from eastern european countries.

he should be a man and stand for it but these guys are always so better than everyone else that they have to recoil like bitches.

it was the same thing with louie ck: im happy that he is over not just because what he did, but because until them he wanted to project this image of being the champion of the women and minorities, the cuck king.

never apologize. thats the message. you will look weak and not a single thing will change.

jeremy renner called black widow a slut, did not apologize and just waited for the next stupid thing to appear and get internet attention. sounds the dumbest thing, but it works, maybe if he did tried to apologize to a fictional character he would end up in a worst place. stupi times.

i also wouldnt doubt, but it all goes to shit when the guy take it back and disappear. earn it, dammit: 'she is lying, i fuck her a few times, if i tought it was a relationship and she didnt, made i was fool.'

he would end up like the better person.

Never apologize, it will make you look weak
You know that's poison right?

I would not be surprised if this is all fake and staged to further (((their))) agenda

holy shit, did he a hero?

it's completely true in real life though. Like 100% unironically true, no matter what group of people youre dealing with, but especially in the press.

Jesus only moby could be this pathetic. I was totally on his side and still think portman's a cunt but fuck this is omega level shit.

you dont apologize if you didnt do anything wrong, if it is something that some people find it wrong and other do not, when there is a perspective to be taken pro or against you.

and im talking into wider terms, into public life, im not saying that people should just think about themselves and fuck everyone else.

but in this case, if the guy fuck her and tiught it was a relationship and the woman said it was just a 'soul connection' or some shit, the guy can say: 'well, i guess me and her have different views of what having sex means.'

i can imagine portman fucking early 2000s moby and i can imagine moby being retard enough to imagine that she would marry him. he looks stupid enough to buy into that shit.

>I love Moby, but it's more intense than a romance
Lmao, Moby died a little that day.

Blame social media mob idiots who insist on tearing people down for trivial offenses even after they've apologized. People like Trump (a man who refuses to back down or admit fault in any context) are the natural result of the time we live in. The only reward you get for apologizing in 2019 is all of your supporters walking away from you while all of your enemies rush in for the kill.


>a man who refuses to back down or admit fault in any context
Pick one, faggot.

I don't like trump but that guy is not wrong at all. Nothing sticks to him because he never says sorry. It's so simple as to be totally brilliant

Lol Mr. Pee Pee hands never fucked her or one of them would've stated so. They just hung out a few times while she banged Chad. Moby the eternal cuck.

That song makes me too sad. I think my favorite of his (haven't listened to everything) is a tie between Bodyrock (Fatboy Slim rip off,) If Things Were Perfect, The Sky Is Broken, Flower, Summer or Sunspot.

Bodyrock - Different song than the rest of the album, just makes you want to keep pushing it forward.
If Things Were Perfect - I think this was in the X-files? I love the turntable scratch throughout the song and the projector noise. It's just a song that makes you feel cool.
The Sky Is Broken - Lovely piano and a very lofi sounding song if you like that, very similar to the previous song IMO.
Flower - Was used in a HL2 mod, also a pretty cool song that I like to exercise to. Fun fact, a lot of slave hymns are used throughout this album.
Summer - Awesome kick and clap combined with a piano, the synthesizers really put together the whole song though. Very moving song as it cycles through those highs and lows.
Sunspot - Piano-centric song with a cycling beat, if you like pianos this is a good one.


Remember when Natalie got cucked?

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