1.Think of ur crush

1.Think of ur crush
2.Mak a heart wth ur hands
3.Then kiss ur hands while making a heart
4.Then put ur heart where ur real heart is
5.Post this on ur fav luv song
6.Tomorrow ur crush will kiss u or ask u out LOVE

Attached: 1542377244395.png (1440x1778, 2.85M)

where is this? goddamn i want to live there. beautiful scenery.

looks like the American southwest?

Probably New Mexico or Arizona. Parts of Utah and Texas look like that too. Also a good deal of Mexico but those roasties wouldn't be in those parts of Mexico.

Looks like Sedona Arizona, I went there a few years ago and it looks very similar to the hotel I stayed in. It really is the most beautiful place I have visited and I have travelled all around this great land.

it does but thats a big area
right on thanks

women are so fucking stupid

Sedona. Arizona

thank you

>5.Post this on ur fav luv song
I don't even know what this means.

looks like sedona arizona. i went in January and ate at a restaurant with almost that exact same view. pic related is where I ate.

Attached: sedona-restaurants-thumb.jpg (528x360, 41K)

thank you

if you go, I HIGHLY recommend you stay at the matterhorn hotel, second floor, one of the last rooms on the right. absolutely beautiful view of the mountains, and watching the sunrise or sunset, with all the shop lights turn on at night, is romantic as fuck. (bring a girl of course)

they look like they fuck black men

what if i said i was a black man
as everybody should


as a fellow blackbot
how would i get a white girl like in OPs pic?
im not looking for a relationship i just want to see if sex is soothing
i''m scared of using tinder

>i''m scared of using tinder

i don't like using social media in general i feel like people are a lot more snakey while online

what does being a blackman have to do with staying at the hotel I recommended?

friendly reminder Sedona is home to mystical vortexes and is the crystal healing capital of the world.

My grandma had a ranch there when I was a kid. Really nice hiking too.

Attached: image.jpg (1352x1971, 508K)

I recently got back from Colorado Springs, CO and there were more than a few beautiful views. Snowed for the last night I was there

Attached: CE5FA1A0-206C-41E4-9EC2-CC1336B432FF.jpg (3024x4032, 3.7M)

Forget what he said and stay exactly where you are.

Another friendly reminder the area is crawling with skinwalkers!

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